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View Full Version : [REQ] BitMe Invite (please read about me)

07-28-2009, 03:28 PM
I am a Graduate student working on Master's degree in Communication seeking an invite to BitMe. I will put it to very good use.

More about me:

I am 37 with twins on the way! Any baby books around there?
I love to cook and am always exploring more new foods, techniques, and methods.
I am endlessly remodeling our home. Some projects get completed...
I am philosophically opposed to account trading and invite trading. Ultimately, they lack respect for the sites and the relationships that can be created-when one person helps another, there is a relationship created.

I have a firm belief that file sharing is one of the greatest advancements we have received in our lifetimes.
I support the community through sharing and also spreading the word about the sheer volumes of information that people are missing out on. It is like a giant library that most people walk past and never enter. I can provide excellent proofs from many accounts.

I spend a lot of time reading, watching, and listening to information. there is always something new that I find worthwhile to explore.

I have never had an account with BitMe and will never do anything stupid enough to lose it. I Understand that it is a once per life account. I will treat it as such!

I do not expect that many people will read this and be swayed to suddenly risk their own account to give me a chance.

With that in mind, please send me a PM so that we can get to know each other better. I take pride in my accounts and this is one of the last that I believe is worth seeking.

Please take a look at my profile and previous posts. I try to help the community in any was I can.

Please contact me if you have an invite to BitMe that you would consider giving away.

Thank you,


07-28-2009, 04:02 PM
A genuine and honest request, I hope sincerely that someone here can satisfy your request.

I am cheering for you. :)

07-28-2009, 04:11 PM
Thank you very much, bryant! I really appreciate your support. I will keep your name in mind and if I can be of help to you, I will gladly do so!

07-28-2009, 06:05 PM
Best of luck mate, I'm hoping someone could help you out with this because you deserve it!

07-28-2009, 06:10 PM
Thank you, djerholler69! Wow, I really appreciate all of this support.

07-28-2009, 07:08 PM
Wow, I must say that's the best request I have seen in a long time. I really hope you'll get one invite.
What other trackers are you on btw?

07-28-2009, 07:21 PM
Thanks, Roooney! Ever hear the old saying, "Every dog gets his day"? This is beginning to look like my day. :D

I spend a lot of time in TBy's forums- love the community there! TL is a great, fast resource for a lot of stuff. I am still pretty new at RevTT and BitMeTV. I will use them more after I build up a stronger buffer. :)

Oh, and just joined Ace-HD. I got in just days before they reached 10k users and slammed the doors shut. It is growing quickly, has a fantastic layout, and is rather easy to seed. If you see invites start to turn up, and you need a good (and growing) HD tracker, give them a shot.

Thanks again for all of the support!

07-28-2009, 09:56 PM
Pm me your profile links of TL, RevTT and BitmeTV.

07-29-2009, 11:59 AM
nice request, have you tried various power user forums at trackers like bmtv?

you sound genuine so all the best.

07-29-2009, 12:12 PM
Thanks, vevgeny. I have not reached power user status at BMTV, yet. I have heard of a couple sites that do offer sections for that. I think I heard waffles has invites for BitMe. I don't listen to enough music to join waffles, though.

Everyone who has contacted me regarding this thread has been absolutely supportive. I have had a couple serious members contact me for profiles. I have sent them and am hopefully waiting for their replies.

Thanks again, for your help and support, yevgeny!

07-29-2009, 02:25 PM
I have not reached power user status at BMTV, yet.
Actually to access BMTV's invite section, you need to be VIP and above

07-29-2009, 03:09 PM
a decent and serious user, with a well written and thought out request.
if i had invites, you'd already be there.

if this and such request is not attended, then probably all faith is lost in FST as a place to get invited somewhere publicly.

07-29-2009, 03:58 PM
Thank you very much, Cabalo! Some well-connected members have been in contact with me and I believe that faith shall be upheld in FST. :fst:

It does seem like it is coming together. Thanks for all of the kind words and support!

Edit- Thank you. Thanks you. Thank you! The support I received has been amazing. I have been invited to BitMe. :D

Thread closed, but I really enjoyed all of the positive comments. Any chance this could be a "Sticky"? :P