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View Full Version : Trace channels

09-06-2009, 03:42 PM
hello fst members
i am searching about trace channels i need them to watch the pre times i know one tracers but they banned my country because of that i hope someone help me and give a good channel

when i said pre times i mean trackers pretimes u know like tracers want to know which tracker is the best and have best avg .....

09-06-2009, 03:43 PM
hello fst members
i am searching about trace channels i need them to watch the pre times i know one tracers but they banned my country because of that i hope someone help me and give a good channel

Why a trace channel if you need to know pre times.
More to the point why do you need to know pre times.

09-06-2009, 03:54 PM
hello fst members
i am searching about trace channels i need them to watch the pre times i know one tracers but they banned my country because of that i hope someone help me and give a good channel

Why a trace channel if you need to know pre times.
More to the point why do you need to know pre times.

coz you are 1337er if you talk about it. :lol:

09-06-2009, 03:59 PM
when i said pre times i mean trackers pretimes u know like tracers want to know which tracker is the best and have best avg .....

09-06-2009, 04:18 PM
what use is that too you unless you on them and if you on them dont need to know as can see on site :)

09-06-2009, 04:24 PM
Well which tracer channel were you banned from? So we don't suggest that...

Heres one:


09-06-2009, 04:28 PM
Why a trace channel if you need to know pre times.
More to the point why do you need to know pre times.

coz you are 1337er if you talk about it. :lol:

I am not no 1337er so I best stop talking about it then :lol:

09-06-2009, 04:28 PM
i need them to know the best to get it because sct and scc ban my country because of that i search for another trackers
rart thanks
User has been permanently banned from P2P
i am banned from this one my whole country is banned

09-06-2009, 05:08 PM
so you are romanian ?
add GFT to the list too.

09-06-2009, 05:15 PM
i need them to know the best to get it because sct and scc ban my country because of that i search for another trackers
rart thanks
User has been permanently banned from P2P
i am banned from this one my whole country is banned

Can we have a special section devoted to pre times that I don't have access to .

Thank you.

IPT or TL are almost as fast btw. Does that make them almost the best.:unsure:

09-06-2009, 05:23 PM
i need them to know the best to get it because sct and scc ban my country because of that i search for another trackers
rart thanks
User has been permanently banned from P2P
i am banned from this one my whole country is banned

Can we have a special section devoted to pre times that I don't have access to .

Thank you.

IPT or TL are almost as fast btw. Does that make them almost the best.:unsure:
no.. thats coz they are not T* or *PT. :P

09-06-2009, 05:31 PM
So you're banned from p2p-net.eu?

Don't know what else there is, sorry. Some trackers, such as ScL, have tracer channels I believe.

09-06-2009, 05:31 PM
so you are romanian ?
add GFT to the list too.

i am not romanian i am from il and gft didnt ban my country .

i need them to know the best to get it because sct and scc ban my country because of that i search for another trackers
rart thanks
User has been permanently banned from P2P
i am banned from this one my whole country is banned

Can we have a special section devoted to pre times that I don't have access to .

Thank you.

IPT or TL are almost as fast btw. Does that make them almost the best.:unsure:
the pre time is one of basis of the perfect 0day tracker with content and speed ipt and tl have great speed and content but must work more for the pre times and this will make them be better than sct and scc and for those tracker with zamunda my best trackers tl zamunda and ipt.

So you're banned from p2p-net.eu?

Don't know what else there is, sorry. Some trackers, such as ScL, have tracer channels I believe.

thank man u r great i am a member in scl and they have a trace channel and its great