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View Full Version : Who invented the term "elite tracker"?

09-30-2009, 09:00 PM
So, many of these trackers most of you guys consider "elite" don't consider themselves that (well, there's always exceptions, specially with the new ones that pop up every day).

This only generates bad publicity against those trackers (everyone wants to get in, and moslty bad members for those sites).

I'm curious, how this term appeared and why everyone keeps using it?
(my guess is that this has something to do with the WTAW thread, but i would like to hear some opinions)

09-30-2009, 09:02 PM
nice post robochuck... my guess... it was swepsycho who made it up.


09-30-2009, 09:06 PM

Seriously though... what exactly is an "Elite Tracker" and what criteria exactly does the tracker have to conform to before it can be put in this class?

I'm afraid I don't follow all the 'politics' that go along with members squabbling over who's the best... so never really take any notice of all the crap flying around over who has the biggest e-penis :lol:

09-30-2009, 09:08 PM
'elite tracker' is a description, not a term. it's common English..

09-30-2009, 09:10 PM
wow true sounds has TTC Axx!!!!!

09-30-2009, 09:15 PM
'elite tracker' is a description, not a term. it's common English..

Thanks for that. I am aware of what is used as a describing term, maybe I should have elaborated a little...

One members term of 'Elite Tracker' may not correspond to another members definition of it, in fact ultrauploader also mentions - "many of these trackers most of you guys consider "elite" don't consider themselves that" - hence the reason a lot of squabbling and disagreement takes place over who's tracker is best etc etc

All I was looking for, I suppose, was to find out if there were anything 'official', for want of a better term, that was required before no-one could really argue that the site/tracker was indeed 'Elite'. You guys know a lot more about that sort of stuff than me... was only asking.

09-30-2009, 09:17 PM
it obviously stemmed from the WTAW topic. People consider trackers (the high level ones) as 'elite' because they are very hard to join. These trackers do not consider themselves 'elite', they are trying to keep security tight because they have had a history usually involving persecution from the authorities. people think it is their right to join these trackers, and because they cannot join, they are frustrated so fling the term "elite" around, as if to somewhat say "when i join x tracker, i will be elite".


09-30-2009, 09:21 PM
it obviously stemmed from the WTAW topic. People consider trackers (the high level ones) as 'elite' because they are very hard to join. These trackers do not consider themselves 'elite', they are trying to keep security tight because they have had a history usually involving persecution from the authorities. people think it is their right to join these trackers, and because they cannot join, they are frustrated so fling the term "elite" around, as if to somewhat say "when i join x tracker, i will be elite".


Thank you.

So in a way the term 'Elite' is used in a negative sense by people jealous of not being able to have what they think they should be entitled to? And all because good sites want to stay that way without allowing just anybody to join?

So 'Elite Tracker' is really just term used by peeps trying to put down what they can't have... that's pretty shitty :lol:

09-30-2009, 09:28 PM
Everything I'm about to post was related to me directly from a sysop of a major tracker who was in fact involved in the relevant negotiation. In or about December 2007, a meeting was held in #sys0p on EfNet. The purpose of said meeting was to determine a precise arrangement of tracker rarity and specialization. It was at that meeting that, among other things, for example the decision of SCT and SCC to create a false competition for pretimes in order to maximize the number of mutual users as well as the decision to go halfsies on a small hosting company known as OVH, which was then used to promote the usage of seedboxes and increase the competition among the userbase), the term "elite" was chosen in a vote of 5-2 with the other options discussed by the committee being "1337", "select", "exclusive" and the wordy "creme de la creme" proposed by the only sysop from Quebec.

09-30-2009, 09:35 PM
Everything I'm about to post was related to me directly from a sysop of a major tracker who was in fact involved in the relevant negotiation. In or about December 2007, a meeting was held in #sys0p on EfNet. The purpose of said meeting was to determine a precise arrangement of tracker rarity and specialization. It was at that meeting that, among other things, for example the decision of SCT and SCC to create a false competition for pretimes in order to maximize the number of mutual users as well as the decision to go halfsies on a small hosting company known as OVH, which was then used to promote the usage of seedboxes and increase the competition among the userbase), the term "elite" was chosen in a vote of 5-2 with the other options discussed by the committee being "1337", "select", "exclusive" and the wordy "creme de la creme" proposed by the only sysop from Quebec.


moving on WTAW has a big role in it. I think TSOL is/was involved because their names are similar. They might be bots.

09-30-2009, 09:40 PM

My post is purportedly redundant but you reiterate the point that it was the WTAW, which it either was or wasn't, depending on how you feel about the chicken or the egg conundrum.

09-30-2009, 09:46 PM
Contemptuous sarcasm :).

09-30-2009, 09:48 PM
:insert smiley of choice:

09-30-2009, 09:50 PM
Everything I'm about to post was related to me directly from a sysop of a major tracker who was in fact involved in the relevant negotiation. In or about December 2007, a meeting was held in #sys0p on EfNet. The purpose of said meeting was to determine a precise arrangement of tracker rarity and specialization. It was at that meeting that, among other things, for example the decision of SCT and SCC to create a false competition for pretimes in order to maximize the number of mutual users as well as the decision to go halfsies on a small hosting company known as OVH, which was then used to promote the usage of seedboxes and increase the competition among the userbase), the term "elite" was chosen in a vote of 5-2 with the other options discussed by the committee being "1337", "select", "exclusive" and the wordy "creme de la creme" proposed by the only sysop from Quebec.

The term elite or 1337 trackers was being used b4 dec 2007 so I dont think there is any validity in most of this post :)

09-30-2009, 09:51 PM
If necessary I will produce logs.

09-30-2009, 09:52 PM
Bluntly put, and some might say harshly, the bittards are responsible for the term as applied to certain trackers. As posted above, elitism grew from some sites just wanting their security to be tight. Such security resulted in certain measures which prevented randon passerby's in BT land from joining up the site. The trackers also created rules on usage of accounts and such - again as a means to ensure safety for the members by adding an additional layer of security. From that need for security generated the fallacy of "specialness" and eventually "elitism".

09-30-2009, 09:56 PM
If necessary I will produce logs.

Your logs may be right but the term 1337 was being used more than 2 1/2 yrs ago that I am 100% sure of.

I am sure some others here will have herd that term b4 dec 2007 as well :)

09-30-2009, 09:57 PM
Perhaps that's why it won the vote handily. But you have to realize that the meeting in general was about how the sites were going to brand themselves, so a discussion of the general category is not unimaginable.

09-30-2009, 09:59 PM
So, many of these trackers most of you guys consider "elite" don't consider themselves that
just because they say so doesn't mean it is.
...learn to see...write...read... :yup:

09-30-2009, 10:10 PM
...learn to see...write...read... :yup: © Swepsycho
:angry: this sentence has a copyright !!!

09-30-2009, 10:16 PM

10-01-2009, 12:01 AM
If necessary I will produce logs.
I would love to see those logs.

They'll help me determine whether you're a completely clueless moron, or an imaginative one at the very least.

10-01-2009, 01:47 AM
I'm building a bridge out of Lincoln logs and would like to offer you a once in a lifetime investment opportunity.

10-01-2009, 05:40 AM
in one sentence, they are considered as an elite tracker, because their users consider themselves elite when they achieved their level 9+ El Dorado.

10-01-2009, 06:06 AM
Whatever, where ever, it started, it has become a cliché. I believe it is used far more as a term of satire than it is used by those expressing any kind of achievement by the owners/staff, or even those seeking acceptance.

Some people (at least one that I know of) have even been given a hard time about being accepted to one of the more difficult-to-join sites. :)

Anyone who expresses any true feelings of "eliteness" wouldn't get in or keep their account long, IMO.

10-01-2009, 06:19 AM
Like it was mentioned it's not a BT only term. But the word got here with the help of the WTAW thread, that's for sure, IMO.

10-01-2009, 07:04 AM
that's for sure, IMO.

10-01-2009, 07:52 AM
So, many of these trackers most of you guys consider "elite" don't consider themselves that
just because they say so doesn't mean it is.
...learn to see...write...read... :yup:

Did i said something about what they say?

I can see the ones that consider themselves elite, just looking at certain attitudes of the members/staff or whatever.

10-01-2009, 08:05 AM
it obviously stemmed from the WTAW topic. People consider trackers (the high level ones) as 'elite' because they are very hard to join. These trackers do not consider themselves 'elite', they are trying to keep security tight because they have had a history usually involving persecution from the authorities.


10-01-2009, 08:15 AM
...learn to see...write...read... :yup: © Swepsycho
:angry: this sentence has a copyright !!!what is problem wid u? :@
everybody is allowed spek...dont pick in my friend cine or u pick wid me...

that to think about...ontopic people create tracker is people invented elite tracker...;)

10-01-2009, 11:18 AM
© Swepsycho
:angry: this sentence has a copyright !!!what is problem wid u? :@
|v|483 !' |v| 700 1337 |=02 j0(_).
Can you tell me what you're calling "Elite tracker" ?

10-01-2009, 11:22 AM
© Swepsycho
:angry: this sentence has a copyright !!!what is problem wid u? :@
everybody is allowed spek...dont pick in my friend cine or u pick wid me...

thanks bro :hug:

10-01-2009, 12:44 PM
Everything I'm about to post was related to me directly from a sysop of a major tracker who was in fact involved in the relevant negotiation. In or about December 2007, a meeting was held in #sys0p on EfNet. The purpose of said meeting was to determine a precise arrangement of tracker rarity and specialization. It was at that meeting that, among other things, for example the decision of SCT and SCC to create a false competition for pretimes in order to maximize the number of mutual users as well as the decision to go halfsies on a small hosting company known as OVH, which was then used to promote the usage of seedboxes and increase the competition among the userbase), the term "elite" was chosen in a vote of 5-2 with the other options discussed by the committee being "1337", "select", "exclusive" and the wordy "creme de la creme" proposed by the only sysop from Quebec.

Don't listen to this garbage I know the true facts.
The term comes from one of the first secret trackers , NoobHaven ( now defunct) .It was run by a guy named Ebenezer Lite.
Because publishing the name was strictly forbidden people got in the habit of simply referring to it as Ebenezer Lite's tracker which in time became shorten to "ELite tracker" and then because of the emergence of texting to it's present form - "elite tracker".

Now that many sites use the principles pioneered by Ebenezer they are generalized as "elite trackers".