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View Full Version : Filter Software

The Kiler
10-15-2003, 02:17 AM
Hey i'm looking for a program that i can use to filter my downloads into folders based on their extension


I dl a .zip file to .....\Desktop\Installers
The program takes it and puts it in ......\Desktop\Installers\Compressed Files

I dl a .exe file to ......\Desktop\Installer
The program takes it and puts it in .......\Desktop\Installers\Applications

I know its possible because there is a program for sorting the 'My Shared Folder' included in Kazza Lite k++ (KL Extensions)

Anybody know where i can get a program that would do it? Thnx

10-15-2003, 04:21 AM
you can try here (http://www.webattack.com/freeware/downloader/fwdown.html) (theyre mostly accelerators, but i might have seen a couple of sorting progs, cant remember, but i think so)
anyway, cant you just create the folders and direct the d/l? if youre talkin about d/l's off the web (not k++)