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10-04-2007, 07:28 PM


Blackcats Games is the best tracker for games in my opinion, and few would argue.

Speeds are pretty good and seeding is rather easy, especially with their points system.













01-29-2009, 01:36 PM

Last Updated: 29/01/2009


Currently the best games tracker in terms of quantity/quality of content.
Speeds are decent for most files.Browse


User Classes


Will be updated.Stats

What makes the tracker special?

SP (Seed Points) system, encouraging leeching of old files or helping people with low upload speed to enjoy the tracker instead of having worries about the ratio.
BCG is currently under massive changes and only when it is done will I edit this post to a more complete review.

05-06-2010, 03:05 PM
OK not sure if this will work, proper formatting etc, but this is our SP FAQ For newbies from our forum (more people and more important, new, wanabee members, may read it here and know what its about before they join)

What is the Seed Points mod?

Our Seed Points mod is an exclusive system that always helps the members to seed their torrents whenever the uploading conditions are too hard.
Since the torrents run out of leechers very fast, sometimes it gets really difficult to seed back the torrent you have just downloaded.

The Idea behind this is.

If you get on a torrent early, and you upload while your downloading, and upload after you finish, you will never need SP.

But if you jump on a torrent later, and you cant upload because there is not enough leechers, you will not get banned, because the system gives you a 1 ratio, for just staying on the torrent.

And its not months of waiting for another leecher to show up.

How can I get the Seed Points?

There are some requirements that must be met so your torrent becomes eligible for the Seed Points mod. All the requirements must be met at the same time, otherwise you will not collect any Seed Points.

1. You must have the full torrent downloaded. If you grab only a small part of it, you will never receive Seed Points.
2. The individual ratio for the torrent you are seeding must be less than 1.000. If you have a torrent which ratio is Inf. (Infinite), you will not receive Seed Points too, because Infinite is higher than 1.000.
3. You must not be the torrent Uploader.
4. You must have the torrent active in your torrent history.
5. You must have at least 72 hours of active time on the torrent. The active time is the total time that you spent connected to that torrent while downloading and seeding it. Only after the initial 72 hours of active time you will start receiving Seed Points. If the torrent has less than 500MB in size, then you will only need an active time of 36 hours to start collecting Seed Points.
6. The seeder/leecher ratio must either be equal or higher than 20:1, which means 20 seeders for each leecher. If a torrent has 0 leechers, then you do not have to worry about how many seeders there are, because you will receive Seed Points anyway.

The Next bit is an HTML table, which obviously i cant do on this forum, so the formatting of this may look daft, but it may give you an idea.

Seeders : Leechers : Seeder/Leecher ratio : Will I get Seed Points?
...1....:...0......:....1/0 = Infinite....:........YES........
...10...:...0......:....10/0 = Infinite...:........YES........
...20....:..0......:....20/0 = Infinite...:........YES........
...20....:..1......:....20/1 = 20.........:........YES........
...20....:..2......:....20/2 = 10.........:........NO........

There are more, but that gives you the general gist of how it works.

You can now seed a maximum of 999 torrents regardless of your class and still receive Seed Points. Unlike in the past, the number of torrents you seed does not now restrict whether or not you will receive Seed Points. (this used to be 15).

Do I receive Seed Points for all torrents I am seeding at the same time?

No. You will only receive Seed Points for 2 torrents of all you are seeding. So, if you are a Power User and seeding 10 torrents at the same time, you will only receive Seed Points for 2 of them at the same time.
Those 2 torrents are automatically chosen by the system, being the ones with lowest individual ratios.

How long do I need to keep seeding and receiving Seed Points?

Every torrent has a Cost, which is how many points you will need to collect until you are done seeding it. That Cost is calculated automatically and based on the torrent original size.
For each 100MB in size, 1 point will be added to the torrent Cost, but there is a minimum Cost of 10 points.
So, if you have a torrent with 1GB in size, it's Cost will be 10. Torrents with 5Gb will have a Cost of 50 and so on. But a torrent with 500MB will have a Cost of 10, because of the minimum Cost.
Also, if you upload some data of the torrent while seeding it, that will be used to reduce the torrent Cost, but always respecting the minimum Cost.

What happens when I receive as many Seed Points as the torrent Cost?

When this happens, within 15 minutes, the individual ratio for the torrent will be set equal to 1.000, and the upload amount added to the torrent so it could become 1.000 will also be added to your global ratio.

Why do I have more Seed Points than the torrent Cost?

This will always happen when you have reached the torrent Cost, but the torrent is no longer eligible for Seed Points. In this case, you will have to keep seeding the torrent until it becomes eligible one last time, so you receive your credits.

When can I stop a torrent?

You can always stop a torrent if it has an individual ratio of at least 0.800. So, if you are collecting Seed Points for a torrent, the moment you have enough points to match the torrent Cost, it will have an individual ratio of 1.000, being safe for you to stop it.

Where can I see the Seed Points?

They are listed in your user details page. To access that page, you will have to click on your user name at the top left corner of the tracker site.


Then, click on the the link right next to the field "Currently seeding". The last two columns are used to show Seed Points info.


You can also click on the link "View SP details" to have more detailed info on the torrents you are seeding, regarding Seed Points. (this has changed a little now, but cant be bothered to do a new pic).


Donors do get privilages, but i wont go into them here, just go to donate.php on the tracker to see them if you are a member.

Hope this helps, members and non soon to be members alike, it does look a bit overwhelming at first, but the way i look at it.

Seed what you download, if you cant upload, but at least you try we will give you the upload.

So to me its really easy to grasp, as the system does all the number crunching for you.

PS: we now have 12,000 alive torrents on the tracker, so torrents with at least 1 seed. not the 6,000 that is shown in the picture by the OP.

05-13-2010, 11:07 AM
Nice One,It's Not easy to get an invite \ account on it!

thanks anyway.

06-08-2010, 04:12 PM
Ok we now have a small wiki for all non members that are waiting to get in, thanks to comtois one of our VIPs.


06-08-2010, 07:45 PM
Looks nice, although (without trying to offend) you still have some work to do :) Some links to other articles are missing, for example "Donation Privileges" in the SP FAQ for newbies. Also, categorizing articles will make information easier to find as more stuff is written.

I've noticed everyone can edit pages at the moment, is that intentional?

06-08-2010, 08:55 PM
tbh we dont have anything to do with it, its all on comtois, i will check it out once its finished.

Thing is we have a wiki in our forums, but you have to be a member to view them, which sort of defeats the purpose of whats in this one in the forum one.

06-09-2010, 05:20 PM
i agree, it needs work, but for the purposes of letting non-members know the rules before giving them a referral, it suits it's purpose. i wish i had time to go through it all and fix the links and add new info, but i'm pretty busy these days. i'm hoping someone will jump in and help out, but we'll see.

06-09-2010, 06:15 PM
mm look's nice !

06-26-2010, 02:51 AM
GREAT review bro

07-02-2010, 03:03 PM
The Wiki is interesting. I`d like to see that lottery open again soon...

07-06-2010, 09:21 AM
nice post!!

07-18-2010, 05:56 PM
this is one of if it's not the most amazing place for games ..!!
and i thank WeaponX for letting me in ;)

07-22-2010, 11:20 AM
Nice review people./

The Best gaming tracker out there indeed.

07-27-2010, 10:44 PM
it lacks a good collection of old games

07-27-2010, 10:44 PM
it lacks a good collection of old games

09-17-2010, 01:34 PM
BCG Review, Updated 2010:

BCG Forums:
It is a VERY large forum. But it is greatly used, that's the main thing :) I blocked out all usernames as per request by staff. BCG doesn't have many issues with privacy, but it's just nice to block out certain info.

There is no VIP for Donating, there is no special class, the main reason is because what people do, and I've seen this at TorrentLeech, Donate, VIP, HnR like crazy, donate, HnR, rinse and repeat. --stoi So the only special thing you get from donating is SP Wait Times decreased, more SP per hour and the joy of helping. The bottom line to them: Don't donate for the bonus, donate to help.

BCG Rules Page:


BCG's rules aren't harsh, but they are enforced and you are VERY encouraged to read them.

BCG Userclasses


Out of the 50,400 (appr.) users, 68 are above user.
VIP is given to users who are VERRRRYYYYY good and helpful. Don't ask for VIP. For the record: Kitty Litter = BAD:)

BCG stats Page




This FAQ is very important and covers EVERYTHING you need to know in order to stay alive.

That's all I have for you right now.


BCG Review, Updated 2010:

BCG Forums:

It is a VERY large forum. But it is greatly used, that's the main thing I blocked out all usernames as per request by staff. BCG doesn't have many issues with privacy, but it's just nice to block out certain info.

Donate Page

There is no VIP for Donating, there is no special class, the main reason is because what people do, and I've seen this at TorrentLeech, Donate, VIP, HnR like crazy, donate, HnR, rinse and repeat. --stoi So the only special thing you get from donating is SP Wait Times decreased, more SP per hour and the joy of helping. The bottom line to them: Don't donate for the bonus, donate to help.

BCG Rules Page:

BCG's rules aren't harsh, but they are enforced and you are VERY encouraged to read them.

BCG Userclasses

Out of the 50,400 (appr.) users, 68 are above user.
VIP is given to users who are VERRRRYYYYY good and helpful. Don't ask for VIP. For the record: Kitty Litter = BAD

BCG stats Page



This FAQ is very important and covers EVERYTHING you need to know in order to stay alive.

That's all I have for you right now.


09-17-2010, 01:43 PM
None of your images shows up.

09-17-2010, 02:02 PM
I know! I tried a couple times but they won't come up :angry:

09-17-2010, 02:07 PM
This is one example of the real direct URL to an image you posted.

09-17-2010, 02:14 PM
I know? Lol one was a little like that. I did insert image on almost each of them and they won't show. Grr. Worst of all, I can't edit my post

09-17-2010, 03:09 PM
Next time, copy the "direct link" you get when uploading the picture to Imageshack, and enclose it between IMG tags:


09-17-2010, 04:54 PM
I did. Could It have been because I did it with capital letters for img?

09-17-2010, 06:17 PM
Not really, BBcode is case insensitive. The vBulletin editor adds tags in capital latters, as a matter of fact.

09-17-2010, 07:49 PM
I did. Could It have been because I did it with capital letters for img?

Your images didn't appear because you linked to the imageshack page they're located on, rather than the direct link to the images..

eg: you linked to this:

instead of this:

09-17-2010, 09:29 PM
BCG Review, Updated 2010:

BCG Forums:
It is a VERY large forum. But it is greatly used, that's the main
thing :) I blocked out all usernames as per request by staff. BCG
doesn't have many issues with privacy, but it's just nice to block
out certain info.

There is no VIP for Donating, there is no special class, the main
reason is because what people do, and I've seen this at
other places, Donate, VIP, HnR like crazy, donate, HnR, rinse and
repeat. --stoi So the only special thing you get from donating is
SP Wait Times decreased, more SP per hour and the joy of
helping. The bottom line to them: Don't donate for the bonus,
donate to help.

BCG Rules Page:
BCG's rules aren't harsh, but they are enforced and you are VERY encouraged to read them.

BCG Userclasses:
Out of the 50,000 users, 68 are above user.
VIP is given to users who are VERRRRYYYYY good and helpful.
Don't ask for VIP. For the record: Kitty Litter = BAD

BCG stats Page:

This FAQ is very important and covers EVERYTHING you need to
know in order to stay alive.

That's all I have for you right now.

09-19-2010, 06:59 PM
Thank you very much for this great updated review. Looks like an awesome site!

09-20-2010, 08:58 AM
...for a first time in my live
i read all these pages to understant
what exactly is BCG
i am and OLD gamer :)
playing games from 1983 /Apple][/..till today :)
i feel a big nostalgy for a old times and days when i played old games :0 and when I see a site withnice/huge/ collection of games for all computers...consoles....
and .. i realy need to be ..on this one ;) ?
after i readed all FAQs and RUKES .. and after i seen a new users are accepted /13 ppl in september :) from a chart..
someone help me
invite me
explane me ..how i can join to this place .. :) ?????
i need a reffer :) ???

tnx in advance

09-20-2010, 12:23 PM
BCG is a game tracker. :unsure:

Yes, you do need a referral to get in. Don't ask for one here, wait at least until you have access to the appropriate section for that. Also monitor their front page frequently, sometimes they're open for signups.

09-20-2010, 02:45 PM
can u give me this front-page ? /link/
or any IRC channel/net/ to stay there and seek ?
i just wana know ..a methoods.. and HOW ... will not ask ppl in private

09-20-2010, 02:48 PM
can u give me this front-page ? /link/


09-20-2010, 03:01 PM
haha tnx ;)

09-20-2010, 08:23 PM
on commenting due to this tracker of black cat games i enjoy the way everything is set up and downloading speeds are excellent on my end pre times are pretty good i think its one the best game tracker sites available and know a hefty amount of them

09-20-2010, 08:25 PM
I'm pretty proud to be a member http://www.blackcats-games.net/pic/smilies/lovebc.gif

btw, not to get offtopic, drj0nes, when invites come back, I'll PM you and maybe you'll get in ;)

09-30-2010, 01:12 AM
I think it became a little worse after the time they opened invites. But nevertheless, great tracker.

10-10-2010, 09:44 PM
Very nice review, Champo101. It seems that Blackcats-games is still as great of a community for game torrents as I had remembered it. I can't wait for the opportunity to become a member again (I was, unfortunately, one of the members who was living under a rock at the time the site became more private and did not know to re-register :().

I don't know if this is against FST's/BCG's rules, but could any members of BCG tell me if there is an invite IRC channel? Or is the best policy to wait for when signups are open/get an invite from someone you know? And does anyone know how frequently they open the site up for signups each month?

10-11-2010, 06:05 AM
I'm gonna reply in pieces:

I don't know if this is against FST's/BCG's rules, but could any members of BCG tell me if there is an invite IRC channel?
There is no Invite Channel, nor has there ever been afaik.

Or is the best policy to wait for when signups are open/get an invite from someone you know?
Signups were a temporary thing. Not sure if they'll open again for a while tbh. Invites, are closed currently and nobody knows when they'll be back

And does anyone know how frequently they open the site up for signups each month?
Answered ^^ Temporary thing, not on a monthly basis.

For future reference: http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/146184-DO-NOT-Request-BitTorrent-Invites-outside-the-correct-section-*OR-YOU-WILL-BE-BANNED*
Thanks for listening,

10-11-2010, 06:21 AM
Signups were a temporary thing. Not sure if they'll open again for a while tbh. Invites, are closed currently and nobody knows when they'll be back

And does anyone know how frequently they open the site up for signups each month?
Answered ^^ Temporary thing, not on a monthly basis.

Ah, that's really unfortunate to hear. :( Thanks for the reply!

10-24-2010, 08:09 PM
Does this tracker have an IRC?

10-24-2010, 08:10 PM
Does this tracker have an IRC?

Er, yes.

10-25-2010, 04:24 PM
BCG has never been frequent for signups. Back in 07/08 it was completely closed with no invites, then it started opening sporadically in intervals which let a few members in at a time, but quite frequently. Now it seems to open up every so often but when its open its easy enough to just sign up, you dont have to refresh or anything. Well this is going by their news announcements, it might be a little different in reality.

Point being, you should bookmark the signup page and check back every day or so if you really want an account. You're either very lucky and with a friend who happens to have a referral, or else you'll have to be very dedicated. Worth it for the best source in video game warez, and when you're in you'll treasure your account.

10-25-2010, 06:16 PM
Back in 07/08 it was completely closed with no invites, then it started opening sporadically in intervals which let a few members in at a time, but quite frequently.

Are you sure about being completely closed in 2007? I remember making an account there back in the day, to get a game pack they had and I couldn't find elsewhere. Lost it to inactivity.

During the mid-2008 flickering open signups, you had to be fast. There were even tutorials on how to quickly complete the process using Check4Change and that auto form filling addon for Firefox.

10-26-2010, 03:13 AM
Wow, amazingly old review, but I love the site anyways.

10-26-2010, 05:55 PM
Wow, amazingly old review

Champo101 posted a newer one a couple of pages back. :)

10-28-2010, 07:45 AM
look's nice !

thanks !

11-01-2010, 07:43 PM
Very easy to get in !
Nice content,on old torrents sometimes slow speed.

11-01-2010, 08:13 PM
Very easy to get in !
Nice content,on old torrents sometimes slow speed.

well torrent sites cant really win can they.

too many seedboxes on the site. hard to seed back.

old torrents are slow

but the only way to have fast old torrents with 1-2 seeders, are if seedboxes are on them, and then if they are, its hard to seed back that old torrent, because the seedbox bullies you out of seeding. so its the 1st problem all over again.

we cant please everyone all the time. (but we try with our SP system)

11-01-2010, 08:19 PM
Thats right ! It's hard to keep a good ratio for user with bad connections like 2000er DSL.If any tracker use seed points it will be easier.

11-04-2010, 12:19 PM
off-topic: how come my DL shows 7.83 GB while 2 days ago it was around 11.80 GB ? :unsure:

11-04-2010, 12:40 PM
off-topic: how come my DL shows 7.83 GB while 2 days ago it was around 11.80 GB ? :unsure:

Did you download one of the recycled torrents. When you have seeded it back the download comes off the global ratio.

11-04-2010, 01:43 PM
off-topic: how come my DL shows 7.83 GB while 2 days ago it was around 11.80 GB ? :unsure:

Did you download one of the recycled torrents. When you have seeded it back the download comes off the global ratio.
yes i did. thanks for clarifying this :)

11-07-2010, 12:45 AM
off-topic: how come my DL shows 7.83 GB while 2 days ago it was around 11.80 GB ? :unsure:

Did you download one of the recycled torrents. When you have seeded it back the download comes off the global ratio.
Actually, it's when you have seeded it for a certain amount of time. You don't actually have to seed any data.

11-07-2010, 12:51 AM
Did you download one of the recycled torrents. When you have seeded it back the download comes off the global ratio.
Actually, it's when you have seeded it for a certain amount of time. You don't actually have to seed any data.

no but it goes quicker if you do, cost goes down so you need less SP which means SP-Cost is less, so less seeding time to get a 1:1 or in this case, download taken off/upload (not SP upload) kept on your Global/Actual ratio.

so if you do upload, you get to keep it, and you seed for less time to get the download taken off.

11-09-2010, 09:21 AM
I love BCG rules, especially SP system :)

12-07-2010, 03:52 AM
a very good tracker and very nice.

02-19-2011, 07:13 AM
can anyone please help me get into Blackcats-games.net?
i have heard it is a very good tracker

02-19-2011, 05:25 PM
can anyone please help me get into Blackcats-games.net?
i have heard it is a very good tracker

Well, how about you read the rules? Asking for invites in this section will get you banned.

Secondly, there are no BCG invites, and account giveaways/trading will get it disabled. So just wait until they open signups, which I think happened very recently.

02-21-2011, 05:03 PM
Thanks for review

Are you EgyUp? :huh:

02-21-2011, 09:40 PM
I had an acc there, but one day I just wasnt able to enter and I forgot @mail I registered it on O.o

02-22-2011, 12:15 PM
@cabalo & anon-sbi
sorry, won't happen again :)

02-24-2011, 06:07 AM
thanks for review BcG it's great Site for game's Rip-ISo-Other

02-24-2011, 04:22 PM
It's no wonder you're on moderation. :eyebrows:

02-25-2011, 10:32 PM
thanks for review BcG it's great Site for game's Rip-ISo-Other

BCG is good not great :P

02-25-2011, 11:39 PM
which tracker is great, i bet there are not many if any that are great in everything.

we tend to pride ourselves on retention, not shown off here but

PC|Windows 4404
PS2 1606
PS3 951
PSP 1365
XBOX 360 1493
Wii 2714
DS 864

Not sure many places can match that, yes music trackers will have more torrents, so will movie trackers, but then there are a lot more albums/movies out there than games (and older systems are usually in packs IE we have got all 30,000+ C64 games probaby but they will be in 1 torrent, not 30,000+ torrents)

03-12-2011, 02:04 PM
the last time i posted here
it was a desperate plea for an invite (silly me, there are none)
and had my ass warned for that

now i am proud and happy to say that i am finally a part of this great community called BlackCats

thanks for review BcG it's great Site for game's Rip-ISo-Other

BCG is good not great :P

please allow me to present my views from a beginner's perspective in the BCG

the DL speeds are good
the pre times are moderate(i couldn't care less, i am willing and happy to wait a few hours)
the content is awesome, 2nd only to Demonoid maybe
retention is fabulous i found every game that i didn't find anywhere else (Example: Darkstar 1)
the ratio is fair for low Upload bandwidth users like me
the community is great, it feels good to be among like minded people who can and are wiling to help you in case of trouble

i may sound like a fanboy here
but Demonoid and BCG are the only two trackers i hold in highest regard
i am a member of many high profile trackers like TL,IPT,BG,PTM etc
but they wont be able to wean me off these two heayweights

03-12-2011, 02:08 PM
Hmm, interesting.. let me check this one out..

09-14-2011, 02:26 PM
Review Contents:

Tracker Type
Tracker Age
Most Recent
Most Seeded
Most Popular Category
Bonus System
Tracker Stats
Tracker Rules
Forums & Community
Donation Info
Signup URL
Ratings & Comments



Tracker Type: Games

Tracker Age: about 3 and a half years




Most Recent


Most Seeded


Most Popular Categories




There is no freeleech but the bonus system makes it not needed.

Bonus System:

The bonus system is called seed points and it's one of the best bonus systems out there. It allows you not to worry about downloading a large torrent, no matter of your current ratio.


Tracker Stats:


Tracker Rules:

General rules:


Downloading rules:


Posting rules:






Invites are called referrals and they are given automatically to members that meet the following requirements:

Torrents with a Global Ratio of 1 >= 50
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 1 >= 25
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 1.5 >= 10
Torrents with an Actual Ratio of 2 >= 5
Your own uploaded torrents, this encompasses requests filled and own torrents in your table >= 2
Average Seeding Time >= 10 days
Member 6 months
50 gig downloaded

There is also a referral request thread in the forums for which you would need:

- at least a member for 6 months
- no HnRs
- up to 2 "seeded HnRs"
- actual ratio of 0.5 <-- this may be changed sometime depending on the number of requests
- none of your old referrals may be Kitty Litter or worse (banned, etc.).
- not more than 1 orphaned account or unused account (ie. referred someboy into the site and that person doesn't even have a single torrent downloaded)
- 1 referral per month (with special announced days adding up the usual count....like birthdays or whatever)
- not too many warnings in your history <-- This can only be checked by staff
- 25 completed torrents
- Having said thanks on your torrents.
- 10 days average seeding time OR several uploaded torrents
- have at least a few forum posts....so that this request is NOT your first. And those post should be from the month BEFORE this request takes place. -------> changed to at least 30 spread in a good manner, ie. not all from last month or last week when you decided to get referrals via requesting.

Forums and Community:

The forums are quite large and have a fair amount of activity. They run monthly competitions, especially in the design section.






IRC Info:

Server: irc.blackcats-games.net
Port: 6667
SSL: Not available
Channel(s): You'll automatically join the waiting channel if you're not a member

Donation Information:


Signup URL: The site is invite-only

Ratings and Comments:

Content: 9.5/10 - There's hardly anything you won't find on BCG and for those which fall under that category requests are filled in a matter of days
Speed: 8/10 - Some of the older torrents are slow
Community: 7/10 - The forum provides a great environment for a great community, but somehow I feel activity could be a lot better


Blackcats-Games is THE games tracker. With unrivaled content, great speeds and decent pretimes it's one place every dedicated gamer should be in. The support is really good and quite fast, can't say I have had much to report though. The great seed bonus system allows even those with the worst connection speeds to keep a positive ratio. Whatever your drug, PC, XBOX, PS2, Wii or PSP - BCG is the place that has it all.

10-19-2014, 05:45 AM
How to get invited for this?

10-19-2014, 10:32 AM
You don't. In the best-case scenario you're chosen.