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View Full Version : Dragon Naturally Speaking

10-21-2003, 07:05 AM
Hi guys does anyone know how to get Dragon naturally Speaking 6 to install with xp. It goes about 89% then says that a cab file is currupt or missing is there anyway around this?


10-21-2003, 08:23 AM
Your BIN or Image is corrupt. 90% of large files that are on kazaa get corrupted in the download process.

First, I have both DNS 6 and 7. the 7 version is SO much better as far as accuracy. get it if you can.

But you can repair your version 6. just put it in BIN/Cue format if its not already. Ultra ISO will convert any image to a BIN/Cue.

Then download CDMage http://cdmage.cjb.net/

Put your BIN and Cue in the same folder. open CDMAge and click open folder icon. find the folder you have your BIN & Cue , load the cue, click Action<Scan For Corruption.

When its finished finding the corruption, click Action<Repair Corrupted Sectors. if that does not repair it. click Action<Rebuild Sector Fields.

Corruption should be repaired