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View Full Version : Weird Computer Temp

10-24-2003, 02:12 AM
i was watching a movie, so it's 2 screens, cuz one is on the tv

now, y the fuck is there a cpu2? and y is it always 63 deg C?? i'm so confused. wtf is goin on?

10-24-2003, 02:15 AM
haha, maybe its a software mistake, cuz if u dont have 2nd cpu then it cant possibly be right

get another image host, i likethis (http://www.chinkii.com/uploads/) site, allows hotlinking....

10-24-2003, 05:10 AM
but like where is the software getting this reading in the 1st place?

10-24-2003, 10:17 AM
You need to get the temp down on that second cpu pretty quick, before you fry it.

10-24-2003, 11:15 AM
My guess is that you have a hyperthreading CPU, which can sometimes be detected as two seperate CPUs.

Not sure about why it's being reported as too hot though.

10-24-2003, 11:21 AM
My guess is, it's your mum's comp, and it has two CPU's. My advice is to sell it and buy a new BMX.


10-24-2003, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Billy_Dean@24 October 2003 - 11:21
My guess is, it's your mum's comp, and it has two CPU's. My advice is to sell it and buy a new BMX.

wat r u blabbering about? anyways, yes, it's a p4 2.4 @ 2.6 with HT... so that will sometimes read as a second cpu? and y is the temp so high? is it an error or is it really 63 deg in there?

10-24-2003, 03:53 PM
your actual CPU is running @ 63c!

10-24-2003, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by Kunal@24 October 2003 - 15:53
your actual CPU is running @ 63c!
but in bios, the cpu temp is 39deg C... and that's cpu 1... so wat's cpu2? and wouldn't the computer freeze and crash if it was that high?

and the 63deg never changes, even when i'm playing games, so i dont tink its the cpu temp

10-24-2003, 09:40 PM
help anyone?

10-24-2003, 11:34 PM

10-25-2003, 01:45 AM
Bumping it won't help, you'll only make it worse.


10-25-2003, 07:15 AM
That program is a bit screwed up man.After I saw that pic you put up I went and downloaded it and installed.I now have a fourth temp other than my cpu,hard drive,and board temp.The wierd part is that it never goes above 11 degrees celcius.

10-25-2003, 04:44 PM
yea, the cpu 2 temp is always 63, no matter what i do on the comp... so maybe i should just disregard it?

10-25-2003, 05:20 PM
Ok. I've had enough of this. This isn't rocket science, abu. It's hot! Deal with it. :angry:

10-25-2003, 05:23 PM
Actually, Virt, it's simpler than that.

Press the friggin' configure button and tell it it's only got one cpu!

10-25-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by lynx@25 October 2003 - 17:23
Actually, Virt, it's simpler than that.

Press the friggin' configure button and tell it it's only got one cpu!

10-25-2003, 05:31 PM
Press the friggin' configure button and tell it it's only got one cpu!
I didn't want to go into the details of it. He just asks too many dumb questions.

10-25-2003, 05:47 PM
that's true. i ask dumb questions... lol...

ok, yea, i can disable that, but y is it displaying 63?

10-25-2003, 06:01 PM
Your brain temperature? http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/flame.gif

10-25-2003, 06:04 PM
yea, lol. probably. but wat is it like really? where is the temp coming from?

10-25-2003, 06:10 PM
It must be short circuits! http://www.mcbriens.net/liam/img/smilies/kaboom.gif


10-25-2003, 06:13 PM
thanks... that helped a lot

10-25-2003, 06:14 PM
Read the documentation, it tells you that you get strange figures from devices that aren't there.

I'm really glad to find this bit of software, according to my mobo documentation I can't control the cpu fan from software, but this certainly seems to do it. My cpu temp has risen from 31C to 34C by lowering the fan speed from 2400 to 1500, but it will go back up as the temp approaches 40C. Nice :D

10-25-2003, 06:23 PM
u can change the cpu fan speed? how?

10-25-2003, 06:36 PM
First of all you need to work out which controller is for the cpu fan. It will be one of those Speed0x boxes with a %age figure. lower one of those down a bit and see which one changes the cpu fan speed. The other one would control your case fan if you had one running from the motherboard.

In configuration, select the Temps tab, select cpu temp, then at bottom of window you can put in desired and warning cpu temps. Click on the + next to cpu temp and you see the fan speeds which affect cpu temp. Tick the one you found above, untick the other.

Now select the Speeds tab, and you can change the name of the cpu fan control. Untick the other box so that it doesn't appear anywhere else. Select the cpu fan again and you can set the maximum and minimum speeds. I suggest you DON'T leave the minimum at 0%. You can also tick the box which says Automatically variated for the software to control the fan speed, but I think you need to play about with the controls manually to find out what works best before you set that option.