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View Full Version : Starting With Emule

04-22-2010, 03:14 AM
hi all new to emule i heard of it a while back in forums but thought it died must of misread something :D
whats better emule or donkey and is it light on system resources and is it as virus hogged as limewire

04-22-2010, 04:51 AM
emule rocks in so many ways, about the viruses on network, they both(can) use the same networks, so not a big difference.

also there is lots of emule modes and emule is open source

04-22-2010, 11:22 AM
thanx epeto sounds good but oe mo question is emule a memory hog like limewire

04-22-2010, 12:26 PM
http://torrentfreak.com/warner-bros-recruits-students-to-spy-on-pirates-100329/ ?
j/k :).

Not really. Depends what queue size you tell eMule to use (Options> Extended) and some other options (which aren't set by default, if I recall correctly)
I've never used Limewire more than one hour.

Pick one of these servers and add them to your static list (right-click the server entry). In case the list gets deleted by a moderator visit the IRC from within your ed2k client. Btw. the eDonkey2000 client is dead.
Copy/paste any server into your client.


Just make sure you have it set up this way after you have chosen your static server.


I also suggest setting (Options> Extended| File buffer size) to its highest value: 1.50MB. It will reduce disk activity.

Make sure you get rid of your Low ID.

04-22-2010, 02:06 PM
well, I have to admit I didn't used emule for a few years so not sure about system load, but it was very good when I used, it was a great software, I have complete fate in it.

Also its open source, so there is lots of mods, you can easily find a lightweight mod if you find the real one too heavy.

And don't compare emule with limewire, how can you compare :emule: with :shit: ? emule is a real software programmed in c++ and have a very neat code.

If you like limewire, FrostWire is also a good alternative with an open code.

one more thing, don't forget to get peerblock to your PC, it will keep the fake servers away and anti-piracy gangs away.

04-22-2010, 02:06 PM
whats better emule or donkey

eMule - that's out the question. The issue here should be which mod you want to use :D

I rarely use eMule nowadays, but I could recommend Xtreme or Beba, if you need a lightweight mod.

04-22-2010, 04:30 PM
wow, nice to hear Xtreme is still alive :)

04-22-2010, 05:31 PM
thanx guys for help .it seems very opensource with all the mods .sweeet
sounds way better than limewire

btw dont get why poeple like frostwire its same as limewire craaap :D

04-22-2010, 06:09 PM
thanx guys for help .it seems very opensource with all the mods .sweeet
sounds way better than limewire

You'll have to deal with waiting in queues, though. If you're looking for music tracks or other small files, you're better off at using Ares, for example - leave eMule for rare/obscure stuff you can't find elsewhere.

btw dont get why poeple like frostwire its same as limewire craaap :D

Frostwire has the same features as Limewire Pro, while it lacks the RIAA blocking code. The question here is why would someone pay for LW Pro :unsure:

04-23-2010, 01:48 AM
thanks anon neva knew about the queues hate ares im too lazy just download music from youtube atm :D lol

04-23-2010, 01:14 PM
hate ares im too lazy just download music from youtube atm :D lol

But if you're lazy, using Ares is faster and easier than YouTube downloading... :unsure:

04-25-2010, 02:08 AM
true except idm is faster than ares :P dowwnloading emule atm

04-25-2010, 04:09 PM
true except idm is faster than ares :P

But you have to bother ripping the audio stream from the videos afterwards :lol:

04-25-2010, 07:25 PM
Hm. I've never used Ares. Prefer SVN Nicotine+/Soulseek.
It seems Ares doesn't have IRC support.

Oh my.


It's just a little hassle. Demuxing takes a few seconds.
But yeah, unnecessary unless it's something like.
Gershon Kingsley plays Popcorn 2007 || http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZWfywvuHt0

04-25-2010, 07:31 PM
It seems Ares doesn't have IRC support.

You're right, it doesn't - while it has a "chat" feature, it uses a protocol of its own (as a matter of fact, there are several standalone Ares chat clients).

Oh my.

Ares Destiny, Ares Gold and all that crap are malware-ridden forks. Stick to the official version and you won't get in trouble:

It's just a little hassle. Demuxing takes a few seconds.

For a lazy guy a few seconds is something :lol:

05-02-2010, 12:11 AM
Emule is very slow but for rare things no one can beat it.

05-02-2010, 12:14 AM
eMule is not slow. It all depends - as with any other P2P platform like Bittorrent - on your sources. I am able to get full speed DL via eMule.

05-02-2010, 04:24 PM
A lot of us don't have eMule as our main P2P network and do experience slow speeds... specially when used only as a repository of old files rather than for new stuff.

05-06-2010, 05:59 PM
it's better to have the music on your comp then use youtube

06-14-2010, 10:42 PM
Emule is slow , no one can deny that . The max speed i got on emule was about 300 kb/s where as with torrents i get about 2.3 mb/s . Not to mention that this speed was due to using a leecher mod , anon knows what i'm talking about ;)

06-14-2010, 10:48 PM
Not to mention that this speed was due to using a leecher mod , anon knows what i'm talking about ;)

Yes he does :O

06-16-2010, 11:44 AM
What's the highest speed you managed to get with emule ? I'm just curious , maybe my settings are messed up or something

06-16-2010, 04:24 PM
Around 300kB/s on my 3Mbit line.

06-18-2010, 07:18 AM
wow, nice to hear Xtreme is still alive