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View Full Version : [Request] Ptm

10-30-2010, 04:55 AM
I'll be completely honest here. I probably know some people that are there that would invite me but I would rather not go asking around, plus I'm lazy.....

Do I need preto.me? Probably not. I am trying to get in primarily to get a couple invites to invite some r/l friends that have some shitty internet speeds.

That being said, I will use the site. Not a crazy amount, but at least weekly or so (more at first to get invites if they are based on user class's ect).

I am a good member ect ect ect.

Please dont invite me if you are a trader, I'd rather not be in your tree.

/me wonders if this is the first request that specifies no traders. :lol:

Anyway, if you have some invites, and are willing to give one to someone who will appreciate it and use it, Im your guy.

EDIT: Thanks Jardinnegro :)

10-30-2010, 06:28 AM
cool request :shifty:
''no traders'' :lol:

pm me your mail buddy..
invite sent..