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11-09-2003, 07:38 AM
in my 'C:\Documents And Settings' folder i got 2 administrator folders, one just titled 'administrator' the other 'administrator.(my comps ID)' and my 'owner' folder and an 'all users' folder, now one admin folder i dont remember bein there (think its the one with my comps ID in the title) looks like old config in one admin folder, about 145 megs, the other a 5 meg file that dont hardly have sh*t in it

whats the deal? my admin's account on my comp is 'owner' and thats where all my current configs are, i.e., all valid 'My Documents' folders, my pictures, etc.

i guess i'm wonderin why they (the admin files) need to be there when they just appear to be old profiles/configs and i could free up almost 150 megs without em?

any help appreciated

11-09-2003, 12:40 PM
I've seen this happen after re-installing XP to the same partition, rather than performing a repair-install. I don't know why it XP might have made another folder on its own, though - perhaps there was some sort of 'serious error' that it recovered from by making it.
One of them should be safe to delete, and I presume it's the one without your comp ID, but I'm not certain and wouldn't like to advise you to do something that totally buggers up your installation.

Like I said, I've seen it on my own puter but at that time I had bad RAM that was regularly buggering the registry and 'fixed it' when I did a clean install.

11-09-2003, 02:07 PM
same happens to my pc, it will not cause any harm.

11-09-2003, 03:17 PM
If you can't gain access to view what's in the folder:-

Control Panel > Folder Options > View > Uncheck 'Allow simple file sharing'.

Now, right click on the discussed folder. > Security > Advanced > Permissions > Edit > Give yourself permission to view contents, or delete if you want to do that.

You will need to be logged on as a system administrator.

11-09-2003, 04:23 PM
i have access to em, i go against all good advice and stay logged on as admin :o
(too lazy to create limited user account :lol: )
i made one up a while back, but removed it, and i've also had that freakin
ASP.Net account from the .Net upgrade (dont use it, so deleted it)
guess those files coulda been left behind by one of them or from system restore
i did a few weeks ago???
anyway, put em in recycle bin and dont see any adverse effects yet :unsure:
i want that 150 megs back :lol: (i'm greedy :lol: :lol: :lol: ) thanks evry1