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View Full Version : The Blackcats Scandal Revisited - Stoi Lives off Donations

05-30-2013, 06:49 PM
I'm under the impression that this has slipped from public memory after so many years, but things are much the same today at Blackcats: Stoi is still unemployed and supporting his family off nothing but your donations and his welfare checks from the British government, all the while claiming the site is in financial danger to spur on your donations.

Here's some information on the infamous scandal of 2007. With the same man in charge today, there's no reason to think it's any less shady now than ever. From the infamous archive uploaded to Megaupload years ago:

Ok... so you want some info.

1) Stoi has been using donations for personal reasons for some time now (I figure since he was owner of the site).
2) Soti has lied to staff and users about him doing this
3) Even after we got the log of him saying that he used your donations for personal things he STILL lied about not doing it.
4) Stoi doesn't work nor does anyone in his family... they live off unemplayment (or whatever the UK calls it) and your donations to the site.

This is no lie people. I don't wish to hurt the site as its a great place, but do you really turst someone that does that stuff with your money?

To give you an idea we have 150 VIP a month

150 x 20gbp = 3000gpb

When VIP was lowered to 10gbp we got a lot more VIP

250 x 10gpb = 2500gpb

Now that does not include the donations that we got that were over VIP amount and we made 1/2 of the total VIP income a month from the small donaitons.

Now... also to let you know for the past 6ish months we've have all servers paid off. The server bill was only 600gpb a month.

600 x 6 = 3600

Now do the math of 3 months of VIP for the 20gbp and 3 months of VIP for the 10gbp

3000 x 3 = 9000
2500 x 3 = 7500
total = 16500

Now take total income (minus) total expence and you get

12900 left over. (mind you thats just the last 6 months and not including the time james was owner)

I hate to say but thats quite a fucking bit that has magicly gone missing from stoi that he would you rather not know about and just focus on what james did.

And remember this has happend more than just this time people.... hes been doing it for YEARS!!!

As for james.... we only know what stoi has said as james has gone *poof* and we may never know and with him going on a vaction (which he planned many months ago) we won't know his side of the story till he gets back if he even comes back to say it.

So there you go... you have the real storry about wtf is going on.

There was no hack, just stoi trying to cover up what really is going on.

IRC Log 1 (http://pastebin.com/T8EaDeLj)

IRC Log 2 (http://pastebin.com/yfrELhJH)

Background Info from Above (http://pastebin.com/8iRsk5fd)

Use this site. Exploit the generous SP system for all its worth. Just don't support it.

05-30-2013, 07:04 PM
That info is apparently older than ralphonzo.

05-30-2013, 07:09 PM
Yes, I am five.

Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

05-30-2013, 07:10 PM
More a question of your motives in rehashing this old stuff.

05-30-2013, 07:13 PM
I found the archive when sorting through an old harddrive and felt it would be a shame if this was no longer common information. It's still relevant because stoi is still supporting his family off it while his slave staff does all the work for practically nothing in return. I'm an active member on the site as I have been since it went live and continue to leech from it.

05-30-2013, 07:17 PM
If you feel so strongly all this time why are you still a member?

05-30-2013, 07:24 PM
Because I am using it and not contributing. Like I said, people should feel free to exploit the SP system without contributing to stoi's coffers. Besides, the staff underneath stoi has not been bad since altinertia quit. Regs worked hard till he stepped down earlier this year (after stoi returned from an unannounced vacation and asserted his power once more).

Tell me, what problem do you have with me posting this information? Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else? Nothing has changed. People who would consider donating to the site should keep that in mind today.

I was under the impression that the kind of person who supports file-sharing would support the free sharing of information which is what this topic is about. But by all means, continue with the ad hominem insinuations.

05-30-2013, 07:31 PM
Well I exploit the seed point system as well. Never felt the need to donate or rake up very old stuff like this.

I still very much doubt your motives.

05-30-2013, 07:33 PM
I love how these threads are always started by "brave", "concerned", "citizens" with no post history. :dry:

At least be brave enough to attach your name and true purpose for bringing up the "scandal".

05-30-2013, 07:37 PM
Questioning one's motives is the weakest thing you can do in an argument.

Avoiding answering pertinent questions is nearly as bad, so let me ask you again, from my previous posts:

Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

What problem do you have with me posting this information?

Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else?

And one more: If you can't answer these simple questions, why do you continue to reply to my thread?

I love how these threads are always started by "brave", "concerned", "citizens" with no post history. :dry:

At least be brave enough to attach your name and true purpose for bringing up the "scandal".

Attach my name so I can be banned? Unless you or stan would like to suggest I've fabricated all this information, it really doesn't matter what either of you think of me--it's irrelevant. The information is what matters, and if you like it or not, more people now have access to it and I applaud the mods for allowing it to be posted here.

05-30-2013, 07:45 PM
More a question of your motives in rehashing this old stuff.

I don't question his motives as they are pretty clear.He has some score to settle and this is a conveniently gutlessly anonymous way to do it.

Btw last time I checked in your continuing efforts to sate your thirst to steal,I mean "share", morality really isn't some you can non-hypocritically accuse any other person of lacking. :mellow:

Anyway sincerely fuck off or better yet fuck off.

05-30-2013, 07:47 PM
Questioning one's motives is the weakest thing you can do in an argument.

Avoiding answering pertinent questions is nearly as bad, so let me ask you again, from my previous posts:

Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

What problem do you have with me posting this information?

Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else?

And one more: If you can't answer these simple questions, why do you continue to reply to my thread?

I love how these threads are always started by "brave", "concerned", "citizens" with no post history. :dry:

At least be brave enough to attach your name and true purpose for bringing up the "scandal".

Attach my name so I can be banned? Unless you or stan would like to suggest I've fabricated all this information, it really doesn't matter what either of you think of me--it's irrelevant. The information is what matters, and if you like it or not, more people now have access to it and I applaud the mods for allowing it to be posted here.

Hypocritical, spineless, coward.

You hide behind an alias and continue to be party to a "corrupt" administration.

Either stand up for your convictions and leave- then shout the "truth" from every rooftop, but DO NOT continue to benefit from this "corruption" and piss on it at the same time.

05-30-2013, 07:50 PM
More a question of your motives in rehashing this old stuff.

I don't question his motives as they are pretty clear.He has some score to settle and this is a conveniently gutlessly anonymous way to do it.

Btw last time I checked in your continuing efforts to sate your thirst to steal,I mean "share", morality really isn't some you can non-hypocritically accuse any other person of lacking. :mellow:

Anyway sincerely fuck off or better yet fuck off.

Stealing property or money is not the same as stealing information. No one is deprived of data when data is stolen, assuming that the data is not destroyed in its original location.

Stealing copyrighted information for your own personal use is not the same as selling stolen copyrighted information for profit, eg. selling bootleg DVDs. Making a living off donations that are said to be strictly for the upkeep of the server that allows file-sharing is similarly unscrupulous.

I'm glad I could help clear up these issues of "morality" for you. As I said before, continue with the predictable ad hominem attacks, by all means.

05-30-2013, 07:52 PM
Questioning one's motives is the weakest thing you can do in an argument.

Avoiding answering pertinent questions is nearly as bad, so let me ask you again, from my previous posts:

Do you have an interest in this information not being public?

What problem do you have with me posting this information?

Why should it be forgotten if the man in charge is the very same and that man never sought redemption when exposed last time, instead banning anyone who mentioned the scandal while blaming it all on someone else?

And one more: If you can't answer these simple questions, why do you continue to reply to my thread?

Attach my name so I can be banned? Unless you or stan would like to suggest I've fabricated all this information, it really doesn't matter what either of you think of me--it's irrelevant. The information is what matters, and if you like it or not, more people now have access to it and I applaud the mods for allowing it to be posted here.

Hypocritical, spineless, coward.

You hide behind an alias and continue to be party to a "corrupt" administration.

Either stand up for your convictions and leave- then shout the "truth" from every rooftop, but DO NOT continue to benefit from this "corruption" and piss on it at the same time.

Oh good, just what this thread was missing: comically dramatic righteous indignation!

Have I breached the Omerta? Is that more important than the free sharing of information?

05-30-2013, 08:04 PM
I don't question his motives as they are pretty clear.He has some score to settle and this is a conveniently gutlessly anonymous way to do it.

Btw last time I checked in your continuing efforts to sate your thirst to steal,I mean "share", morality really isn't some you can non-hypocritically accuse any other person of lacking. :mellow:

Anyway sincerely fuck off or better yet fuck off.

Stealing property or money is not the same as stealing information. No one is deprived of data when data is stolen, assuming that the data is not destroyed in its original location.

Stealing copyrighted information for your own personal use is not the same as selling stolen copyrighted information for profit, eg. selling bootleg DVDs. Making a living off donations that are said to be strictly for the upkeep of the server that allows file-sharing is similarly unscrupulous.

I'm glad I could help clear up these issues of "morality" for you. As I said before, continue with the predictable ad hominem attacks, by all means.

Thanks for the inaccurate and entirely bias Law lesson:mellow: but you didn't clear up anything about your motives or the part about you being gutless.:)

05-30-2013, 08:14 PM
Stealing property or money is not the same as stealing information. No one is deprived of data when data is stolen, assuming that the data is not destroyed in its original location.

Stealing copyrighted information for your own personal use is not the same as selling stolen copyrighted information for profit, eg. selling bootleg DVDs. Making a living off donations that are said to be strictly for the upkeep of the server that allows file-sharing is similarly unscrupulous.

I'm glad I could help clear up these issues of "morality" for you. As I said before, continue with the predictable ad hominem attacks, by all means.

Thanks for the inaccurate and entirely bias Law lesson:mellow: but you didn't clear up anything about your motives or the part about you being gutless.:)

It's not a legal lesson and I have made no mention whatsoever of law. The law is not always what is moral. They're not synonymous and I gave no lesson on the law.

I stated my motive in my first reply to this thread:

I found the archive when sorting through an old harddrive and felt it would be a shame if this was no longer common information. It's still relevant because stoi is still supporting his family off it while his slave staff does all the work for practically nothing in return.

I posted it because I realized it was no longer common information and I feel it should be given that nothing has changed since then. Do you understand yet? The suggestion is I must have other motives, which is as pathetic an attempt to discredit someone as can possibly be made.

It's also amusing, this idea that I should expose myself for banning. Somehow it works against my credibility that I am still a member of the site. I wonder what all of you would be saying if I stated in the topic that I had been banned? Then am I only posting out of bitterness? You can attempt to assassinate my character either way, and I have no doubt the intellectual weaklings who have posted in this thread thus far would have done so if I stated I had been banned.

But once again, I fail to see what my credibility has to do with anything as you all continue to obfuscate. What matters is the credibility of the logs I posted and no one seems to be questioning them.

Edit: Anyway, I thank you all for giving this thread some momentum. It will surely attract more readers with a series of heated replies in tow. The original post can stand on its own without further input from me.

Please work on your debate skills and consider actually engaging next time rather than simply insulting the opposition while you avoid all of his pertinent questions--it makes you look weak.

05-30-2013, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the inaccurate and entirely bias Law lesson:mellow: but you didn't clear up anything about your motives or the part about you being gutless.:)

It's not a legal lesson and I have made no mention whatsoever of law. The law is not always what is moral. They're not synonymous and I gave no lesson on the law.

I stated my motive in my first reply to this thread:

I found the archive when sorting through an old harddrive and felt it would be a shame if this was no longer common information. It's still relevant because stoi is still supporting his family off it while his slave staff does all the work for practically nothing in return.

I posted it because I realized it was no longer common information and I feel it should be given that nothing has changed since then. Do you understand yet? The suggestion is I must have other motives, which is as pathetic an attempt to discredit someone as can possibly be made.

It's also amusing, this idea that I should expose myself for banning. Somehow it works against my credibility that I am still a member of the site. I wonder what all of you would be saying if I stated in the topic that I had been banned? Then am I only posting out of bitterness? You can attempt to assassinate my character either way, and I have no doubt the intellectual weaklings who have posted in this thread thus far would have done so if I stated I had been banned.

But once again, I fail to see what my credibility has to do with anything as you all continue to obfuscate. What matters is the credibility of the logs I posted and no one seems to be questioning them.

I'm smarter than you because I don't regard myself as being smarter you.
Also you did try to give a legal argument since you included the concept of ownership. Ownership isn't a moral issue.:mellow:

Anyway oh immensely intelligent one,the question still remains why now?
Btw dumb people intellectual weaklings like myself aren't buying the hard drive failure story for a moment as it's a little too convenient and seriously countries that have been at war haven't held grudges that long.

You also seem to think that a smattering of eloquence somehow substitutes for fact which sort of makes you an idiot,intelligent or not.

PS Putz.

PPS I can't look weak becasue I can benchpress 400lbs.:mellow:

05-30-2013, 09:39 PM
Oh good, just what this thread was missing: comically dramatic righteous indignation!

Have I breached the Omerta? Is that more important than the free sharing of information?

One should have the right to face their accusers. Your sudden need for this "scandal" to be remembered brings about questions of your motives. So far, this wreaks of vindictiveness. You pretend to stand for justice, but give NO indication you are any better. Credibility matters- being accused of a crime by someone of unscrupulous character packs significantly less weight than the same charge being carried by someone with a history of doing right AND one who is willing to face consequences for his actions.

You bring up half-decade old news without showing your face, establishing credibility, or showing the least bit of conviction. You are a pure coward calling someone who has benefited you for years a thief.

05-31-2013, 01:26 AM
Is stoi gonna comment here ?

05-31-2013, 04:51 AM
So what you are saying is that this fella stop has set up a site, asked for donations and made a profit? OpportunityLad.

05-31-2013, 06:33 AM
I posted it because I realized it was no longer common information and I feel it should be given that nothing has changed since then. Do you understand yet? The suggestion is I must have other motives, which is as pathetic an attempt to discredit someone as can possibly be made.

It's really difficult to trust a liar about liars, you know?

05-31-2013, 01:02 PM
What happened to this forum? We ran out of good drama threads and have to recycle stuff from 2007? :ermm:

05-31-2013, 05:26 PM
at least it has got FST busy again.

as for the OP meh.

Doesnt matter what i say some will believe me, others wont, so why bother at all. really dont see the point in this crap.

But i have never pleaded for donations, Paypal have closed 2 of my accounts, i havnt got another yet, we have no donation links apart to flattr which is crap, and skrill which is just as crap, regs took the donations for a few months around xmas time i never seen a penny of it, nor have i since i came back (or before for that matter).

Why do you think we have the SP system, so people dont have to donate to keep their accounts, some people are just fucking thick.

05-31-2013, 09:17 PM

05-31-2013, 11:00 PM
Most people that donate to trackers do so to get something in return ie; upload credit, vip, invites, etc. & don't really give a shit what happens to the money anyway.

No one is forcing anyone to donate, so what's the big deal, as long as the tracker is up & everything's working? Someone shit in your Wheaties or somethin?

I couldn't care less if he's supporting his whole family & four other ones with donations myself. More power to him, if he's able to.

06-01-2013, 01:41 AM
I have not seen BCG forcing sending out emails to people to donate nor they even care :lol: , seriously if they would have wanted stoi would have got bitcoins or paypal account already.

Trackers like IPT , TL , SCC want the money and they give you upload and allow you to hit and run which just defeats the purpose of bit torrent which is sharing.

06-01-2013, 01:59 AM
I have bitcoins, I got 4 donations through it in months and that was when it was about $5 for 1, it was $120 for 1 the last time i checked so I doubt many are going to donate much that way (and i dont know wtf to do with them when i have them, i really need to look into it more)

I am not going to lie, every tracker needs cash from its members or it just wont survive, even if i had a good job, I would not pay what its costing me a month to run this, and ads just dont work on private trackers + i hate them, so if I hate them why should you put up with them.

at a guess i would say the op was louie, cant see James/Newbody/acopy/omegades or countless other X staff, maybe tony but i cant even see him bringing this up as he wasnt involved in it. (only a complete guess though but the only one i can think of to bring this back up)

water off a ducks back anyway to me now, do not care who it is or what shite they try to chuck my way, once I did but 5 years later. meh.

btw i am still friends with regs, he was the one that told me about this thread, he left in a rage fit but we have sorted our differences he doesnt want to be staff anymore but we still get on amicably. So all this Oh regs, why get rid of regs is just bull.

06-01-2013, 09:42 AM
Hey, Rapunzel.

Don't just fuck the fuck off after your ass got handed to you.

Be a good concerned citizen and walk through the rest of your stupid plan for us, now.

06-01-2013, 10:43 PM
Just a thought: I know that the illegal downloading of files at a torrent tracker does not quite equate to a basic human right (although some may argue so), but a dissident in China I think has no shame, in wanting to keep living in his or her country, and keep using his or her government's resources (such as public roads, toilets, water, etc.) despite simultaneously criticising the way it does things, and doing this all in full anonymity to boot, lest they be removed from receiving those things from the party they are criticising.

So I think those 'spineless/coward' allegations are not entirely sound.

Private trackers are not jury-voted democracies (which even themselves have large open holes for corruption as we all know) - they're officially even much less democratic: they are oligarchies (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oligarchy), which funnily enough, is not unlike that of China.

If it were Australia, the worst that could happen to you (if you criticise openly) is public ridicule from the government parties you are criticising. But in China, not so.

Private trackers are China, and I think an anonymous voice of criticism is only a healthy thing for the tracker and its members who care about it - who cares about the accuser, is that not beside the point? Who's the one who people should care about defending himself and having something to prove after all? Methinks the tracker, the party which everyone (outside of the accuser) is actually involved with.

I won't go further (on the idea of 'smart/save face (but cowardly) vs. having a backbone/standing up for what you believe in (but you'll probably, idiotically, die)'), but it's an interesting thought, anyway.

06-01-2013, 11:41 PM
The one thing you got right there is that the possibility of losing the importunity to steal video games doesn't equate to the possibility of losing one's freedom or one's life.Otherwise I believe you're a little confused in your logic.

See here's the weird thing about (for lack of a better term) honour, a person's isn't a function of how much he/she is willing to sell it for but how little.

Think degrees.I suppose most of us idiots or not would be willing to deceive to save our children's lives,probably to save our jobs,maybe if you look like OlegL to get laid but when you start getting down to stuff like lying to get a better seat at a restaurant or for a continuing membership at a torrent site then you begin to separate the good from whatever the word for not good is.

Anyway that's just my point of view but please don't come back with "but the OP isn't lying,he's merely using a bit of subterfuge" at least until you check the definition of subterfuge.

06-02-2013, 03:00 AM
dvd's argument would hold more water if the "theft" were currently happening. There is NO evidence of that beyond some imaginary, arbitrary guesses at how much the site has taken in, and where the money is going- which are based on entirely nothing.

Bottom line, some cowardly scumbag wishes to stir up trouble and controversy about someone who provides him with a free service- and has done so reliably for years.

It is a shame we do not see more threads about how long BCG has been up and running, how many difficulties they have overcome, and how reliable the site is- not to mention it is easy to seed, etc. Gratitude? Anyone? :idunno:

06-02-2013, 10:53 PM
I say fuck it, good for him. Us working folk are the chumps. Stoi found a way to make what i'm guessing is pretty good money by doing nothing but sitting on his fat ass.

*tips hat*

06-04-2013, 12:51 AM
ralphonzo's mom lives off donations, too.

06-04-2013, 03:10 AM
I didn't know this, thanks OP.

06-05-2013, 04:07 PM
Geez, way to let this secret leek, now everyone who owns a website will be trying to generate revenue from it. Unheard of before now...

06-06-2013, 09:59 PM
Stealing property or money is not the same as stealing information. No one is deprived of data when data is stolen, assuming that the data is not destroyed in its original location.

Stealing copyrighted information for your own personal use is not the same as selling stolen copyrighted information for profit, eg. selling bootleg DVDs. Making a living off donations that are said to be strictly for the upkeep of the server that allows file-sharing is similarly unscrupulous.

Thanks for the inaccurate and entirely bias Law lesson:mellow:

Actually it was both accurate and objective as far as the law in most of the civilised world is concerned.

Whilst I don't care for the rest of the drivel in this thread, however worthy somebody is of derision it should always be for a valid reason.

06-07-2013, 12:00 AM
I live in the far North and for anything remotely criminal we simply strand you on a ice flow and watch you slowly drift out to sea to be presumably eaten by narwhals so I find that "civilized World" comment a little condescending.:ermm:

06-07-2013, 04:14 PM
I live in the far North and for anything remotely criminal we simply strand you on a ice flow and watch you slowly drift out to sea to be presumably eaten by narwhals so I find that "civilized World" comment a little condescending.:ermm:

Since you have the freedom to perform such ceremonies I'm sure you would be more offended had I assumed you were indeed part of the civilised world.

Sometimes this civilised world seems lack a little je ne sais quoi... you northerners may have captured just that.