View Full Version : Last one to post wins the internets

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04-04-2018, 09:47 PM
I mean this in all sincerity, if some other nation Russia wanted to damaged the US, they would make very thing that a priority if they could.

Russia is trying to now across the Middle East, and causing shit with all democratic countries, war is money, being right or wrong that is reality and you don't have to be an Economist to figure that out buddy;)
But the US is a superpower, and most nations/countries/allies still know where there bread is buttered and being very careful not to piss them off..
You want the truth, no one know what goes on behind closed doors, and most of the time i don't trust media today, proof of that is all coming out with the Obama administration, and what corrupt shit they did....
One week someone is your allies and your friend and the next who the fuck knows??

PS. Idol , why don't you check and watch what goes on in the UN (or all of them) council meetings?? and see what the world says about the US in public, and then what happens because of the meetings after. They want the US money!!! , Now Trump says what am i getting back in return??
Is that wrong??

04-04-2018, 09:54 PM
Well said, Idol. I strongly suspect that Trump is dismantling the US in order for the rich to buy it back at discount prices. And Putin has billions of dollars to do so-- his fingerprints are everywhere.

What the fuck is wrong with you:slap: Too much Cnn or something, Russia is tied up in the Middle East, and yes stirring up shit everywhere, but the US is never going to allow what you are saying to happen. Again, you pick a side and hope for the best, or when it comes to Countries today, if it makes you Money, that is what they do.
And Russia is ready to ship military arms all over the place, but no one has paid yet, so saying Russia has excess cash flow?? I would have to disagree with you at this point..

You live in a Democratic country that there are rich and poor people, do you think something is going to change??

04-04-2018, 10:02 PM
You scare me and not in a good way like how much porn there is on the internet.

That and if you think people will keep buying no matter the price you should revisit Stehle's post about finding a take-out hamburger to be a financial consideration and maybe try to develop a little empathy for those less fortunate than yourself. :)

04-04-2018, 10:06 PM
Well said, Idol. I strongly suspect that Trump is dismantling the US in order for the rich to buy it back at discount prices. And Putin has billions of dollars to do so-- his fingerprints are everywhere.

What the fuck is wrong with you:slap:

Not enough storage space on this website to list everything. On the plus side at least he's White.

04-04-2018, 10:10 PM
What the fuck is wrong with you:slap:

Not enough storage space on this website to list everything. On the plus side at least he's White.


04-04-2018, 10:25 PM
You scare me and not in a good way like how much porn there is on the internet.
That and if you think people will keep buying no matter the price you should revisit Stehle's post about finding a take-out hamburger to be a financial consideration and maybe try to develop a little empathy for those less fortunate than yourself. :)

No you misunderstood me buddy :) you still have to live, and buy groceries, entertainment, necessities etc. I can tell you lately i have noticed all produce and other things have gone up big time!!, so you look for deals, but you still have to buy them Idol. And saying someone that used to do something all the time may have to cut how many times they do it, that is life and understandable..
Using the example i did a while back, If a package of underwear is from China and it costs $5, and one made in Canada is $8 which one are you going to buy??
some are patriotic (or stupid:unsure:), and buy the more expensive one, that is there choice right?? Trump is not putting Tariffs on everything, proof is in the Canadian and Mexico exemptions, it is the ones that conflict or compete with the US employment circle...
The same as a person that wants a new Flat screen TV with all the options out there you can spend thousands of dollars, or go to Walmart or online and buy a less expensive one, but if you want it, you will find a way to get it, again that is human nature..
Here is something... How many of the younger generation have a home/landline phone today?? I would say next to none!!, but i still have one, and being honest that is what i have been used to for my whole life, now do i really need it or the expense?? Fuck no!! but yet i still have one:)

PS. Truthfully Idol.. Me personally do i think Trump is that smart?? Really i don't know?? But he has not done anything wrong but stir up shit that every other President was chicken shit to do, and does he do it and the most vile way ?? sure he does!!, but he has not made anything worse in the US, the rich are still rich and the poor are still poor, just like every other politician does, and other than Immigration here(our home), what has really changed ?? And do you think Ford here will do a good job or change things??

04-04-2018, 10:55 PM
This should answer your comments Meg....


04-05-2018, 12:57 AM
If you look at how rarely idol and I openly agree on something, that should tell you how ugly this situation is.

04-05-2018, 01:08 AM
If you look at how rarely idol and I openly agree on something, that should tell you how ugly this situation is.

I am not sure how to answer you, or i would never ask certain questions in an open forum Meg, but i can only assume you have your reasons to dislike Trump, but anything he has done in my perspective has only had positive effects or none at all to me, so best i leave it at that and say sure i agree with your points :idunno:

PS. And i assume you know the three people in that picture right?? Again you don't have to be a economist rocket scientist to know the reason they are close right now $$$$$$;)

04-05-2018, 01:24 AM
It's a good time to be rich. The things going on are going to have devastating effects on the middle class and poor.

04-05-2018, 01:54 AM
It's a good time to be rich. The things going on are going to have devastating effects on the middle class and poor.

Again what has changed in all the years you been on earth and so many different presidents or politicians Meg?? And what do you consider rich Meg??
Putting food on the table and putting a roof over the heads of your family members i would consider rich, the fancy restaurants and fancy gadgets are a bonus, and the poor and middle class still seem to find a way to get those too:idunno:..
Again one thing for sure needs to be fixed is your Health Care, do you blame Trump for that as well?? And talking to many American's, if you have a decent job, health benefits are usually connected/offered with it...
So what has changed for you right now Meg?? You have a new job (mazel tov again), you are making money that is a positive right?? Unemployment is down in the US....
You will get tax breaks as promised, will the rich get better breaks?? yes they will, and always will, that is life and reality Meg, and no president is going to change that..

Here is a thought for you Meg... Someone has a good job but needs some extra doe, so they get a second job, but holy shit it puts them in a different tax bracket now!!!
so now they lose 40% to tax instead of 30%, now you say it is not worth it to work because you are paying more tax, but you are taking home more money to pay bills and get a few more luxuries ....
Some people would say why should i work and make more money and pay more tax:huh:
Again the rich pay large amounts of personal tax (that is a fact!!), but if they own the business there is loopholes to save, but not on personal income period!!! so if your cost of living is more (fancy house, cars, wife:lol:), you pay large tax. Anything close to hundred thousand you are taxed 50%, you make sixty thousand you are taxed 40%, work out hourly rate who makes more?? and if you think like that you will never be rich ;)

PS. That is just a broad example of the tax rate, tax rate is scaled meaning first 35 thousand 30% next to 60 thousand 40.% over 80 thousand 50% for example purposes...And i know you understand and know that as well...:)
PPS. Meg, in the 8 years a a piece of shit!! democrat was in office, did you make more money or did anything change to benefit you?? Really i don't know??

04-05-2018, 07:00 AM
Slapping tariffs on Chinese exports won't make the country better off. This sort of mercantilism has seen its day, roughly 300 years ago, and been surpassed by better economic policies.
But if a product is imported to the US and can be manufactured in the US and sold competitively, and give Americans jobs, do you see a problem in that??

Again i don't see a problem in that, what else you got??

I have a problem with it. It's anti-competitive, it limits choice. It drives up costs. Is that enough?

04-05-2018, 12:18 PM
It's a good time to be rich. The things going on are going to have devastating effects on the middle class and poor.

Again what has changed in all the years you been on earth and so many different presidents or politicians Meg?? And what do you consider rich Meg??
Putting food on the table and putting a roof over the heads of your family members i would consider rich, the fancy restaurants and fancy gadgets are a bonus, and the poor and middle class still seem to find a way to get those too:idunno:..
Again one thing for sure needs to be fixed is your Health Care, do you blame Trump for that as well?? And talking to many American's, if you have a decent job, health benefits are usually connected/offered with it...
So what has changed for you right now Meg?? You have a new job (mazel tov again), you are making money that is a positive right?? Unemployment is down in the US....
You will get tax breaks as promised, will the rich get better breaks?? yes they will, and always will, that is life and reality Meg, and no president is going to change that..

Here is a thought for you Meg... Someone has a good job but needs some extra doe, so they get a second job, but holy shit it puts them in a different tax bracket now!!!
so now they lose 40% to tax instead of 30%, now you say it is not worth it to work because you are paying more tax, but you are taking home more money to pay bills and get a few more luxuries ....
Some people would say why should i work and make more money and pay more tax:huh:
Again the rich pay large amounts of personal tax (that is a fact!!), but if they own the business there is loopholes to save, but not on personal income period!!! so if your cost of living is more (fancy house, cars, wife:lol:), you pay large tax. Anything close to hundred thousand you are taxed 50%, you make sixty thousand you are taxed 40%, work out hourly rate who makes more?? and if you think like that you will never be rich ;)

PS. That is just a broad example of the tax rate, tax rate is scaled meaning first 35 thousand 30% next to 60 thousand 40.% over 80 thousand 50% for example purposes...And i know you understand and know that as well...:)
PPS. Meg, in the 8 years a a piece of shit!! democrat was in office, did you make more money or did anything change to benefit you?? Really i don't know??

Condensed version of the above. Let them eat cake.

Also I'm fairly sure that a lot companies found that they could avoid giving their employees proper benefits if they worked around morality by just hiring more people but only as part-time. I'll give a pass to this rather slimy practice to companies that are financially struggling but not to trillion dollar enterprises like Walmart where it's not so much about saving money as it is about maximizing profits at the cost of human suffering.

Btw if anything I just said isn't completely true then tough beans, I'm just going to be like Trump and lie and pretend it is anyway.

04-05-2018, 01:03 PM
But if a product is imported to the US and can be manufactured in the US and sold competitively, and give Americans jobs, do you see a problem in that??
Again i don't see a problem in that, what else you got??
I have a problem with it. It's anti-competitive, it limits choice. It drives up costs. Is that enough?

Nothing is stopping the imports from coming in Skiz, actually giving a playing field for competition, and lets assume even with the tariffs, maybe they still can sell the products cheaper than local, but they make less profits?? Is that possible?? And do you really think that is going to stop imports?? I can say every economy needs imports and exports..
I don't see you complaining about all the box stores closing because Internet sales are way up and cheaper to buy?? Thousands of people losing jobs, Soon is that going to be a choice??
Like one company dominating sales on the internet, and running his operation with way less employees, how does a brick and mortar store compete?? Again this falls into an Idol thing where greed takes over in some cases. So how do you fix that??
Example.. There used to be dollar stores all over the place, and i mean different independent owners, now someone gets the idea to start a massive chain of stores, which gives it way more buying power, now that company goes public and pretty much kills all the little guys to compete, now you go into those chain stores and now see how many things are still a dollar that should be?? less than half, they jacked the prices because they can by killing off all the small guys. Again greed/profits take over and that is that. How do you fix that?? And yes it is still cheaper than say going to Walmart even, but could they sell it for cheaper and still make profit? Yes they can..
The same some people have different views of convenience, to be honest i prefer not to purchase things online, but without a doubt in most cases it is way cheaper to do that, so now you scout in what box/retail stores are left, check it out in person, and if they don't have a price match policy common sense forces you to purchase it online today. Being a brick a mortar store owner your whole life or generations, who employs many people can't survive anymore. Is that really progress??

I am just saying.....

04-05-2018, 01:24 PM
Condensed version of the above. Let them eat cake.
Also I'm fairly sure that a lot companies found that they could avoid giving their employees proper benefits if they worked around morality by just hiring more people but only as part-time. I'll give a pas to this rather slimy practice to companies that are financially struggling but not to trillion dollar enterprises like Walmart were it's not so much about saving money as it is about maximizing profits at the cost of human suffering.
Btw if anything I just said isn't completely true then tough beans, I'm just going to be like Trump and lie and pretend it is anyway.

No you would be 100% right Idol, making shorter shifts (not full work weeks), scams them not to pay benefits etc. Some do and some don't, and really is there a way you can fix that?? I see that in the new hospitals being built, they hire people part time to avoid certain benefits, and wages negotiated, so there are some complaints, but look who is being hired now, unless you specialize, immigration has now taken those jobs.
A discussion was taken place around the Seder table this year about the minimum wage increase, so when it goes to $15 per hour here, what happens to the people that were making $15 already?? so if it went from $11.50 minimum, all the other people hourly going to get the same or some sort of raise?? If not what does it do for moral in the other jobs, or better yet loyalty?? Then comes out that at least the place you work is still in business and you have a job??

Is there really a solution?? They tried to scream Union at Walmart at one time and they were ready to close there doors in Canada, would that have been better or worse??
To me and seeing it for myself in negotiations and seeing the corruption/greed with Unions and workarounds so you can still make a product and make a living, having a Union in your plant is possible, ya that may help, but when a small retailer owner trying to make a living makes say $30 per hour and a guy driving a TTC bus or working in the subway or a Union electrician makes double or triple that, and a portion of that is given to the people running the Union, is that better??

04-05-2018, 02:05 PM
What if the last one to post wins the drawing room ? :ph34r:

04-05-2018, 02:58 PM
What if i have a tendency to post democrats ?lol
Then i have to suppress it

04-05-2018, 03:07 PM
My accounting course is progressing slowly , now that is a good news for me
The current subject is about estimation
I divided the subject like this and made an avatar for it . lol
The avatar represents the accounting transactions
Estimations and such
From the past information to the present plan for the future forecasting
Estimation can be for different purposes , as a manager one can set some standards and can estimate even the performance of the employees against a set of standard .

Supply and demand still is such an important concept
The other objective is clearly maximization of profit
But then comes competition .

Competition could only mean one thing , a better estimation of cost .The keyword here is estimation .

Thus was the subject what we call commerce

04-05-2018, 08:18 PM
What if the last one to post wins the drawing room ? :ph34r:

What if i have a tendency to post democrats ?lol
Then i have to suppress it

4 + 4 =

Please answer the above calculation, so that it may be confirmed you are not a bot.

Re-Captcha (TM)

04-06-2018, 03:52 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.

04-06-2018, 04:06 PM
What if i have a tendency to post democrats ?lol
Then i have to suppress it

4 + 4 =

Please answer the above calculation, so that it may be confirmed you are not a bot.

Re-Captcha (TM)

Eight , of course

We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.

Anok Yai , nice name , What does that name mean ? Why would her parents name her Anok Yai

What if Naomi Campbell is her real mother ?

04-06-2018, 04:22 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral. Mark Zuckerberg's algorithm needs to stop telling me what I'm suppose to like and seriously fuck off.

04-06-2018, 04:50 PM
Is somebody gonna talk to this jew about those paragraphs? Does it know that it isn't paid by word count?

04-06-2018, 05:12 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.

Yes, would.

04-06-2018, 05:44 PM
Mark Zuckerberg's algorithm needs to stop telling me what I'm suppose to like and seriously fuck off.


04-06-2018, 07:17 PM
Is somebody gonna talk to this jew about those paragraphs? Does it know that it isn't paid by word count?


04-06-2018, 07:48 PM
Dion: ;)


She is stunning:)

04-06-2018, 08:09 PM
More black women:

04-06-2018, 08:20 PM
I like your avatar when it looks to the right , It looks like Steven Spielberg's bawls hanging out out of his pants

04-06-2018, 08:22 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral. Mark Zuckerberg's algorithm needs to stop telling me what I'm suppose to like and seriously fuck off.



04-06-2018, 08:24 PM
More black women:

One minute

Hello stupid man son

04-06-2018, 08:42 PM
More black women:

If you are going to switch to Victoria Secret models Dion, this one actually tickles my fancy, and maybe another part of my body:whistling


I would add this one to my bucket list, but that ain't going to happen:cry:

04-06-2018, 08:47 PM
I always fuck myself in the head after midnight

04-06-2018, 08:54 PM



04-06-2018, 09:54 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.

Best I can do is $5.

04-06-2018, 10:12 PM
We're breaking the usual program to do nothing, to tell you that this girl, the new sensation of the internet and after this picture with her became viral, was complexed during her adolescence "because she was too black". Her name is Anok Yai, she's from Sudan and I don't know white women more beautiful than her.
Best I can do is $5.

I see your $5, and raise you $5.05 :unsure:

04-07-2018, 01:59 PM
Best I can do is $5.

In principle I'm against paying for that sort of thing.

04-08-2018, 01:11 AM
Best I can do is $5.

In principle I'm against paying for that sort of thing.

Well, that's just racist. :noes:

04-08-2018, 01:13 AM
Sometimes it takes a hero...

04-08-2018, 01:49 AM
In principle I'm against paying for that sort of thing.

Well, that's just racist. :noes:

Yeah, if everyone had that sort of attitude Meg's mother would never have made enough money to keep food on the table.

04-08-2018, 02:00 AM
Well, that's just racist. :noes:
Yeah, if everyone had that sort of attitude Meg's mother would never have made enough money to keep food on the table.

Are you sure she did:unsure:

What if she was a Butter-face??

Watching UFC :)

04-08-2018, 07:00 PM
Does any of the posters in this last one thread knows which disassembler to use properly .
Maybe i should be looking for one with a good IDE
With numbers and stuff
I have the application and i have PE explorer and IDA pro

I know there are a million people stuck at this level .

How do you think crackers crack these application .
Do they simply copy paste the code and take a print out and work on it ? Lol

04-08-2018, 08:01 PM
Now that aside , working towards a more serious goal . Lol

04-08-2018, 08:51 PM
How to be more serious and strict in life ,at the same time its important to have some fun .

04-09-2018, 04:21 AM
One thing i know for sure is that you cannot live without a proper avatar and sig in these pretty close to 2020 century .

04-09-2018, 07:43 AM
Life sucks bawls when you don't have anything to stare into .

04-10-2018, 06:06 AM
Since no one is posting , i declare myself as the winner .
It all goes back to donations you see .Lol

04-10-2018, 06:18 AM
American politics . Lol
The democraps and the replublican puppies should mind their own business .
/Me lols at the diplomacy and the diplomatic wankers

If you dont have an intention to work on peace or spread peace , we will fund the ISIL , the Al qaeda and the Hezbollah

04-10-2018, 06:49 AM
I was thinking about giving my username and password to my ex girl friend .Lol

At the next opportunity of a contact i am going to do that .Lol

04-10-2018, 01:27 PM
...my ex girl friend . Just a guess but probably has something to do with you having a micro-weenie and being certifiable.

Mr. Mulder
04-10-2018, 02:58 PM
Ex girlfriend now current boyfriend?

04-10-2018, 06:42 PM
Sick of arranging some stuff again and again , for the learning purpose as usual of course

04-10-2018, 06:44 PM
Wait , Multiple accounts means only one thing . Multiple donations statuses coming soon to these three .
If you let me stay , This arrangement of these accounts and the satisfaction that follows could be one of the reasons i can seriously quit smoking .
I am like trying to add content to life .Lol

04-10-2018, 06:47 PM
Trying to figure out a few things .

04-10-2018, 06:55 PM
Sometimes i have no idea what i am doing .Thousand apologies .

04-11-2018, 07:22 PM
Other than downloading files using a BitTorrent client , what could one possibly do ?

04-11-2018, 08:00 PM
Not pretending to be different people while talking to yourself would be a start.

04-11-2018, 10:27 PM
Not pretending to be different people while talking to yourself would be a start.

What are essentially the advanced stages of schizophrenia.

04-12-2018, 02:33 PM
Not knowing where exactly your head is ?

Mr. Mulder
04-17-2018, 07:19 AM
Why is there loads of shitty fake accounts again, it's making life hell for the genuine 5 of us.

04-17-2018, 10:17 AM
Why is there loads of shitty fake accounts again, it's making life hell for the genuine 5 of us.

:unsure: :yup:

04-17-2018, 04:24 PM
Why is there loads of shitty fake accounts again, it's making life hell for the genuine 5 of us.

Also too bad that on top of that he's as boring as fuck.

04-17-2018, 04:25 PM
Say what you like about most other psychopaths but at least they hold your attention.

04-17-2018, 04:28 PM
Also I see what you mean abut Far Cry 5.

There are inconsequential spots where I can't move 50 fucking feet without having to fight another group of completely pointless bad guys.

04-18-2018, 02:35 PM
this shit is still alive:blink:

04-18-2018, 10:43 PM

I wonder if the "ass like a 10-year-old boy" line would fly today :eyebrows:

Mr. Mulder
04-19-2018, 05:56 AM
Also I see what you mean abut Far Cry 5.

There are inconsequential spots where I can't move 50 fucking feet without having to fight another group of completely pointless bad guys.

Whurd. I saw that through to the end and the ending was pretty decent, there's not much out now for sexbawcks. I'm playing Halo 5 for the first time, it's 100GB and it's boring. Also heard that this year's call of booty, black cocks 4 will be the first not to have a story campaign apparently it's all going to be online like that destiny stuffs :ermm: October will be a good month as its that and red dead 2 red harder

04-22-2018, 01:26 PM

04-23-2018, 08:01 PM

Not anymore.:P

04-23-2018, 08:57 PM
Hey friends (and Idol)...

I haven't been around much because my life has suddenly taken a huge downturn.

The short of it: over the course of a week, I have almost entirely lost the use of my legs.

I had an MRI done, which shows degeneration of my lower vertebrae. I will be seeing an oncologist/blood specialist because there are abnormalities in my marrow (something to do with platelets)

I learned that after 95 minutes inside an MRI machine, I was ready to give up national secrets and/or confess to being the 2nd shooter in the JFK assassination.

At this point, I am uncertain if I will ever walk again.

Replies may `take a few days...

I hope you are all doing well. Life can change in an instant.

04-23-2018, 09:25 PM
Hey friends (and Idol)...
The short of it: over the course of a week, I have almost entirely lost the use of my legs.
I had an MRI done, which shows degeneration of my lower vertebrae Everybody and there mother has this. I will be seeing an oncologist/blood specialist because there are abnormalities in my marrow (something to do with platelets) This is not good!!!!!

I learned that after 95 minutes inside an MRI machine, I was ready to give up national secrets and/or confess to being the 2nd shooter in the JFK assassination.
At this point, I am uncertain if I will ever walk again.
Replies may `take a few days...
I hope you are all doing well. Life can change in an instant.

Serious Note:...
Hey Meg... I wish you well buddy, and i know it is hard but try to think positive and hopefully things can be fixed. Keep in touch and if you need support you know where to find people (Including Idol). My wife is an expert when it comes to MRI machines, thank G-D they actually have them today, to find the bigger problems and try to fix them:yup:, Did they inject/do the dye MRI test??
Again i wish you well and happiness Buddy.....


04-23-2018, 09:37 PM
They say that laughter is the best medicine. I learnt that from Reader's Digest and also from a guy whose cancer went into remission after I made fun of the way his face looked.

I would totally be willing to make fun of your face if you think it may help. :(

04-23-2018, 10:01 PM
They say that laughter is the best medicine. I learnt that from Reader's Digest and also from a guy whose cancer went into remission after I made fun of the way his face looked.
I would totally be willing to make fun of your face if you think it may help. :(

There really is truth about that Idol:)(The laughter part, readers digest:unsure:), and again adding thinking positive helps as well, Even for a Putz like Meg:console:

Meg: Get fixed/better buddy:hug: (You believing or not may Hashem be there for you)

PS. Are you watching the news Idol?? Whats going on at Yonge and Finch/Sheppard ?? Looks like it is coming here now:noes: Fucking Trudeau!!!!!

PPS..!! That was the area i was raised?grew up!!!!, scary shit Idol!!! The area has changed big time!!!!

04-24-2018, 06:10 AM
Let this be a lesson of what happens when you spend too much time on your knees. :no:

Seriously tho, that's terrible. Can they do any sort of fusion to repair or is this some sort of facet issue? :unsure:

04-24-2018, 06:48 AM
Hey friends (and Idol)...

I haven't been around much because my life has suddenly taken a huge downturn.

The short of it: over the course of a week, I have almost entirely lost the use of my legs.

I had an MRI done, which shows degeneration of my lower vertebrae. I will be seeing an oncologist/blood specialist because there are abnormalities in my marrow (something to do with platelets)

I learned that after 95 minutes inside an MRI machine, I was ready to give up national secrets and/or confess to being the 2nd shooter in the JFK assassination.

At this point, I am uncertain if I will ever walk again.

Replies may `take a few days...

I hope you are all doing well. Life can change in an instant.

Harsh, mate. I've got a spot on my dick, if that's any comfort to you.

I suppose you've earned the right to take that 'professional malingerer' title down now. I retract my earlier statements about you being a lazy, lackadaisical layabout.

You are now a raspberry ripple :smilie4:

04-25-2018, 01:21 AM
Hey friends (and Idol)...

I haven't been around much because my life has suddenly taken a huge downturn.

The short of it: over the course of a week, I have almost entirely lost the use of my legs.

I had an MRI done, which shows degeneration of my lower vertebrae. I will be seeing an oncologist/blood specialist because there are abnormalities in my marrow (something to do with platelets)

I learned that after 95 minutes inside an MRI machine, I was ready to give up national secrets and/or confess to being the 2nd shooter in the JFK assassination.

At this point, I am uncertain if I will ever walk again.

Replies may `take a few days...

I hope you are all doing well. Life can change in an instant.

Damn, mate, I'm sorry to hear that. Hang in there, keep a cool head (when bad news like these hit it's easy to get desperate and then go downhill from there), and make sure you've got good doctors.

Mr. Mulder
04-25-2018, 06:05 AM
Shit sorry dawg that's harsh as fuck :no: there's all kinds of shit they can do with robots these days maybe they'll give you some sick parts?? I'm no medical doctor but I'm almost certain legs always grow back.

04-26-2018, 03:45 AM
An update for all of the wonderful, awesome, kind friends here (and Idol): MRI found spinal cord injury-- am having spinal surgery tomorrow afternoon. 3-4 vertebrae and at least one disc. I have the information written down, but still taking this all in. 5 weeks before I will see home again. Lots of rehabilitation ahead of me.

04-26-2018, 04:25 AM
An update for all of the wonderful, awesome, kind friends here (and Idol): MRI found spinal cord injury-- am having spinal surgery tomorrow afternoon. 3-4 vertebrae and at least one disc. I have the information written down, but still taking this all in. 5 weeks before I will see home again. Lots of rehabilitation ahead of me.

That's gonna be a tough 5-ish weeks but fk it, if it's operable then they must think they can improve the situation and thats a plus. Hang in there.

04-26-2018, 07:19 AM
That's gonna be a tough 5-ish weeks but fk it, if it's operable then they must think they can improve the situation and thats a plus. Hang in there.

Agree completely :)

04-26-2018, 07:32 PM
Hope everything turns out alright.

04-27-2018, 07:21 PM
why do people smoke when they are bored ? why cant they do something else .i cannot think of a million things to do when i am bored. Tried to reverse engineer a crappy application , but got stuck with subroutines and instruction pointers .That is not all the , program was way too big to analyze


Most people start smoking when they are young. They see their parents do it, someone they admire, or to look cool (fit in). Cigarettes are very addictive. I don't think its boredom.

04-27-2018, 07:34 PM
An update for all of the wonderful, awesome, kind friends here (and Idol): MRI found spinal cord injury-- am having spinal surgery tomorrow afternoon. 3-4 vertebrae and at least one disc. I have the information written down, but still taking this all in. 5 weeks before I will see home again. Lots of rehabilitation ahead of me.

I'm conflicted. While I have sympathy for you, you still lost me 100 bucks. I bet the MRI would find everything was a result of something massively wrong with your brain.

Are you absolutely sure the quacks checked? I mean the signs were all clearly pointing in that direction.

04-28-2018, 02:11 PM
MBM I don't really know you but I would say don't worry, spinal surgery isn't all it's cracked up to be. Ask me how I know...(I had L5S1 Hernia Extraction (Laminectomy and Discectomy) done on me some time ago)

I would only say do everything the Doctor and Physiotherapist tell you to do, and don't get creative with anything outside of what they say. Otherwise the pain recovery period will lead to another pain period. Again, ask me how I know...

04-29-2018, 02:20 PM
Thank you for your kind words and care, Shin. I have made it through the surgery. I don't feel "broken" afterwards, so I look forward to healing. I am in good hands, and apparently have sufficient med coverage to not be thrown into the street. I definitely *hurt* in a lot of my body. They are also being generous with pain pills.

04-30-2018, 08:38 AM
why do people smoke when they are bored ? why cant they do something else .i cannot think of a million things to do when i am bored. Tried to reverse engineer a crappy application , but got stuck with subroutines and instruction pointers .That is not all the , program was way too big to analyze


Most people start smoking when they are young. They see their parents do it, someone they admire, or to look cool (fit in). Cigarettes are very addictive. I don't think its boredom.

People start to fit in with their peers rather than their parents. Kids will see their parents smoke and often decide not to, as its uncool to do what your parents do.

Mr. Mulder
04-30-2018, 10:06 AM
I stopped smoking because it didn't look like I had a robots dick in my mouth which is why I now vape.

Mr. Mulder
04-30-2018, 10:07 AM
Playing that assasins creed origin its pretty dope, never liked a single one of the previous gheymes but this one is different, you can run over brown people with your camel toes.

04-30-2018, 04:27 PM
Playing that assasins creed origin its pretty dope, never liked a single one of the previous gheymes but this one is different, you can run over brown people with your camel toes.

Aladdin's Creed was pretty good. I think they really missed an opportunity by including a suicide bomber mini-game though.

Personally I like the English and pirate Creed games better although like Far Cry, they are basically all the same game and we are all suckers for believing there is any difference.

Speaking of Far Cry. I've played through 5 a couple of times now and rate it a I really really hate the ending.

04-30-2018, 04:32 PM
Thank you for your kind words and care, Shin. I have made it through the surgery. I don't feel "broken" afterwards, so I look forward to healing. I am in good hands, and apparently have sufficient med coverage to not be thrown into the street. I definitely *hurt* in a lot of my body. They are also being generous with pain pills.


Best wishes on a full and speedy recovery, homo.

Mr. Mulder
04-30-2018, 08:01 PM
Playing that assasins creed origin its pretty dope, never liked a single one of the previous gheymes but this one is different, you can run over brown people with your camel toes.

Aladdin's Creed was pretty good. I think they really missed an opportunity by including a suicide bomber mini-game though.

Personally I like the English and pirate Creed games better although like Far Cry, they are basically all the same game and we are all suckers for believing there is any difference.

Speaking of Far Cry. I've played through 5 a couple of times now and rate it a I really really hate the ending.

The ending was megahomo, I think 3 is still the winrar. And Wurd assasins, Farcry, wildlands and watchdogs are all the same guys in different clothes. I've put about 5 hours into Origins and only just seen opening credits its absolutly huge (penis) but I guess a lot of it is just sand just like the real durkadurkastan. Hoping E3 in June let's rip some big ones that aren't already rumoured. Bethesda has a space fallout in the works or something else :eyebrows:

05-01-2018, 03:20 AM
Thank you for your kind words and care, Shin. I have made it through the surgery. I don't feel "broken" afterwards, so I look forward to healing. I am in good hands, and apparently have sufficient med coverage to not be thrown into the street. I definitely *hurt* in a lot of my body. They are also being generous with pain pills.

In other words, you now have more time than ever for Netflix! :D

05-01-2018, 07:56 AM
Still kinda getting paid to not do anything, too-- insurance policies are covering for my lazy butt. :afro::pimp:

05-01-2018, 08:02 AM
Thank you for your kind words and care, Shin. I have made it through the surgery. I don't feel "broken" afterwards, so I look forward to healing. I am in good hands, and apparently have sufficient med coverage to not be thrown into the street. I definitely *hurt* in a lot of my body. They are also being generous with pain pills.


Best wishes on a full and speedy recovery, homo.
A quick reenactment of my injury:


Mr. Mulder
05-01-2018, 12:14 PM
Just finished that new 4 part Bobby Kennedy doc on Netflix, being an ignorant piece of shit I didn't really know anything about him. It was good, he seemed good but then the shadow government killed him and blamed a Mexican :idunno:

05-01-2018, 06:45 PM
Meg PMed me and just wanted me to pass on that he thinks Shay is a big fag and also possibly ghey.

05-01-2018, 10:37 PM
Meg PMed me and just wanted me to pass on that he thinks Shay is a big fag and also possibly ghey.

That's anti-semitic :snooty:

05-02-2018, 08:43 PM
European news!


05-03-2018, 04:49 PM
European news!

Written by an anonymous internet contributor. It's definitely true and not just someone trying to spread anti-something propaganda then.

05-03-2018, 10:00 PM
European news!


Our definitions of news differ quite a bit.

05-06-2018, 12:11 PM
nope it doesn't

Mr. Mulder
05-15-2018, 04:28 PM
Finished Assasins creed origins just now fucking sick ending! I enjoyed the shit out of that game. I'm at home all week doing an "attend from anywhere" course on "supporting Windows 10". It's basic as fuck and a complete waste of the companies training budget but we're half way through a 7 to 10 migration so they seem to think it's relevant... I'm webexing in from home instead of having the ballache 2 hour trip to London each day to be trapped in a classroom. Today I had them on mute for a good 5 hours while I did Egypt stuffs, it was a good day.

05-15-2018, 07:54 PM
I guess the company are going through one of those "ensuring everyone is certified" even if it is far below the competency of some employees?

05-16-2018, 02:17 AM
I'm at home all week doing an "attend from anywhere" course on "supporting Windows 10". It's basic as fuck and a complete waste of the companies training budget but we're half way through a 7 to 10 migration so they seem to think it's relevant...

That's interesting when you consider support for Windows 7 ends on 2020, and companies usually wait until that and then some to migrate.

As I remember, many UK military systems run XP to this day...

Mr. Mulder
05-16-2018, 05:57 AM
Yeah we're surprisingly early, not only is it a 10 and 365 migration but also a hardware refresh as the three year lease came to an end. It is a mahoosive job! New hardware, new OS, new group policy then throw hyper/app-v and sccm into the mix. All for roughly a 2000 strong user base divided into different BUs with their own legacy applications.

There was of course UAT before hand but so much still doesn't work :no: I spend half my days manually installing ODBC stuffs that apparently couldn't be packaged :no:

05-16-2018, 04:06 PM
That seems exceedingly awful. You must be usually mentally stable to have not killed yourself by now.

Mr. Mulder
05-16-2018, 05:19 PM
The trick is to be dead inside. :mushy: Off to Belfast Saturday for a few days to "upgrade" all their shizz, 36 users. They'll all hate it plus Belfast hate the Brits anywaize. There's parts of town there I stay away from :ermm: then Wednesday I'm on holiday going to Amsterdam for 4 days to drink weed and see a secks show with the misses :smilie4:

05-16-2018, 05:26 PM
I do hope you have a real-talk to crappy-fake-arse-pretend filter when you add these. If not then well done, I guess for speaking out to 12yr olds.

05-18-2018, 07:16 PM
Alert - Shitty news !


Mr. Mulder
05-26-2018, 10:14 PM
Just got back from Amsterdam it was so, so fucking hot there. It was like walking on the sun. Got the metro from the airport to the center, walked straight to the red light district, walked past some rough old whores in windows with visable c sections, straight to the bulldog cafe and got a gram of lemon haze for 11 euros. Then went and checked in at hotel, no smoking in the rooms so I went outside after rolling a phat space trumpet and was greeted by loads of other cool kids doing the same thing. Discovered it wasn't lemon haze at all. After that I spent a few hours sat down as I haven't smoked in 4 years and instantly regretted it after disappointing looks from the misses. Then we went to Ann Franks House, that was pretty good. I was expecting loads of home alone style traps but it was all safe enough. There's a pancake place right next door to it and it's not even called Ann Cakes, poor marketing. On the final day today we went up the i360 the tallest building there which has a swingset on top that swings over the building, that was terrifying. They take photos while your on it and let you buy them. Unfortunately I was pulling a homosexual face and so we couldn't buy them.

On one of the days we returned to the red light late at night, its chaos. They have almost entirely visable urinals in the street the place stinks of pish. A large black man asked if I wanted to buy some powder. The whores looked top notch though, like brazzer quality. They stand there in their underpants bouncing around waving you in, its a delight to watch. The sex museum was a tourist trap, my hdds contain more exotic material. Overall, it was OK.

Mr. Mulder
05-27-2018, 07:54 AM
What's a decent torrent site that isn't 100% full of fakes, it's getting near impossible to steal stuffs :dabs:

05-27-2018, 10:04 PM
What's a decent torrent site that isn't 100% full of fakes, it's getting near impossible to steal stuffs :dabs: 1337x.to or rarbg.to but being public trackers you really have to be careful about not running afoul of the authorities.

I've downloaded a ton of shit from those two sites but nothing "important" like Stair Wares or Triple A game titles without problem.

I'd offer you an invite to a private tracker but we both know you'll just end up getting banned there and put my account in jeopardy.

If you really want a private tracker I suggest making a request in the bt section. I'm sure no one there reads any other section of FST or reads period and will be tricked by age of your account and your number of posts into thinking you can be trusted.

Mr. Mulder
05-28-2018, 06:12 AM
Thanks homie I'll try those ones and yes I cannot be trusted, i am the I in Team. The U in Cunt :mushy:

05-28-2018, 12:21 PM
I hope I didn't come off as too disparaging. By any non-bt tracker measure, you are leaps and bounds better than 100% of the personality challenged, sycophantic cunts that populate and staff most "elite" sites.

The World is funny place.

05-29-2018, 07:46 AM
Speaking of trips to hot places, I came to Budapest with my brother and am amazed with how hot the average native girl is.

Yesterday we went to visit Vienna and try the wiederschnitzel, apfelstrudle and schnapps.

We were pished by the time we took the bus back to -pest.

05-29-2018, 08:18 AM
I think the trick to life is not owning stuff.

I used to think owning stuff was everything. Now I realise owning stuff is simply a way to control you.

True freedom is owning nothing.

That's why I stream stuffs instead of downloading them now.

OK, you need to own 2 things, a TV and a Firestick....

Mr. Mulder
05-29-2018, 11:04 AM
I'm paying for NowTV, Netshitz & Prime. All three never have what I want, PB is full of fakes so I'm basically giving up money and time to still not see the Nazi Fart porn I yearn for.

NowTV is especially shit. They'll add the very latest movies like Jurassic Park 1 or Ghost busters 2 under their "New Releases" section, then they'll take them away only to re add them a few months later as "New releases" again...

Prime is a load bollocks too, they'll give you the first 1 or 2 seasons of something for "free" but when you get to the one after you find its not included in prime and can only be bought :dabs:

Mr. Mulder
05-29-2018, 11:29 AM
Are you cunts watching Westworld? It's like watching paint dry! I forced myself through the first season where almost nothing happened. Got two into this current one before giving up. It's basically Lost. They answer questions with questions you don't want the answers to, characters progress at a snails pace and throwing in the odd bit of violence to flesh it out. Robots talking about the nature of existence makes me want to open my wrists. Just do sex stuffs or stfu!!! :dabs:

05-29-2018, 12:05 PM
I try to limit my viewing to only the stuff that Michael Bay passed on as being too infantile and sexist even for him.

05-29-2018, 05:30 PM
I watched the Tomb Raider reboot with Alicia Vikander.

You really have to wonder who they thought this articular take would appeal to. Maybe people who wanted something sexless, humourless, adventure-deprived but with a few unlikable, underwritten characters and a bit of bad CGI.

05-30-2018, 08:15 AM
Are you cunts watching Westworld? It's like watching paint dry! I forced myself through the first season where almost nothing happened. Got two into this current one before giving up. It's basically Lost. They answer questions with questions you don't want the answers to, characters progress at a snails pace and throwing in the odd bit of violence to flesh it out. Robots talking about the nature of existence makes me want to open my wrists. Just do sex stuffs or stfu!!! :dabs:

It's on my list of things to watch, like you I struggled to stay awake through the first season. So... looking forward to it... :dabs:

See also - The Man in the High Castle.

Lost in Space is good! Recommend that to the max!

Mr. Mulder
05-31-2018, 10:05 AM
Lost in Space is good...? I saw that it has an American child in it with an American child's voice and immediately cut both my ears off.

That Billions is absolute macks kwality, the main protagonist is fat and ugly so it's different. It's the highlight of my week :smilie4:

05-31-2018, 05:06 PM
Lost in Space ...

I don't do politically correct, female empowerment reboots.

I'm fine with female heroines and diverse casts but when it's so patently obvious that the characters have been drawn simply to meet the wish fulfillment of a bunch of millennial with no core values except those that are force feed to them then thanks but I'll pass.

Billions on the other hand is fine because everyone regardless race or sex is allowed to be bad (or good) and there's bewbs.

Mr. Mulder
05-31-2018, 07:15 PM
The misses watches some shitty marvel thing that's all kids, theres a strong white male, a misunderstood black who does crime by accident, a chubby lezzer, a tryhard Asian and a white popular blonde and I think there's even a Korean it's like a fucking UN summit. All of them living in show homes with hawt mums and "real life issues". I'd rather not have eyes than be in the same room as it again.

One day soon Batman will be portrayed by a strong Hispanic female.

Something Else
05-31-2018, 08:10 PM
This week, I have mostly been watching, Nowt. Nothing at all. The last episode of television has finished. It's over. Time for bed.

05-31-2018, 11:57 PM
Movies and TV has taken a huge dip in quality the last few years. That's partly to blame on "reality" TV. It's much cheaper to make and the profit is the same or better than half hour comedies or hour long dramas. But it's also no more original ideas and bad remakes. Look at all the old hit TV shows coming back for a mini-run. This makes me miss the 80's.

06-04-2018, 01:38 AM
The misses watches some shitty marvel thing that's all kids, theres a strong white male, a misunderstood black who does crime by accident, a chubby lezzer, a tryhard Asian and a white popular blonde and I think there's even a Korean it's like a fucking UN summit. All of them living in show homes with hawt mums and "real life issues". I'd rather not have eyes than be in the same room as it again.

Runaways or whatever it's called?

I've abstained from that, too.

06-04-2018, 07:56 AM
Lost in Space ...

I don't do politically correct, female empowerment reboots.

Never saw the original so... :dabs:

06-04-2018, 03:54 PM
Probably like the majority of people who watch. Definitely less a problem then but for the minority of us who have it's a bit like someone rewriting history or in other words Ghostbusters 2016 or in other other words, sod off and create your own stuff you feckless hacks.

06-04-2018, 06:40 PM
Ah. That probably explains why I thought that new Tomb Raider was actually a half-decent movie.

Never saw the original with Angelina.

Mr. Mulder
06-04-2018, 07:31 PM
I like them terrible resident evil films, they're all dog shit but I've seen all 6 of them more than once. I want Milla jovovich to piss in my mouth and put cigarettes out on my ball sack.

06-04-2018, 08:27 PM
Ah. That probably explains why I thought that new Tomb Raider was actually a half-decent movie.

Never saw the original with Angelina.

Also shit but at least back in ancient times they had the good sense to at least cast someone with charisma to play a character that required tons it.

Geez what's next? A Han Solo played by some unlikable unknown douchebag with a face that you really want to punch? Nah, they'd never be dumb enough to do that.

06-05-2018, 07:34 AM
I watched Krypton but I thought it was shit.

So of course they commissioned a second season :pinch:

06-05-2018, 11:08 PM
It seems like a lot of bad shows are getting renewed these days. Supposedly the networks are trying to give the shows more time to gain an audience. In the past shows were axed if they did not perform right away. A lot of good shows ended early because of that.

06-05-2018, 11:21 PM
Runaways or whatever it's called?

I've abstained from that, too.

Runaways are but one of RealtY's many vices

06-05-2018, 11:24 PM
I was hoping Vikander would succeed at Tomb Raider. I have enjoyed her in everything I have seen her in so far.

06-05-2018, 11:30 PM
I thought it was decent enough for a rainy Sunday afternoon. :)

06-06-2018, 12:33 AM
I thought it was decent enough for a rainy Sunday afternoon. :)
But then you like science fiction so your relationship with reality is probably tenuous at best.:alien:

To be fair, I disagree with some on IMDB calling it the worst movie ever but on the other hand I'd like someone to give me one thing about this movie that was actually good or well done or if you ever felt for the tiniest of moments that the title character was ever at risk.

06-06-2018, 07:04 PM
But then you like science fiction so your relationship with reality is probably tenuous at best.:alien:

To be fair, I disagree with some on IMDB calling it the worst movie ever but on the other hand I'd like someone to give me one thing about this movie that was actually good or well done or if you ever felt for the tiniest of moments that the title character was ever at risk.

Touché! :shifty:

(...sez the man that fell asleep 3 times during the "Avengers: Infinity War" movie in the theater.) :alien: ;)

[To be fair... the new reclining seats now are too damn comfortable!] :yup:

06-06-2018, 11:33 PM
[To be fair... the new reclining seats now are too damn comfortable!] :yup: Translation. The theatre I go to sells alcohol. :shifty:

06-07-2018, 07:47 AM
I like science fiction but I can't abide superhero stuff.

Mr. Mulder
06-07-2018, 08:28 AM

06-09-2018, 08:48 AM
too much science friction can kill
what one needs is freshness in life
no more i know about it , i mean i don't know what that sort of feeling fresh in the head is inside anymore

06-09-2018, 01:12 PM
sci fi is a very broad church - Counterpart is very different to space opera genre like star trek or Superhero franchises like the Arrow

06-09-2018, 01:27 PM
science fiction is science fiction , that is all
its not worth this much talks

06-09-2018, 01:32 PM
my concern right now is my in ability to quit smoking , as soon as i take away the smoking habit from my life , my eyes starts expanding my head feels like a very active hydrogen balloon , nowadays i can feel the expansion in my head as soon as i give the cigarettes a break

i have quit multiple times , it was no big deal , just a dull feeling

let me try once more , today

one final try , mostly because ex girl friend is a whore , wifey is a whore and i have not met that beautiful girl under the right circumstances .

According to my calculation , the right circumstances wont happen until 2019 .

I made few shitty decisions and ends up meeting really crappy people .

was never a fairy tale girl

06-09-2018, 01:37 PM
the business studies i am trying to finish sucks even bigger bawls ,
its a few things going in circles
the management team :-)
the production team :-)
the sales team :-)
the marketing team :-)

06-10-2018, 03:58 PM
I'll bet you would be the worst manager ever.

06-13-2018, 02:43 AM
sci fi is a very broad church - Counterpart is very different to space opera genre like star trek or Superhero franchises like the Arrow

Arrow is terrible. I don't know how that crap is still on. I'd rather watch another 5 or 6 new bad seasons of Smallville, which went downhill after season 3.

06-13-2018, 02:02 PM
I like "The Expanse" the SyFy channels adaption of James S. A. Corey's novels of the same name. Faster paced than the books (http://www.clockworkstorybook.net/tv-shows/difference-between-the-expanse-books-and-tv-show/), but mostly there.

(Read the books (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expanse_(novel_series)) their better.) :alien: ;)


06-13-2018, 05:32 PM

06-13-2018, 06:29 PM
sci fi is a very broad church - Counterpart is very different to space opera genre like star trek or Superhero franchises like the Arrow

Arrow is terrible. I don't know how that crap is still on. I'd rather watch another 5 or 6 new bad seasons of Smallville, which went downhill after season 3.

I think the lesson to be learned here is to probably avoid programs aimed entirely at teenagers unless you happen to be a teenager.

06-14-2018, 02:57 AM
I haven't been a teenager since 1996. I liked Smallville because I was a big superman fan in the 80's. But the show did go down hill at the end of season 3.

I do like sci-fi. I watched Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis. Very good shows. Both ended too soon, more so Atlantis. I watched all the Star Trek shows (except Enterprise). I guess the target audience these days is younger and dumber.

Glad to see "Preacher" season 3 is coming soon. Weird show, but entertaining.

06-14-2018, 11:25 AM
Was there an end to Lost?... must of missed it as I was having a ten year dream*

*just a shite end. keep pressing the button was a better outcome

Mr. Mulder
06-14-2018, 12:50 PM
Me and t'misses have been going through The Sopranos, it's an absolute treat. I think I only watched them all the once as they were broadcast so some of the stuff that happens is actually surprising. I can remember the way it ended though :dabs:

The Sopranos, The Wire and The Shield - that's my trifecta of murcin drama. Breaking Bad was good but there will never come a day where I could sit through it all a third time.

06-14-2018, 02:08 PM
Crossing is worth a punt for current watching, Extinct is worth putting in the effort in as well but my other got bored after 3 eps..... I finished watching alone whilst she was away watching Holby/Casualty or some other generic crap.

06-14-2018, 05:01 PM
Alone season something starts tonight. It's pretty interesting.

06-14-2018, 06:28 PM
1. The fuck you don't.
2. Then don't complain about there not being anything good on.

06-14-2018, 07:10 PM
I didn't ask you to reaffirm my first point.

06-14-2018, 08:14 PM
Westworld 1 is probably the best TV show I have ever seen. Entertaining while stimulating. Very much a trademark of the Nolan brothers. Great acting all around, with a special mention for Anthony Hopkins and that secsy black girl. For just being hawt.

Thinking about going for 2 whilst recovering from fusion in September, perhaps The Handmaid's Tale as well (read the book, absolutely epic).

Have seen The Man in the High Castle having only read the start of the book, and thought Season 1 was better than 2. Apparently 3 is in the works...

Lastly, there was a show on about Genghis Khan, Marco Polo, which was good fun (1 and 2).

Any show, essentially, which doesn't try to be politically correct is already better than most IMO.

06-14-2018, 09:21 PM
Westworld 1 is probably the best TV show I have ever seen... perhaps The Handmaid's Tale as well (read the book, absolutely epic).

Have seen The Man in the High Castle having only read the start of the book, and thought Season 1 was better than 2. Apparently 3 is in the works...

Any show, essentially, which doesn't try to be politically correct is already better than most IMO.

You definitely have class ShinShin and I agree with most, but what of GoT? (Fantasy)

06-14-2018, 09:37 PM
Stopped following serials after the end of Lost :-)

I stopped watching Lost mid season 1. I could tell it was just going to be another night time soap opera. The first couple of episodes were great though.

06-14-2018, 09:44 PM
Me and t'misses have been going through The Sopranos, it's an absolute treat. I think I only watched them all the once as they were broadcast so some of the stuff that happens is actually surprising. I can remember the way it ended though :dabs:

The Sopranos, The Wire and The Shield - that's my trifecta of murcin drama. Breaking Bad was good but there will never come a day where I could sit through it all a third time.

I just watched The Sopranos last fall (always great). It's been a few years since I watched The Shield and The Wire. I've watched Breaking Bad twice myself. I might do it a third time if I can get my stepdad to watch with me. He likes Better Call Saul (I haven't watched it).

With the summer time coming I'm thinking of watching Magnum P.I. from start to end. I've only seen episodes on TV as a kid and a few episodes the past year on WGN.

06-14-2018, 09:46 PM
Why is there nothing special on the television these days ?

No original ideas (that are good anyway) and lack of talented writers. Plus, reality TV is much cheaper to make and just as profitable.

06-14-2018, 10:44 PM
With the summer time coming I'm thinking of watching Magnum P.I. from start to end. I've only seen episodes on TV as a kid and a few episodes the past year on WGN.

They made a reboot. It's amazing how bad you can make something that was once good. Also note that of course they had to recast Higgins as a woman and make Magnum ethic and for reasons yet unknown sort of unattractive and unlikable.


Still on a scale doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as remaking Papillon as no one can touch Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman so what's the point?

What the feck is next, Butch Cassidy with Zac Effron and John Cena?

06-14-2018, 10:50 PM
Still on a scale doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as remaking Papillon as no one can touch Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman so what's the point?

This is the first I've heard of this. I'm outraged. One of my absolute favorites of all time. I hope it brings plague and destruction upon all who dare touch the project.

06-15-2018, 10:22 AM
You definitely have class ShinShin and I agree with most, but what of GoT? (Fantasy)

Haha glad we’re on the same page.

I haven’t seen Game of Thrones but I’ve heard it’s very addictive!!

06-15-2018, 10:23 AM
Still on a scale doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as remaking Papillon as no one can touch Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman so what's the point?

What the feck is next, Butch Cassidy with Zac Effron and John Cena?

Yeah I remember seeing the trailer the other day at the theatres and cringing...

06-16-2018, 03:49 AM
With the summer time coming I'm thinking of watching Magnum P.I. from start to end. I've only seen episodes on TV as a kid and a few episodes the past year on WGN.

They made a reboot. It's amazing how bad you can make something that was once good. Also note that of course they had to recast Higgins as a woman and make Magnum ethic and for reasons yet unknown sort of unattractive and unlikable.

Still on a scale doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as remaking Papillon as no one can touch Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman so what's the point?

What the feck is next, Butch Cassidy with Zac Effron and John Cena?

I didn't know they made a reboot of Magnum. Would never watch it anyway. Just like Hawaii 5-0 and MacGyver. I'll never watch Total Recall with Colin Farrell. Conan Barbarian remake, nope.

Unfortunately most popular movies get remade.

06-16-2018, 03:29 PM
Note to Mulder. State of Decay 2 sucketh big time.

06-16-2018, 07:10 PM
I haven’t seen Game of Thrones but I’ve heard it’s very addictive!!

A great binge watch for a sleepy Father's Day and you could use Season 1 as a litmus test for future viewing. ;)

(I'm probably going to go with Homeland Season 7, as I always liked that series. [I'm also turning the volume down on the cell phone.] ...I talk with them enough it seems.) :) :alien:

Mr. Mulder
06-16-2018, 09:56 PM
Note to Mulder. State of Decay 2 sucketh big time.

It's shit m8. They had like 4 years and a blank cheque from Microsoft and instead of a sequal they basically remade the first one badly with somehow worse graphics. Massive disappointment :dabs:

06-17-2018, 12:16 AM
Graphically it did remind me of 2006. I mean what the fuck is up this those animations?

I guess if Microsoft threw money at it then I'm left to assume they hired a bunch of students to make it and used the rest of the money on cocaine and loose women.

06-17-2018, 01:00 AM
Graphically it did remind me of 2006. I mean what the fuck is up this those animations?

I guess if Microsoft threw money at it then I'm left to assume they hired a bunch of students to make it and used the rest of the money on cocaine and loose women.

What's wrong with that?

06-17-2018, 01:31 AM
This legitimately may be the the worst thing I've ever heard.


06-17-2018, 03:51 PM
...money... cocaine and loose women.

"...these are few of my favorite things..." (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=33o32C0ogVM)

(Happy Father's Day!... "I... have become comfortably numb" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7MsnxnJRUw).) ;) :alien:

06-17-2018, 04:03 PM
Ruining Classic Rock one song at a time.


06-17-2018, 04:06 PM
Is that a funeral version ?

No, it's a version created by and for pretentious people who lack any actually soul and who undoubtedly were subjected to a lot of bullying in High School.

06-17-2018, 08:00 PM
Scissors Sisters is the worst thing I've ever heard (or close second). The Linkin Park cover was bad, but tolerable. It fades into the background and you forget it's even playing. Scissors Sisters will drive someone insane.

06-17-2018, 11:43 PM
This legitimately may be the the worst thing I've ever heard.

Eh, there's much worse.




But these were probably deliberately trying to be bad, so I don't know.

06-18-2018, 12:47 AM
I miss good music. :(


Mr. Mulder
06-18-2018, 08:44 PM
Went and had my millionth filling this morning before work, £100 for a ceramic! It was a proper deep one too, took her half an hour it really hurts your jaw holding your mouth open that long, another reason I can't ever be ghey. That and I love my dentist, a nice youngish Spanish lady who rubs her hawt Spanish knockers on my face as she works :mushy:

Mr. Mulder
06-18-2018, 08:48 PM
In other super interesting news I've got a nice little work from home day tomorrow, except instead of doing IT stuffs I'll actually be building furnature whilst listening to podcasts and vaping my tits off, checking my emails every few hours to see if anyone's realised i'm not doing anything :sly:

06-18-2018, 09:55 PM
This was floated a while back and everyone blow it off as a joke.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Reminds me a tad too much of that episode of the Twilight Zone with Billy Mumy.


Also the militarization has been against international law since 1967, not that any of these evil fuckers actually care about laws.

06-19-2018, 04:32 PM
This was floated a while back and everyone blow it off as a joke.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Reminds me a tad too much of that episode of the Twilight Zone with Billy Mumy.

Also the militarization has been against international law since 1967, not that any of these evil fuckers actually care about laws.

Well, the American people voted him in didn't they...

Speaking of International Law, China and Russia are known to flout it without a care in the world.

Not that that excuses the "Leader of the Free World"

06-19-2018, 05:16 PM
I guess if Microsoft threw money at it then I'm left to assume they hired a bunch of students to make it and used the rest of the money on cocaine and loose women.

They were sighted on the day of the game's release in San Jose, CA:





06-19-2018, 05:18 PM
Well, the American people voted him in didn't they...

The Germans voted Hitler into office as well. Actually the rigging of the system via gerrymandering effecting electoral college votes and not the majority of population voted Trump in. Even then it still required the massive and illegal assistance of the Russians. Any of this probably wouldn't bother me nearly as much as a sizable percent of Americans who still apparently support him and his many corrupt sycophantic officials. Even that doesn't bother me as much as people like Kellyann Conway who are neither racist, stupid nor blind to the damage and for personal gain continue to lie for the dangerous foulness that is Trump and his ilk. That is the truest evil.

Btw you are entirely right in saying that you can't justify your actions by saying someone else is guilty of it as well. If you could then all criminals would immediately walk free as they aren't unique in any of their crimes.

06-19-2018, 06:16 PM
I totally agree with both your thoughts... it's a total shame you don't watch and or get Stephen Colbert's Late Show... a nightly chuckle I get listening to him... setting my mood for the day ahead. ;)

(HBO's "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" achieves the same eye opening experience... though weekly and is available in this forums favorite format for ROKU / PC viewing.) :alien:

06-19-2018, 07:00 PM
I watch both Colbert's and Seth Myers monologues. I think someone went and invented something called the internet.

06-19-2018, 07:44 PM
This was floated a while back and everyone blow it off as a joke.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Reminds me a tad too much of that episode of the Twilight Zone with Billy Mumy.


Also the militarization has been against international law since 1967, not that any of these evil fuckers actually care about laws.

You'd probably be less jealous if Canadia had an Air Force. :tease:

06-19-2018, 08:37 PM
We compensate by not having most of the World hate us.

06-19-2018, 09:39 PM
Well, the American people voted him in didn't they...

The Germans voted Hitler into office as well. Actually the rigging of the system via gerrymandering effecting electoral college votes and not the majority of population voted Trump in. Even then it still required the massive and illegal assistance of the Russians. Any of this probably wouldn't bother me nearly as much as a sizable percent of Americans who still apparently support him and his many corrupt sycophantic officials. Even that doesn't bother me as much as people like Kellyann Conway who are neither racist, stupid nor blind to the damage and for personal gain continue to lie for the dangerous foulness that is Trump and his ilk. That is the truest evil.

Btw you are entirely right in saying that you can't justify your actions by saying someone else is guilty of it as well. If you could then all criminals would immediately walk free as they aren't unique in any of their crimes.

Well said. Everyone around Trump are just worrying about personal gain. Trump is doing it, why not everyone else. Makes we wish George W. was President instead.

06-19-2018, 09:44 PM
We compensate by not having most of the World hate us.

For some reason (GREED) after WWII the United States decided to become the World's police. Maybe they originally wanted to prevent another Hitler. If we didn't have nuclear weapons Putin probably would be. If the US didn't interfere in other countries business, we wouldn't have this problem. But who knows what things would be like if the US didn't. Could be better or worse.

06-20-2018, 09:30 AM
Could be better or worse.

That does sort of cover all the possibilities :S At least the film was funny aka Team America

06-20-2018, 04:47 PM
...guess this gets a closer to a "Ready Player One" society. :blink:

(An "Ernest Cline" fan.) :alien:

@Steven S: Not bad, but the book was much better.

06-20-2018, 06:13 PM
Could be better or worse.

That does sort of cover all the possibilities :S At least the film was funny aka Team America

Apropos considering most of the governing body are puppets to one interest or another.

06-20-2018, 06:49 PM
We compensate by not having most of the World hate us.

Canadian space program: "Hey guys, can we hitch a ride?"

06-20-2018, 06:49 PM
I totally agree with both your thoughts... it's a total shame you don't watch and or get Stephen Colbert's Late Show... a nightly chuckle I get listening to him... setting my mood for the day ahead. ;)

(HBO's "Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" achieves the same eye opening experience... though weekly and is available in this forums favorite format for ROKU / PC viewing.) :alien:

I used to watch The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, which was absolutely hilarious. Remember watching Colbert tiptoe in in his early days and found him also quite funny.

Should probably give him a shot thanks for the tip!!

06-20-2018, 08:27 PM
We compensate by not having most of the World hate us.

Canadian space program: "Hey guys, can we hitch a ride?"

Why pay for a drink if some sucker will buy it for you.

06-20-2018, 08:50 PM

Whatever you think of the US, they are terrific at irony.

06-21-2018, 03:17 AM
Can Istill win the $20? I think I'm the last poster.

06-21-2018, 08:04 AM

Whatever you think of the US, they are terrific at irony.

Who needs allies?

The 'good' news is that in *only* 7 short months, we'll be 1/2 way through this shitshow.

06-21-2018, 12:32 PM
Take your fake news to CNN, libtard. Under Trump there is no way the US survives to 2020.

I mean the government is totally not run by either incredibly stupid or contemptuous people like Kirstjen Nielsen who maybe should realize that in the light of recent events the one place you might not want to eat is at a Mexican restaurant.

06-21-2018, 12:38 PM
In the end none of this will probably matter as soon people will be too stupid to realize what is going on anyway.


Probably comes from the realization that one doesn't need an education to be President.

06-21-2018, 07:51 PM
Take your fake news to CNN, libtard. Under Trump there is no way the US survives to 2020.

I mean the government is totally not run by either incredibly stupid or contemptuous people like Kirstjen Nielsen who maybe should realize that in the light of recent events the one place you might not want to eat is at a Mexican restaurant.

My dying thought will be the joy of taking Canadia with us in the fallout from the mushroom clouds above.

The only Mexican eaten will be the stray children wandering along the border fence. Wal-Mart already has a contract to buy them in bulk.

06-21-2018, 09:34 PM

Whatever you think of the US, they are terrific at irony.

Who needs allies?

The 'good' news is that in *only* 7 short months, we'll be 1/2 way through this shitshow.

Unfortunately I think we will get another 4 years of this shit. The gerrymandering put in place by republicans is mostly why he (or any republican candidate would have) got elected in the first place. The Russians and Fox are still doing their thing too. Plus I don't think Democrats can come up with a strong candidate to run (Biden or Bernie would probably be best). Of course republicans would jump all over Bernie's "socialistic" views on healthcare and education and call him a communist. Being against Russia only when it helps them. It's not "America First", it's "Trump Corp. First".

06-22-2018, 04:21 AM
Unfortunately I think we will get another 4 years of this shit. The gerrymandering put in place by republicans is mostly why he (or any republican candidate would have) got elected in the first place. The Russians and Fox are still doing their thing too. Plus I don't think Democrats can come up with a strong candidate to run (Biden or Bernie would probably be best). Of course republicans would jump all over Bernie's "socialistic" views on healthcare and education and call him a communist. Being against Russia only when it helps them. It's not "America First", it's "Trump Corp. First".

Sadly, I think you are correct on every one of your points. I've had the same thoughts, but speaking them just seems vile.

06-22-2018, 06:26 AM
Ignoring it won't make it go away. I can't watch video of trump (or republicans) spewing his shit. And the GOP following along like it's business as usual. But we still have to keep track of the destruction they are wreaking on the country. It's going to take a long time to fix this shit. Of course the republicans will blame it all on Democrats.

06-22-2018, 06:08 PM
Ignoring it won't make it go away. I can't watch video of trump (or republicans) spewing his shit. And the GOP following along like it's business as usual. But we still have to keep track of the destruction they are wreaking on the country. It's going to take a long time to fix this shit. Of course the republicans will blame it all on Democrats.

We truly need an angry mob and a guillotine. It won't happen, though.

I get my news from comedy sources-- only way I can stomach what's going on. Still very hard to watch.

06-22-2018, 11:08 PM
Not sure if you are talking about trump , i have not seen a bigger shit than trump ever :-)

Yes, I don't like to say or type his name. He was a joke before being president, now we know how incompetent he really is, plus many of his dirty secrets are out.

06-23-2018, 06:31 AM
We truly need an angry mob and a guillotine. It won't happen, though.

It was a mob that got him elected king too.

Mob vs. mob, this is what the partisanship and bipolarization of American politics has wrought.

One side hates the other, and there is no middle ground for rational discourse.

It’s funny political theory manuals used to glorify the Anglo-Saxon two-party majority system model. Now learned sources suggest America and Britain allow for more parties...

06-24-2018, 05:01 AM
Belgium vs Tunisia 5-2

06-25-2018, 09:04 PM
Accounting is nothing much other than calculating things from a table of expense and income :-)

I think I've heard this one already.

Mr. Mulder
06-26-2018, 08:46 AM
Accounting is nothing much other than calculating things from a table of expense and income :-)

I think I've heard this one already.

It's as much about counting beans as it is flicking them :eyebrows:

06-27-2018, 07:47 PM
I think I've heard this one already.

It's as much about counting beans as it is flicking them :eyebrows:

I see what you did there :lol:

06-29-2018, 09:49 AM
Didn`t you just contradict your previous post? it was so simple but now 'lots of things' :D

... I assume we are still talking accountants

Anyho hope the no smoking is going well

06-30-2018, 04:10 AM
Didn`t you just contradict your previous post? it was so simple but now 'lots of things' :D

... I assume we are still talking accountants

Anyho hope the no smoking is going well

Sounds like a certain US president.

07-06-2018, 08:06 AM

07-06-2018, 10:56 AM
It is indeed.

07-06-2018, 12:53 PM
Where's Bruce Willis when I need him?

07-06-2018, 03:06 PM
Where's Bruce Willis when I need him?

Wrong film!



07-06-2018, 06:13 PM
Where's Bruce Willis when I need him?

Wrong film!

I knew that but clearly Morgan Freeman is no help.

07-09-2018, 01:15 AM
Whats a good site to steal software from? Looking for Premiere Pro. :unsure:

07-09-2018, 06:16 AM
Whats a good site to steal software from? Looking for Premiere Pro. :unsure:

Andr-forum is still around and works just fine for general stuff like that :)

07-09-2018, 07:07 AM
Whats a good site to steal software from? Looking for Premiere Pro. :unsure:

Release BB is good.

07-09-2018, 02:10 PM
Warez-BB :unsure:

07-09-2018, 03:59 PM
There's a free seven day trial if it's one use sort of thing. Otherwise an can give you invite to a torrent tracker as getting a file of that size through a ddl site without a premium account is going to be problematic.

Send me an email if interested.

07-09-2018, 08:31 PM
There's a free seven day trial if it's one use sort of thing. Otherwise an can give you invite to a torrent tracker as getting a file of that size through a ddl site without a premium account is going to be problematic.

Send me an email if interested.

Was you not supposed to be dead a year or two ago anyway and give away all of your invite gems*?

*aka cubic zirconia

I do however agree that D/L off megaupload or other crappy file share things is poop on a freebie, but who cares if it takes 4 hours to d/l an app at 50KB/s.... now and again they do link to a good cloud drive account and they/it nips down spiffy :)

07-09-2018, 09:20 PM
I'm dead inside so basically the same thing.

07-09-2018, 09:21 PM
Many of the free D/L links on Release BB are pretty fast (fileflares, dailyuploads, mexashare, usercloud, openload, file-upload). Wouldn't take much time to grab a app.

07-09-2018, 09:30 PM
Many of the links on Release BB are filled with redirects and malware and limit free download size to less than 1 GB. Anyway more importantly, best skiz ever video.


Skiz is probably the one in the bunny suit as the panda seems a little ghey.

07-09-2018, 09:42 PM
....but who cares if it takes 4 hours to d/l an app .... Who is someone who only has 3 hours to live, Alex?

07-10-2018, 10:24 AM
Many of the links on Release BB are filled with redirects and malware and limit free download size to less than 1 GB. Anyway more importantly, best skiz ever video.

Skiz is probably the one in the bunny suit as the panda seems a little ghey.

I've never come across redirects and malware. The 1GB limit just means downloading multiple files (it's still fast). A novelty to you torrent users. But, a few of them have no file size limit.

Beggars can't be choosers.

07-10-2018, 04:46 PM
Got it. Thanks you guys. :kiss:

07-10-2018, 04:52 PM
Many of the links on Release BB are filled with redirects and malware and limit free download size to less than 1 GB. Anyway more importantly, best skiz ever video.


Skiz is probably the one in the bunny suit as the panda seems a little ghey.

That sure is some asshole talent.

Can't imagine how fast those fkers go through tires. That maneuver at 1:45 was disgusting. :o

07-10-2018, 06:12 PM
In terms of asshole it's hard to beat this douche.


I wish harm on few people but this is one guy who deserves a good t-boning.

07-10-2018, 07:05 PM
Lot of punt sphere on the TV at the moment...is something happening? :unsure:

07-11-2018, 07:20 AM
Lot of punt sphere on the TV at the moment...is something happening? :unsure:

It's coming home!

07-11-2018, 08:52 AM
Lot of hype... put them on a pedestal and there is only two outcomes.... keeping the hope up but who knows.

07-11-2018, 10:06 AM
That is good...dirty stop out that it was.

07-12-2018, 03:42 AM
My sister just sent me a speed test at her uni:


:cries in copper dsl:

07-12-2018, 07:45 AM
It's decided it's not coming home, it's staying out a bit longer. :(

07-12-2018, 11:26 AM
Slightly harsh but accurate


There is probably way to embed that :idunno:

07-12-2018, 04:16 PM
Biblical scholars confirm this is as sure sign of the apocalypse.


On a related note, I now believe that Trump is a good thing and the downfall of the US is obviously overdue.

07-13-2018, 12:48 AM
I see the rest of the world growing and progressing...we are tearing down all international relationships, obliterating individual rights and safeguards for national resources, watching a madman slash and burn everything once good. And nobody is stopping him.

One of the topics of discussion for the appointment of the Supreme Court is whether or not the president should be held accountable for crimes. The current nominee says no...

07-13-2018, 07:44 AM
The problem is the people that can stop him (republican politicians and conservative judges) care more about their own jobs than the country and American people. Plus, some of those people actually like what he is doing. Greed trumps country.

07-13-2018, 11:40 AM
I thought the London chappy did a good job on the local news..... and that balloon looks rather funny. Lets not have a nuke war over it.

07-13-2018, 07:28 PM
The Idiot In Chief has thin skin and can't take criticism. He needs people kissing his ass all the time. That's what happens when you surround yourself with yes-men.

07-13-2018, 07:57 PM
Article III, Section 3 of the United States Constitution.

Based on that definition, the whole Republican caucus is flirting with treason.

07-13-2018, 07:59 PM
Not to say that most of the establishment Democrats are in practice more ethical.