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04-15-2019, 12:09 PM
I'm doing a paper on why your account hasn't been banned as of yet. So far the best hypothesis that I've been able to come up with is that no one, not even the staff give a fuck about this site anymore. Sort of like the way millenials view not looking like complete self serving assholes.

04-15-2019, 12:18 PM
I'm doing a paper on why your account hasn't been banned as of yet. So far the best hypothesis that I've been able to come up with is that no one, not even the staff give a fuck about this site anymore. Sort of like the way millenials view not looking like complete self serving assholes.

:yup: :artist: :yup:

And they gave "Mr. Chickenshit" a promotion and now it seems he is like every CEO out there and doesn't give a shit now:snooty:, give someone the big bucks and they become a prima-donna :noes:

PS. I hope all is well with Anon?? He actually hasn't been posting or been around:unsure:

04-15-2019, 12:45 PM
Word or the Day: Cacophony

04-15-2019, 05:46 PM
Word or the Day: Cacophony

Any "discussion" on Fox News. Coincidentally, the "phony" is also related to Fox News.

04-15-2019, 06:49 PM
Word or the Day: Cacophony

Any "discussion" on Fox News. Coincidentally, the "phony" is also related to Fox News. .

You are kidding about Fox News reporters being Biased right?? It is not number one because it reports fake news like CNN or MSNBC?? Again if you are a Lefty?? Well that is your choice but you are one of the few, Loud!!, but few:idunno:

I do hope you are not a Sanctuary City buddy, because you will be running to the poles in 2020 and putting an X next to Trumps name, And your Communists friend Bernie even knows his crazy agenda won't work with open borders....

Don't Forget to watch Bernie on Fox news tonight Cabby, and know whatever he says the Majority of Country will want the opposite, it will be a great education on how not to run a Democratic Capitalist Country, don't miss it;)

Also amazed me that the Democratic Speaker of the house also thinks that small group of Lefty Socialists are crazy nut bags and not what the Democratic party agrees with nor interested in:), but you can say it brings great laughs on news cycles , that report actual news and not bash Trump every minute of the day.. CNN is showing the Cathedral fire with the splash message waiting for the Mueller Report:lol:,you can just feel the public moving to Fox News LOL!!!!

Biden 2020:yay:
(Finally reported that the Communists Sanders has moved closer to the top, even know Biden isn't even in the race:slap:)

And i always add nice to see you Cabby;)

On a sad note!!! A sad day in France with the loss of the 800 year old Nortre Dame Cathedral:cry:, the great positive is no reports of anyone hurt....

04-15-2019, 08:02 PM
Word of the day: Prescient....... The Prescient of the United States is a POS. Come at me, racists.

04-15-2019, 08:15 PM
The Prescient of the United States is a POS. Come at me, racists.

I don't get it:unsure: Oh Wait!! now I do :lol:

But i do hope you are having a good day buddy:)

04-16-2019, 01:29 AM
I'm doing a paper on why your account hasn't been banned as of yet. So far the best hypothesis that I've been able to come up with is that no one, not even the staff give a fuck about this site anymore. Sort of like the way millenials view not looking like complete self serving assholes.

:yup: :artist: :yup:

And they gave "Mr. Chickenshit" a promotion and now it seems he is like every CEO out there and doesn't give a shit now:snooty:, give someone the big bucks and they become a prima-donna :noes:

PS. I hope all is well with Anon?? He actually hasn't been posting or been around:unsure:

I've been offline from Friday afternoon until a few hours ago due to a family situation that required my full attention, but thanks for being so caring :wub:

Also, if this forum makes big bucks, RealitY sure ain't sharing them :ninja:

04-16-2019, 02:25 AM
I've been offline from Friday afternoon until a few hours ago due to a family situation that required my full attention, but thanks for being so caring :wub:Also, if this forum makes big bucks, RealitY sure ain't sharing them :ninja:

I am glad you are ok and i hope all is well with your family buddy, you should know me by now that family should always come first ya Chicken Shit!! :hug:

Always nice to see you Anon:D

Mr. Mulder
04-24-2019, 09:26 PM
I heard anon always comes first? :unsure:

04-25-2019, 07:04 AM
So far the only good thing from season 2 of 'Merkin Gawds

Sorry for the link-- all the youtube versions seemed to have extra reverb added.


04-25-2019, 01:08 PM
Sorry for the link-- all the youtube versions seemed to have extra reverb added.


Sorry, bud but not feeling it. Maybe it's one of those things like your face that needs to be taken in the proper context to appreciate.

04-25-2019, 06:34 PM
Sorry for the link-- all the youtube versions seemed to have extra reverb added.


Sorry, bud but not feeling it. Maybe it's one of those things like your face that needs to be taken in the proper context to appreciate.

I guess what appealed to me was that it was a country song that directly speaks up against racists and bigots. Groundbreaking for the genre. Now if we could only get the neo-cons to do the same.

04-25-2019, 10:56 PM
Sorry for the link-- all the youtube versions seemed to have extra reverb added.


Sorry, bud but not feeling it. Maybe it's one of those things like your face that needs to be taken in the proper context to appreciate.

Maybe if Bob Dylan sang it, it would work better?

BTW, I can't stand Dylan.

04-25-2019, 11:33 PM
Can't beat Vietnam era protest music for the melon collies about the cost of war.


Also sweet, sweet harmonies.

04-25-2019, 11:42 PM
Say what you want about Dylan but he sings the fuck out of this.Yes I know the opening's not very good but give it time o ye of little faith. The Animals version pales in comparison.


04-26-2019, 12:51 AM
Say what you want about Dylan but he sings the fuck out of this.Yes I know the opening's not very good but give it time o ye of little faith. The Animals version pales in comparison.


I like Dylan, but the first 5:17 of that is wretched. It's like the bagpipe version of a good song.

04-26-2019, 12:59 AM
Can't beat Vietnam era protest music for the melon collies about the cost of war.

[video=Cost of Freedom[/video]

Also sweet, sweet harmonies.

The cost of freedom is a buck o five.

04-26-2019, 01:10 AM

04-26-2019, 07:32 AM
Seems there's a sequel to Backdraft (cleverly titled Backdraft 2 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8172466/) because who could come up with a clever title about fire?). Surprised the heck out of me. You'd think there'd be more fanfare-- widespread advertising... with Ron Howard some guy (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1018426/?ref_=tt_ov_dr) who hasn't worked in 3 years directing again. William Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, and the fire all return. Grab yer hoses, gentlemen, it's gonna get...hot!

04-26-2019, 03:17 PM
Seems there's a sequel to Backdraft (cleverly titled Backdraft 2 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8172466/) because who could come up with a clever title about fire?). Surprised the heck out of me. You'd think there'd be more fanfare-- widespread advertising... with Ron Howard some guy (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1018426/?ref_=tt_ov_dr) who hasn't worked in 3 years directing again. William Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, and the fire all return. Grab yer hoses, gentlemen, it's gonna get...hot!

I uploaded the NZB the other day, but did not bother getting the actual movie since my expectations were low. Very low.

You sayin' that it's actually worthwhile?

Mr. Mulder
04-26-2019, 06:49 PM
Is there a bob Dylan song where he doesn't sound like a shit pikey?

04-26-2019, 07:23 PM
First I'd have to know exactly what a shit pikey sounds like before I could check.

04-26-2019, 07:26 PM
Bob Dylan song where he doesn't sound like shit.


04-26-2019, 07:28 PM
Now ask me a hard one.

04-26-2019, 07:32 PM
Quick, I need a Jew to tell me what this says in case there is an immenient terror attack or free matzah balls or something important like that.

? מה הזהות הדתית שלכם

04-26-2019, 08:11 PM
Bob Dylan song where he doesn't sound like shit.


In fairness though you could have someone run their fingernails across a chalkboard under that Clapton guitar genius and it would probably sound good.

04-26-2019, 08:53 PM
I miss the time when there was people still willing to post on this site. I believe it must have something to do with all the transgenders around nowadays.

Geez take for instance I noticed this series called Gentleman Jim and turns out it's about some English cross-dresser instead of the American boxer.

Fucking Hollywood liberals trying to turn us all ghey..

04-26-2019, 11:52 PM
I uploaded the NZB the other day, but did not bother getting the actual movie since my expectations were low. Very low.

You sayin' that it's actually worthwhile?

I didn't watch it, just found it funny that someone actually felt it was a good idea to create it. And do so (from all indications) poorly.

04-26-2019, 11:53 PM
Fucking Hollywood liberals trying to turn us all ghey..

I always assumed it was an uncle or one of your elderly neighbors... :idunno:

Something Else
04-27-2019, 10:28 AM
Is there a bob Dylan song where he doesn't sound like a shit pikey?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlPV4wtZ6HE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlPV4wtZ6HE)

He sounds like a lovely pikey here. :smilie4:

Something Else
04-27-2019, 10:30 AM
What is it about dyslexics that makes them angry when posting on the interwebs. :unsure:

04-27-2019, 12:09 PM
It's comforting to know there ae two things that you can always count on - the sun coming up every morning and Something Else being a condescending wanker.

Something Else
04-27-2019, 12:40 PM
It's comforting to know there ae two things that you can always count on - the sun coming up every morning and Something Else being a condescending wanker.

I think that proves my point. :glag:

04-27-2019, 01:16 PM
And you mine so win win.

Something Else
04-27-2019, 02:56 PM
Why do you think nobody of any wit or intelligence is willing to post here often.

04-27-2019, 06:54 PM
I don't know if you're the right person to answer seeing that wit and intelligence are synonymous.

04-27-2019, 06:58 PM
It's charming how you think your way should be the only way though, Adolph.

As in I and others have never found any of your posts to be the slightest bit funny or interesting either. I just haven't mentioned it.

Something Else
04-27-2019, 10:14 PM
I don't know if you're the right person to answer seeing that wit and intelligence are synonymous.

I was asking you the question. Hence the question. Not myself.

Something Else
04-27-2019, 10:15 PM
It's charming how you think your way should be the only way though, Adolph.

As in I and others have never found any of your posts to be the slightest bit funny or interesting either. I just haven't mentioned it.

The day angry Merkins find me funny or interesting, is the day I stop posting.

04-28-2019, 03:27 AM
It's charming how you think your way should be the only way though, Adolph.

As in I and others have never found any of your posts to be the slightest bit funny or interesting either. I just haven't mentioned it.

The day angry Merkins find me funny or interesting, is the day I stop posting.


04-28-2019, 06:57 AM
Seems there's a sequel to Backdraft (cleverly titled Backdraft 2 (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8172466/) because who could come up with a clever title about fire?). Surprised the heck out of me. You'd think there'd be more fanfare-- widespread advertising... with Ron Howard some guy (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1018426/?ref_=tt_ov_dr) who hasn't worked in 3 years directing again. William Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, and the fire all return. Grab yer hoses, gentlemen, it's gonna get...hot!

I uploaded the NZB the other day, but did not bother getting the actual movie since my expectations were low. Very low.

You sayin' that it's actually worthwhile?

I saw posts for the movie and didn't have any interest in grabbing a copy. Considering the amount of time that has gone by since the first one and the list of actors staring in number two, I'm all set.

04-30-2019, 04:20 PM
Did Idol and SomethingElse's catfight result in the destruction of both like matter/antimatter???

05-01-2019, 02:30 AM
You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Thanks, RealtY

05-01-2019, 07:48 PM

05-02-2019, 07:08 AM

05-03-2019, 06:18 PM

05-03-2019, 09:45 PM
ABBA :cry:

Deleted original post for reasons that i won't stoop to that level.........

Time to go back on vacation;)

05-04-2019, 02:21 AM
LOL Not an ABBA fan? I was going more fore the song title-- meshed with a thread owing $20 to the final poster...

05-05-2019, 10:55 AM
So I may be moving to the UK ...

Mr. Mulder
05-05-2019, 04:24 PM
Do it! You can come to my house for fish and crumpets or whatever it is we eat

05-06-2019, 04:22 PM
So I may be moving to the UK ...

Where do you currently live (if you don't mind sharing)?

05-06-2019, 05:58 PM
More importantly, where to in the UK? A city like London is one thing. A hellhole like Milton Keynes is something completely different...

05-07-2019, 07:22 AM
So I may be moving to the UK ...

You have my sympathies.

05-24-2019, 01:23 PM
Because there are things that must be remembered.


Something Else
05-24-2019, 06:21 PM
So I may be moving to the UK ...

Where do you currently live (if you don't mind sharing)?

The part of England known as Sexcriminalboat. Unless he's moved, like.

05-24-2019, 06:42 PM
Because there are things that must be remembered.


So many awesome posters in there. Thanks for driving them away, RealtY :wub:

Mr. Mulder
05-25-2019, 07:28 AM
Australia is a prison that we built. We had lots of criminals, mostly sex pests who couldn't read or write so we dumped a load of sand into the sea and that's how Australia was made. We built a big prison in the middle of it to keep them in so they didn't muck about but one day a kangaroo got too hot and exploaded near the prison fence. We'd all gone home by then so lots of the criminals escaped and set up wooden Minecraft shacks around the place. We also had too many spiders and so we put them on a boat but the boat crashed just off the shore of Australia and so the spiders swam to shore to live there also.

05-29-2019, 02:39 PM
"So, what is your novel exactly about? ...say no more."


05-29-2019, 04:41 PM
Me Too :happy:

05-30-2019, 09:30 PM
Just when you think the current US government has reached rock bottom, you realize there's still further it can sink.


05-31-2019, 02:47 AM
Just when you think the current US government has reached rock bottom, you realize there's still further it can sink.
That makes "Big News" on a supposed what you call a high reputation news station:slap: What next Trump wiped his ass using his left hand instead of his right.......
Now this is CNN and all Idol, but saying that it is really disgusting if this is true, But "Breaking News!!" , give me a break!!and how about actually talking about the progress (if any either way) and what is going on with the talks with Japan and the US??...And as a matter of fact Clinton and Obama, Bush did ridiculous things in other countries, but it would have never been shown on CNN or MSNBC, and the Left social media was never this hot before Trump made it popular to voice on Twitter etc.....

But we all know Bashing Trump is just better news on CNN;),If Trump cured cancer they find a way to Bash him LOL!!! and i am not sure where you picked this story up but i can tell you CNN ratings are in the toilet and people are just sick and tired of there programing. I hope that Democrats are stupid enough to impeach the President as well, knowing the only two getting media coverage Pelosi and Biden think it is a very bad idea, and really it is only 28 or so Dems pushing for impeachment, out of what 236 or so, and the others are scared shit if they do because they will end up losing there seats being from either a Rep state or being a moderate Dem. It is a lose lose situation for the Dems if they try. Then what?? Even if they get Trump out and now Pence is in, what changes?? Now impeach Pence and Pelosi runs the country :lol:

Will be interesting, that is for sure Idol;)

PS.. Ask yourself this Idol... If it wasn't for the Russia probe and pushing lies out there for 2 plus years, would have the Democrats won the majority in the house?? My opinion no... Now that is done with and the rest is just crap!!, What do they have now that can keep those seats in 2020??
The same do you think Trudeau is going to win in the next election??

05-31-2019, 12:09 PM
PS.. Ask yourself this Idol... If it wasn't for the Russia probe and pushing lies out there for 2 plus years, would have the Democrats won the majority in the house?? My opinion no... Now that is done with and the rest is just crap!!, What do they have now that can keep those seats in 2020??
The same do you think Trudeau is going to win in the next election??

Ask yourself this, Shay. If Russia hadn't interfered to help Trump win would any of this even be a topic of debate?

Btw are you Sean Hannity , someone who admits to not reading Mueller's report but still somehow can pass judgement on it's conclusions or simply his ventriloquist dummy?

SEAN HANNITY : You've had two years of lies and hoaxes and conspiracy theories pedaled every second of every minute of every hour of every day. And it's just one more round of lying tinfoil hat conspiracy theories, Trump bashing over a narrative that is totally dead and buried, because tonight, well the fact remains, there was no Trump-Russia collusion. There was no obstruction, nothing has changed. Mueller has spent 20-plus months, $25-plus million investigating a hoax and now for the fourth time we have a conclusion: no collusion, no conspiracy. Now today, he officially resigned from the Office of Special Counsel but not before showing the world, of course, what we already knew on this program: his partisan hackery true colors if you will. You have a career bureaucrat, nothing more than a Trump-hating partisan, who is now all but cheering for impeachment based on nothing. And we were right the entire time.

Note to Sean and others, though I'm not a fan of the guy, Mueller is the very definition of non-partisan, much to the rue of many people.

PS Trump's totally unnecessary trips to Mar-a-Lago have cost the taxpayers at least $80 million dollars so go fuck yourself about trying to appear to care about wasted money, Sean.


As for Trudeau, I don't support dishonest people no matter their political stripe or who their fathers were. All in all he's still better than Doug Ford.

05-31-2019, 03:42 PM
Ask yourself this, Shay. If Russia hadn't interfered to help Trump win would any of this even be a topic of debate?

Ask yourself this Idol:), If you go back to the beginning of all of the Russia shit, who really started it?? And really backfire on?? Is is possible to look at it that way right??

Hannity?? I like to know where you read that he didn't read the Mueller report??, plus he is a conspiracy opinion guy on Fox News, he has always admitted that, he has never said he is a news anchor or reporter, he has his guest that do all of that, so it is your choice to believe him or not?? I myself laugh at some of the things, that is the truth, but he has been more accurate on his opinions than CNN and MSNBC combined and the ratings prove that no??

Trump Trump Trump!! So the money he saves for not going to Camp David like every other President, that is not reported right?? Again every president wasted money, just they report or spread shit out there Trump Trump Trump!! because the Left and Democrats don't like him!!. Again i will repeat!!! I don't really like him either!! Does that make you feel better?? , but i like the policies/agenda of the Republican party (now i am feeling like a parrot already!!!), If Pence was the president you still would scream and shout and find bad things about him, It would be Pence Pence Pence:lol:, but if Hillary won?? Would that have made you happier?? Do you think the world and the US would be better off now?? and she lost again because of the backfire of this Russian shit plus Most of the country can't stand her!!!, again winning the popular vote means zero because it is 1 or 2 states that make up the difference of that popular vote and they are pro Democrat states with the biggest population, and really her agenda was another 4 years of Obama, and the spread States didn't want that again, agree or not buddy is up to you;)....

Canadian Politics... Always goes back to the same old same old!!! There is no honest Politicians Idol.. So saying that you have to hope that they do there platform, that you like and you voted for, and hopefully the rest of the country agrees and they win.. Really repeating!!! you can say you dislike or "Hate" the leader but is that true?? Do you really dislike there platform and agenda ?? What is really more important?? Is Ford really that bad?? Was his brother a bad Mayor?? Look past the face and mouth and look at the agendas and policies!! If that you don't agree with Idol, then there is something to really talk about and voice those so it is more understandable not bashing any Leader anywhere!!! Putin is a great leader for his people right?? Yet everyone ain't lining up to get into Russia:lol:, why are immigrants flocking to Canada and the US, to live in a socialist society?? Maybe you know better, but me personally I don't think so:idunno:

It is like walking into a car dealership and the salesmen knows he can give you a discount on the car, but you never asked for it and paid full price?? Is the salesmen dishonest because he didn't tell you?? A ton of politicians do bad shit!!!, but if they are not news worthy or a high enough figure to knock out Trump Trump Trump fake news out there:).. Now you don't hear a peep about Avenatti on the Fake News outlets (MSNBC CNN), and they had him plastered 24/7 on those channels!!, now he was proven to be a fraud (or accused right now), he is bad press and can't be used to bash Trump Trump Trump!!.. You hear about more controversy on the Supreme court judges than Kavanaugh's decisions?? He has been more neutral than the rest...Where is Blasey Ford, Julie Swetnick?? Not a peep!!!! They couldn't use it to hurt the Republican party now they move on to other crap!! The Russian shit backfired and the Democrats are now getting caught!!! That is politics!! Dirty yes, but politics;).
Trump Trump Trump is just a great excuse to have 2 parties fight!!!. The same would have happened if Clinton did win, all the difference it comes down to is the Policies and Agenda each party chooses....

Again my opinion


05-31-2019, 05:14 PM
Well Idol...

Right or wrong truth or fake, what do you think??



This causes most of the problems, they need to pick and choose and verify what there job description is....


After reading these articles, ask yourself this Idol.. There are Liberal and Conservative News Anchors on Fox and they have Democratic and Republican opinions and guests, CNN and MSNBC has lost all republican guests because they refuse to go on and spew CNN and MSNBC conspiracy crap especially if they don't agree with it, in other words if they don't follow there agenda, they are kicked off or forced to leave, or not invited back and that has been happening every since Trump Trump Trump won or better since the Republicans won. Saying that again!!! There is zero opposing opinions representing Republican views on CNN and MSNBC. So if that is where people get there news from, and not look at other networks,you can say without a doubt they are Left wing agenda believers and voters, Trump Trump Trump;)

Again my opinion and Facts ......

05-31-2019, 06:14 PM
You are amongst a group of uneducated whites. https://pos.org/whos-watching-a-look-at-the-demographics-of-cable-news-channel-watchers/

05-31-2019, 06:40 PM
You are amongst a group of uneducated whites. https://pos.org/whos-watching-a-look-at-the-demographics-of-cable-news-channel-watchers/

So i guess i am considered a White supremacist with zero brains, if that is so what does that make you Meg :unsure:
That's interesting Left wing opinion site, but interesting... So where do intelligent and the rest of the non white uneducated people go to get there information/news/what's going on in the world?? MSNBC is an extreme Left Wing news outlet, so any internal polling should be on the opposite side or it wouldn't make any sense. Fox News is known to be a Right news station, but has a ton of Center Liberal Anchors/News Reporters with high reputations on being neutral... CNN just forget it period these days since the new Programing Bosses.....

PS. Most of the poles that Fox News goes by are from other agencies that everyone uses including CNN and MSNBC?? And will say if it is there own polling or group...

So you have some suggestions on where to go to find more neutral news information Meg?? Other than Cable/Sat Fox News;)

PPS. What is more interesting is Fox and MSNBC are rated top watched in cable news, yet CNN seems to win all the awards for there reporting, especially high awards on the Trump and Campaign being guilty of Russian Collusion :unsure:

05-31-2019, 10:43 PM
Well Idol...

Right or wrong truth or fake, what do you think??



This causes most of the problems, they need to pick and choose and verify what there job description is....


After reading these articles, ask yourself this Idol.. There are Liberal and Conservative News Anchors on Fox and they have Democratic and Republican opinions and guests, CNN and MSNBC has lost all republican guests because they refuse to go on and spew CNN and MSNBC conspiracy crap especially if they don't agree with it, in other words if they don't follow there agenda, they are kicked off or forced to leave, or not invited back and that has been happening every since Trump Trump Trump won or better since the Republicans won. Saying that again!!! There is zero opposing opinions representing Republican views on CNN and MSNBC. So if that is where people get there news from, and not look at other networks,you can say without a doubt they are Left wing agenda believers and voters, Trump Trump Trump;)

Again my opinion and Facts ......

Why do you still think that Faux News must be correct "all the time" because it has higher ratings than all the other cable TV news channels (if that is even true, I don't care)? I think most people don't give a shit about "news". Only the crazy Tr*mp fanatics and the hardcore right watch Faux news all day long.

05-31-2019, 11:12 PM
Only the crazy Tr*mp fanatics and the hardcore right watch Faux news all day long.


And i don't think at all they are always right "all the time", but it is nice to get a different perspective of how people view things, that's all, plus you actually hear what the Republicans are doing and trying to accomplish and not having to view Trump Trump Trump bashing every five seconds :happy:

I have never said that Fox News is always right, but i will say that CNN and MSNBC are mostly fake news;)

Still waiting for Meg's response where i should visit and read/view non Radical Left news:whistling

06-01-2019, 01:10 AM
There is zero opposing opinions representing Republican views on CNN and MSNBC. Not to be harsh, Shay but spoken like someone who doesn't know what he is talking about. CNN and MSNBC not only fall all over themselves to have opposing opinions ie lies by liars represented but they also even have conservative anchors in people like S.E. Cupp and Nicole Wallace.

True they use to have more Trumpian contributors but and this is fact, almost all were forced off the air due to scandals.Corey Lewandowski, Scottie Nell Hughes, Jeffrey Lord, Ed Martin and Paris Dennard to name a few. Then there was Stephen Miller (https://splinternews.com/court-docs-allege-ex-trump-staffer-drugged-woman-he-got-1829233105). Sad.
Fruit doesn't fall far the the tree or something.

06-01-2019, 05:15 AM
You are amongst a group of uneducated whites. https://pos.org/whos-watching-a-look-at-the-demographics-of-cable-news-channel-watchers/

So i guess i am considered a White supremacist with zero brains, if that is so what does that make you Meg :unsure:
That's interesting Left wing opinion site, but interesting... So where do intelligent and the rest of the non white uneducated people go to get there information/news/what's going on in the world?? MSNBC is an extreme Left Wing news outlet, so any internal polling should be on the opposite side or it wouldn't make any sense. Fox News is known to be a Right news station, but has a ton of Center Liberal Anchors/News Reporters with high reputations on being neutral... CNN just forget it period these days since the new Programing Bosses.....

PS. Most of the poles that Fox News goes by are from other agencies that everyone uses including CNN and MSNBC?? And will say if it is there own polling or group...

So you have some suggestions on where to go to find more neutral news information Meg?? Other than Cable/Sat Fox News;)

PPS. What is more interesting is Fox and MSNBC are rated top watched in cable news, yet CNN seems to win all the awards for there reporting, especially high awards on the Trump and Campaign being guilty of Russian Collusion :unsure:

Faux news might have "Center Liberal Anchors/News Reporters" on their channel, but they all just read a teleprompter of things that happened during the day. It's the crazy f*ckers (far right) on at night and early morning that spew out lies on entertainment shows that people pay attention to. Just look at those fox links you posted. Notice how the address has "entertainment" in it. Faux news is just for entertainment. It's not a factual channel to be taken serious.

06-01-2019, 01:46 PM
So i guess i am considered a White supremacist with zero brains

Not what I said, but don't you find it uncomfortable that your beliefs have commonalities with those kinds of groups?

06-01-2019, 05:25 PM
So the money he saves for not going to Camp David like every other President, that is not reported right??

You rally have no clue about economics, do you? Sunk costs, incremental costs, etc? Camp David is, for all practical purposes, already paid for and is being maintained whether the President goes there or not. It's also already set up with appropriate security, so you don't have to send out advance teams to secure the perimeter at a cost of whatever to the tax payer. Nevermind that Camp David is owned by the government and spending money at Camp David would be a left pocket/right pocket situation; unlike any of Trump's resorts where money is wandering from the government to a private party to the tunes of millions a year. Remind me who owns those properties? Oh, the guy who just caused the money to be spent by the government? You really don't see the difference and/or a conflict of interest there?


He's not saving shit by not going to Camp David.

06-01-2019, 06:14 PM
You rally have no clue about economics, do you? Sunk costs, incremental costs, etc? .

I am confused, do you not live in a dominate Republican State?? Makes sense Cabby:)

What are the expenditure costs at Mar A Lago vs Camp David?? I see you seem to be now an Accounting expert:idunno: Do you know Trump is charging the Taxpayers for his stay there or just the Security costs?? Have you seen the receipts that Trump has submitted for his stays there?? Next Economic question Cabby, If a Diplomat stays at a Trump Hotel or stays at another and the Cost is the same is there an Economic difference or just Left Wing people pissed off because the Trump hotel is used?? Economics Hmmmmm......
I do remember Trump is the only President so far that is not taking one cent of a President Salary, what does that do to Economics Cabby??
Interesting Mar A Lago is also already paid for is it not?? The big expense is always security is it not Cabby?? So less security at Camp David, security now allocated to Mar A Logo, economics again??.. I guess if you ever become President, you could always try to change the Laws or get the house and senate to force the Next President to stay in a specific place:idunno:. But maybe i should make a suggestion Cabby?? That you pack your bags and move to a Left Wing Democratic State to still never have a chance of that happening;)

Really i should just say if Trump Trump Trump stayed at Camp David, they would find something else to bash him anyways..
Any conversation the has "President Trump" in it is really just repetitive of negativity because he is not liked by Left Wing Democratic ideology vs Republican views of moving the US forward solved!!.. Because bashing Trump Trump Trump now has become become boring, and a excuse because if Democrats actually try to talk about some sort of agenda to move the country forward they look like fools, I think they need to study from Cabby's economic thinking :idunno:

06-01-2019, 07:18 PM
So i guess i am considered a White supremacist with zero brains

Not what I said, but don't you find it uncomfortable that your beliefs have commonalities with those kinds of groups?

No, Do you Meg?? But can you say that every good or bad group may have some part of there ideology that may benefit or learn for a country to better itself ?? I would have to say yes, how about yourself Meg?? What do you think?? Do you agree or disagree??

Here is a good question Meg?? If a White Supremacist kid or and African American Kid or a Hispanic Kid or a Jewish kid, or a Muslim Kid, Hells Angel member or any Mixed Race kid has a gun pointed to your head!! Are you thinking about why he is doing it at the time?? Or are you just thinking about surviving?? Then if you do survive ask questions?? Or the investigators find out why, and then the country/society learns from that?? I mean really?? What makes a White Supremacist think the way he does, if they live in a Democratic Society?? Why do you think people have fear or jealousy in society?? Does everyone really have the same opportunity in a Democratic Society?? What about a Socialist one??
A Democratic Society is it really or does it depend on the Leader or the group in control?? Do they really care about every one or just the ones that voted them in?? Can you really help everyone?? or no matter who is in power there will be people that suffer?? Socialist Society?? Is there really a difference?? Fact shows that way more people seem to suffer in a full blown Socialist Society?? Is that false??

Interesting questions are they not Meg?? And way better in person to ask these questions and see peoples actual answers and there facial expressions. And i think you know me well enough now to understand this;)

Really there is no right or wrong answer, especially if you go to different parts or your country, you can never!! solve everyone's problems, but in a Democratic Society, i hope you agree you have a better chance of getting help or bettering your life?? I mean i will say majority of the immigration trying to get in now is for political disruption reasons, but there is a few that do want to better there lives and left where they came from because they had zero chances of doing that!!.
And you don't have to be a White Supremacist, even know that is how you are portrayed to know there is a immigration crisis in every Democratic country, and even worse the so called successful Fake Socialists countries as well (ones the Left think are true Socialists countries and are not even close!!, and will never work in the United States or Canada for that matter)....

Edit: Here is a good question for every true American Citizen!!! Do you think your country would exist if it didn't have the strongest Military in the World?? Economy Control/Influence? Putin is way more respected then Any president in the US!!! What does that say outside of a Democratic Society?? And do you think Putin gives a shit about his people?? or anyone that is outside his circle?? Or benefits his power?? Show me on any station or news outlet the lineup of people running to Russia, better yet would they even be let in!!!??

Again my opinion being on this earth for over a half a century:happy:

06-01-2019, 09:31 PM
You rally have no clue about economics, do you? Sunk costs, incremental costs, etc? .

I am confused, do you not live in a dominate Republican State?? Makes sense Cabby:)

What are the expenditure costs at Mar A Lago vs Camp David?? I see you seem to be now an Accounting expert:idunno: Do you know Trump is charging the Taxpayers for his stay there or just the Security costs?? Have you seen the receipts that Trump has submitted for his stays there?? Next Economic question Cabby, If a Diplomat stays at a Trump Hotel or stays at another and the Cost is the same is there an Economic difference or just Left Wing people pissed off because the Trump hotel is used?? Economics Hmmmmm......
I do remember Trump is the only President so far that is not taking one cent of a President Salary, what does that do to Economics Cabby??
Interesting Mar A Lago is also already paid for is it not?? The big expense is always security is it not Cabby?? So less security at Camp David, security now allocated to Mar A Logo, economics again??.. I guess if you ever become President, you could always try to change the Laws or get the house and senate to force the Next President to stay in a specific place:idunno:. But maybe i should make a suggestion Cabby?? That you pack your bags and move to a Left Wing Democratic State to still never have a chance of that happening;)

Really i should just say if Trump Trump Trump stayed at Camp David, they would find something else to bash him anyways..
Any conversation the has "President Trump" in it is really just repetitive of negativity because he is not liked by Left Wing Democratic ideology vs Republican views of moving the US forward solved!!.. Because bashing Trump Trump Trump now has become become boring, and a excuse because if Democrats actually try to talk about some sort of agenda to move the country forward they look like fools, I think they need to study from Cabby's economic thinking :idunno:

To FST's resident Trump appologist. The White House is one of the few agencies that doesn't operate under the Freedom of Information Act so only the Russians, Saudis and Chinese know the true depth of the corruption taking place.


Also Kelly Anne Conway is complaining about you constantly trying to obfuscate by taking one thing and then adding another totally unrelated thing (but the Dems) into the mix because she feels that's her job.

If tldr
Trump’s resort bills the government the maximum permitted by federal rules: 300% of the government’s per diem rate.

06-01-2019, 10:53 PM
To FST's resident Trump appologist. The White House is one of the few agencies that doesn't operate under the Freedom of Information Act so only the Russians, Saudis and Chinese know the true depth of the corruption taking place.


Ok I surrender (white flag already!!), i am getting bored of the same back and forth Trump Trump Trump, we now have in 2020 a new presidential election, lets see what happen then, but until then complain all the heck you want!! The Republicans are now in Presidency power, like it or move out of the country and go somewhere else:idunno:, and by looking at the media seems like so far everyone wants to get in!!!! If the Democrats get in 2020?? Then you will see all the upper middle class and the wealthy leaving faster than the immigrants trying to get in now;), and i can guarantee you no country will refuse them or there business:happy:....
But really i should add...... What we do hear of the Agenda of the Democratic party, they would never in a chance get my vote if i was American, but to be truthful and realistic, when it does come closer, agendas/platforms will change and then maybe i would change my mind...
But if i still hear they want to kill babies in a third trimester(or actually born and let the doctor murder it) or they want to raise taxes, or try to take control of everything as opposed to Capitalism, forget my vote for them;)

Kelly Anne Conway is great at her job, plus every President accrues personal costs in the White House and pays it when they leave..Did you know that Idol?? The same everything should be questioned!!! It is the right in a Democratic Society, but not fake shit nor Trump Trump Trump every minute of the day, there is more important news than Cooper going on TV and saying that Trump ordered the Macain Ship to be covered when it was totally False and he had no idea that Japan was doing it (in other words FAKE NEWS and Debunked and never retracted or an apology either just moved to more crap!!), Things like that will just get the Republicans back in the White House!!

06-01-2019, 11:19 PM
Not what I said, but don't you find it uncomfortable that your beliefs have commonalities with those kinds of groups?

No, Do you Meg?? But can you say that every good or bad group may have some part of there ideology that may benefit or learn for a country to better itself ?? I would have to say yes, how about yourself Meg?? What do you think?? Do you agree or disagree??


06-01-2019, 11:27 PM
For you Meg...

Here is a couple of Fox News White Supremacists:lol:

Juan Williams, a full blown Democrat and is not biased one bit, if he disagrees with his party he speaks his mind!!!


Donna Bazile is and was part of the Democratic Party, speaks her mind and was kicked off CNN and MSNBC because she refused to report and go along with a Fake News Agenda...


Allan Dershowitz, a full blown Democrat and Zionist, and was on every News Station you can think of!! Right Left he never gave a shit!! Well respected Harvard Law Lawyer/Professor, and knows his shit!!! Was kicked off CNN because he wouldn't tell there lies!!, and was on Fox News occasionally.....


And there are tons more that the new Program Directors at CNN and MSNBC have kicked off .... I am pretty sure those three alone are not White Supremacist Meg...

Again your lists of people on CNN and MSNBC that are even Moderate Liberals today??!!! Again Fox News is balanced enough for my thinking, you still haven't mentioned any suggestion where i should go to get balanced News?? Bashing Trump Trump Trump is boring already!! How about Obama and Clinton and how much they really knew about the Russian interference and what they did to really stop it?? Or should i say Backfire?? The same how much Clinton got paid for a speech she made at a Cyber Security conference . She would be the first person i called if i wanted to get rid of evidence for sure!!! I bet she even had the hammers melted down:lol:
Now lets see what comes out and i suggest you watch Fox News for more of the Truth, because CNN and MSNBC will be too busy with Trump Trump Trump Bashing.....

06-01-2019, 11:34 PM
No, Do you Meg?? But can you say that every good or bad group may have some part of there ideology that may benefit or learn for a country to better itself ?? I would have to say yes, how about yourself Meg?? What do you think?? Do you agree or disagree??

After reading 10 lines i had to go get a drink and take some meds:slap:, that is were you go to get your excuse of your opinions?? Give me a break!!, lets leave it that we have different views of the world and how we choose to live in it??..

You can not learn and progress from only good things happening?? Cause and Effect?, but as a society we can try to make things better!!. That is why i have always said you could never!!!Never!! let religion rule a society without chaos!!!...
Maybe you should check out the TV series Murdoch Mysteries, even in those days portrayed, common sense and rule of law and society made sense :)

Again not sure if that link was a joke or not??? What's next i am thinking a link to Noam Chomsky:wacko:

06-02-2019, 02:51 AM

I thought this was disgusting and Hilarious at the same time (20% disgusting 90% hilarious CNN's poll :huh:) Obama Days at the White House


06-02-2019, 03:34 AM
Yeah, why ground things in 'book learning' and 'intellectualism' when we can fall back on Faux news? Yes, we see things 'differently'.

06-02-2019, 08:38 AM
Yeah, why ground things in 'book learning' and 'intellectualism' when we can fall back on Faux news? Yes, we see things 'differently'.

Wait!! So are you saying that Text Book or Book learning is more beneficial than watching daily news (regardless of what channel).. Why don't you tell that to all the Terrorists countries that rely on texts books for there education and actually they are propaganda religious recruiter nut-bag education manuals!!:yikes:..
Books are usually an interests that mold your views, and some people can't tell the difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction or better reality and fantasy island.

Again Meg you are always entitled to your opinion and views, but kids today do not see the same reality of the generations before them and it is getting worse and worse. There always has to be a difference from goals to entitlement.
I think to be intelligent today you have to experience life from the ground up without the ideas of grandeur, and entitlement, even if you are well off, just for the humbleness to actually appreciate what you do have, and sometimes actually think it is enough..
Mainly saying Respect ,Health and Happiness and Success in that order :01: I hope we don't differ on that concept Meg, especially for our families ;)

Now it is 4.30am here and i am leaving the house at 5.30 to get to the golf course for my tee off time of 6.30am. It is kind of spitting out (raining that is), but it is supposed to stop, that is what the local weatherman says on the TV, should i believe him?? Again buddy if i go by you it is not Fox News so maybe he is more in line of telling the truth:unsure:..

Have a wonderful Sunday Meg to you and your family:) ...


06-02-2019, 01:58 PM
You are all snivelling homos and I shall be voting Presbyterian straight across the ticket.

06-02-2019, 02:01 PM
Be the first time you voted 'straight' on anything.

06-02-2019, 05:35 PM
Lot you know. I voted several times to send Mitch McConnell straight to hell.

06-02-2019, 05:38 PM
I'm now going to walk to the Shoppers Drug Mart store and buy some garbage to eat while I watch the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead tonight.

I allow myself the occassional garbage so I don't get too pretty and then all the ugly people start resenting me.

06-02-2019, 08:54 PM
You rally have no clue about economics, do you? Sunk costs, incremental costs, etc? .

I am confused, do you not live in a dominate Republican State?? Makes sense Cabby:)

What are the expenditure costs at Mar A Lago vs Camp David?? I see you seem to be now an Accounting expert:idunno: Do you know Trump is charging the Taxpayers for his stay there or just the Security costs?? Have you seen the receipts that Trump has submitted for his stays there?? Next Economic question Cabby, If a Diplomat stays at a Trump Hotel or stays at another and the Cost is the same is there an Economic difference or just Left Wing people pissed off because the Trump hotel is used?? Economics Hmmmmm......
I do remember Trump is the only President so far that is not taking one cent of a President Salary, what does that do to Economics Cabby??
Interesting Mar A Lago is also already paid for is it not?? The big expense is always security is it not Cabby?? So less security at Camp David, security now allocated to Mar A Logo, economics again??.. I guess if you ever become President, you could always try to change the Laws or get the house and senate to force the Next President to stay in a specific place:idunno:. But maybe i should make a suggestion Cabby?? That you pack your bags and move to a Left Wing Democratic State to still never have a chance of that happening;)

Really i should just say if Trump Trump Trump stayed at Camp David, they would find something else to bash him anyways..
Any conversation the has "President Trump" in it is really just repetitive of negativity because he is not liked by Left Wing Democratic ideology vs Republican views of moving the US forward solved!!.. Because bashing Trump Trump Trump now has become become boring, and a excuse because if Democrats actually try to talk about some sort of agenda to move the country forward they look like fools, I think they need to study from Cabby's economic thinking :idunno:

Read 'em and weep: http://time.com/5521886/trump-trips-mar-a-lago-cost/

Compare that to a short drive in a motorcade to Camp David. And, again, money paid to the Trump Resort by the government and its agencies benefits just one person: Donald Trump.

What's a president make, $400,000 per year? Given the hundreds of thousands of dollars he is paying himself every year by staying at Trump resorts (and while I can't prov it, I wouldn't be surprised if he played the stock market every day before he tweets) I'm not weeping for him. And given that trickle-down doesn't work anyway, whether he's got an extra $400,000 does shit for the economy. Or the federal budget.

And when a diplomat or a lobbyist stays at one of his hotels, like the one in Washington, it's a potential violation of the emolument clause and/or extremely shady.




06-02-2019, 09:59 PM
And let us not forget that very dubious decision on not to move the FBI headquarters 'cause Trump Hotel Washington.


Sorry for the source which will no doubt trigger cries of more "fake news" from Shay but there is no disputing the pertinent facts.

06-03-2019, 12:57 AM
Democrats actually try to talk about some sort of agenda to move the country forward they look like fools, I think they
Read 'em and weep: http://time.com/5521886/trump-trips-mar-a-lago-cost/
Compare that to a short drive in a motorcade to Camp David. And, again, money paid to the Trump Resort by the government and its agencies benefits just one person: Donald Trump.
What's a president make, $400,000 per year? Given the hundreds of thousands of dollars he is paying himself every year by staying at Trump resorts (and while I can't prov it, I wouldn't be surprised if he played the stock market every day before he tweets) I'm not weeping for him. And given that trickle-down doesn't work anyway, whether he's got an extra $400,000 does shit for the economy. Or the federal budget.

And when a diplomat or a lobbyist stays at one of his hotels, like the one in Washington, it's a potential violation of the emolument clause and/or extremely shady.




I think i can now leave a cut and paste on all of my PC's home page:)
Tell me Cabby did you ever tune into the Apprentice, or only when Schwarzenegger was on:lol:
Do you really dislike Trump or the Republican party's policies and agenda?? I am thinking both and Trump Trump Trump is a easy way for left wing thinkers to bash the good that is happening in the US, but i can tell you Cabby, it is not working and people are now seeing through all of this garbage!! There is just not enough of guys like you to affect the Republicans;), You are defiantly loud!! but the numbers are just not there;) and now the Democrats are going to be in even more hot water once the truth comes out on what really happened for 2 plus years on the Russian hoax...
And the most important thing for all Americans is the economy!! and not one Democrat on the planet could every do what the Republicans and Trump did to accomplish that. And they all talk big and mock Trump, but in reality they are scared shit of him!!!! And they should be, because after 6 more years Trump Trump Trump will still be a very wealthy man;)

"And when a diplomat or a lobbyist stays at one of his hotels, like the one in Washington, it's a potential violation of the emolument clause and/or extremely shady"

Why?? Are you saying they don't have the right to stay where they want?? President Trump has removed himself from all of his operations hasn't he?? Or maybe the Democrats should waste another 30 million dollars on crap :lol:When did the US become Russia??

I assume you are not a golfer Cabby?? Do you know how many business transactions are done at a Golf Course, in Trumps perspective a lot more than at Camp David:D, Again you dislike the Republicans and Trump so matter any good you will just look to spin it anyways... I know Kerry and Obama and Clinton are really the ones that should be credited for all of the success....

06-03-2019, 01:13 AM
And let us not forget that very dubious decision on not to move the FBI headquarters 'cause Trump Hotel Washington.


Sorry for the source which will no doubt trigger cries of more "fake news" from Shay but there is no disputing the pertinent facts.

You don't like Trump Trump Trump Idol, i get it.. I think you got it right to vote for Presbyterian:)

06-03-2019, 03:24 AM
How much money did the Republicans waste on the numerous and unnecessary congressional investigations into Benghazi and Hillary's email server? That was just dirty tactics to drag Hillary's name through the mud. That was all bullshit. The Mueller investigation has uncovered tons of corruption leading to the conviction many of Tr*mp's "great people". 30 million well spent. I don't how you can call the Russian investigation a hoax. Russia did interfere in the election. Some of the Tr*mp campaign people and his administration/advisors were working with Russia. When the FULL unredacted Mueller report is released years down the road, everyone will finally see the truth. Tr*mp did obstruct.

BTW, what is the "good" that is happening in the US? (And don't say the economy. It's only changed for the good for rich people).

06-03-2019, 04:18 AM
How much money did the Republicans waste on the numerous and unnecessary congressional investigations into Benghazi and Hillary's email server? That was just dirty tactics to drag Hillary's name through the mud. That was all bullshit. The Mueller investigation has uncovered tons of corruption leading to the conviction many of Tr*mp's "great people". 30 million well spent. I don't how you can call the Russian investigation a hoax. Russia did interfere in the election. Some of the Tr*mp campaign people and his administration/advisors were working with Russia. When the FULL unredacted Mueller report is released years down the road, everyone will finally see the truth. Tr*mp did obstruct.

No you are wrong!! No American interfered in the Russian hacking!! and the Trump team that was jailed or indited was all personal shit of there doing, there is still pending accusations on Trump, and zero Russian collusion, all personal!!. Also zero was spent on Clinton servers fiasco!!and she smashed a private government server that she was not supposed to have!! and then destroyed it!! You are ok with that MacGyver!!?? That was dropped quickly because of Democratic influence on the FBI that will be coming out soon as well;), and funny Benghazi Clinton was 100% guilty of fucking up and getting Americans Killed!!!! and walked away Scott free!!. Are you happy about that MacGyver??
And to finish, The leaders of both parties can see the unredacted Mueller report any time they want!!, they just want to go after any person connected to Trump!!, and Third.... What did Trump obstruct?? not a thing!! There is zero Russian collusion and everyone should take off there tin foil hats and face that, Trump is without a doubt is an ASS!!, but the charade is over and now it is time to face Clinton lost badly and her interference and her influence with the FBI is now coming out soon...
And if you think Trump did obstruct justice MacGyver like the nutjob crybaby Left wing Democrats do?? Then they should go ahead and start impeachment proceedings, but i really don't think there is enough Democrats including there Leader that want to do that, let alone they will get slaughtered in the vote with the senate, it is a lost cause to even try and the Lefty nut jobs are too stupid to understand that...And if you understand your laws The full Mueller report will never be fully shown to the Public, Just like some things will be redacted on the physia warrants that were fraudulently made by Clinton and here FBI cronies right;). You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Mueller found no Russia collusion with Trump and the Trump campaign?? So why were they spying on his campaign?? And yes there was Russia interference?? but not by any Americans and that was really what Mueller was supposed to be investigating, then the Democratic pressure and influence they added the obstruction crap!!, after they knew they had fuck all on Trump and Russia..FBI and the Mueller special team has all Democratic appointed people investigating all of this shit!!!! and still found the square root of cock, and Obama should have done something about the interference.. He was the President at the time!!!..
It will be interesting, that is for sure MacGyver....

Speaking of being outnumbered in your own state?? Are you not living in a Republican run State MacGyver??

06-03-2019, 12:09 PM
.... watch the season premiere of Fear the Walking Dead tonight.

Not that I expect a lot from stuff like this but even by those standards that was monumentally bad. Literally, any 8th grader could write something better than that.

06-03-2019, 12:31 PM
No you are wrong!! No American interfered in the Russian hacking!! and the Trump team that was jailed or indited was all personal shit of there doing, there is still pending accusations on Trump, and zero Russian collusion, all personal!!. Also zero was spent on Clinton servers fiasco!!and she smashed a private government server that she was not supposed to have!! and then destroyed it!! You are ok with that MacGyver!!?? That was dropped quickly because of Democratic influence on the FBI that will be coming out soon as well;), and funny Benghazi Clinton was 100% guilty of fucking up and getting Americans Killed!!!! and walked away Scott free!!. Are you happy about that MacGyver??
And to finish, The leaders of both parties can see the unredacted Mueller report any time they want!!, they just want to go after any person connected to Trump!!, and Third.... What did Trump obstruct?? not a thing!! There is zero Russian collusion and everyone should take off there tin foil hats and face that, Trump is without a doubt is an ASS!!, but the charade is over and now it is time to face Clinton lost badly and her interference and her influence with the FBI is now coming out soon...
And if you think Trump did obstruct justice MacGyver like the nutjob crybaby Left wing Democrats do?? Then they should go ahead and start impeachment proceedings, but i really don't think there is enough Democrats including there Leader that want to do that, let alone they will get slaughtered in the vote with the senate, it is a lost cause to even try and the Lefty nut jobs are too stupid to understand that...And if you understand your laws The full Mueller report will never be fully shown to the Public, Just like some things will be redacted on the physia warrants that were fraudulently made by Clinton and here FBI cronies right;). You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out Mueller found no Russia collusion with Trump and the Trump campaign?? So why were they spying on his campaign?? And yes there was Russia interference?? but not by any Americans and that was really what Mueller was supposed to be investigating, then the Democratic pressure and influence they added the obstruction crap!!, after they knew they had fuck all on Trump and Russia..FBI and the Mueller special team has all Democratic appointed people investigating all of this shit!!!! and still found the square root of cock, and Obama should have done something about the interference.. He was the President at the time!!!..
It will be interesting, that is for sure MacGyver....

Speaking of being outnumbered in your own state?? Are you not living in a Republican run State MacGyver??

CliffsNotes version, ...but the Dems.

Actual fact. There was plenty of "collusion" much of it well documented like the Trump Tower meeting but collusion isn't currently seen as being a crime. Apparently the decision was made that there just wasn't enough there to pursue conspiracy charges as they are based around things like intent that are hard to prove. Also and here I admit to bias, they likely didn't want to open the kettle of worms of going after Don Jr who clearly lied (again documented fact) to authorities. Which btw would have landed your ass in jail ten times over.

As for the politically motivated move against the FBI for a legimate investigation by the AG. I think stuff like that happens only in places like Russia Russia Russia and parts of Kentucky.

06-03-2019, 12:36 PM
You don't like Trump Trump Trump Idol, i get it.. I don't like any horrible people except Meg, so shoot me.

Likewise not a fan of Pelosi as right and wrong shouldn't be dictated purely by political ends.

06-03-2019, 12:48 PM
As for the politically motivated move against the FBI for a legimate investigation by the AG. I think stuff like that happens only in places like Russia Russia Russia and parts of Kentucky.
:yup: :artist: :yup:

I like that comparison Idol, spot on :lol:

So you are not buying the Meeting at Trump Tower was about some adoption?? Me either?? I do think they were looking for dirt on Clinton!!, but is that illegal?? I am thinking if it was used and proved Yes, but that is not what happened, so it still goes back to once they did see there was no Collusion in the Trump campaign?? The spying should have stopped or the Trump Campaign should have been notified there was trouble?? But now history, and Clinton and the DNC was worried they had a chance of losing the Election, that's really is the bottom line Idol. And now did it go all the way to the Obama administration ?? That really is the 30 million dollar question that was not checked into by Mueller, and really that was not his job either!! Russia collusion was .........

But something Shady defiantly did happen Idol (and i do agree with you),and really do you think the truth will ever come out?? I am really starting to think the Truth doesn't make good Prime Time News anymore:unsure:

The same was said should an acting FBI or an AG be doing spotlight prime time interviews?? Fuck No!!! More political shit that they are supposed to be above... But hey, the world and media has changed... Reporting news is not a important as ratings are.....

06-03-2019, 12:57 PM
I don't like any horrible people except Meg, so shoot me.
Likewise not a fan of Pelosi as right and wrong shouldn't be dictated purely by political ends.

I sense a conflict in you Young Putz :lol:


06-07-2019, 07:02 AM
I win!

Mr. Mulder
06-13-2019, 12:27 PM
Hai cunts. :ghey:

Happy season 2 is great.

06-13-2019, 12:44 PM
Hai cunts. :ghey:

Happy season 2 is great.

Why aren't you at your job, pretending to work?

Mr. Mulder
06-13-2019, 02:54 PM
I'm there right now. I just reset someone's Windows password and now I'm in the men's room pinching off a monster. Either one of those could be considered the definitive moment of an 11 year career.

06-15-2019, 07:04 PM
News That Matters


06-17-2019, 12:49 AM
I win.

06-17-2019, 03:48 AM
Only because everyone else gave up

06-17-2019, 11:26 AM
I win. It's a trick question. The only way to truly win is to never post.

06-17-2019, 03:13 PM
You're a sly one, Idol...Trying to push everyone away just like some old timey prospector--"Nope, I found no gold in them there hills...think I'll try my luck waaaay over there tomorrow."

Obviously, 99.8% of the bored have fallen for your ruse, but not me. :noes:

06-17-2019, 05:59 PM
Last man standing, motherfucker.

Something Else
06-17-2019, 08:59 PM
Grate to have ewe with us. I just got back from Ibiza. It's well expensive.

06-18-2019, 05:39 AM
Last man standing, motherfucker.

No, to the pain...


Something Else
06-18-2019, 07:56 AM
Wymyns puntsphere. :dabs:

06-18-2019, 10:37 AM
I win--it may be temporary, but it is real!

06-22-2019, 07:00 PM

06-24-2019, 10:34 AM
how far is a piece of string?
Winning the internet lol, i think we all have a better chance winning the lottery :P

Mr. Mulder
06-24-2019, 01:59 PM
I won the lottery and by won the lottery I of course mean had bum sex with your mother.

06-24-2019, 02:02 PM

06-24-2019, 03:24 PM
I won the lottery and by won the lottery I of course mean had bum sex with your mother.

Is it really winning if you end up with poo all over your dick?

Mr. Mulder
06-24-2019, 03:55 PM
You'd have to ask her I didn't really get to see it after she pulled it out :eyebrows:

Something Else
06-24-2019, 07:54 PM
Wahey. Mulder is still mulder.

06-24-2019, 07:59 PM
This space for rent until Idol says something clever.

I'll try my best but only if you promise to hold your breath until then.

06-24-2019, 09:19 PM
Apparently it is not a very effective advertising space-- I've had that there ever since Shay got mad at me for quoting his slander of the Jews.

06-24-2019, 10:03 PM
Apparently it is not a very effective advertising space-- I've had that there ever since Shay got mad at me for quoting his slander of the Jews. Technically libel. Might have been simply a reporting of facts. When you get into perceived insults, sometimes there is a very fine line between the two, homo.

06-24-2019, 10:25 PM
Gosh, you're right! Shay libeled the heck out of the Jews! I can only imagine how slanderous he is towards them in person. :noes:

06-24-2019, 11:00 PM
No need to imagine. I found a clip of some hidden camera footage.


06-25-2019, 07:35 AM
I never would have believed Shay to be so vile that he'd start speaking in old english. :O

And I have always pictured him more impish in appearance.

06-25-2019, 11:34 AM
I never would have believed Shay to be so vile that he'd start speaking in old english. :O

I'm pretty good with languages and I believe that's Herbrew. The only 100% way to certain though is to play that clip in front of an Arab and see if it makes them want to bomb it.

06-25-2019, 03:09 PM
Not to get off topic, but don't Arabs want to bomb everything? :idunno:

06-25-2019, 04:18 PM
I think you are confusing bombing with beheading. Common mistake. The way to keep them is straight is that you can't be a suicide beheader.

06-25-2019, 06:29 PM
Not with that attitude, you can't. :noes:

Something Else
06-26-2019, 10:03 PM
5G tested at Glastonbury. Made me lol

06-26-2019, 10:54 PM
I'm pretty good with languages and I believe that's Herbrew. The only 100% way to certain though is to play that clip in front of an Arab and see if it makes them want to bomb it.


For future reference to both you Putz's , i speak very little Hebrew, mostly Yiddish ;). and knowing i am far from a left wing nut bag like a few here, NOT ALL ARABS ARE BAD :unsure:

06-26-2019, 11:35 PM
I hope you aren't suggesting that bombing makes one evil because if it does then the bad guys apparently won WWII. I still cry about Dresden, not so much about Japan because I hate anime so I'm thinking they had it coming.

Also England and France have beheaded lots of people and both of them are more or less sort of white, racist.



The Taliban gave me toothpaste & soap.

— David Rohde (@RohdeD) June 24, 2019

Sorry the last one was directed at Meg 'cause 'Merica, obviously.

06-27-2019, 03:09 PM
Here's what you are constantly backing, Shay. Read the comments below the Twitter video to see what this administration is being compared to.


06-28-2019, 03:45 AM
Here's what you are constantly backing, Shay. Read the comments below the Twitter video to see what this administration is being compared to.


Hey Meg...

I tried to check out the link you gave and it is blank, so i just googled "nowthisnews" and it is a pro democratic site no??

I do know 9 months ago the Republicans (Forget Trump Trump Trump!!!!) have been saying there is a crisis on the border, and the Dems didn't give two shits!!, and neither did the last administration that was in for 8 years?? America is a booming and everyone wants in!!!, that should say something no??. And if you notice they are all leaving Socialists countries LOL!!!!...

Just listening the commentators speaking of the the debates, they are a joke, and everything you are hearing now, come 2020, the Dems will change there tune, or they will lose badly!!!!. And don't get me wrong i think some of the Dems ideas are really good, and reality your will be paying for all of them big time not the wealthy, but ya they are really good ideas:rolleyes:..
Again i have said my peace and not going back and forth with anybody... I know you don't like the Republican party or there agenda, but your economy has never been better all across the board, and usually that is what wins elections, but when it comes to Trump Trump Trump anything can happen...And really there is zero Democrats as of now that have a chance to beat Trump, so i guess we will have to see what happens right......

06-28-2019, 01:40 PM
1. The caravan was no a crisis.
2. The crisis right now was manufactured by the administration.
3. America is not booming. Stock market performance is not the same as people's everyday lives.
4. I know enough Europeans who won't even come as tourists anymore.
5. Even Donald's own polls would beg to differ from your electability assessment.

06-28-2019, 04:05 PM
My point was the "none of your business" thing but could someone please tell me if they kidnaped the President and replaced him with a broken record?


Also the insistence to always refer to Strzok and Page as "the two lovers" is truly creepy.

06-28-2019, 04:17 PM
"Putin won't let me tell you. He's got plans...BIG, BIG plans...BIGGEST PLANS *EVER* for America. I wish I could tell you...but they're BIG!!!"

06-28-2019, 09:00 PM
My point was the "none of your business" thing but could someone please tell me if they kidnapped the President and replaced him with a broken record? Also the insistence to always refer to Strzok and Page as "the two lovers" is truly creepy.

Can't that concept apply to every politician Idol:unsure:


06-28-2019, 09:05 PM
"Putin won't let me tell you. He's got plans...BIG, BIG plans...BIGGEST PLANS *EVER* for America. I wish I could tell you...but they're BIG!!!"

Funny you make fun of a leader that your Democrats want to mimic the concept and rule and control run the US:idunno:, yet the Republicans want nothing to do with that shit!!!!!!

Jeez i thought i was out and you putz's pull me right back in!!!!:01:

06-28-2019, 09:15 PM
1. The caravans was not a crisis. BULLSHIT!!!
2. The crisis right now was manufactured by the administration. REPEAT BULLSHIT And the Democrats caved and voted on the Republican Bill for funds except what the 4 socialists lefty Democrat Terrorist sympathizers:O
3. America is not booming. Stock market performance is not the same as people's everyday lives. BULLSHIT, people are getting more and spending it faster!!!
4. I know enough Europeans who won't even come as tourists anymore. It is hard to distinguish who is a citizen or a illegal Terrorist so who wants them!! Germany France is in the toilet, flooded with crap!!!! At least the UK is trying to change that!!!
5. Even Donald's own polls would beg to differ from your elect-ability assessment. I have as much faith in polls as Hillary Clinton;), right now there is not one Democrat i would vote for!! Socialist Bullshit with a touch of killing new born children!!! Good luck!!!

Great questions/comments Cabby:), Trump would eat them for Breakfast in any debate, I know you watched both Lefty Democrat Debates, GOOOOOOO BIDEN!!!!!!

06-28-2019, 09:33 PM
Eveyone in those debates came off badly simply because such an overt pursuit of power doesn't look good on anyone. Especially when a bunch of souless consultants and pollsters instead of your heart are telling what you should and shouldn't be saying.

Too many people come off as being phoney and insincere when in reality only half 85% of them are phoney and insincere. Still I'd take phoney and insincere anyday over the current administration's phoney, insincere, crooked, evil and stupid.:yup:

06-28-2019, 09:37 PM
My point was the "none of your business" thing but could someone please tell me if they kidnapped the President and replaced him with a broken record? Also the insistence to always refer to Strzok and Page as "the two lovers" is truly creepy.

Can't that concept apply to every politician Idol:unsure:


Thankfully no. I still like that Mr. Deeds guy and Abe Lincoln who by his name I take to have been a Jew, #noprejudice.

06-28-2019, 10:53 PM
1. The caravans was not a crisis. BULLSHIT!!!
2. The crisis right now was manufactured by the administration. REPEAT BULLSHIT And the Democrats caved and voted on the Republican Bill for funds except what the 4 socialists lefty Democrat Terrorist sympathizers:O
3. America is not booming. Stock market performance is not the same as people's everyday lives. BULLSHIT, people are getting more and spending it faster!!!
4. I know enough Europeans who won't even come as tourists anymore. It is hard to distinguish who is a citizen or a illegal Terrorist so who wants them!! Germany France is in the toilet, flooded with crap!!!! At least the UK is trying to change that!!!
5. Even Donald's own polls would beg to differ from your elect-ability assessment. I have as much faith in polls as Hillary Clinton;), right now there is not one Democrat i would vote for!! Socialist Bullshit with a touch of killing new born children!!! Good luck!!!

Great questions/comments Cabby:), Trump would eat them for Breakfast in any debate, I know you watched both Lefty Democrat Debates, GOOOOOOO BIDEN!!!!!!

If calling people names and spewing out lies is how debates are won, then yes, the orange one would win.

As I have said many times here, those polls don't take gerrymandering into consideration. That's why it looked like Hillary would win. And it is why Tr*mp will probably be reelected.

06-29-2019, 12:27 PM
Actual footage of shay being interviewed.


06-30-2019, 04:24 AM
Actual footage of shay being interviewed.

I don't know which one is more full of shit, the reporter or the retard she was interviewing, but i can tell you 2 honest things Idol, i haven't been to the US in well over a year and second wrong gender buddy :lol:...

Now revers the situation and have a neutral Fox reporter interviewing instead of a left wing nutbag!!, and have him/her interviewing a lazy fucktard smoking a doobie, unemployed lazy putz even know he is fully capable of working waiting to vote Democrat so his welfare cheques will start flowing in and he can sit in his basement apartment, jerking off to kiddie porn, and he will have to be quick considering he may run out of solar power:lol:..And get this straight!! The wealthy will not be paying for this!!, the Middle class will be period!!, that is reality no matter what party is in the Oval Office, and everything you hear out of the Democrats mouths 80% come election time 2020 won't exists, that is also reality, because everything will have to be softened down, because there is absolutely zero ways to pay for the shit they are spewing out!!. But it does get all the Leftards all warm and fuzzy inside for sure, and Trump gets all the Rightards all riled up as well, now you have the middle neutral moderate people to decide which parties agenda is going to benefit them?? that will be very interesting which way they decide to go Idol?? To me Idol that is what it boils down to. And i won't even start with immigration//border shit because it is not worth it anymore, If a Republican says Right!!, a new Democrat will say Left!!, doesn't matter anymore, come 2020 Yankees GO VOTE!!....

But Ya, i can see that being the Great America it should be:wacko:..

It will be interesting in 2020, that's for sure Idol, it will be interesting here in Canada when the PC's get back in as well, drugs are legal here now, the French retard has nothing more to offer unless he makes Oxy legal, and wants to give all the immigrants free Dental and healthcare?? OH wait:noes:........

Just sayin buddy...........

06-30-2019, 04:46 AM
If calling people names and spewing out lies is how debates are won, then yes, the orange one would win.
As I have said many times here, those polls don't take gerrymandering into consideration. That's why it looked like Hillary would win. And it is why Tr*mp will probably be reelected.

I think Idol mentioned something about a broken record a few posts back....

So i will cut and paste for you MacGyver... Gerrymandering happens on both sides period, so that is mute already, proven and done....

As for lies, every President that has existed bullshits!!, just some are more polished at it, and Trump is not one of those, again the economy has never been better in how many years?? Ya i fucking know not for everybody, but a hell of a lot more than any other President period end of story, and the Republican platform/agenda promises they said they were going to do are all being implemented and done period, and ya i know you just don't like them, so really you would never vote for Republican so really who gives two shits right:), hopefully your vote will count and you will get the party you want into the oval office right?? If not? and it is really bad for you and you think living and working or want to enjoy retirement somewhere else in the world would be more beneficial for you Fucking Go right...

Really this back and forth with the same repetitiveness, goes nowhere right?? Go Vote!!, and hope that the rest of the country feels the same?? What else can i say right?? The Truth MacGyver, i live just north of Toronto Canada and i didn't vote for the Party that is in here, and really to be truthful!, It has not changed my life one bit?? now did it change others?? Maybe, for better or worse i have no bloody clue?? but it hasn't changed mine, but if it did to a point where it was not how i want to live?? I would say bye bye to Canada, now that is the truth...

Really what else is there to say.........

06-30-2019, 05:53 AM
Really with all this Blah Blah Blah, back and forth i guess kills time and makes fun conversations, but really if you think a Socialists life is so great?? Why don't you move to a Place that has one?? I really don't understand?? The same, why is there so much immigration troubles at the American borders?? If they are trying to cross in from Mexico?? why the fuck don't they stay there instead?? Is Mexico so much worse than the US?? What is so wonderful or enticing , to leave there socialist countries and want to come to America?? Do they have free health care?? or an economy that is so great?? or is it easier to find a job there rather than the socialists place they came from?? Do these new immigrants in there long journey have any idea/clue that there are people that live in the United States of America want to change the system to more of what they left from??
The million dollar questions really are!!! Who is telling them to come?? and who is funding them to get there?? Why not anywhere else?? The United States is so bad and needs to be changed yet people are trying desperately to get in, and all the socialists/dictator countries people are trying to get out!!!, people here say there is successful socialists countries out there?? Why don't these immigrates go there?? Better yet why aren't these successful Socialist countries inviting them in and or helping?? Why are they flocking to Democracy Capitalist places ?? You want more truth and facts, there is a backlog in Israel as well to get in!!, the only Democracy in the Middle East!! i find that strange that they are not trying to get into Iran or Syria or Jordan or Egypt?? All nice places to live no?? And those other middle east countries if they can get out, are moving across Europe (most illegally), to get out of socialists/dictator countries?? (And the few to cause mayhem as well)....

I think those are more interesting questions to discuss rather than worrying about Trump Trump Trump every minute...

Again just sayin and my opinion.....

06-30-2019, 04:07 PM
So i will cut and paste for you MacGyver... Gerrymandering happens on both sides period, so that is mute already, proven and done....

As for lies, every President that has existed bullshits!!

Really what else is there to say.........

I believe you may have heard of Princeton http://election.princeton.edu/2012/12/30/gerrymanders-part-1-busting-the-both-sides-do-it-myth/

As for your continuing argument that since someone else has done before it then it must be OK for others to then do it too, let me contextualize it for you, my blind friend.
Other people before Hilter killed Jews therefore Hilter killing Jews is OK. ie It's not all about what you do but also the degree and purpose. I won't ever get into the economy bullpoop as it's just more false narrative and conservative talking points and anyway you seem to decided that having a bigger TV is more important the environment and the dignity of the lower class anyway. Cool.

06-30-2019, 06:32 PM
As for your continuing argument that since someone else has done before it then it must be OK for others to then do it too, let me contextualize it for you, my blind friend.
Other people before Hilter killed Jews therefore Hilter killing Jews is OK. ie It's not all about what you do but also the degree and purpose.

Why does this even have to be brought up?? It has zero to do with any of the conversations of am involved with yet you seem to always return to this??

Assuming you are a history major/buff or not?? Comparing anything to that today just puts you in a bad spot?? Why not the Nazis/Germans and the Russia war you never mention?? Or the Jews and the Romans?? Why is it always seem to be Nazis and Jews with you?? How about Pearl Harbor?? How about what is happening in the Middle East between Arabs?? So many other history atrocities occurred through time yet you seem to go to that one?? Very strange Idol?? Considering nothing to this day will ever compare to the Holocaust!! For many people not just "Jews" that you always want to reference......

I won't ever get into the economy bullpoop as it's just more false narrative and conservative talking points and anyway you seem to decided that having a bigger TV is more important the environment and the dignity of the lower class anyway. Cool.

Why worry about the environment now?? By your pundits the world is going to end in 12 years anyways!!, so you might as well spend all your got and borrow everything you can and live it up right?? And really i care about everyone, that is my nature, but they also have to care about me as well!!. What is that saying?? Your want respect and human decency make sure you understand and do the same back!!!!...But don't ever think i don't care because i do, and you know that.....

PS.. The US supreme court just ruled on Gerrymandering Idol it is all crap and they just threw it out!!!!! It happens on both sides and really there is no way to ever stop it!! So all you can say is make sure you go early to vote and make sure you are registered, and most important make sure you are actually an American Citizen!!!!, the same here that they make sure you are a Canadian Citizen when you vote here right!!!

And you do know that Princeton the majority of the students are Pro Lefty or better yet large populace of outside Socialists/Dictator country students, not sure how many people you know that went there personally Idol, but my son had a few friends that went to Harvard and that is moving the same way.. You pay and you get in that is just reality in the elite Colleges in the US, as well if you are Athletic in others right, and a lot of Socialists countries and i mean Bad Reputation Countries send there kids to school in the US!!, and also quite a few professors once they have tenure, don't follow any true curriculum anymore, just spew there views and the sheep follow, that is now showing in the Democratic party, facts don't matter anymore, just your own views on any subject and try to spread it out to weak minded people that really don't care about the truth or reality. Normally in the media today you only see morons reference/compare anything today to the Holocausts, and they do it for attention, or else they are non existent in there ridiculous ideas or there unsubstantiated comments???

Again i see some of that even in my own kids, but they are intelligent enough to question everything and not just believe what they are told/taught. And to me that will make a better world not sheep or dictatorship and just believe it, that "Proof" should be a big thing right???? And i hope we are still friends in 12 years as well to look back at all this crap, considering i survived the 1984 atrocities ;), and someone to come back from the dead that they saw Moses and Jesus smoking a Hookah pipe together:unsure:

Again my opinions.....

06-30-2019, 10:44 PM
Seriously, Idol...we will *never* burst Shay's bubble of ignorance. EVER. He's absolutely *delighted* there. I've given up on him.

06-30-2019, 11:49 PM

07-01-2019, 02:28 AM
Seriously, Idol...we will *never* burst Shay's bubble of ignorance. EVER. He's absolutely *delighted* there. I've given up on him.

Removed post.........

07-01-2019, 03:36 AM
You say "irrelevant", Shay. Read any article regarding treatment of the Mexicans at the border simply substitute the words "Mexican families" for "Jewish families", "Mexican children" for "Jewish children"... you suddenly realize how disgusting and dehumanizing your choice of politician resembles the Nazis. But you won't because you have been brainwashed by a shit propaganda machine that pretends to be 'news'.

I give up on you ever getting this.

07-01-2019, 05:07 AM
You say "irrelevant", Shay. Read any article regarding treatment of the Mexicans at the border simply substitute the words "Mexican families" for "Jewish families", "Mexican children" for "Jewish children"... you suddenly realize how disgusting and dehumanizing your choice of politician resembles the Nazis. But you won't because you have been brainwashed by a shit propaganda machine that pretends to be 'news'.
I give up on you ever getting this.
No Meg, it is you that has been brainwashed......
It is not just Mexicans trying to get in, they are travelling from other Socialists/Dictatorship countries through Mexico!! And they are being funded to start a raucous in the United States!!!!
First off why all the sudden do you fucking care!!! Second the Nazis tried to exterminate an entire race plus more, enough with your garbage of caring!!!. The Americans are not trying to do anything of the sort!!!
They need funds and help at the border to control what is going on!!! The Democrats before (Obama), and now don't give a shit, they just want to let everyone in!! That is not the solution period, the problem needs to be fixed at the source and stop the people instigating and funding the droves of people coming!!! Or this will never stop!!! The Republicans wanted to send the overflow to sanctuary cities, the Democrats refused!!, and want all of them just let in!!! Is that what you want?? Instead of comparing completely different situations like what the Nazi's did!!! Let me see your actual ideas and views to fix the problem instead of acting like a confused Left wing moron, The Republicans know what to do and they are trying to get the funding to alleviate the problem the Democrats don't want to do anything to help before 2020 to make Republicans look bad!!! Again if you feel they should be all let in without vetting ?? Then have the balls to type it in your post!!!

I get exactly what is going on at your borders!!! Our government let all the shit in and now it is putting stress on all of social government controlled benefits!!
And a lot of the Immigration that was let in here was on the assumption that many will go home when it is safe, because i can assure you they don't want to be here nor do they want to be patriotic to Canada!!! They want to change it to there home country they came from!!!!..

I get a lot more than you do Meg!!!! The difference is i try to look at the solutions out there, what are you doing?? Don't ever compare an extermination to what is happening at your borders, you will just look like a fool. Mexico was threatened with Tariffs, now they are helping!! If i was and American Citizen i would not let one fucking person in without complete Vetting!!! That's my view what is yours??!!!

PS.. I am not sure you really understand the word Ignorant!!! Having a hard life because you are poor is not the same as living somewhere and put on Trains and exterminated. That my Father In law went back to Germany and Poland after the war to see if he could find family members and get them out but they were all DEAD!!!!! , Or my sister's Father inlaw looking at his tattoo number on his forearm and was lucky to get out, but saw parts of his family murdered right in front of him , Did you ever in your life talk to a Holocaust survivor!!?? You do know that you don't have to be Jewish to do that right, but i know trying to educate a Left wing thinker, they will never understand!!!. And one kid out of thousands die at your border is fucking terrible but not an extermination. Don't talk ignorance of history if you can't tell the difference!!! They try that crap in the Middle east and it just doesn't fly!! You want ignorance Meg!! Try explaining using the word extermination when your population grows every year?? Assad kills over 500 thousand people!!!! Where the fuck is your sympathy or cry out there!!!!!, and still is not a Fucking Holocaust!!!!!!! Over 6 million Jews were slaughtered !!! there is only 17 million in the world now!!! how many would there have been if they weren't exterminated!!!

Why i respond to this nonsense i really can't figure out...Get your fucking Democrats to fucking help fix the problem!!!!! And not let all the shit in!! Especially after so many interviews that the Parents that are arriving with kids at the border!!!! They are not even the blood parents, some not even fucking related!!, they are being told it will put more pressure for them to get in without being vetted!!!! What the fuck do you want done there Meg!!??? Again Fox News on this crisis/issue was telling the world, CNN MSNBC, no crisis at all!!, that means Meg you shouldn't worry so much it is not true what is going on right:rolleyes:



Read some of the comments Meg..You should also bookmark the News Sites, one is actually a leaning Left site but most of the time accurate on posting incidents and what is going on in the Middle East if you are interested in learning;) I guarantee you won't see news posted on these sites reported on your Left ones......

07-01-2019, 06:18 AM
Ok Meg...

You want Nazi Thinking.... Iran has a population of over 83 million, yet they fund factions in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and a few others in Africa yet they don't take care of there population at home, what is the purpose of being in those other countries?? Why don't rulers care about there people at home?? Really what is there goal being in all of those places?? Why is it that most of the places there in are in the toilet, economy, violence, zero care of killing millions of people that won't conform to there beliefs!!!!, Yet China or Russia don't give a shit what they do, as long as they can make money on them!!!
Again i know there is a lot of Persians and Iranians that are really good people, yet they have zero say or a lot of them can't get out?? How do you think this type of thinking can be fixed?? How can the people better there lives if the governing people won't allow it?? Thinking that they actually went from a Democracy style living to a complete Religious Fanatical Dictatorship???

What do you think?? What is the purpose or Iran's reasoning/goals??

07-01-2019, 01:00 PM
You'd have a hard time convincing me that any country's political and economic controlling interests are a whole lot more evil than those of the United States.

07-01-2019, 01:14 PM
It is not just Mexicans trying to get in, they are travelling from other Socialists/Dictatorship countries through Mexico!! And they are being funded to start a raucous in the United States!!!! Oh fucking please. Give me a break.

Is everyone coming to the US a good person? Obviously no, but there isn't some fucking huge conspiracy behind it .

After decades of interference by the US into those countries it's simply as the saying goes, the pigeons coming home to roost. That and there is a strong case to be made with the constant talk of further closing the border immigrants may be thinking if they don't act now later maybe too late.

PS WWII era Germany references are valid simply because it's the exact same slippery slope in play here. Not that I think the people of the US would ever allow things to go so far but the exact same political reasoning behind the racism apply.

07-01-2019, 02:58 PM
You'd have a hard time convincing me that any country's political and economic controlling interests are a whole lot more evil than those of the United States.

That's an interesting comment Idol, and i agree with you to a point, especially if there is an asset or interests involved in another country, but the difference is they are not planting a "FLAG", as a conquered piece of land Idol, and bring there rule of law, does that make sense??
I mean if you take the US and they have made allies across the world and do have strategic military bases, but i do look at it as Capitalism considering that Russia and China does that as well. I mean if you take Israel in that perspective, you do have China, Russia, and the United States competing in business with Israel..And funny Everyone talking Blah Blah Blah about Russia while sneaky and quietly China just moves across the world making strategic economic deals with everyone. you really want to talk about whores of the world China is well on the top of the list, and that is one thing that Trump Trump Trump has brought out in the open.....

Does that make sense?? And what do you think about that....

07-01-2019, 03:58 PM
Is everyone coming to the US a good person? Obviously no, but there isn't some fucking huge conspiracy behind it .
After decades of interference by the US into those countries it's simply as the saying goes, the pigeons coming home to roost. That and there is a strong case to be made with the constant talk of further closing the border immigrants may be thinking if they don't act now later maybe too late.
PS WWII era Germany references are valid simply because it's the exact same slippery slope in play here. Not that I think the people of the US would ever allow things to go so far but the exact same political reasoning behind the racism apply.

Again i agree with you Idol, but what happens if 10 cross and 2 are bad?? or a 100 and 3 are bad?? now thousands come??, it is interesting that the border is the only place being talked about, what about trains crossing from Canada?? Or planes coming into American airports?? or Driving borders??
I am by no means saying Immigration is bad or all bad!!, I just don't think open borders are a good idea in any country, Europe is proving that theory now, even your supposed successful Mock Social Countries, when a few come and see great corrupt opportunities they all start flocking in.. And from true experience, even if you have good intentions to bring business or start manufacturing in the US, you are put through the ringer Idol!!, but speaking of that doesn't win elections, suffering and misery does, and Left and Right wing news stations/web sites thrive on reporting it......

You know Germany right now is also being flooded with crap immigration, and in big trouble, but your reference is not even close (I don't agree), they are far from stopping immigration in the US, and there always will be growth, and for sure they are not trying to exterminate a complete race!! or people that didn't fit the profile of there perfect race!! and if they want to go home at any time they are welcome to recross the Mexican border Idol!!, WWII and the Nazi agenda, no one was allowed to leave and they were slaughtered. And go further worked and starved to death as well!! Everyone at the border is being fed and all there health needs provided, but YES they need more money and staff to fix the massive influx of people coming in!!!!! Look at what the Left is doing and Wayfair!!! They want to supply beds and they are boycotting because they just want everyone let it!!!! Not going to happen and it shouldn't!!! Walls do work as well they need proper staff for the vetting process, and this can all be done in there own countries, and if they clear!!! Welcome to America..
I mean seeing that father and son trying to cross the water and died was really really tragic!!!, and plastering it all across every Left Wing media was brilliant for propaganda!!!, but it not fixing problem!!, going to the source and help and coordination with Mexico is the only way, plus funding to process the influx at the border now!!!!
There is Zero Comparison!!!!

07-01-2019, 05:23 PM
The Statue of Liberty doesn't qualify that the huddled masses require an MBA, facist.

PS No one in their right mind uses the train so in the interest of security we should just have all the trains' final destination be a mental institution anyway. Logic.

07-01-2019, 05:23 PM
You know Germany right now is also being flooded with crap immigration, and in big trouble, but ...

Contrary to what you hear on Faux News -- No.

07-01-2019, 10:14 PM
You know Germany right now is also being flooded with crap immigration, and in big trouble, but ...

Contrary to what you hear on Faux News -- No.

Ya right Cabby, i didn't hear it on Fox News buddy, you know exactly where i heard and read it from and nice try on the lying as well:lol:

You have every piece of crap flooding into Germany Cabby, and you know exactly where from...........

Edit: OOPS!!! I should maybe realize you approve of those type of people flooding and taking over Germany, hint, those of a Terrorist Nature :unsure:

07-01-2019, 10:15 PM
The Statue of Liberty doesn't qualify that the huddled masses require an MBA, facist.

PS No one in their right mind uses the train so in the interest of security we should just have all the trains' final destination be a mental institution anyway. Logic.

So you want open borders then Idol??

So thousands of patrons don't use the Go Train every day??? or the TTC Subway Trains?? Hmm that's interesting, anyways that's how the terrorists method of crossing from Canada to the US, and well as Buses.....

07-01-2019, 10:21 PM
The Statue of Liberty doesn't qualify that the huddled masses require an MBA, facist.

PS No one in their right mind uses the train so in the interest of security we should just have all the trains' final destination be a mental institution anyway. Logic.

So you want open borders then Idol??

By the way Warren Buffet is donating 3.6 Billion to his choice of charities, HIS FUCKING CHOICE!!!! All you Leftard's don't approve, You can all go FUCK YOURSELVES!!!!!..
To all of those who don't speak English Gay Kocken Offen Yom!!!!!:D

07-02-2019, 04:35 AM
Contrary to what you hear on Faux News -- No.

Ya right Cabby, i didn't hear it on Fox News buddy, you know exactly where i heard and read it from and nice try on the lying as well:lol:

You have every piece of crap flooding into Germany Cabby, and you know exactly where from...........

You know, I don't lecture you on what's going on in Israel, so how about you don't try to tell me what's happening in Germany? I'm pretty sure I am a little closer to life over there than you are.

Arguably the same goes for the US, too.

07-02-2019, 07:25 AM
How the fuck have I been here 17 years :unsure:

Mr. Mulder
07-02-2019, 12:26 PM
How the fuck have I been here 17 years :unsure:

You joined for the promise of a free kazaa gold account but stayed for the endless paragraphs on American politics :mushy:

07-02-2019, 01:37 PM
Ya right Cabby, i didn't hear it on Fox News buddy, you know exactly where i heard and read it from and nice try on the lying as well:lol:

You have every piece of crap flooding into Germany Cabby, and you know exactly where from...........

You know, I don't lecture you on what's going on in Israel, so how about you don't try to tell me what's happening in Germany? I'm pretty sure I am a little closer to life over there than you are.

Arguably the same goes for the US, too.

No Lecture was intended just reality regardless if you want to speak of it, and being your neighbor (Canada), and traveling across the US Cabby, there is a big difference from State to State on peoples feelings towards your government and how they want/see "YOUR Country " to move forward..And you would have to agree that there are Americans that would open up to an outsider differently than a actual Legal American Citizen??... The 2016 Election polls proved that did it not??

I hope you agree with that...

PS. And any time you want to discuss Israel, a supposed ally to Germany ?? I am here and waiting;) , and right now Germany's economy is feeling a wee bit of pressure from your home Country the United States of America no?? Why ?? You absolutely don't see any of that in you US papers or media, nor in Canadian ones?? And knowing the NO BORDER structure across Europe, it is pretty hard to actually tell who is legal and the actual numbers of illegals in the Countries is it not?? So in reality how does anyone really know?? I am going by facts of incidents that occur in Germany as well as France and across Europe, that's all......

Not a lecture at all, just a conversation that you misunderstood Cabby:hug:

07-02-2019, 01:42 PM
You joined for the promise of a free kazaa gold account but stayed for the endless paragraphs on American politics :mushy:

Is it interesting to you Mulder what happens in other parts of the world??

Funny i never really used Torrents or Shareware type sites on a regularly bases. Always stuck to Usenet.....

Mr. Mulder
07-02-2019, 02:42 PM
You joined for the promise of a free kazaa gold account but stayed for the endless paragraphs on American politics :mushy:

Is it interesting to you Mulder what happens in other parts of the world??

Funny i never really used Torrents or Shareware type sites on a regularly bases. Always stuck to Usenet.....

The things I find interesting are fart noises, boobs, things that look like boobs and the use of air horns in popular music.

I went straight from kazaa to torrents which apparently aren't cool anymore but I get such good speeds from all those FBI servers? :idunno:

07-02-2019, 03:04 PM
The things I find interesting are fart noises, boobs, things that look like boobs and the use of air horns in popular music.
I went straight from kazaa to torrents which apparently aren't cool anymore but I get such good speeds from all those FBI servers? :idunno:

I don't see anything wrong with this reply, that's for sure Mulder :thumbsup:



07-02-2019, 07:05 PM
How the fuck have I been here 17 years :unsure:

By pacing yourself between posts, obviously :P

07-03-2019, 07:34 AM
How the fuck have I been here 17 years :unsure:

You joined for the promise of a free kazaa gold account but stayed for the endless paragraphs on American politics :mushy:

Yeah, still waiting for that, as it goes :ermm:

Something Else
07-03-2019, 10:10 PM
Waiting for which.

07-03-2019, 11:28 PM

07-04-2019, 12:14 AM

07-04-2019, 11:49 AM
......but stayed for the endless paragraphs on American politics :mushy:

Meanwhile in North Korea...


07-04-2019, 09:15 PM
The Washington Post reported that the US National Park Service has diverted $US2.5 million ($A3.6 million) in park entrance fees to help pay for the event, which typically costs about $US2 million.That money is supposed to be used to maintain national parks such as the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, said Phil Francis, head of the Coalition to Protect America's National Parks.

"When people pay these fees, they are told the money will be used to support the parks not to support what appears to be a political event," he told Reuters.
The cash-strapped Park Service is already short 200 law enforcement rangers and has left many other positions unfilled, Francis said.

Democratic Representative Betty McCollum, who oversees the Park Service's budget as head of a House of Representatives subcommittee, accused Trump of "hijacking the celebration and twisting it into a taxpayer-funded, partisan political rally", and vowed to investigate whether taxpayer money was being misused.


07-05-2019, 12:53 PM
I could watch that clip all day long. :w00t:

07-06-2019, 02:35 AM
If he had normal size hands the eagle would have gotten him :D

07-06-2019, 01:22 PM
Earthquake in America!!!


07-06-2019, 08:41 PM
If he had normal size hands the eagle would have gotten him :D The bird was clearly distracted by whatever that is on Trump's head.

07-06-2019, 08:50 PM
Nesting marerial.

07-06-2019, 11:06 PM
Rat nesting so appropriate.

07-07-2019, 12:41 PM
As an investigator, I think it is my duty to report any possible online crimes.

07-07-2019, 02:52 PM
As an investigator, I think it is my duty to report any possible online crimes.

Start with your post history. :dry:

07-07-2019, 03:42 PM
For fuck sake, it's the Japanese who stab, the English preferred method for murder is poison. Haven't you ever read Miss Marple, wank investigator?

Btw the British also like to use large dogs,satanic cults, football hooliganism and boring you to death. There, now you are as well informed as I am.

Mr. Mulder
07-09-2019, 10:53 AM
Lostmyvoicesup :01:

Got a throat full of stds and have the next couple days off sick. It hurts to vape, it's everything I've always feared.

Stranger Taints season 3 is absolute homo dog shit. The first Terminator film is just ok. Battlefield 5 is full of bugs. The battery in my fire alarm is dying and keeps beeping every 2minutes but it's non replaceable and I'm not allowed to take it down as I rent. I hurt my ankle running in cheap old trainers. The new Wolfenstein comes out in a couple weeks. There's not enough mother stepson incest pr0n on the internet. Decent woks cost too much. I want to watch 3 from Hell but it's not out yet.

07-09-2019, 05:00 PM
Lostmyvoicesup :01:

Got a throat full of stds and have the next couple days off sick. It hurts to vape, it's everything I've always feared.

Stranger Taints season 3 is absolute homo dog shit. The first Terminator film is just ok. Battlefield 5 is full of bugs. The battery in my fire alarm is dying and keeps beeping every 2minutes but it's non replaceable and I'm not allowed to take it down as I rent. I hurt my ankle running in cheap old trainers. The new Wolfenstein comes out in a couple weeks. There's not enough mother stepson incest pr0n on the internet. Decent woks cost too much. I want to watch 3 from Hell but it's not out yet.

Ever consider that vaping may be the cause or is that a bridge that you're not prepared to cross?

Stranger Things, why exactly wasn't it homo dogshit?

Original Terminator should be looked upon like the orginal Desperado - a step in a process.

I stopped playing Battlefield when it became apparent to even someone as slow as myself that they are all going to be pretty much the same from now until the end of time.

The solution to your battery problem is to kill your landlord. Sometimes you need to think outside the box.

Shit shoes don't kill people, people kill people.

New Wolfenstein looks sick ie good.

3 from Hell looks sick. ie you have mental problems.

07-11-2019, 03:49 AM
All your base are belong to us

07-12-2019, 12:51 AM
You know i am very fuckin upset!!!! Where is the bloody exciting updates from the maven !!!!!!!


07-12-2019, 01:12 AM
Stage 6 finish was literally nuts with a gradient of 24% and a gravel road surface. Thank God for the drugs or nobody would have finished.

A brief stage summary.


07-12-2019, 01:17 AM
Sorry, wrong stage.


07-12-2019, 02:52 AM
You know i am trying to be sincere friend and was showing true interests in something i know that is true to you and you are a dick about it!!!

That i can say is disappointing :noes:

07-12-2019, 04:18 PM
You know i am trying to be sincere friend and was showing true interests in something i know that is true to you and you are a dick about it!!!

That i can say is disappointing :noes:

Not to mess with you being a victim but the first line in my post was exactly what you seemed to be asking for and the rest was simply meant to be entertaining. If either of those things makes me a dick then so be it, unfathomable one.

07-13-2019, 12:10 AM
Not to mess with you being a victim but the first line in my post was exactly what you seemed to be asking for and the rest was simply meant to be entertaining. If either of those things makes me a dick then so be it, unfathomable one.

The way your mind thinks Idol anything is possible.....
Just would have been nice that you showed some new highlights of this years race so far that you thought was cool??

07-13-2019, 01:23 PM
Not to mess with you being a victim but the first line in my post was exactly what you seemed to be asking for and the rest was simply meant to be entertaining. If either of those things makes me a dick then so be it, unfathomable one.

The way your mind thinks Idol anything is possible.....
Just would have been nice that you showed some new highlights of this years race so far that you thought was cool??

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41BO7_pr_R0 Sorry for the link being a pain. Gives some idea how tight the quarters are. At the end of sprint stages the whole thing is like organized chaos.

Something Else
07-15-2019, 08:20 PM
I've been cycling more than ever this year. We have quite a few bike rental schemes in London.

Uber Jump bikes: 15 mph motor, makes for a quick, but £2.55 journey home. Somewhat vandalised. Park anywhere within operating zone.
Mobike: Awful weighting and a bumpy ride, but £12 a month. Up to 2 hour rides included. Tiny operational zone, due to bandits elsewhere. Lot's of them around. Park anywhere within operating zone.
FreeBike: £1 for 5 mins. Decent bike. Similar to Uber Jump, but not many of them around. Park anywhere within operating zone.
LimeBikes: Very expensive, impossible to chicane through gates with as a touch of the pedal boosts you in to a wall. Mostly vandalised. Park anywhere within operating zone.
Santander: Limited to docking stations for parking. £40 a year. Heavy and reliable. Hardly ever vandalised. No motor. Can sometimes be found undocked for free rides.

A true story.

07-18-2019, 01:06 PM
I never knew London had such a bad problem with scooter thieves then I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and was dumbfounded by their audacity.

In other news the new 007 is apparently a black woman. The word pandering springs to mind.


Something Else
07-18-2019, 01:35 PM
I never knew London had such a bad problem with scooter thieves then I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and was dumbfounded by their audacity.

I've never actually seen one, other than on YouTube. True story.

07-18-2019, 08:48 PM
That's probbly because worse than afreets run at the mere mention of your name.

07-19-2019, 03:49 AM
RE: Bond, Emasculated Bond...

Death of the franchise.

07-19-2019, 04:05 AM
For Shaina:

"And after refunds, the IRS collected about $93 billion more from individual American taxpayers than it did in 2017. Interestingly, that number stands close to the tax break amount that corporations received from the TCJA in 2018. Last year, big businesses paid $91 billion less in taxes than they had in 2017, prior to the new law’s passage."

--> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/american-taxpayers-paid-nearly-100-billion-more-to-irs-under-trump-tax-law-194900782.html

Ah yes, that great tax relief program for the American middle class... Looks like I'm not the only one who paid more than the previous year. Did they mention that on Faux News?

07-19-2019, 11:53 AM
RE: Bond, Emasculated Bond...

Death of the franchise. No, I'm sure they've thought this through completely and are going after the large female base that regularly goes to Bond movies.:mellow:

In other news, in response to sexism accusations all "women's movies" will now have to contain at least one scene of big trucks exploding and one scene of a stripper with larger than normal breasts. Goose/gander or something.

07-19-2019, 12:24 PM
For Shaina:

"And after refunds, the IRS collected about $93 billion more from individual American taxpayers than it did in 2017. Interestingly, that number stands close to the tax break amount that corporations received from the TCJA in 2018. Last year, big businesses paid $91 billion less in taxes than they had in 2017, prior to the new law’s passage."

--> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/american-taxpayers-paid-nearly-100-billion-more-to-irs-under-trump-tax-law-194900782.html

Ah yes, that great tax relief program for the American middle class... Looks like I'm not the only one who paid more than the previous year. Did they mention that on Faux News?

Wrong Again Cabby, I guess you didn't read any of the comments about this Editor that wrote this either...

"Let's check this math. After refunds, the IRS took in $93B more from individuals and $91B less from businesses. The article says, "The center noted: “The lowest income households (those making less than about $25,000) got an average tax cut of about $40. Middle-income households (who made between about $48,000 and $86,000) paid about $800 less. Those in the top 1%, who made $733,000 or more, got an average tax cut of about $33,000.”" With these three brackets for individuals all paying less, then the other two brackets not mentioned in the article must have paid a lot more to make up for others paying less plus more to make up the $93B net increase. These two brackets of higher payers were apparently taxpayers who earned between $25000 and $48000 and those between $86000 and $733000. Either these two groups really got slammed or something is off with the numbers provided by the IRS per this article."

And i do know you have common sense that if you give tax breaks to the rich, sooner or later the less fortunate and the middle class see it in large charity donations, and of course the wealthy that own the large businesses that did bring "JOBS" "JOBS" "JOBS" back to your country your patriotic Americans are making more money, and yes that will bring the government more tax dollars right;)..

I can tell you it will be interesting what happens in 2020 buddy, even with how we view what is considered a great economy, that the majority of your population doesn't seem to deny, including every "LEFT" wing news outlet :D...

Did you know that the illegal immigrants are in cages and drinking out of Toilets as well :yikes::noes:

Here is some more quotes from your patriotic Americans.....

"Hey, how about fixing Medicare for those who cannot afford health insurance, and leave the private healthcare side of it the hell alone??? No, the Medicare benefits may not be as good as private insurance, but people who live on welfare generally don't live as well as those who work for a living. There are tradeoffs."

"My employer pays for my health insurance, 100%. You think I wouldn't care if it went away and I had to pay $300-$400 a month, or more, so that an illegal can hop a wall and I get to pay for his/hers too?? Seriously?"

And there is this!!! Headline!!!

"Sanders campaign slams Harris over refusal to admit 'Medicare-for-all' means higher taxes"

And I can see what is happening to Bernie Sanders in the polls, if you want to believe them??

Are they not true?? And to me it seems that you will sooner or later see these "Left Wing" nutjobs end up making another party or else there will be no Liberal/Moderate Democratic Party left to save......

And to actually answer your question Cabby... No Fox News didn't report your findings because it is "Fake News" bullshit ;)

Here is a riddle for you?? Is 1 + 1 = 11 or 2?? Now ask a underage weak minded child not old enough to vote supporter of the Socialists Left Wing nutjobs and see what answer you get:)

07-19-2019, 02:33 PM
Of course taxes will go up. But you know what, if I have to pay an extra $500 in taxes per month and in turn don't have to spend $1,800 in medical premiums every month for my family, I'm okay with that. Your republican buddies are doing a great job getting everyone focused on the tree and not the forest.

^^ Real number, by the way.

Oh, and for what it's worth -- those large businesses that brought JOBS, JOBS, JOBS after their tax cut...?

AT&T -- 16,000 layoffs after the tax cut
Citibank -- 10,000
General Motors -- 1,500
Hewlett-Packard -- 5,000
Kimberly-Clark -- 5,000
Tenet Healthcare -- 2,000
Verizon -- 44,000
Walmart -- 10,000

More layoffs announced by Comcast, Ford, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, Macy's, Viacom, etc.

Oh, and of course Harley-Davidson (there's another 800 people who lost their jobs). But that was probably due to the tariffs that the fearless leader's trade war started.

07-19-2019, 02:53 PM
Of course taxes will go up. But you know what, if I have to pay an extra $500 in taxes per month and in turn don't have to spend $1,800 in medical premiums every month for my family, I'm okay with that. Your republican buddies are doing a great job getting everyone focused on the tree and not the forest.

^^ Real number, by the way.

Oh, and for what it's worth -- those large businesses that brought JOBS, JOBS, JOBS after their tax cut...?

AT&T -- 16,000 layoffs after the tax cut
Citibank -- 10,000
General Motors -- 1,500
Hewlett-Packard -- 5,000
Kimberly-Clark -- 5,000
Tenet Healthcare -- 2,000
Verizon -- 44,000
Walmart -- 10,000

More layoffs announced by Comcast, Ford, General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Pfizer, Macy's, Viacom, etc.

Oh, and of course Harley-Davidson (there's another 800 people who lost their jobs). But that was probably due to the tariffs that the fearless leader's trade war started.

So with all those assumed layoffs Cabby, how do you pay for Socialized Health-Care:lol:

What is it over 190 million people on private health care and minus one (you!!), don't like it:idunno:, even the leader so far Biden knows socialized health care is a fantasy for the United States;)...Face it Cabby, Your Country can't afford to pay for it, and it is not structured to make the changes to implement it,..And they don't want to pay anything if there employers are right!!!!

As for you job loss list?? I am not seeing that anywhere so i can only assume you have some sort of inside information and really you should take a trip to the border and tell all those immigrants to stop coming because there is no work for them:)...

Anyways arguing back and forth is not going to solve anything and neither is Socialism that everybody in the world is trying to get out of those countries that have it. As most normal media outlets are saying, there is flaws in the United States and are solvable, but all and all it is one of the best countries to live in and raise your children!!!, and as Myself and Trump has said, if you think there is some place better on how you want to live?? GOOOOO!!!!!;) (I mean that sincerely buddy).. Really if you ask yourself?? I was born and raised in Canada as the same as my parents, but my Grandparents came from Europe!!!, and they didn't come here to make a worse life for there family, and really how much has changed??, well how about happiness!!, success!!, prosperity!!, and the opportunity to make better lives for the next generations!!. I can tell you i am not moving my family there!!!
Again no place is perfect!!!, but those places that my Grandparents til today that are still way worse than Canada or the US!!!, I will complain about things here and yes i hope there is improvements, but i am not trying to change the way of living for others!!!, i like to see improvements in Health-Care, roads, some services!!, but not the laws and structured society,
Some Immigration today are trying to do that!!!, and they send that Influence right to the people you vote into government!!! Thank G-D it is only a few that really have zero influence on the many!!!! Why don't you look up the Obama project for solar panels and the government put in 100's or millions of dollars into it!!! The money was stolen and in the toilet!!!! and it never would have worked for sustainable energy source!!, savings maybe:unsure:
Do you really want open borders?? Do you really want wait times for minor procedures (9 months and longer!!) in your health-care?? Do you want all of your products to skyrocket to pay for those things?? Crime??... Again if you do?? Great!!, but i can tell you I Wouldn't!!!! Always Keep in your mind!!! The Rich will not be paying for this ever!!!!, The Middle Class will!!!! And behind the scenes!!! Your hospitals are not paid by your taxes!!! or Government!!! The Rich pay and build them!!!! Donations!!!... What if you lose that as well???
I do not want FULL Government Dictatorship!!!, If i did i would move to a country that has that;)

Again Cabby, 2020 will be very interesting, for not only the Presidency, but how many of those Left Wing Nutjobs will not get voted back in??

In Canada we have the "Green Party", you should look at our media and see how the Majority of Canadian's view there agenda/policies, and how many seats they have ;)

Biden 2020:unsure:

07-19-2019, 04:35 PM
In Canada we have the "Green Party", you should look at our media and see how the Majority of Canadian's view there agenda/policies, and how many seats they have ;)

Fair point. I'll travel back in time and make sure the Roman majority takes the Christian threat more seriously. Also while I'm at it all fix those pesky minority movements against slavery and child labour.

07-19-2019, 08:57 PM
In Canada we have the "Green Party", you should look at our media and see how the Majority of Canadian's view there agenda/policies, and how many seats they have ;)

Fair point. I'll travel back in time and make sure the Roman majority takes the Christian threat more seriously. Also while I'm at it all fix those pesky minority movements against slavery and child labour.

You know Idol, maybe i should put it this way, I think every party in Canada has some good ideas for our country, but you also have to look at how many are realistic and how many are just nuts!!!! If you want to take a country backwards??, There is lots of places to move that will suit you, but i think i can say the majority of the people don't want that!!..And it is proven in the voting process that we have the privilege to do:yup:..

The next thing really is what would be considered a child then and what is considered a child now considering the life expectancy, and if you add religious faiths into it?? When are you considered a man/woman/adult???.. I have this laugh that a person of 21 years old tries to stab someone to death or run them over with a car and they plaster it all over the news as this person being a "Child"??!!, and again it is usually done for propaganda purposes!!.. The same if a 15 year old has a automatic rifle in his hands pointed at you!!!, is he/she considered a child??. And i am guessing depending on how the laws are in the society you live in dictates that right??

Again that is the luxury of living in a Democratic Society, you do have choices, but if i ever come across as dismissing all the parties ideas/policies/agendas then i am being misunderstood!!!, But i do look at the full agenda of any party and choose which one has the most that suits myself and my family.. I hope that everyone would think like that. But i do now for many years the parties were usually predictable and one would be Moderate and one would be Conservative!!, Now those days are gone and you do have to look at the parties polices/agenda!!!, Like i would be amazed if the Liberals get it again!!, not unless they have something they can offer that is radical enough to get the Weed lovers back to the poles!!!, because the majority of those voters didn't give 2 shits on any other policy the Liberals had!! Do you disagree with that??

When it comes to US policies and parties, it is the same, you have to look at what they want to move the country forward!!!, Not backwards!!! Even having this debate with Cabby, i don't disagree with his ideas or thinking, they are just too hard to implement in a country that works with some small flaws, but to radically change everything there will be no country left to live in!!! So if there is certain things you do want and other countries do offer them Go!!!, saying that, i would think the majority of the people in those countries are happy with those policies??, with the exception of the over 1 million immigrants a year trying to get into the US:idunno:, and thinking how many more actually do??..And that goes for the same here in Canada i would think??

07-19-2019, 10:05 PM
Wait I remember, you're one those those types hypersensitive to brainwashing. Tell me when a Coke commercial do you suddenly have this uncontrollable urge to go to the nearest 7-Eleven?

Sorry that was rude and uncalled for. I get how it's easier to have other people thoughts inhabit your head than going to the bother to have actual ones of your own. Seductive even. That's why I'm always on the lookout for a cool cult to join.

Btw a man is an adult when he kills his first dinosaur, same as it's ever been - clearly you have no respect for traditions that have made this country great , commie and according to Jeffrey Epstein a woman is an adult whenever that helps him avoid statutory rape charges. I think that's currently around 12ish.

Meg says that sounds about right if a little on the high side.

07-19-2019, 10:28 PM
Wait I remember, you're one those those types hypersensitive to brainwashing. Tell me when a Coke commercial do you suddenly have this uncontrolable urge to go to the nearest 7-Eleven?

Come on my friend!!, If i am going to 7-Eleven i am going for the Big-Gulp!!, and i even change up the flavors every once and a while:D

Sorry that was rude and uncalled for. I get how it's easier to have other people thoughts inhabit your head than going to the bother to have actual ones of your own. Seductive even.

Actually quite funny;), You can see these weak minded people in action when you see them being coached what to say at those rallies, and then a reporter would ask them a question about the cause they are screaming about and they have no clue what it is truly about other than the lies someone told them to repeat!!, i think at one time they were called cults:unsure:

Btw a man is an adult when he kills his first dinosaur, same as it's ever been - clearly you have no respect for tradition, commie and according to Jeffrey Epstein a woman is an adult whenever it helps him avoid statutory rape charges. I think that's currently around 12ish.

All Kidding aside, i hope a deal is made before trial, and this fucking sick bastard rots in prison!!, because i will predict he will get acquitted if it goes to a jury, and the accusers will get crucified on the stand.. And really he should be doing hard time and never get out!!!!!

Commie?? Moi :noes:


So really In the Jewish faith you are considered a man at 13 (Bar mitzvah), and Christianity communion what 12?? Muslims, according to the Quran 9 year old girls are free game:yikes:...
But i thank G-D every day that in a civilized society that faith/religion does not rule...

07-19-2019, 11:11 PM
All Kidding aside, i hope a deal is made before trial, and this fucking sick bastard rots in prison!!, because i will predict he will get acquitted if it goes to a jury, and the accusers will get crucified on the stand.. And really he should be doing hard time and never get out!!!!!

Where's Jack Reacher when you need him?


"What about bringing him to justice?" " I just did."

The real mystery concerning Epstein is where he got all that money.

07-19-2019, 11:40 PM
"What about bringing him to justice?" " I just did."

Really Idol!!, better your way/suggestion than going through the US judicial system!!!!, I am telling you he will get off!!! If they don't make a deal!!!, Where is OJ today!!!..Golfing, on the Internet, and smelling like Roses!!!!, he should have been locked up or better your idea/method for sure!!!!

The real mystery concerning Epstein is where he got all that money.

No mystery, it was a ponzi scheme and a lot of influential people were involved including the Clinton's and there foundation!!, and a few people from Israel that were in Government, but go figure not Trump nor Netanyahu, but i am still waiting for some sort of conspiracy theory to be spread around and cost the US tax payers to get the bill for the investigation :lol:
And really how many of those influential people said they didn't have any idea what this piece of shit was doing!!!, I think that is Bullshit!!!! They Fucking knew and did nothing to stop it!!!.. I can tell you without a doubt that his previous Lawyer Team knew!!! and because of the law couldn't do anything about it either!!. Being a parent, i don't know how those lawyers could sleep at night!!!, and to be even more honest!!, where the fuck are the parents of these kids!!, and i mean they are not women Idol!!! They are fucking kids!!!.
SICK PEOPLE like that don't deserve to be on earth!!!!! And knowing he is a big Democrat contributor!!, I hope there is no cover up!!!!

On an amazing positive note just watched on TV Live a hole in one!!!!! Mazel Tov John Merrick!!!!!:yahoo:

07-19-2019, 11:41 PM
For Shaina:

"And after refunds, the IRS collected about $93 billion more from individual American taxpayers than it did in 2017. Interestingly, that number stands close to the tax break amount that corporations received from the TCJA in 2018. Last year, big businesses paid $91 billion less in taxes than they had in 2017, prior to the new law’s passage."

--> https://finance.yahoo.com/news/american-taxpayers-paid-nearly-100-billion-more-to-irs-under-trump-tax-law-194900782.html

Ah yes, that great tax relief program for the American middle class... Looks like I'm not the only one who paid more than the previous year. Did they mention that on Faux News?

Wrong Again Cabby, I guess you didn't read any of the comments about this Editor that wrote this either...

"Let's check this math. After refunds, the IRS took in $93B more from individuals and $91B less from businesses. The article says, "The center noted: “The lowest income households (those making less than about $25,000) got an average tax cut of about $40. Middle-income households (who made between about $48,000 and $86,000) paid about $800 less. Those in the top 1%, who made $733,000 or more, got an average tax cut of about $33,000.”" With these three brackets for individuals all paying less, then the other two brackets not mentioned in the article must have paid a lot more to make up for others paying less plus more to make up the $93B net increase. These two brackets of higher payers were apparently taxpayers who earned between $25000 and $48000 and those between $86000 and $733000. Either these two groups really got slammed or something is off with the numbers provided by the IRS per this article."

And i do know you have common sense that if you give tax breaks to the rich, sooner or later the less fortunate and the middle class see it in large charity donations, and of course the wealthy that own the large businesses that did bring "JOBS" "JOBS" "JOBS" back to your country your patriotic Americans are making more money, and yes that will bring the government more tax dollars right;)..

I can tell you it will be interesting what happens in 2020 buddy, even with how we view what is considered a great economy, that the majority of your population doesn't seem to deny, including every "LEFT" wing news outlet :D...

Did you know that the illegal immigrants are in cages and drinking out of Toilets as well :yikes::noes:

Here is some more quotes from your patriotic Americans.....

"Hey, how about fixing Medicare for those who cannot afford health insurance, and leave the private healthcare side of it the hell alone??? No, the Medicare benefits may not be as good as private insurance, but people who live on welfare generally don't live as well as those who work for a living. There are tradeoffs."

"My employer pays for my health insurance, 100%. You think I wouldn't care if it went away and I had to pay $300-$400 a month, or more, so that an illegal can hop a wall and I get to pay for his/hers too?? Seriously?"

And there is this!!! Headline!!!

"Sanders campaign slams Harris over refusal to admit 'Medicare-for-all' means higher taxes"

And I can see what is happening to Bernie Sanders in the polls, if you want to believe them??

Are they not true?? And to me it seems that you will sooner or later see these "Left Wing" nutjobs end up making another party or else there will be no Liberal/Moderate Democratic Party left to save......

And to actually answer your question Cabby... No Fox News didn't report your findings because it is "Fake News" bullshit ;)

Here is a riddle for you?? Is 1 + 1 = 11 or 2?? Now ask a underage weak minded child not old enough to vote supporter of the Socialists Left Wing nutjobs and see what answer you get:)

WOW!!!!! You are THE poster boy for republicans. You believe all the shit they spew out.

Still believe in trickle-down economics? Ask Kansas how that worked out. Hasn't worked yet, but they keep trying. The rich are not going to decide to give all that extra money they save by paying even less in taxes on charities. They use it to buy stocks, hide it in a tax shelter. Even if they give some to charity, they use that as a tax deduction.

It would be great if everyone could get health insurance through their employer, unfortunately millions of people don't have that option. Many businesses cut employee benefits so they can increase profits, or cut employee hours so they don't qualify for benefits. That's Capitalism for ya. Healthcare is expensive because greedy corporations are running things. They charge whatever they want because no one will stop them. Politicians won't pass laws to get costs under control because they are in the pockets of the healthcare industry.

Democrats are NOT socialists. They do believe socialism works better than capitalism for SOME industries (healthcare and education to name two). You can't have ALL capitalism or ALL socialism. You need a balance between the two. The United States employs many socialistic programs. Trump using taxpayer money to bail out farmers because of his trade war is SOCIALISM. Paying farmers to grow corn to produce ethanol is SOCIALISM. Republicans have been using socialism for a long time. They don't use the "S" word. They call it patriotism. It's good when it's for something they like or need (to get votes).

Faux news never reports anything that is negative towards republicans.

Democrats are not for "open borders", just let anyone walk right in, no questions asked. They believe anyone and everyone should have the opportunity to come to this country. Democrats employed a rigorous background check system before letting anyone in, the same as previous republicans. Republicans (especially the Tr*mp administration) just want to let in white people, preferably rich white people. Democrats are just bad at naming things. And republicans are good at naming things, but that is because republicans need to hide their true intentions (Citizens United).

07-20-2019, 12:16 AM
Really Idol!!, better your way/suggestion than going through the US judicial system!!!!, I am telling you he will get off!!! If they don't make a deal!!!, Where is OJ today!!!..Golfing, on the Internet, and smelling like Roses!!!!, he should have been locked up or better your idea/method for sure!!!!

The real mystery concerning Epstein is where he got all that money.

No mystery, it was a ponzi scheme and a lot of influential people were involved including the Clinton's and there foundation!!, and a few people from Israel that were in Government, but go figure not Trump nor Netanyahu, but i am still waiting for some sort of conspiracy theory to be spread around and cost the US tax payers to get the bill for the investigation :lol:
And really how many of those influential people said they didn't have any idea what this piece of shit was doing!!!, I think that is Bullshit!!!! They Fucking knew and did nothing to stop it!!!.. I can tell you without a doubt that his previous Lawyer Team knew!!! and because of the law couldn't do anything about it either!!. Being a parent, i don't know how those lawyers could sleep at night!!!, and to be even more honest!!, where the fuck are the parents of these kids!!, and i mean they are not women Idol!!! They are fucking kids!!!.
SICK PEOPLE like that don't deserve to be on earth!!!!! And knowing he is a big Democrat contributor!!, I hope there is no cover up!!!!

On an amazing positive note just watched on TV Live a hole in one!!!!! Mazel Tov John Merrick!!!!!:yahoo:

Tr*mp was buddies with Epstein. A "terrific guy". They are two peas from the same pod. It's not until that person gets in trouble that Tr*mp doesn't know the person. It is alleged that Epstein was part of a ponzi scheme in the 80's. He then used that money to start businesses. Con-men need to put on a show. Hang out with celebrities/famous people, be part of high-profile charitable events. The same shit Tr*mp did/does. Of course all of the right wing nutjobs are going to say Clinton is somehow involved.

07-20-2019, 12:32 AM
WOW!!!!! You are THE poster boy for republicans. You believe all the shit they spew out.
Still believe in trickle-down economics? Ask Kansas how that worked out. Hasn't worked yet, but they keep trying. The rich are not going to decide to give all that extra money they save by paying even less in taxes on charities. They use it to buy stocks, hide it in a tax shelter. Even if they give some to charity, they use that as a tax deduction.
It would be great if everyone could get health insurance through their employer, unfortunately millions of people don't have that option. Many businesses cut employee benefits so they can increase profits, or cut employee hours so they don't qualify for benefits. That's Capitalism for ya. Healthcare is expensive because greedy corporations are running things. They charge whatever they want because no one will stop them. Politicians won't pass laws to get costs under control because they are in the pockets of the healthcare industry.

Democrats are NOT socialists. They do believe socialism works better than capitalism for SOME industries (healthcare and education to name two). You can't have ALL capitalism or ALL socialism. You need a balance between the two. The United States employs many socialistic programs. Trump using taxpayer money to bail out farmers because of his trade war is SOCIALISM. Paying farmers to grow corn to produce ethanol is SOCIALISM. Republicans have been using socialism for a long time. They don't use the "S" word. They call it patriotism. It's good when it's for something they like or need (to get votes).

Faux news never reports anything that is negative towards republicans.

Democrats are not for "open borders", just let anyone walk right in, no questions asked. They believe anyone and everyone should have the opportunity to come to this country. Democrats employed a rigorous background check system before letting anyone in, the same as previous republicans. Republicans (especially the Tr*mp administration) just want to let in white people, preferably rich white people. Democrats are just bad at naming things. And republicans are good at naming things, but that is because republicans need to hide their true intentions (Citizens United).

Was waiting for the Peanut Gallery:lol:

Well MacGyver i do agree with quite a few of the Republican parties policies/agenda so "If" i am a poster boy for the Republicans?? What does that make you MacGyver;).. Yes i will admit i am a Canadian Citizen that believes in Capitalism and having the opportunity to better the lives of my Family, What are your goals?? If your thoughts are not the same?? Why the heck are you Living in the United States of America :idunno:, Have you really read the holy grail the "Green New Deal" and it's main content?? I don't think you have MacGyver?? Why was it laughed at when it came up for a vote in the house/senate and not one person voted yes?? And do you not call it hypocritical that they are preaching it now and there has been zero changes to it?? Again there is some good ideas in it i will admit myself, but the crackpot ones outweigh and make the GND completely ridiculous and impossible to take it seriously ...
And immigration?? You are not serious are you!! How many so called "White People" are at any borders??!! Where and what country would you consider "White" today?? That is Left Wing nutjob thinking!! True immigration should be based on a check of a criminal record and actually having the ability to contribute and work and merge into society to better there lives and actually be privileged and have respect to be allowed into the country!! and actually show some proud Patriotism, not put stress and be on welfare and have no use or not have the motivation to better your life!!! Education, Learn English Language if necessary No matter what fucking colour you are or Race or Religion!!, you know. not think you are entitled for handouts!!!.. And if you abolish ICE and Homeland Security!!! Your fucking right that the Left Wing Democrats want complete open borders!!!!, but that is never going to happen!!! And it is funny that it is not the White People that will be the loudest on that It will be the Patriotic African Americans and the Hispanic true American Citizens with the loudest voices on that!!!!

Where are you getting your news from MacGyver?? you knock Fox News, but i guarantee they are way more balanced in reporting than any place you ever go;)...

And really if you read any of my last posts, you would see i am open to any party and view there points, and the main points i would never vote for Democrats!!! Yes they want Open Borders, and even refused to take the stress off the borders and send the immigrants to sanctuary cities for the vetting process, and the Democrats want them to roam free wherever the fuck they want!!!!, And they said there was no crisis at the borders remember!!, now they can use it for propaganda use they exploit and bullshit on the treatment, and the ones doing it learned from the best in the Middle East!!! Show kids for sympathy instead of fixing the problem you know Obama's fault!!!... Next 3rd Trimester Abortions, I mean killing fucking Babies !!! You are ok with that MacGyver good luck!!! I am not!!!!, And i don't see you putting any Blame on the Democrats. And you say the Democrats had a Rigorous Background Check?? you are full of shit!!!, there is a ton of killers and gangs in your country and been in and out for years, All Obama's fault!!! Not the Republicans!!! and it can be fixed within days passing legislation and new laws!! and Funding that they got with the Republican bill and who voted against it!!!, The Left Wing nut-jobs you know the 4 all over your media places you go buddy:D... Health Care, there is over a 190 million people on Private Health-Care, and facts are they are very happy with it so fix the balance of the population and that is that, Biden is now saying that Early, because it is realistic and don't expect the same service or treatment, because it ain't going to happen, and the people with Private Health-Care are not going to wait 9 months for a procedure buddy, you should also study our health care system and see it is not the greatest either, and tiers will be implemented sooner or later as well , and the stress on it here because of the large flow of immigration that our Government made the mistake of giving free!!!! And if it wasn't for the Rich there would be no fucking hospitals to go to, i hope you do understand that right?? Write off!! who gives a shit!!! they are not obligated to give you the square root of cock!!! But they do it and just say thank you, because if you force them and tax them more, they will give you nothing and move there money out of the country!!!, again just say thank you;)
And Fox News reports the news period!! You can tell the difference between news anchors and opinion reporters, where are you going to get your news?? CNN ratings are in the toilet because they are not believable anymore, and i tell you honestly that was my go to station to get fair news before the new program director went completely far left nuts, and has zero credibility today...
Even when Obama was president for 8 fucking years in your country, Fox News reported everything, and showed all his live conferences and speeches, where you go do they do that for Trump??

I know you have your views and i respect them MacGyver but giving bullshit just doesn't fly, and i am thinking that you now live in a Republican State and it will remain that after 2020 as well;), and if i go back to Obama he also won your state twice and with all your Gerrymandering and voter suppression as well right ;), and what else can i say is i am sorry you views are not the same as the majority of your state you live in, and there is always alternatives you can do to change that right, that is if it is making your life unbearable to live there, but i hope it's not in all sincerity buddy :)

To End...

Please lets not go back and forth to waste time and effort without any solutions that are realistic and not fantasy land dreams that will never happen...

There is a lot that can be discussed and implemented to fix problems in the US.....

07-20-2019, 03:28 AM
Tr*mp was buddies with Epstein. A "terrific guy". They are two peas from the same pod. It's not until that person gets in trouble that Tr*mp doesn't know the person. It is alleged that Epstein was part of a ponzi scheme in the 80's. He then used that money to start businesses. Con-men need to put on a show. Hang out with celebrities/famous people, be part of high-profile charitable events. The same shit Tr*mp did/does. Of course all of the right wing nutjobs are going to say Clinton is somehow involved.

Do you say things just to make yourself feel good buddy LOL!!!!
I know I know you love Trump and the Republican party MacGyver LOL!!! Fuck MacGyver Trump inherited the majority of his wealth, and was a real estate investor/builder and name licensing marketer as well as failed casinos, and hooked the bank for large coin you do know that right?? And Epstein was a money manager and had his own investment fund, and accusations of shady things like a a so called ponzi scheme.. Not even close to the same story of how either one made there wealth....
Trump knew him many years ago and never did business with him period..... Not only did Epstein donate to the Clinton Foundation, he help set it up, and gave large to the Democratic party!!, and Clinton has been on Epsteins private plane more than 20 times and many without his security detail, it is posted on many many news websites all across the world MacGyver, and Clinton was forced to come out and make a statement to save some face.And in no way did i every say i thought Clinton was involved in any of the sex trafficking or rapping young children, but i do think both him and his wife Hillary did know what was going on and never reported it!!!! They protected him for sure, for what you would say money and greed, and they did take a lot from this sick person ;). And there are many other Government officials around the world Epstein did business with. and you are telling me no one knew what was going on??
Buddy you got to stop with the Lefty flapping and give other news outlets some credit, again show some common sense and realize that there is two sides to every story and in the middle there is the truth;)..I bet you still think Trump colluded with Russia and fixed the election, but yet you think he is dumb :slap:!!!
But hey, it is my stupidity to actually respond to comments like this to a person that has a one track mind:sadwalk:

07-20-2019, 08:08 PM
RE: Bond, Emasculated Bond...

Death of the franchise. No, I'm sure they've thought this through completely and are going after the large female base that regularly goes to Bond movies.:mellow:

In other news, in response to sexism accusations all "women's movies" will now have to contain at least one scene of big trucks exploding and one scene of a stripper with larger than normal breasts. Goose/gander or something.

First they came for the gadgets and no one spoke up...

Then they came for the masculinity and no one spoke up...

Then they came for the license to kill and no one spoke up...

Then they took the male lead and no one spoke up...

Eventually it became a RomCom and no one watched.

07-20-2019, 08:13 PM
according to Jeffrey Epstein a woman is an adult whenever that helps him avoid statutory rape charges. I think that's currently around 12ish.

Meg says that sounds about right if a little on the high side.

I've been in the depths of Yellowstone for the past week, so I really don't know what an Epstein is, or what scandal has followed. But I don't understand why people pay so much hush money and worry about 'I hope she doesn't tell...', etc. when there are so many remote wilderness areas readily available. :idunno:

Something Else
07-21-2019, 12:07 AM
That's probbly because worse than afreets run at the mere mention of your name.

A quarter past twelve.

Pacquiao or Thurman.

07-21-2019, 08:33 PM
I've been in the depths of Yellowstone for the past week... I believe the name is Jellystone.

Also of terrible ideas note

Kung Fu
The Flash/Arrow/Supergirl's Greg Berlanti is executive producing a sequel series to '70s David Carradine cult show Kung Fu. With a pilot being written by Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle, the new Kung-Fu will center around a Buddhist monk named Lucy Chang, who travels 1950s America in search of the man who stole her child.

I guess the fact that that there are no actual female Buddhist monks doesn't matter when it gets in the way of fake empowerment.

07-21-2019, 10:13 PM
I think you're right...You're smarter than the average bear!

Well, the 1950's were known for empowerment of women-- especially Asian women in America. :yup:

07-21-2019, 10:22 PM
I think you're right...You're smarter than the average bear!

Good. As the well known saying goes, "I don't need to be smarter than you, I just need to be smarter than the bear".

07-21-2019, 10:48 PM
If they are planning a proper sequel to Kung Fu, they need to cast a white woman as the lead character.

07-22-2019, 06:30 PM




07-22-2019, 06:39 PM
I want someone to translate this.

[610] fastboot_init {}
[710] usb ept @ 0 x 8f231000
[730] udc_start {}

It pops-up whenever I try to recharge my smartphone battery.

07-22-2019, 06:59 PM
I want someone to translate this.
[610] fastboot_init {}
[710] usb ept @ 0 x 8f231000
[730] udc_start {}
It pops-up whenever I try to recharge my smartphone battery.


07-22-2019, 07:03 PM
I want someone to translate this.

[610] fastboot_init {}
[710] usb ept @ 0 x 8f231000
[730] udc_start {}

It pops-up whenever I try to recharge my smartphone battery.

First you need to find someone who has a pencil neck and gives a fuck.

07-22-2019, 07:09 PM
First you need to find someone who has a pencil neck and gives a fuck.

You are really too much :lol: :artist: :lol:

(Actually almost fell off my chair laughing after seeing this!!)

07-22-2019, 07:13 PM
There are a bunch of good Doobie Brother songs but this is the bestest.


07-22-2019, 07:13 PM
I want someone to translate this.

[610] fastboot_init {}
[710] usb ept @ 0 x 8f231000
[730] udc_start {}
It pops-up whenever I try to recharge my smartphone battery.

Even know you didn't give any specifics on what make and model your phone is??
Now i say this with all sincerity Dion... You are interested in forensics and Private investigating?? Bloody copy and paste one of those issues in "Google" and i guarantee a solution will be there buddy:happy:

07-22-2019, 07:16 PM
There are a bunch of good Doobie Brother songs but this is the bestest.


Actually came in to look for some tunes for the backyard (sent you a PM and no response yet either:cry:), I agree This one is really good buddy thanks;)

07-22-2019, 07:30 PM
Question of the day.....

When you bleed the Lizard, do you try to fill the bowl with bubbles??

Note if you are a Transgender?? And choose to sit on the crapper?? Disregard this question :D

07-22-2019, 08:13 PM
Actually came in to look for some tunes for the backyard (sent you a PM and no response yet either:cry:), I agree This one is really good buddy thanks;)

I like and try to keep a consistent level of dissociation in case I ever need to use mental illness as defense. This is from another website account. :mellow:

You have 90 new messages
You have 1 new staff message

07-22-2019, 09:12 PM
I like and try to keep a consistent level of dissociation in case I ever need to use mental illness as defense. This is from another website account. :mellow:

You have 90 new messages
You have 1 new staff message

I would have figured by now that you know i am not like everyone else, and you still could reply out of courtesy and some sort of adult respect...And i don't post on/in any other forums anywhere else but here....

That's all. and up to you;)

Edit: I had to rethink something here?? I am now thinking of all of those PM's/Messages that go unanswered?? How many are positive/non hostile/ friendly:unsure:

07-23-2019, 03:36 AM




07-23-2019, 06:12 PM
I want someone to translate this.
[610] fastboot_init {}
[710] usb ept @ 0 x 8f231000
[730] udc_start {}
It pops-up whenever I try to recharge my smartphone battery.


Actually, this was the expected feedback I longed for. :lol:

When I saw that error, I instantly threw it out the window.

07-23-2019, 09:00 PM
Actually, this was the expected feedback I longed for. :lol:
When I saw that error, I instantly threw it out the window.

I actually came across the video looking for songs, and it just seemed appropriate for some fun and humor:D, and really thinking better not to be called a "Pencil Neck" or a "Needle Dick" :lol:

But kidding aside, did Google give any info on the issue?? Two of my kids have Androids and have never in all of there previous phones seen that message either?? I asked them both for you;)

07-24-2019, 02:03 AM

Summer Breeze is ace.

Re Phil Collins. I've forgotten entire series that I've watched but I still remember this scene as clear as day.


re Johnston


07-24-2019, 02:09 AM
Sup jive turkeys. I dumped the old job after 20 years and moved on. Been in Finance for a long time and went over to a ten yr old software billing company as a PM. It's dope as fk. We get fed three days a week, I can dress casual most days, and there's foosball and two kegs on tap! I was also considering selling my main pc/gaming rig as I haven't hardly turned it on in nearly eight months. There's a 1080ti in there collecting dust ffs. I've got no time for it with the offspring. I thought about grabbing a Mac Mini or smth but they have fk all for drive space so not sure what to do there other than just sell the good bits... :dabs:

07-24-2019, 04:07 AM
Summer Breeze is ace.

The big issue Idol i have a 3cd/mp3 stereo in the cabana in the backyard, so i have hours on hours of music to play, and at least 5 or so disks have "In The Air Tonight", so i am trying to find and make a disks of stuff i just never burned. and it is great to listen too, and you know not get out of the pool to change the track because it is not worthy:)...


One of my Tribe;)




07-24-2019, 06:02 AM
Sup jive turkeys. I dumped the old job after 20 years and moved on. Been in Finance for a long time and went over to a ten yr old software billing company as a PM. It's dope as fk. We get fed three days a week, I can dress casual most days, and there's foosball and two kegs on tap! I was also considering selling my main pc/gaming rig as I haven't hardly turned it on in nearly eight months. There's a 1080ti in there collecting dust ffs. I've got no time for it with the offspring. I thought about grabbing a Mac Mini or smth but they have fk all for drive space so not sure what to do there other than just sell the good bits... :dabs:

Congrats on the new job, Meg and Mulder would approve of those perks! As for the video card, what happened to your dream of becoming a Bitcoin millionaire? :P

07-24-2019, 07:51 AM
But kidding aside, did Google give any info on the issue?? Two of my kids have Androids and have never in all of there previous phones seen that message either?? I asked them both for you;)


Mr. Mulder
07-24-2019, 11:08 AM
Sup jive turkeys. I dumped the old job after 20 years and moved on. Been in Finance for a long time and went over to a ten yr old software billing company as a PM. It's dope as fk. We get fed three days a week, I can dress casual most days, and there's foosball and two kegs on tap! I was also considering selling my main pc/gaming rig as I haven't hardly turned it on in nearly eight months. There's a 1080ti in there collecting dust ffs. I've got no time for it with the offspring. I thought about grabbing a Mac Mini or smth but they have fk all for drive space so not sure what to do there other than just sell the good bits... :dabs:

PM = Jira/BlueWorks slave :no: that sounds pretty sick though, 3 kegs a week!

You should 100% throw away all your gheyming things and just have a switch, I did this and will never go back after tasting toilet vaping gheyming. You've also been around long enough to know not to buy an Apple Macintosh :dabs:

07-25-2019, 01:57 AM
Sup jive turkeys. I dumped the old job after 20 years and moved on. Been in Finance for a long time and went over to a ten yr old software billing company as a PM. It's dope as fk. We get fed three days a week, I can dress casual most days, and there's foosball and two kegs on tap! I was also considering selling my main pc/gaming rig as I haven't hardly turned it on in nearly eight months. There's a 1080ti in there collecting dust ffs. I've got no time for it with the offspring. I thought about grabbing a Mac Mini or smth but they have fk all for drive space so not sure what to do there other than just sell the good bits... :dabs:

Congrats on the new job, Meg and Mulder would approve of those perks! As for the video card, what happened to your dream of becoming a Bitcoin millionaire? :P

Thanks and lolz. I started selling off all my equipment about a year ago. I figure I broke about even on equipment since prices were high. Still got a bunch of BTC and ETH, only one of which is fairing well. I'll sit on them for forever and hope smth big happens with either.

07-25-2019, 02:21 AM
Sup jive turkeys. I dumped the old job after 20 years and moved on. Been in Finance for a long time and went over to a ten yr old software billing company as a PM. It's dope as fk. We get fed three days a week, I can dress casual most days, and there's foosball and two kegs on tap! I was also considering selling my main pc/gaming rig as I haven't hardly turned it on in nearly eight months. There's a 1080ti in there collecting dust ffs. I've got no time for it with the offspring. I thought about grabbing a Mac Mini or smth but they have fk all for drive space so not sure what to do there other than just sell the good bits... :dabs:

PM = Jira/BlueWorks slave :no: that sounds pretty sick though, 3 kegs a week!

You should 100% throw away all your gheyming things and just have a switch, I did this and will never go back after tasting toilet vaping gheyming. You've also been around long enough to know not to buy an Apple Macintosh :dabs:

So far so good. The only Jira tix I'm dealing with are ones we submit to our Ops guys. I'll surely spend some time with Jira and likely a little with Zendesk as well. SQLPro too and lots of site visits. I'm learning all sorts of software I never needed at UPS. Zoom meetings, Slack, Confluence, our own software, etc. The PM side I know well but there are def some hard differences in this position. The position is otherwise a good fit for now and the culture is fantastic tho so I'm all in for now. And one of the support guys had a glass of beer on his desk at like 3 oclock today while he worked! :o

Yeah I dont think I can get rid of the PC just on storage needs alone. I have the SSD in there and 3 x 2TB drives. Lots of PhOtos, vids, Randoms shit and aNd family stuffs. Prolly gonna sell off the 1080ti and HTC Vive tho. :/

And I like Macs. True story. Ive been using Mac laptops since around 2012 or so. Fantastic machines and they age super well. All my work stuffs is on Macs as well sooo :idunno: What I'm definitely not going to do is buy a Mac, and then instantly have to buy a bunch of overpriced external drives. Fk all that.

Mr. Mulder
07-25-2019, 06:18 AM
Jira & Confluence :no: I have to submit weekly time sheets through Jira and updates on Confluence all for the same job I've been doing for years, I'm just a service desk monkey, the IT equivalent of a factory worker it's utterly pointless! every week they look identical! Closed some tickets, watched Netflix at lunch, sexual harassed the receptionist. We're all Salesforce, WebEx and SAP here - SCCM too for deployments and such with a fuck load of legacy stuffs hanging off citrix.

As a PM here I'd expect you to not understand the requirements, approach the wrong people, schedule 3 weekly meetings but cancel two each week and never the same two. Dish out time consuming grunt work that won't be used and leave before the projects done. If you could also hotdesk and unplug everything at each desk you use and steal any HDMI adapters that are clearly needed then you'll be a God here!

07-25-2019, 08:28 PM
Thanks and lolz. I started selling off all my equipment about a year ago. I figure I broke about even on equipment since prices were high. Still got a bunch of BTC and ETH, only one of which is fairing well. I'll sit on them for forever and hope smth big happens with either.

A sound plan! Some people did it with $20's worth of Bitcoin on 2011 and they're buying yachts now :turned:

And one of the support guys had a glass of beer on his desk at like 3 oclock today while he worked! :o

He supports better when he's drunk, duh.

07-25-2019, 09:40 PM
And one of the support guys had a glass of beer on his desk at like 3 oclock today while he worked! :o

He only does that because his macho friends told him that that for a job to be truly manly it needs to be bad for your health.

07-26-2019, 05:37 PM

As the race literally hung in the balance they should have either restarted at a point past the dangerous part or negated the entire stage. As it stands it's like taking the results of a 1500m race at the 800m mark which is incredibly wank not to mention unfair to all involved.