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View Full Version : I Found It Once..

12-03-2003, 10:42 AM
Once upon a time when using Kazaa..

I found a file of an old animated series on Mtv.. that series is called "The Head". It's about a purple alien that makes his home inside a guy's head, and breaks out once he's accustomed to the earth's atmosphere, blah blah..

ANYway.. I can't find this file.. when I put in a search on video for "the head" you all can imagine exactly what I find, and I can do without a billion blowjob videos, TYVM. Now, to the question...

Is there a way to refine your results, OR have a search that filters certain findings, OR do a search that finds files with ONLY THE WORDS YOU PUT IN THE FIELD ?

I'm sure the answers to all of these are no, read the faq, advanced search, fucking n00b, blah, blah.. But god dammit.. I loved that show.

- E :guinesssmile:

12-03-2003, 10:44 AM
Have you tried "More Search Options"??? That may help, picking approx size, etc.

Or check in Movieworld.

12-03-2003, 10:48 AM
well you can check the pics in the sig of musleman all the answers seem to be there :lol:

no really gess you have best chances in movie world requests... People may know this and supply you with a hash or a proper name to search B)

12-03-2003, 10:53 AM
emule will probably be the best bet for rare shit like that, but I imagen its even worst because you have to wade through 1000 of porn vids :D

I always wanted liquid television and they had another I liked called amp
never see any of those :/

12-03-2003, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by jetje@3 December 2003 - 18:48
well you can check the pics in the sig of musleman all the answers seem to be there :lol:

Absolutely! lol... lol...