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View Full Version : Diet Kazaa.. Klite Not Working Prop Etc

12-10-2003, 01:59 PM
well I don't know about you.. but I feel Sharman is now reaching out.. supernodes are gone for me.. all red... and downloads are as slow as fuck....

ANyone try diet kazaa? I hera it strips the shit away from kazaa original...

I think I might try it... if I pull the dats across I'll be fine yes?


12-10-2003, 02:04 PM
now it's working fine again WTF?

12-10-2003, 02:27 PM
anyone have problems running sharaza and kazaa lite together? Maybe this is my problem here.. I also have soulseek, sharaza and klite dumping into same shared folder... wasn't a problem till I configured sharaza this way....


Anyone going to move over to Kazaa 2.6 with Diet spyware remover plug-in?

Or do you think that someone will pick up the falling torch of klite and keep it forever out of Sharmans reach?

PS: Sharaza rocks!! But EMule? Emule is a lod of pants... or am I missing something?

12-10-2003, 05:23 PM
No, personally I wouldn't want to use the diet plugin with 2.6, because then I would miss all the KL-Extensions.