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02-15-2003, 11:50 PM
Cities jammed in worldwide protest of war in Iraq
Saturday, February 15, 2003 Posted: 6:23 PM EST (2323 GMT)

3 million take part in anti-war protests in Rome
One of the biggest anti-war demonstrations on the European mainland has taken place in Rome. Its unclear just how many people took part but according to some estimates as many as 3 million people. Rainbow colours a symbol in Italy of a growing peace movement. With the Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi one of George Bush's closest allies in ...

Britain's largest ever peace protest held in London
Over a million people have marched through London, in yet another show of public solidarity against an attack on Iraq. It is widely believed to be the largest protest in British political history. Demonstrators lined the streets for over five kilometres. Starting at two separate points, they converged in Picadilly Circus and then moved ...

Thousands take part in anti-war protests in France
Around 200,000 people took part in an anti-war demonstration in Paris, with smaller protests held in provincial cities around the country. The comparitively small turnout in France is being attributed to the fact thatthe French government has already taken a stand against military conflict in Iraq. The country's position has put it at loggerheads ...

Protesters hold signs during a demonstration against a possible war with Iraq at the Mahoning County Courthouse in Youngstown, Ohio.

Public join politicians in opposition to war
Hundreds of thousands of people have taken part in a massive anti-war rally in Berlin. Across the country, it is predicted around six hundred thousand Germans showedtheir oppostion to war. One demonstrator said: "We are afraid for our future and the future of our children. We want to say it cannot be done like this, one country saying we ...

Protesters have gathered around the world, in the U.S., Europe, Australia, the Middle East and Asia, to protest war against Iraq.

CNN's Beth Nissen reports many believe debate on a war in Iraq has been muted and news media have ignored dissenting voices. (February 15)

Gallery: Scenes from key international demonstrations


• Gallery: Asian antiwar marches
• Gallery: Voices of dissent
• Blair: More time for inspectors
• Violence at Greek antiwar rally


• Previous inspectors' report
• U.S. reaction to earlier report
• Interactive: Council on Iraq
• Latest: Iraq Tracker
• Explainer: Al Samoud
• Special Report: Showdown Iraq

Will this weekend's anti-war protests have any effect?


NEW YORK (CNN) -- Huge crowds of anti-war demonstrators jammed into downtown New York on Saturday as protesters in dozens of U.S. cities joined large crowds worldwide in voicing opposition to war with Iraq.


Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets of London to voice their opposition to military action against Iraq.
Police said it was the UK's biggest ever demonstration with at least 750,000 taking part, although organisers put the figure closer to two million.

02-16-2003, 12:01 AM
As a Middle Eastern commentator (and I don't mean an American or British one) said, these demonstrations have made war more likely.

Saddam Hussain now feels that he has support from around the world. As such he is less likely to co-operate with the UN Weapons Inspectors. Which he was gradually doing, because he did not want to go to war.

Now the pressure from the international community is less, he will withdraw any co-operation. Thus making it more likely that war will be waged.

Who organised these demonstrations. People who wanted war presumably. Talk about not considering the rammifications of your actions.

Thanks for that.



02-16-2003, 12:02 AM
I think people are making a huge mistake on trying to prevent a war.
I don't like wars either, but we're talking about Saddam and not some saint.

In the end you'll see I'm right! ;)

02-16-2003, 12:26 AM
Bomb Norway
They have oil too

Rat Faced
02-16-2003, 12:29 AM
Im not starting....

We'll just agree to disagree datamore.

Ive said enough on this issue....for now.

And Norway???? No way, like most Geordies i have a soft spot for Scandinavia... ;)

02-16-2003, 12:40 AM
Hey, sure every one wants Saddam dead. But I dont really think we will really kill him. Either someone else will, or he will just die of old age...

02-16-2003, 12:42 AM
"WAR-Huh what is it good for?"

02-16-2003, 12:44 AM
Originally posted by Zedax@16 February 2003 - 01:26
Bomb Norway
They have oil too
Oh that's clever, rabble rousing.

Try to look at the big picture. You feel good and have taken the moral high ground because you protested against war. Big deal.

What you and the other sheep have done is made it more likely. You then come here and boast about it.

Once again, thanks for that.



02-16-2003, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by JimF@16 February 2003 - 01:44

Try to look at the big picture.

02-16-2003, 12:56 AM
Originally posted by namzuf9@15 February 2003 - 16:42
"WAR-Huh what is it good for?"
Lol, this is off topic but nice avatar!

02-16-2003, 01:10 AM
España, un clamor contra la guerra


Alrededor de cuatro millones de personas se echaron a la calle en toda España en una jornada en la que el mundo fue un clamor en protesta por la probable intervención militar. «Récord histórico de participación»

"around 4 millions people took the streets in all Spain in a day which the world protests against the probably military action. Historical record of participación"[/I]

http://www.abc.es/Guerra/noticia.asp?id=16...89&dia=16022003 (http://www.abc.es/Guerra/noticia.asp?id=162389&dia=16022003)

02-16-2003, 01:19 AM
well although this will get me flamed...

something has to be odne...

i know alot of people in that protest and we have debated till the cows come home.. i think something has to be done i dont know what but i know something does.. and they are doing something.. extreme maybe.. but at least they are moving...

02-16-2003, 01:26 AM
To all of you who took part in these marches.

Thanks very much for making the world an infinitely less safe place to live in.

You have Saddam's eternal gratitude.

He can now tell the UN and the Arms Inspector's to mind their own business.

Have you ever thought that the enemy may not introduce himself as such. Who organised your rally.



02-16-2003, 01:32 AM
Pense que estaba solo en este sitio
gracias khhora

Alrededor de cuatro millones de personas se echaron a la calle en toda España en una jornada en la que el mundo fue un clamor en protesta por la probable intervención militar. «Récord histórico de participación», ese era ayer el titular más repetido por las agencias de información nacional. En todas las capitales era igual. En Barcelona, el Ayuntamiento cifró en un millón y medio los asistentes. Al grito de «no a la guerra», cientos de miles de personas colapsaron ayer el centro de Barcelona para unirse a la manifestación convocada bajo el lema «Parar la guerra es posible». Más de un millón de personas según el Ayuntamiento y 350.000 según la Delegación del Gobierno avalaron la masiva participación en la marcha, convocada por una plataforma que agrupa a más de doscientas entidades. Los dos kilómetros de trayecto entre el Paseo de Gracia y la Plaza Tetuán seguían colapsados cuando, una hora después del comienzo oficial de la manifestación, la actriz Carme Sansa leyó el manifiesto contra la intervención militar en Irak.

En Sevilla, más de 100.000 personas, secundaron el acto de protesta. El Foro Social de Sevilla, que aglutina a la mayor parte de las organizaciones convocantes consideró la protesta como «un hecho histórico» por ser la mayor jamás celebrada contra la guerra en toda Andalucía.

No hubo tanta unión en el País Vasco, donde los socialistas vascos expresaron su rechazo a la guerra en una concentración celebrada a mediodía en Guernica, para no coincidir en las manifestaciones convocadas en Bilbao y San Sebastián por la tarde con los nacionalistas. Los socialistas rechazaron compartir pancarta con «quienes no condenan los atentados de ETA», que, en opinión del secretario general del PSE-EE, Patxi López, no tienen «legitimidad para oponerse a la guerra». En las manifestaciones de la tarde participaron tanto miembros de Batasuna, como del PNV, de Eusko Alkartasuna y de Izquierda Unida. Xabier Arzalluz dijo previamente que su partido «nunca va a una manifestación con Batasuna», distinguiendo que en este caso se trataba de «una convocatoria abierta» y añadiendo que al PNV «tampoco le quedan ganas de ir a la calle para nada con los socialistas».

Bombardeo simulado

En Santa Cruz de Tenerife, más de 50.000 manifestantes dijeron también «No a la guerra». La marcha congregó a personas de todas las edades e ideologías, así como a representantes políticos y sindicales, que portando la pegatina «no a la guerra, sí a la paz» y lanzando gritos de «no más sangre por petróleo», dejaban claro su oposición al conflicto bélico. El acto finalizó con la lectura de un manifiesto y la representación de un bombardeo en la Plaza de la Candelaria.

No quedaban atrás en Santander, donde unas 30.000 personas, se concentraron contra la guerra, aunque la sorpresa fue Oviedo, donde 100.000 personas desbordaron las calles. El momento más emotivo fue la intervención del representante en Asturias de la OLP, el médico Mohamed Safa, quien se confesó abrumado por una manifestación «que me ha devuelto ma fe en el ser humano y en el espíritu cívico».

02-16-2003, 01:35 AM
Originally posted by Zedax@15 February 2003 - 17:32
Pense que estaba solo en este sitio
gracias khhora

Alrededor de cuatro millones de personas se echaron a la calle en toda España en una jornada en la que el mundo fue un clamor en protesta por la probable intervención militar. «Récord histórico de participación», ese era ayer el titular más repetido por las agencias de información nacional. En todas las capitales era igual. En Barcelona, el Ayuntamiento cifró en un millón y medio los asistentes. Al grito de «no a la guerra», cientos de miles de personas colapsaron ayer el centro de Barcelona para unirse a la manifestación convocada bajo el lema «Parar la guerra es posible». Más de un millón de personas según el Ayuntamiento y 350.000 según la Delegación del Gobierno avalaron la masiva participación en la marcha, convocada por una plataforma que agrupa a más de doscientas entidades. Los dos kilómetros de trayecto entre el Paseo de Gracia y la Plaza Tetuán seguían colapsados cuando, una hora después del comienzo oficial de la manifestación, la actriz Carme Sansa leyó el manifiesto contra la intervención militar en Irak.

En Sevilla, más de 100.000 personas, secundaron el acto de protesta. El Foro Social de Sevilla, que aglutina a la mayor parte de las organizaciones convocantes consideró la protesta como «un hecho histórico» por ser la mayor jamás celebrada contra la guerra en toda Andalucía.

No hubo tanta unión en el País Vasco, donde los socialistas vascos expresaron su rechazo a la guerra en una concentración celebrada a mediodía en Guernica, para no coincidir en las manifestaciones convocadas en Bilbao y San Sebastián por la tarde con los nacionalistas. Los socialistas rechazaron compartir pancarta con «quienes no condenan los atentados de ETA», que, en opinión del secretario general del PSE-EE, Patxi López, no tienen «legitimidad para oponerse a la guerra». En las manifestaciones de la tarde participaron tanto miembros de Batasuna, como del PNV, de Eusko Alkartasuna y de Izquierda Unida. Xabier Arzalluz dijo previamente que su partido «nunca va a una manifestación con Batasuna», distinguiendo que en este caso se trataba de «una convocatoria abierta» y añadiendo que al PNV «tampoco le quedan ganas de ir a la calle para nada con los socialistas».

Bombardeo simulado

En Santa Cruz de Tenerife, más de 50.000 manifestantes dijeron también «No a la guerra». La marcha congregó a personas de todas las edades e ideologías, así como a representantes políticos y sindicales, que portando la pegatina «no a la guerra, sí a la paz» y lanzando gritos de «no más sangre por petróleo», dejaban claro su oposición al conflicto bélico. El acto finalizó con la lectura de un manifiesto y la representación de un bombardeo en la Plaza de la Candelaria.

No quedaban atrás en Santander, donde unas 30.000 personas, se concentraron contra la guerra, aunque la sorpresa fue Oviedo, donde 100.000 personas desbordaron las calles. El momento más emotivo fue la intervención del representante en Asturias de la OLP, el médico Mohamed Safa, quien se confesó abrumado por una manifestación «que me ha devuelto ma fe en el ser humano y en el espíritu cívico».

02-16-2003, 01:40 AM
De nada Zedax :) Era necesario hablar de la participación española en la protesta ya que la CNN ni lo menciona y la BBC apenas lo comenta. Seguimos siendo ignorados :( a pesar de la ganas de Pepe María Asnar de estar en el concierto internacional (en el lado equivocado claro <_< )

02-16-2003, 01:42 AM
NeoShoyru, you should get a english-spanish diccionary :lol:

02-16-2003, 01:55 AM
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.

02-16-2003, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by Zedax@15 February 2003 - 17:55
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.
I really need to learn a new langueage... I know... Ill speak |334 from now on...

|-|0&#092;/&#092;/ 15 7|-|15? |&#092;/|4`/83 1 5|-|0|_|||)|&#092;|&#39;7 74||< |1|<3 7|-|15 51|&#092;|¢3 |&#092;/|4|&#092;|`/ p30p|3 ¢4|&#092;|7 r34|) |334...

02-16-2003, 02:02 AM
Originally posted by Zedax@15 February 2003 - 21:55
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.
:blink: I dont agree with this, I think :blink: :unsure: :blink: :huh:

02-16-2003, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by JunkBarMan+15 February 2003 - 18:02--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JunkBarMan @ 15 February 2003 - 18:02)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Zedax@15 February 2003 - 21:55
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.
:blink: I dont agree with this, I think :blink: :unsure: :blink: :huh: [/b][/quote]
&#092;/&#092;/|-|47 |)0 `/0|_| |&#092;|07 49r33 0|&#092;|? :blink:

What do you not agree on? :blink:

02-16-2003, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by NeoShoyru+15 February 2003 - 22:06--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (NeoShoyru @ 15 February 2003 - 22:06)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -JunkBarMan@15 February 2003 - 18:02
<!--QuoteBegin--Zedax@15 February 2003 - 21:55
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.
:blink: I dont agree with this, I think :blink: :unsure: :blink: :huh:
&#092;/&#092;/|-|47 |)0 `/0|_| |&#092;|07 49r33 0|&#092;|? :blink:

What do you not agree on? :blink: [/b][/quote]
well i look at the words and can see that there was demonstrations(demonstratie in Amsterdam) in amsterdam by 70k people against the usa(evil texas poster) about war with Iraq, or Irak as it is spelled here...but who knows i dont speak this dialect. ok to protest i just dont think people Anywhere believe the truth to Iraq&#39;s potential....maybe not war but something needs to be done <_<

02-16-2003, 09:24 AM
;) Man most of them people today were getting interviewed and all they had to say was"I never protested before" "my parents protested in the 60&#39;s I feel it is my time".

I think alot of them were out there because they thought it was the cool thing to do... ;)

What they should of been doing was protesting over Rusty Wallace getting pushed back to 38th starting position for Sunday&#39;s Daytona 500.Each fan would of received a six pack of beer if he won the race....we all know it was a conspiracy.

02-16-2003, 09:50 AM
well being a nihilist (amongst many other things)...I say this:
NUKE ´EM ALL&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
Nuke Iraq,Iran,Syria,N.Korea,Libya,Yemen for starters..

or better yet...

take a big shovel and turn the soil upside down in these countrys. That way
all the dead fanatics can be used as fertilazer to make BIG BIG national parks for the wildlife.. :)

02-16-2003, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by JimF@16 February 2003 - 02:26
To all of you who took part in these marches.

Thanks very much for making the world an infinitely less safe place to live in.

You have Saddam&#39;s eternal gratitude.

He can now tell the UN and the Arms Inspector&#39;s to mind their own business.

Have you ever thought that the enemy may not introduce himself as such. Who organised your rally.


First, I didn&#39;t go to any of this demonstrations.
I was away the whole day, but if I werent ... who knows?

But are you saying now that the people who protested are responsible for the war that is probably going to happen? :blink:

Look at it from the other side:
They have showed to that cowboy (G.W.B.) that they don&#39;t want the war, that it&#39;s pointless, that it will do more harm than good. Maybe, just maybe he&#39;ll listen now. He aparently ignores the UN, maybe he wont ignore the people. Just my wishfull thinking I guess.

But I really don&#39;t want to start the whole issue again, I believe enough has been said on this board about this.


02-16-2003, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by NeoShoyru+16 February 2003 - 02:57--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (NeoShoyru @ 16 February 2003 - 02:57)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Zedax@15 February 2003 - 17:55
La differentia entre el virtual y la realidad
para nosotros que no vivimos en el mundo real k++


Bijna 70.000 mensen bij
demonstratie in Amsterdam
Bijna 70.000 mensen hebben zaterdag in Amsterdam gedemonstreerd tegen de oorlog in Irak. Vanuit het hele land kwamen betogers naar de hoofdstad om hun stem te laten horen. De demonstratie verliep zonder problemen. Het was de grootste betoging in Amsterdam sinds het protest tegen kernwapens begin jaren tachtig. De organisatie, het Platform tegen de nieuwe oorlog, was blij verrast door de hoge opkomst.
I really need to learn a new langueage... I know... Ill speak |334 from now on...

No you don´t need to learn a second language..... as far as I understand.. it´s loveletters between two sheepbangers.....the one is asking if he can borrow the other guys sheep for the weekend... :rolleyes: :blink:
It´s really not a concern for anybody else in this forum B)

02-16-2003, 10:13 AM
Originally posted by khhora@16 February 2003 - 02:40
De nada Zedax :)&nbsp; Era necesario hablar de la participación española en la protesta ya que la CNN ni lo menciona y la BBC apenas lo comenta. Seguimos siendo ignorados :( a pesar de la ganas de Pepe María Asnar de estar en el concierto internacional (en el lado equivocado claro <_< )
and this one is about a narcotic dude trying to make a joint out of a cactus....he´s complaning about "it stings in his mouth" B)
Not really a concern for this forum too <_<

my point being: write in english or don´t write at all...otherwise this forum will soon be fucked-up

pacha mama (peru)
Sondela uSomandla sukuma wena obengezela (Xhosa)
narrøv (denmark)
Muskhil Badi Tu hai Kaha (india)
Will Mich Keiner Sehn Das Ist Nicht Schön (german)

Do you get my point&#33;? ;) B) <_<

02-16-2003, 11:35 AM
This "cowboy" as they claim is just doing his job, protecting the USA from mentally defective finatics that are bent on destruction. I am a history buff and have a degree or 3 in that subject, and i can see the future by looking at the past, although it is somewhat clouded. Take for example the end of WWI, England and France wanted to punish Germany for the war, they did so very harshly at the protest of the American government&#33;&#33; The end result was Adolf Hitler&#33;&#33;&#33; WWII started the day the armesist was signed (decree formally signaling the surender of Germany and the imposing of punishment upon said country) When Hitler invaded poland the world stood silent, the US govt made decrees and threats as did England, in the mean time antiwar protesters cried and whined, and the world did nothing. Sound familiar? Then Hitler invaded France, the country that cried the loudest against war, and then they cried for us and England to help (by going to war&#33;&#33;) Today is a repeat, 1941, Pearl Harbor...=... New York, World Trade Center&#33;&#33; Make up your own mind, the truth is there take it or ignore it. War is on its way, and it NEEDS to happen, it WILL make a differance and it will curb terrorism. If they know we will come after them then they will run out of places to hide, and the BS that the antiwar protestors are armed with will only cost more lives look at the facts before you look at it from more sides than the one you agree with and stay the hell away from CNN. They are about making the news not reporting it.

02-16-2003, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by theninja@16 February 2003 - 12:35
This "cowboy" as they claim is just doing his job, protecting the USA from mentally defective finatics that are bent on destruction.&nbsp; I am a history buff and have a degree or 3 in that subject, and i can see the future by looking at the past, although it is somewhat clouded.&nbsp; Take for example the end of WWI,&nbsp; England and France wanted to punish Germany for the war, they did so very harshly at the protest of the American government&#33;&#33;&nbsp; The end result was Adolf Hitler&#33;&#33;&#33;&nbsp; WWII started the day the armesist was signed (decree formally signaling the surender of Germany and the imposing of punishment upon said country)&nbsp; When Hitler invaded poland the world stood silent, the US govt made decrees and threats as did England, in the mean time antiwar protesters cried and whined, and the world did nothing.&nbsp; Sound familiar?&nbsp; Then Hitler invaded France, the country that cried the loudest against war, and then they cried for us and England to help (by going to war&#33;&#33;)&nbsp; Today is a repeat, 1941, Pearl Harbor...=... New York, World Trade Center&#33;&#33;&nbsp; Make up your own mind, the truth is there take it or ignore it.&nbsp; War is on its way, and it NEEDS to happen, it WILL make a differance and it will curb terrorism.&nbsp; If they know we will come after them then they will run out of places to hide, and the BS that the antiwar protestors are armed with will only cost more lives look at the facts before you look at it from more sides than the one you agree with and stay the hell away from CNN.&nbsp; They are about making the news not reporting it.
Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.

For evil to succeed it only takes that good men do nothing.

I am very much against war.

All I am saying is that Saddam Hussein has a much stronger position now. He feels that he has worldwide support. As such he will be more recalcitrant. Making war much more likely. This is the fault of the demonstrators. They have made the thing they were protesting against more likely.

These are not only my views.



PS Bear in mind this mans past. What he has done and contiues to to do to his own people. Ask a Kurd what they think.

02-16-2003, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by theninja@16 February 2003 - 12:35
Today is a repeat, 1941, Pearl Harbor...=... New York, World Trade Center&#33;&#33;
WTF has WTC got to do with Iraq??&#33;&#33; :blink:

It seems that you are the one blinded by CNN propaganda.

Rat Faced
02-16-2003, 12:05 PM
mentally defective finatics that are bent on destruction

Sounds like Bush.

Oh, and for a History proffesor...maybe you should read some books.

British decared War on Germany when they invaded Poland, not France.

USA sold arms to both sides untill Pearl Harbour, at which time it decalred War on Germany, if Britain would declare war on Japan...as then the Autralia, India etc would all be fighting Japan too.

02-16-2003, 12:49 PM
How is demonstrating against war making war more likely? Because Saddam thinks he has global support? What difference does that make? The worst Saddam could do is refuse inspections because he thinks he has support from foreign countries, and that wouldn&#39;t make any difference because Bush has already declared he&#39;ll "go it alone" if all else fails. Its no use looking for scapegoats here - this war was inevitable from the day Bush declared it.

"If they know we will come after them then they will run out of places to hide" - does it look that way? really? There is no way you can eradicate terrorism; it is a monster begot upon itself, born on itself. I couldn&#39;t begin to speculate how to combat the recent rise in terrorism, but it is clear Bush&#39;s strategy willl only exacerbate the situation, and will ultimately lead to a Big Brother state where the rights and freedoms of the individual are foregone in favour of the &#39;integrity&#39; and &#39;safety&#39; of the country.

02-16-2003, 02:26 PM
I&#39;m sorry but I think the rationale of my earler posts is very simple. It is also the considered opinion of at least some commentators in the middle east. Local commentators.

the point is that the diplomatic solution only has any chance of success when the dictator sees it as his best option to keep power. The diplomats often rely on the "big stick" they just get someone else to brandish it.

As you have weakened the big stick you have weakened the position of the diplomatic solution. Making war more likely.

I know I am wasting my time trying to reason with you. I suspect that in real life conversation someone else speaking is little more than a convenient opportunity for you to think what you will say next.

Let me make this perfectly clear. I do not want war, I do not support those who want war. However your action, in my opinion, have made it more likely.



PS As I said before ask the Kurds what they think, or the Jews what they thought during the second world war. Or a great number of other peoples.

02-16-2003, 02:55 PM
Sorry, what was that? too busy concentrating on an answer :P

Honestly, I apologise if I misunderstood you, but I can see your point. It just seems to me that no amount of diplomacy, whether it is in the interests of the dictator or not, is going to avert this war. Nor will any protesting (which is partly why I didn&#39;t attend the march in London). Anyway, thanks for your time - much appreciated.

02-16-2003, 02:55 PM
Originally posted by nincompoop@16 February 2003 - 11:13

my point being: write in english or don´t write at all...otherwise this forum will soon be fucked-up

All non english speaking people in this forum write in english although for some like me it gets rather difficult, but still we try to do our best. It is hard to express in a language that is not yours. I wish you english speaking people could show a bit more of appreciation instead of unrespectfull sentences like the one I quoted.

02-16-2003, 03:00 PM
You really think public opinion will count for anything when it comes to the actions of our governments? We are not the ones in power, they let us have whatever voice suits them for whatever purpose, usually to keep us subdued. Like it matters the action we take. Read the papers, look at the news, get confused, panic, it&#39;s all forms of propaganda. You just need to know the difference between right and wrong. Since when has killing been right? :(

02-16-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by khhora+16 February 2003 - 15:55--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (khhora @ 16 February 2003 - 15:55)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--nincompoop@16 February 2003 - 11:13

my point being: write in english or don´t write at all...otherwise this forum will soon be fucked-up

All non english speaking people in this forum write in english although for some like me it gets rather difficult, but still we try to do our best. It is hard to express in a language that is not yours. I wish you english speaking people could show a bit more of appreciation instead of unrespectfull sentences like the one I quoted. [/b][/quote]
Well I´m not english.. in fact english language was the 3. language I learned...but even so it can be difficult as you write...I still write in here with misspelling and all....better to misspell and at least be understood..than write spanish, danish or whatever language and have people not understanding anything of what you write....If we all start typing in different languages and dialects this forum will shurely die :rolleyes:

02-16-2003, 03:34 PM
I miss the most important issue on demonstrating. As I believe most of us are from pretty democratic countries. Demonstrations are the best way to show the politicians that they don&#39;t have the backup from the people they say they&#39;re presenting. It is the best way for people who like peace to show this war is wrong.
I haven&#39;t seen that many people go to a demonstration in favor of War. We actually like to something against it. And show our disbelieve in the decission makers about this.

No we&#39;re not giving Saddam hopes, we give the Iraqi people hope that they don&#39;t get bombed. But my guess is that Bush & Co aren&#39;t that democratic in these matters.

Yes i have demonstarted. The least i could do

Rat Faced
02-17-2003, 11:37 AM
This is a pointless argument.......because both sides are right.

The demonstartaions may well have the effect that JimF has said, ie make Hussain dig his heels in more.

However as he&#39;ll get attacked by the US/UK no matter what he does, I dont think this makes War more unlikely....its alreeady a dead cert. Try putting a bet at the bookies. ;)

Demonstration is the way that we can show the Government what we are feeling.

However, again this is not going to change the mind of a Government that has already decided what it wants...ie US/UK. It MAY, make the ones &#39;Sitting on the Fence&#39; decide.

Oh, and an American on another Forum just proudly told me that USA is not a &#39;Democracy&#39; its a &#39;Republic&#39;....as such, he doesnt give a fuck what the majority of any people want.

You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...

02-17-2003, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry:

Rat Faced
02-17-2003, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by tilen76+17 February 2003 - 11:42--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tilen76 @ 17 February 2003 - 11:42)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry: [/b][/quote]
I couldnt say....but ask Tommy.

He read one of his posts on the other site, made Bush look like a communist.....usna is the nick, im sure Van Diem will remember him ;)

02-17-2003, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by Rat Faced+17 February 2003 - 12:47--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rat Faced @ 17 February 2003 - 12:47)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:42
<!--QuoteBegin--Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry:
I couldnt say....but ask Tommy.

He read one of his posts on the other site, made Bush look like a communist.....usna is the nick, im sure Van Diem will remember him ;) [/b][/quote]
I&#39;m not sure we are talking about the same person. Bush? I ment Bush, did you too?

Rat Faced
02-17-2003, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by tilen76+17 February 2003 - 11:56--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tilen76 @ 17 February 2003 - 11:56)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:47

Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:42
<!--QuoteBegin--Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry:
I couldnt say....but ask Tommy.

He read one of his posts on the other site, made Bush look like a communist.....usna is the nick, im sure Van Diem will remember him ;)
I&#39;m not sure we are talking about the same person. Bush? I ment Bush, did you too? [/b][/quote]
Originally? No..... :blink: :blink: :unsure:

02-17-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by Rat Faced+17 February 2003 - 13:04--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Rat Faced @ 17 February 2003 - 13:04)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:56

Originally posted by -Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:47

Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:42
<!--QuoteBegin--Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry:
I couldnt say....but ask Tommy.

He read one of his posts on the other site, made Bush look like a communist.....usna is the nick, im sure Van Diem will remember him ;)
I&#39;m not sure we are talking about the same person. Bush? I ment Bush, did you too?
Originally? No..... :blink: :blink: :unsure: [/b][/quote]
:blink: :blink:

Ok, I think I got it now. :D Bush leans all the way to the right, but this other guy goes even further to the right, making Bush look like a communist.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Rat Faced
02-17-2003, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by tilen76+17 February 2003 - 12:10--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (tilen76 @ 17 February 2003 - 12:10)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 13:04

Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:56

Originally posted by -Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:47

Originally posted by -tilen76@17 February 2003 - 11:42
<!--QuoteBegin--Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 12:37
You may guess from this he leans slightly to the Right on political issues...
Slightly to the right? Let us be honest, all the way to the right. :angry:
I couldnt say....but ask Tommy.

He read one of his posts on the other site, made Bush look like a communist.....usna is the nick, im sure Van Diem will remember him ;)
I&#39;m not sure we are talking about the same person. Bush? I ment Bush, did you too?
Originally? No..... :blink: :blink: :unsure:
:blink: :blink:

Ok, I think I got it now. :D Bush leans all the way to the right, but this other guy goes even further to the right, making Bush look like a communist.
:lol: :lol: :lol: [/b][/quote]
Now you got me spamming like FC

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

02-17-2003, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Rat Faced@17 February 2003 - 13:14
Now you got me spamming like FC

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

OK, I apologize for all the spamming. :P

02-17-2003, 02:05 PM
Sadam is a douchebag and can burn in hell :D