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View Full Version : Why Dont All The Develepors Come Together?

12-29-2003, 01:07 AM
Why dont all the Kazaa Lite Develepors come together to develop ONE Final version.

Reasons for my belief

1. -- People are confused. !!!! Which one should I use this that whatever!!! Especially Noobs

2. -- Teamwork Always produces good results that lasts a while.

3 -- Everyone would be much happier because of less confusion and that we would have ONE great overall finished product from our Great develepors. :lol: :lol:


12-29-2003, 01:17 AM
Well, I must say that a good idea... Let's ask to the guys how they think about it... B)

12-29-2003, 01:49 AM
They should use Mozilla.org as a model....

12-29-2003, 02:05 AM
Well We'll hope that everyone all the develepors come together and keep Making Kazaa Lite Better :lol:

12-29-2003, 02:10 AM
Well, I think this is the best solution to this situation.
There are at least 3 different kazaa "lite" version at the moment and people is getting confused.
I hope all developers will find an only way to follow.
Anyway thanks to all of you for your great job.

12-29-2003, 08:53 AM
Besides the devolopers meeting of minds to decide what is best version and where to follow. Why not those that have websites or can host them. I host all the current versions on my website, and by god alone sharman will not take those links from my site. In ways i just think all the heads all the people that have ideas, should meet up. I personally am a security junkie, i can probe and prod security holes. There should be a groups that every kind of p2p user can join to think, just like the programing and devolpers minds may. In ways i think every person that has a opinon should be heard. Everyone that knows a crap about security/programing/ or even artistic minds, should all come togeather to create something, that may become magnicint. Brainpower and resistance to change can define us. It makes us who we are, we are p2p users we need to band even closer togeather. To help everyone of you can say our brother p2p users and make the way the internet was orginally designed for Information and learning.

12-29-2003, 01:04 PM
why don't all the devs come together eh? well all the devs worked for themselfs like random nut worked on his K++, Rocko on his KLE, Hasnain on his K-sig & K-Dat and Aldo for the other tools (like IPupdater) you see people didn't work together, they work on their one. Paul managed all this programs in one installer and that's how kazaa lite k++ was born. they were all individuals..

now Random Nut said that he stopped working on k++ cause he don't uses klk++ anymore and a lack of time. Rocko has always being busy with his study, so he doesn't have time either (but you should email him, i think he thinks KLK++ is dead :ph34r: ) for hasnain? i don't know. Didn't hear anything from him in a while.. and Aldo? Aldo makes only tools if paul or some others asked him (hosts manager, bad ipupdater) and for paul you all know.. he's forced to stop working on it.. so that's the whole story. we have to wait for a new generation of devs.. RN gave us a start with KLR, the rest is up to us..

the whole point is that is was never organized, there was just one front man.. and that was paul..

12-29-2003, 04:39 PM
DAMN THAT GAY ASS COMPANY SHARMAN.............................. :angry:

Darth Vikram
12-29-2003, 06:35 PM
You've all come up with excellent points, especially Ricky_1146. I agree. I think we should all work together. Now who's with me?

Rat Faced
12-29-2003, 06:52 PM
Im sure its in everyones interest for the developers to work together.

So far, only some of the #klchat ones are taking the opportunity, as far as im aware.

If anyone wants to get together with this team, then PM me and i'll facilitate a meeting.

I must point out though, that there is an element of paranoia around, so some use nicks other than their usual in the development program ;)

12-29-2003, 10:07 PM
I am with you Darth, I will host any kazaa lite there is. Plus if there is any meetings where ideas and thoughts can be tossed around I want to partcipate. Darth if you want to contact me with any future updates/ new builds for ressurection i will try helping you or any person. We all need to have a meeting though, because we are all divided without some kind of unity. If any devolper wants me to host the versions of kazza lite messege me, I want to help as much as i can. If there is a meeting tell me and i will be there. I can tell ya i one day will have 1 terabyte of p2p files (1,000 gigs)i currently have 105 gigs i share and every day it grows. I probably could get sued in the millions or billions. All i know 1 day you make look down at the users online and current GB shared and i will be 1,000 of those GB. In a few months i will have a computer built to be a supernode. I am very serious about P2P because i wanna make sure as long as i live it lasts.

12-29-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Ricky_1146@29 December 2003 - 22:07
I am with you Darth, I will host any kazaa lite there is. Plus if there is any meetings where ideas and thoughts can be tossed around I want to partcipate.  Darth if you want to contact me with any future updates/ new builds for ressurection i will try helping you or any person.  We all need to have a meeting though, because we are all divided without some kind of unity. If any devolper wants me to host the versions of kazza lite messege me,  I want to help as much as i can. If there is a meeting tell me and i will be there. I can tell ya i one day will have 1 terabyte of p2p files (1,000 gigs)i currently have 105 gigs i share and every day it grows. I probably could get sued in the millions or billions. All i know 1 day you make look down at the users online and current GB shared and i will be 1,000 of those GB. In a few months i will have a computer built to be a supernode. I am very serious about P2P because i wanna make sure as long as i live it lasts.
hey thats the kind of determination we need around here... this is gonna be a long battle for the Riaa and sherman with the likes of Ricky. I try to share on all networks been using bittorent alot becuase of the quality and speeds but most of my single mp3s are downloaded off of kazaa just wish they had the rare files that some other networks had like bittorent,emule

12-30-2003, 01:28 AM
Thank you everyone for coming together !!!!!!!!!!1 :lol: :D

I especially like your spirit Darth.

The develepors should go to meeting which Rat Face is hopefully gonna schedule and make one final great Kazaa Lite.


12-30-2003, 01:55 AM

*holds up signs of encouragement while doing an irish jig*

12-30-2003, 07:48 AM
2.4.6 is out for those that do not know it. One suggestion darth i like the video lan idea and everything but if you want, can you put a link to the Kaza lite forums. I dunno about other lite users but that is how i ussually post. I like the background and everything, If Rat tells you of a meeting darth messege me about it since i want to help out as much as i can. Plus darth if you want help programing wise, i have a friend that i think is a genuis programer. Me and him have tested win xp security a lot since he has made his own msn messenger client, and his own trojan. If you want programing help i can ask him about it.

Kazaa lite revolutions 2.4.6 (http://myimages.fourvalve.com/mikell/klr246.exe)

12-30-2003, 08:20 AM
Please let me know if you need a mirror for anything. I've got space and will host/mirror any software releases you guys cook up. Hopefully I can help in some way.. :beerchug:

EDIT: Yes, the links in my sig are off my site, so there's another source for ya.

12-30-2003, 09:48 AM
im also support this but i don't see any interested developers!

12-30-2003, 10:07 AM
Originally posted by tugrussel@30 December 2003 - 09:48
im also support this but i don't see any interested developers!
Well, I see one: Darth Vikram :D

12-30-2003, 10:24 AM
hopefully the Fellowship of the KLite will be formed soon. itd be great to see happen.

12-30-2003, 06:52 PM
I believe, everything that actually has posted on this forum. Is apart or wants to be apart of making Kazaa lite ressurection a better mainstream version. I think Darth made a good version. I believe darth forgot a few things as we all do, the few things that i changed. The filter tab needs the bad downloads, viruses etc. they are here.

.scr, .vbs, .jpg.exe, .jpg.vbs, .avi.exe, .avi.vbs, .mp3.exe, .mp3.vbs, -fulldownloader, 3-fulldwnloader, -full-downloader, -games-fulldownloader, divx-fulldownloader, 3-full-dwnloader-, -games-fulldownloader-, -games-fulldownload, pack-fully-download, .htm, .html, .url, .sys, .ini, .xml, .vbs, .js, .bat, .eml, .dbx, r@ygold, reelkiddimov, kiddie, underage, ddoggprn, child porn, incest, sex child, preteen, pre teen, twinks, gay, 11yr, 12yr, 13yr, 14yr, 15yr, lolita, KaZaA lite (new), Lite_Privacy_tool, Kazaa Lite 1.7.2, KaZaA Lite Cheater, KaZaa Cheater, Kazaa Skins 1.8, Kazaa Hack

When you have time darth add this to the list if you see it.

Plus the fact that i believe even if we take time to slowly upgrade we may be kicked off the network true. But in the long run darth could slowly reverse engineer the actual working supernodes then one day. You could see kazaa lite resserction looking like the old K++ edition but under the surface it may work like the new kazaa 2.6.0or whatever build they come with next. Time whether we like it or not will always be our ally. And it time will be sharmans enemy because everything they put out. Will more then likely get reverse engineered. We have the favor in the end we are what keeps sharman. To upgrade and get new versions when they come out. We can reverse engineer them.

Btw darth while i was typing it i thought of something that can make, kazaa lite ressurection different from the rest of the Lites out there. Maybe have it connect to both the edonkey and fastrack network, if it is possible. I think that could be a big advancement to put kazaa lite ressuection a new foothold, having it connect to edonkey network. As a few brit friends have said all the legitimate files are there. Connecting the fastrack network and edonkey network could help, fastrack gain back its legitimate files.

I hope any of my ideas help you darth

Darth Vikram
12-30-2003, 07:12 PM
Wow, Ricky you make me look like a hero. :01:

Someone else mentioned the filters yesterday and I've added them. They'll be in the next version.

I wish I knew how to connect KLR to other networks but I don't. I know random nut could do it, but he seems to have left us.

BTW, Rat Faced hasn't replyed yet.

Rat Faced
12-30-2003, 07:22 PM
I have now :P

Im going to contact the developers of the #klchat release and see about you getting involved.... it being the holiday period, its hard to get everyone at same time.. I'll try again tonight ;)

12-30-2003, 07:23 PM
Good Work Everyone One. I hope that in time some of the other programmers like Razz and Agent Smith and everyone will also help you Darth!! :lol:

Any way nice work !!!

I like your version Darth because it has the Kazaa Lite K++ feeling to it you know what i mean? :P

12-30-2003, 08:08 PM
dont get your hopes up with KLR. yes, its a great program that works great, but reverse e'ging fasttrack probably isnt going to happen. the future lies with turning that pile of shit we call KMD 2.6 into a worthy heir of the kazaa lite name. KLR will no doubtedly work for a good while (we are still connecting to grokster and imesh, and other client nodes), but its end is inevitable.

Unless there IS someone out there who is willing to crack the shit out of FT.

in other words, we gotta go full sail at 2.6 with a group effort.

12-31-2003, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by thebrock@30 December 2003 - 20:08
dont get your hopes up with KLR. yes, its a great program that works great, but reverse e'ging fasttrack probably isnt going to happen. the future lies with turning that pile of shit we call KMD 2.6 into a worthy heir of the kazaa lite name. KLR will no doubtedly work for a good while (we are still connecting to grokster and imesh, and other client nodes), but its end is inevitable.

Unless there IS someone out there who is willing to crack the shit out of FT.

in other words, we gotta go full sail at 2.6 with a group effort.
oh my god what a change in the sailor and the boat we have here :huh: B)

12-31-2003, 12:05 AM
i havent changed in anything. ive always known that anything non2.6 is going to eventually die. however, thats not going to be for awhile, and KLR is a great client. ive always been in support of all the devs turnin out a killer lite version of 2.6. ;)

12-31-2003, 12:12 AM
Don't try bringing hopes to die we can still build and learn regardless of how long it takes to be on the new supernodes. We can still make the kazaa ressurection act like it is 2.6. Just think of it like a car you can have a beat up rusty model car, but the engine can be the the best in the world. I wont give up and i dont think brock has either

12-31-2003, 06:31 AM
i agree...when all the developers come together there will be faster updates and bug fixes and plus not to mention a huge support by the k++ fans. I have supported K++ and i always will.

I know what to call the file once you guys are all together.
1 release....

Kazaa Lite United...how does that sound?

12-31-2003, 10:04 AM
thats actually pretty catchy

12-31-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by kazaaman@30 December 2003 - 19:23
Good Work Everyone One. I hope that in time some of the other programmers like Razz and Agent Smith and everyone will also help you Darth!! :lol:

Any way nice work !!!

I like your version Darth because it has the Kazaa Lite K++ feeling to it you know what i mean? :P
well his version is based on kmd 2.0.2 (klite k++ 2.4.x) so it should look that :P

01-01-2004, 04:12 PM
Yea Kazaa Lite United is a pretty good name for the new kazaa but the name choosing is the develepors job :lol:

01-04-2004, 10:36 AM
In time ressurections name may change just as kazaa lite went from k lite, to k++ edition. You never know.

01-06-2004, 07:18 PM
I just joined the klboard....I just got a new laptop this month and discovered that k++ got trampled over.

I'm not really doing anything exciting now in college...I'd be happy to help

(might not be much of a help though...i'm programming a computer ai for a competition as well as building the stupid robot...i'm also working on a database thing...and i'm taking 21 credits next sem).

I've also been working on a better version of cowpimp (lets you download mp3s from itunes users who are sharing).

on a side note...for the name of this "new" version, I think we should just stick with the old name...kazaa lite...why change it?

just post here and i'll do whatever i can

01-06-2004, 08:27 PM
Ok We will keep the old Kazaa Lite name and thanks for your offer aznbreak. I am sure someone will need your help here and there :lol:

01-06-2004, 11:15 PM
I will talk to darth, aznbreak. And if you did want to. You may even be able to work with darth if your in programing. Me personally am a crappy programer i understand what the books say. But when it comes to programing my own material i lack, i guess the vision. But i do host and i am a big source of files for kazaa lite. (fastrack network) and Edonkey. So i do as much as i can

btw aznbreak what languages are you able to program in?

01-06-2004, 11:20 PM
It's SICK!!
There are so many wannabes.
Too many "Kazaa Lites" and all of them are BULLSHIT!


01-07-2004, 03:44 AM
Originally posted by Ricky_1146@6 January 2004 - 23:15
I will talk to darth, aznbreak. And if you did want to. You may even be able to work with darth if your in programing. Me personally am a crappy programer i understand what the books say. But when it comes to programing my own material i lack, i guess the vision. But i do host and i am a big source of files for kazaa lite. (fastrack network) and Edonkey. So i do as much as i can

btw aznbreak what languages are you able to program in?

...I'm best at Java

01-08-2004, 05:14 AM
Why just stop at Developers. We all know that Kazaa Lite had some drawbacks. Why not get everyone that can help in any way involved.

For instance

1) Developers obviously work together to create a new, bigger, better, more powerful, and comprehensive version of Kazaa Lite w/ toned down versions

2) Security. Now that RIAA/MPAA/Sharman is out to get lots of people, I think the K-Lite team should have a security team as well to implement security features and what not. Sooner or later Peer Guardian may just not be enough

3) The necessities. A group of members to create useful tools for the community that are not out yet. Although many tools are out now, a variety of tools (ie from the security team) may need to be implemented

And other sorts of teams like that etc...

01-08-2004, 08:25 PM
Pretty good idea............................. :lol: :lol:

01-08-2004, 11:58 PM
Well like i have always said. I am security paranoid, and if any of you heard of defcon. I am apart of it and trust me. That is a ap of endless security experts

01-16-2004, 11:38 PM
Any new news about the developors coming together??

01-17-2004, 01:00 AM
tried getting in contact with the creator of clean imesh? (dr death i think) im sure he'd be cool but i dunno lol :( , anyway im a webbie and would be glad to do anything. design/build official site for kazaa lite or just do a little site that provides a mirror. how about it? because im sure that'd be working with the developers as id need to get updated info off the developers all the time so :) . anyway hit me back on this and tell me what u think am i in or not :P B) :lol:

01-17-2004, 09:58 PM
i am kev4 had a name change check my sig for more info lol :smilie4:

01-18-2004, 06:55 AM
damn all this shit sounds good that would be awsome. kazaa lite 2.6 k++. but we all know all you guys just talk and this will never really happen if you guys did start it though it would prabably take forever for you guys

01-18-2004, 05:32 PM
im sure if lite and vikram come together that would be cool doesnt seem to be happening atm though <_<

01-19-2004, 09:08 AM
Let Lite finish up the version of it that he&#39;s working on currently. Then make the proposal to him. That way you already have a base version that works pretty well to work up from.


01-19-2004, 09:56 AM
Well as long as the proposed newer version that if darth and lite make a newer version togeather. If the newer version looks like K++ or Ressurection builds. I will support it, what i do not like about the KMD 2.6.0 is like sharmans new look of the tabbed browsing, etc. If like there is an option to enable or disable the tabbed browsing i will guarentee full support from me. I just do not like sharmans new GUI (graphics user interface, basically how it looks.) If like it came in the orginal 2.6.0 look and a feature was added in to make it look like ressurection aka K++ . I will be in full support I just like things to be simple, not complicated, and if Lite or darth needed to see what ports it uses, pretty much the security. Of the newer version i am willing to help it hide from the RIAA, MPAA. And whoever else wants to sue us. Even if it is possible i think still that emule and fastrack should connect togeather. In a way i mean that this possible newer version, should connect if possible to 2 networks or more. My idea Edonkey and fastrack, the legitamate files will spill back into fastrack i assume. Yes it may give emule fake files, but does it in the end result help P2P.

Just adding what i think the possible deal/new version could have. If those thoughts help.