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View Full Version : Menu For Jp?

01-02-2004, 12:03 AM
I thought I would show JP this menu from the Dinner\Dance Mrs BigBoab and I attended last night in Ayr. I have taken the name of the hotel off for two reasons.

1. The Salvation Army would not pay me for the advertisment. :)

2. There is every chance that if JP decided to go here next Hogmanay that he would find me with Sqweeky. As she is moving to Ayr. :rolleyes:

Hogmanay Dinner Dance

One pint of Strongbow

Smoked Marrbury Salmon
On a Toasted Brioche with Lemon Caper Butter

One pint of Strongbow

Cock a Leekie Soup

One pint of Strongbow

Roast Sirloin of Scottish Beef
With a Rich Hunters Sauce

One pint of Strongbow

Raspberry Crannachan
With Home-made Shortbread

One pint of Strongbow

Tea or Coffee with Whiskey Fudge

One pint of Strongbow

Happy New Year

One pint of Strongbow

Dress Optional*
* But one must be worn

I was wearing full highland
dress, therefore I was OK

01-02-2004, 12:44 AM
Were they serving alcohol.

01-02-2004, 12:46 AM
They are not laughing now. :(

01-02-2004, 12:50 AM
Originally posted by bigboab@2 January 2004 - 01:46
They are not laughing now. :(
They underestimated your constitution.

It's just as well you have put all the practice in.

I'll have a P Bob.

01-02-2004, 12:55 AM
Extremely difficult geting to the hotel last night. Even though we were in a taxi. I dont know if you know the area JP. The hotel is about 50 yards from the beach wall. It was blowing a hurricane, heading for a storm. I was wearing a kilt. Need I say more. It is very disconcerting stepping over swooning women. :rolleyes:

01-02-2004, 01:01 AM
Originally posted by bigboab@2 January 2004 - 01:55
Extremely difficult geting to the hotel last night. Even though we were in a taxi. I dont know if you know the area JP. The hotel is about 50 yards from the beach wall. It was blowing a hurricane, heading for a storm. I was wearing a kilt. Need I say more. It is very disconcerting stepping over swooning women. :rolleyes:
Thank you you bar steward.

How am I supposed to sleep with that image in my mind.

The raising of the kilt and the swinging of the boaby.

01-02-2004, 01:04 AM

You will wake every time you hear a dong in the night, extremely worried. :rolleyes: