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02-26-2003, 10:58 PM
hey guys.. tis me Tommygunn/Vandiem this is the last name change i promise!

we got banned from Quakenet due to filesharing.. mainly because alot of us used these scripts to advertise stuff so from now on we will have color coding banned until otherwise.... what this means is..

if you want a specific song come in.. and ask ONCE... if we have it we share it.. if you spam IRCOPS (the server gods) will notice us...

the plan is to stay small...

also mp3 scripts and FTP scripts ARE permitted but they have to be in normal text no bold no underscore no colors...

the NEW server is :

Description : Gamesnet: Random east US server
server: east.gamesnet.net
: west.gamesnet.net

either is fine

the port is 6667

this room should be better no netsplits and junk like that..

we will get bots and thing's restored as normal... bear with us

just imagine! no board or IRC!


in all the excitement i had this pointed out to me

[23:23:02:] <UKMan> Romeo| => you forgot to give the #KLchat room name

so in light of this new evidence...

same name guys just different server TY ukman :)

02-26-2003, 11:02 PM
Almost happened, no board no chat lol.

Yep chat is up without hesitation, hopefully on a much better server.

The netsplitz got old.


02-26-2003, 11:03 PM
yes REAL close&#33; phew&#33; i sure hope we will be safe on gamesnet. :ph34r: :D

02-26-2003, 11:05 PM
Wow, just joined and theres about 15 in already :huh:

02-26-2003, 11:12 PM
well i was in there what do you expect... i have a certain aura...

02-26-2003, 11:22 PM

02-26-2003, 11:38 PM
Maybe we should have a place to &#39;meet&#39; in case the chat room and board are down???

02-26-2003, 11:42 PM
thats a good idea....

i think it would also be cool if we exchanged all of our instant messenger screenames with each other

02-27-2003, 01:18 AM
Umm, speaking as one of your fellow OP&#39;s, since where forced to move, why not go to one that supports filesharing and the p2p communtiy instead of a GAMING network.

Just my two cents but it seems logical to me that we move to irc.p2pchat.org. It has a lot better services then gamesnet or quakenet. Whatever though......

02-27-2003, 01:21 AM
Originally posted by xeroxed@26 February 2003 - 20:18
Umm, speaking as one of your fellow OP&#39;s, since where forced to move, why not go to one that supports filesharing and the p2p communtiy instead of a GAMING network.

Just my two cents but it seems logical to me that we move to irc.p2pchat.org. It has a lot better services then gamesnet or quakenet. Whatever though......
;) Or a Peer-to-Peer program(unlike Kazaa Lite) that actually has chat rooms so we can browse each others files.Why do we all do stuff the hard way around here? :blink:

02-27-2003, 01:25 AM
Originally posted by Nobody1234@27 February 2003 - 00:38
Maybe we should have a place to &#39;meet&#39; in case the chat room and board are down???
i think that would be a very good idea B)

hope tu see you :rolleyes:

02-27-2003, 04:08 AM
Jeez, we keep playing musical rooms? :huh:

02-27-2003, 04:14 AM
Yeah RP, and we&#39;re having net split problems right now... saw you appear and disappear before I could even hug ya&#33; :(

02-27-2003, 04:24 AM
Originally posted by xeroxed@26 February 2003 - 20:18
Umm, speaking as one of your fellow OP&#39;s, since where forced to move, why not go to one that supports filesharing and the p2p communtiy instead of a GAMING network.

Just my two cents but it seems logical to me that we move to irc.p2pchat.org. It has a lot better services then gamesnet or quakenet. Whatever though......
I agree, Xeroxed, the p2pchat servers are for p2p stuff, which kazaa lite is and they allow filesharing on that server, there&#39;s quite a few rooms there now dedicated to just that......I brought up this point when the klchat got created the first time too..
But as you can see, our opinions dont&#39; really matter or atleast it sure seems that way to me

irc.p2pchat.net, irc2.p2pchat.net and irc3.p2pchat.net are some other servers for p2pchat

02-27-2003, 04:27 AM
And guess what? NeoShoyru free&#33; :lol:
Im still wondering why people got pist for me posting a picture... Ive talked to many other people and they said they were confused to... Anyways, thats gone and in the past... Bet yer all happy that I aint going to the new chatroom...
I may stop off a few times just to help promote it but thats all... If you havn&#39;t noticed ive sometimes came and then left... I was just verifieing that the chatroom was still up. But who cares, just as long as its NeoShoyru free... :)

02-27-2003, 04:49 AM
hey guys
crazy day eh??
im sure tommygun has his reasons for what server he chooses.
quakenet for example was a little bit safer than alot of servers, safe from certain types of DOS attacks at least...had less netsplits, and so forth
dont seem to be safe from the riaa yet, lol
im down with the no color codes for now... though, and im not complaining...
but i think there needs to be some thought into what server we choose...
i personally believe if we use a public server the larger it was the safer it would be..
currently the copyright people are cracking down and hassling tons of irc servers..
though it was just a matter of time before this happened.
the resaon i support a pub server over a prvt one is that i like to have the chance to meet new people....
i understand that the board draws in sum n00bs, but the chance to draw in new people and turn them on to our style is increased when you go public.. ;) so if you guys wanna draw in more peeps, try spamming on other servers. you might be suprised how many peeps u draw in.
im not impressed by the comment that "obviously our opinions dont matter"
frankly, i know mine does, and i know u all from irc will end up reading this, so u HAVE to hear me out....you addicted little creeps ;)
anyway back to my point, tommy managed to get u kidz together, whether it was luck or not... but its hell getting people to migrate to a chat... and if you disagree then start your damned own. lord knows, ill be there. (unless your neo)
however, i do find the idea that we are bouncing from game server to game server a little unsettling. my question is "why?" like i said tommy is room founder so its up to him, but i dont think the majority of us are there to play CS and Quake..., (though i think its cool&#33;&#33;) we are established as a "file sharing" themed community, whether we like it or not. so that should be our focus.
i agree that we shouldnt try to hide, and let the Man drive us underground, though, i have no problem choosing that option as a last resort.
so, im off to gamesnet to check out this new server.
for those of you who are not in usa, u might be a bit miffed, gamesnet seems to be primarily a usa server...though u have a few options.
listed below are several servers u may choose from.
IRC Servers
Server Name
Provided by


Bend, OR


Chicago, IL
Game Daemons

Chicago, IL


Miami, FL
Envision7, LLC Internet Services

Matawn, NJ
Game Broadcasting Live

Fremont, CA
the bteg network

Central. CH
VTX Services S.A & CS

Dallas, TX


Los Angeles, CA


Los Angeles, CA

Vancouver, BC

New York, NY
BestWeb Internet

Dallas, TX


Tampere, Finland



IRC Server DNS Round Robins
Round Robin Name

North America
Western USA
Eastern USA


02-27-2003, 08:50 AM
well we are sorted now we got the bot etc...

lets just bond&#33; :)

but yeh a backup place would be good....

i have a place... now the usual suspects will whine that it isnt p2pchat.... but this is an old Team room i used to have

on Quakenet... join the room #twistedfaith... this is the backup point if we get booted again

that is the last post...

but yeh also giving msn names etc isnt a bad idea...

i have got

so if rat,prowl,SJ,nik and the usual i chat to (tilen,k1w1) anyone i chat to add your names here :)

02-27-2003, 09:57 AM
found it guys and girls.

come on in all and sundry you might just be surprised. :D

02-27-2003, 10:25 AM
I just don&#39;t see why the channel has to be on a gaming network (first QuakeNet, now GamesNET), when there&#39;s a network specifically for P2P stuff (http://www.p2pchat.net). And since you&#39;re only allowed to register gaming related channels on GamesNET, we&#39;re now supposed to pretend #KLchat is the Kazaa Lite Team (http://www.klt-clan.tk) (CS clan) channel...? This situation is a bit phucked up, if you ask me.

02-27-2003, 01:18 PM
Instant Messenger Contacts:

AOL IM: dAnconia

Thats the only one I have ...hope others post their IM screenames here too :)

02-27-2003, 02:20 PM
Maybe you guys could tell me why you resist making the chat room on p2pchat instead of saying that this is whining ?

02-27-2003, 05:45 PM
Honestly I go with the flow after an incident like yesterday.

I started #k-lite, then ugluk got the efnet one, then we moved to GamesNET.net when tommy got it. However I was not impressed with that channel having suck a screwed up netsplit so soon after we joined it.

Luckilly ProwL got the can regged, but again, as a gaming clan. We&#39;ll see how it floats.

I have also kept open the option of moving to a "once and for all" server that isn&#39;t going to one day break my ballz over some scripts people use.

Again-I don&#39;t use scripts. I use FTP and k-lite and the occasional DCC transfer for all my filesharing.

Anyway somebody needs to change the IRC link at the top of this site.

/server irc.gamesnet.net:6667


02-27-2003, 06:14 PM
y is the room invite only

02-27-2003, 06:14 PM
Looks like we&#39;re back to the drawing board guys:

* lill has joined #KLchat
<mivaro_brb> [Trio - Da Da Da] (3:25/128kbps)
* def has joined #KLchat
<def> &#33;list
* ChanServ has left #KLchat (Channel unregistered by def.)
* OpServ has joined #KLchat
* Twisted.MA.US.GamesNET.net sets mode: +o OpServ
<mivaro_brb> [Tool - Parabola] (6:02/128kbps)
* OpServ sets mode: -oooo [KLT]Razz|A ProwLXP Romeo|out SuperJude
* OpServ sets mode: -vvvvvv Nobody|lunch Skidz_ RDanneskjold luca[afk] tilen76|work [4731571]
* OpServ sets mode: -vvvvvv NikkiD|Board mivaro_brb JCD|AWAY _Rocko sides|away ugluk|FOOD
* OpServ sets mode: -v DarkPrince
<Skidz_> << {{ Hey&#33; Please Give Me My "Voice" Back OpServ }} >>
* OpServ sets mode: +smi
* def has left #KLchat
* mivaro_brb is now known as Mivaro
* lill is now known as hahhahaha

Room has been modded, made secret and invite only...

02-27-2003, 06:16 PM
No need to do that now, I was playing on the boards, when opserv came in an took our voices away.
So...........Not that it matters.........

which IM name do you want?
how many can conference on yahell messenger? I know that you can have 8 or 10 ppl on MSN&#39;s conference.

Wazzat mean?
Man this is bumming me.

02-27-2003, 06:18 PM
/server irc.p2pchat.net:6667 -j #KLchat

SuperJude, ugluk and I are there...

02-27-2003, 06:19 PM
#klchat on p2pchat people&#33;

02-27-2003, 06:22 PM
Okay, someone help the dummy, what&#39;s all the info I need for this?

02-27-2003, 06:25 PM
Fuck it, I&#39;m not gonna wait for Tommy&#39;s ok, seems the majority of the members want it on p2pchat.org.

Just joined to register it and look, there&#39;s already people on there. I say we make this our new home.

Sorry Tommy but you don&#39;t wanna seem to listen to us.

irc.p2pchat.org #klchat

02-27-2003, 06:42 PM
Well that was fun&#33; I go away for a bit and the room has been stripped, again lol&#33;

Looks like p2pchat is after all the way to go.

Thank you 4731571 and Yusuke for being adamant about that.


02-27-2003, 07:03 PM
nice....hopefully this will be our new home...TO STAY &#33;&#33; :)

02-27-2003, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by SuperJude™@27 February 2003 - 13:42

Thank you 4731571 and Yusuke for being adamant about that.

I know you ment to include me in that. So..... your welcome

02-27-2003, 07:38 PM
p2pchat sucks ass
encrypted ips grrrrr
wont see me there for sure

02-27-2003, 07:59 PM
well... you didnt have to wait for my go ahead on anything...

i dont control anything i merely ry to do good stuff for the community thx for the suppt....

you wont see me in the p2p room..

02-27-2003, 08:02 PM
Why do you need to not have the IPs encrypted ?

02-27-2003, 08:03 PM
What the hell is so fucking wrong with p2pchat?

So what prowl, you can&#39;t get other peopls IP number, explain to me why that&#39;s so bad.

We have supported you Romeo, Van, Tommy, whatever you are calling yourself this week. We all wanted to move to p2pchat, and you didn&#39;t listen to us, seems like you weren&#39;t supporting us, not the other way around.

02-27-2003, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by xeroxed@27 February 2003 - 15:03
What the hell is so fucking wrong with p2pchat?

So what prowl, you can&#39;t get other peopls IP number, explain to me why that&#39;s so bad.

We have supported you Romeo, Van, Tommy, whatever you are calling yourself this week. We all wanted to move to p2pchat, and you didn&#39;t listen to us, seems like you weren&#39;t supporting us, not the other way around.
your right xeroxed absolutly
its not so bad
even if it was, your uneducated opinion on such matters still counts too strongly for me to successfully protest
if the kids wanna be on that server, thats wonderful
but i dont have to engage., and i wont, specially after u tried to ban me.
and tommy, they are saying u wont be back because you cant have channel founder.
ive gotten along with everyone so well in chat...
i enjoyed my time helping everyone and contributing to the scene, and i wish u all the best in the future.
i support u all and u know it, no matter what sh|t for brains here says, full member or not.
as for me, im geting too old to care about this childish stuff.
maybe you were right yusuke, i expressed my opinion and got bannd for it...
go figure.
im sure xeroxd here will try to rile me further in this thread and elsewhere...
but i will not be persuaded to sink to his level.
if you want to make me out to be malicious so be it.
but those in chat who Knew me knew otherwise.
why dont u ask them if your so convinced.
i really hate this sort of debate...it feels very futile. its not like any of this stuff matters.

02-27-2003, 08:38 PM
You still havn&#39;t said why it is so important to not have the IPs encrypted.

Please tell us so we then will know.

02-27-2003, 08:44 PM
Wow, did you like miss the convo. They, those kids as you now call them, told me to ban you. I could of cared less, so what, you can&#39;t do your "forensic investigation", that&#39;s what you called it right?

I&#39;m sorry you feel the need to be able to do portscans and nuke and whatever the fuck else you brought up. That&#39;s not what the room is ment for, it&#39;s for chating. So sorry you don&#39;t have the option to be malicous, even if you arn&#39;t going to be, it seems to me the whole reason you left was becuae you can&#39;t now. If you&#39;d like to explain to the other users why you want to have our IP&#39;s so readily available, then please do, but don&#39;t attribute your bad intentions to my lack of knowledge in some cheap attempt to make it look like you mean no harm.

Please don&#39;t make it look like I&#39;m the only one that was argueing, they all wanted to know why you wanted our ip so bad. Would you like me to go get the logs that show them saying that. Just becuase I was the one asking the why doesn&#39;t mean I take all the blame.

02-27-2003, 08:53 PM

As I recall, we were all pretty much asking, why, but since you saw fit not to tell us exactly why, how can we understand? You say you will not partake of the childishness, but, you have proven that you are both fault and victim of it.

02-27-2003, 08:57 PM
xeroxed im sorry i seem so antagonizing today
this was not my intention, not in the least. so i aplogize to you and everyone else there that day.
there are tons of benefits to being able to examine an ip address.
u can determine what programs are listening on there connection, see whether sum1&#39;s modem is in "promiscuous mode" making sure the poor bloke doesnt have a network sniffer listening to every password they type....seeing if the guys has trojans listening...
u can resolve connection problems via advice if sum1 is having trouble connecting, and most of all, i just like to see where people are from, without asking. ;)
i have spent many years messing with irc, and the problems the past few days are very much like what ive had to deal with b4.
and for those of you who dont know, its still easy as hell to get an ip off an encrypted network just establish sum sort of direct conection, this can be through a IM session with your favorite client, or a direct file transfer, or whatevah
once u have an establsihed conection
go to your start menu and go to run then type netstat -50
its just much easier to be able to dns.
now if i was the only one who thought dns resolution was important, i highly doubt it would be a feature in Every popular irc client to date.
compare that to how many networks use encrypted ip&#39;s....what...two?

02-27-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by xeroxed@27 February 2003 - 18:25
Fuck it, I&#39;m not gonna wait for Tommy&#39;s ok, seems the majority of the members want it on p2pchat.org.

Just joined to register it and look, there&#39;s already people on there. I say we make this our new home.

Sorry Tommy but you don&#39;t wanna seem to listen to us.

irc.p2pchat.org #klchat
well... before xeroxed totally trashes me.... [childish mode] fuck you btw..[/childish mode]

i didnt want you to wait for any OK&#39;s... it is for the teams(by teams i mean the KL users)

last night when we actually had the meeting about what server to jump to only 1 person at that time i belive it was 473 said p2pchat...

i never said no... i just said hmm lemme go have alook and hooked into gamesnet.. i have been on irc 3 years and i have hoped between those networks... they are the ones i know.... therefore i wanted to tstay with what i know... your acting like i didnt listen atall i just wanted somehwere where i could actually get a grasp of what is going on... and prowl what you on about i dont care if im not room founder.. i dont care if im not admin... course i wouldve liked to be.. but thats all past.

the fact of the matter is... i am deeply miffed by xeroxed ASSHOLE comments about me.. and treating me like a fucking dictator.
every decision i made for the Qnet room i went thru with skwekky mainly.. cos she was thr with me when room was founded...


02-27-2003, 09:10 PM
See wasn&#39;t that easy.

Yes I know getting an IP is easy encrypted or not, that&#39;s why I didn&#39;t understand why you where so adament about being able to do a dns look up on the mask. Despite what you think I do know a thing or two about IRC and what not.

I still don&#39;t see why you would stay off the network becuase you can&#39;t have a dns look up if your goal is to help someone I&#39;m sure they would give you there IP without any hassel. You seemed like a good enough guy up untill today, wich is all good now, so I&#39;d hate to see you leave over something so stupid.

Sorry you feel this way, and sorry for the loose, but it&#39;s your choice. Everyone besides you and Tommy seem to be happy on p2pchat. Don&#39;t really understand yet as to why Tommy has such a problem, but whatever. I&#39;m sick of this, it&#39;s all pointless bull shit, obviously everyones not gonna be happy one way or the other. So imo it dosen&#39;t seem worth all this bitching.

Hopefully within the next few days everything will cool down and we&#39;ll be one big semi argumentative dysfunctional family again.

02-27-2003, 09:17 PM

Sorry Tommy didn&#39;t mean to come off as being an asshole. I was frustrated with all the bull shit.

I didn&#39;t know there was a "meeting" of any sort. As far as Skweeky being the only one there form the begining, excuse me but I was oped before she was and so was Mike. So whatever, don&#39;t understand where you&#39;re coming on from that one.

As I was never at this meeting (intersting since I&#39;m an op) you had, the only convo I saw was that happening on the board and if you read through the majority on HERE kept saying p2pchat, that&#39;s where I was getting the idea that you where ignoring the users.

So whatever man, if your gonna freak out over something I said then so be it. Seems kinda childish to me, and I really don&#39;t wanna be the one to blame for it.

and sorry tommy but since both quakenet and gamesnet made it clear they didn&#39;t want us it seems stupid to try and stay there.

02-27-2003, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by xeroxed@27 February 2003 - 21:17

Sorry Tommy didn&#39;t mean to come off as being an asshole. I was frustrated with all the bull shit.

I didn&#39;t know there was a "meeting" of any sort. As far as Skweeky being the only one there form the begining, excuse me but I was oped before she was and so was Mike. So whatever, don&#39;t understand where you&#39;re coming on from that one.

As I was never at this meeting (intersting since I&#39;m an op) you had, the only convo I saw was that happening on the board and if you read through the majority on HERE kept saying p2pchat, that&#39;s where I was getting the idea that you where ignoring the users.

So whatever man, if your gonna freak out over something I said then so be it. Seems kinda childish to me, and I really don&#39;t wanna be the one to blame for it.
ya see blam.. thats all i wanted... just like when me and RF had a lil arguement.. i am too lazy to fight all i want to hear is the magical word.. i was offended you have apologised.. all is good to me but i am going to stress a few more points...

skweeky was the ONLY forum meber i had on msn.. and it was her i was discussing irc with she was the one who helped me when i said "so shall i b other starting a room" thst what i mean by being the first one there...

and the meeting&#39;s.. the meetings doesnt have to be of admins... the irc is a community not just it&#39;ss admins and thing is.. you werent online...

and yes the majority on this thread did say it.... but by this time the gamesnet room had been launched so im not gonna fuck with everyones shit and chnage it agian am i?

on this thread yes people moaned.. but by then it was a bit late...

02-27-2003, 09:27 PM
Ok, so all is cleared up. Just a misunderstanding that you got all worked up over. where both at fualt and I apologise for my end. sorry that Sonja is the only msn contact you have.

Yes the community is made up of all the members but I think you should have tried to do a better job in setting up a meeting to try and include everyone by making a post, setting a time and place, not just spur of the momment type thing. But that&#39;s just my opinon. if you want to stay off of p2pchat over me then whatever, it&#39;s your choice I wont be held responsible.

02-27-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by xeroxed@27 February 2003 - 21:27
Ok, so all is cleared up. Just a misunderstanding that you got all worked up over. where both at fualt and I apologise for my end. sorry that Sonja is the only msn contact you have.

Yes the community is made up of all the members but I think you should have tried to do a better job in setting up a meeting to try and include everyone by making a post, setting a time and place, not just spur of the momment type thing. But that&#39;s just my opinon. if you want to stay off of p2pchat over me then whatever, it&#39;s your choice I wont be held responsible.
well there were around 20 of us in a room on efnet... and so we had a meeting with admins and several other present.. and the decision was made there it was a failsafe plan.. we even had a back up room lol

it was pretty spur of the moment.... i agree but like i said gamesnet seemed safe nuff&#39; at the time..

and i have a few more msn contacts now.. i am very selective about my msn contacst i only have like 20

i have 3 from this board i think :) skwks,razz,sniper

02-27-2003, 09:38 PM
Well I don&#39;t have msn but my email is [email protected] and my AIM screen name is xeroxedxx43

Đark Princ€
02-27-2003, 09:39 PM
any who if ya wana ----- come to see us in judes room man&#33;&#33;&#33; you know ya always welcome to come shoot the shit with jude and nikkid and me&#33;&#33; its the same as quake net by that i mean its set up the same&#33;&#33;&#33; but dont just totaly drop outa sight now&#33;&#33;&#33; i still dont have a clue why ya want ips so bad&#33;&#33;if ya want ips go to different rooms and whois them&#33;&#33;&#33; there are tons of ways to get ips you know that man&#33;&#33;&#33; any who i think they are encripted for a reason prowl i think that would stop or at least slow the peeps that wana shut us down like the riaa and other cyber dicks that are madd cause they have small pee pee&#39;s so they take it out on us file sharing folks&#33;&#33;&#33; i say just chill out man&#33;&#33; i have no doubt that you mean good when you say you dont like it cause you cant see ppl ip&#39;s i would understand why&#33;&#33; revenge is the first thing that comes to mind&#33;&#33;&#33;but in no way i think ya malicous&#33;&#33; come on now peeps do you all really think prowler is a malicous person???????????? i dont think so..............

02-27-2003, 09:40 PM
OK, so the new room is IRC.P2PCHAT.ORG #KLCHAT

Supported by all the old ops and users....cept for prowl.....

02-27-2003, 09:41 PM
is the room still on Queaknet killa?

and fyi it is all solved now.. we did the adult thing.. we had a naked mud wrestle to decide.

02-27-2003, 09:46 PM
Rperry73@hotmail, RPerry73 being my MSN messenger name

Rperry1919 is my AOL messenger name

Đark Princ€
02-27-2003, 09:54 PM
Romeo187 Posted on 27 February 2003 - 13:41
is the room still on Queaknet killa?

and fyi it is all solved now.. we did the adult thing.. we had a naked mud wrestle to decide.

yes #SJ is still on quake net&#33;&#33; the bots are there to&#33;&#33;bout L and R|zLA&#33;&#33;&#33;i was in there earlyer lol&#33;&#33;&#33;but i changed my host name and i cant change it back to low caps so i cant auth on R|zLA any more&#33;&#33; :0(

02-27-2003, 10:20 PM
So, everyone kissed and made up now? :P

I was starting to get very paranoid again y&#39;all.

02-28-2003, 12:35 AM
It sucks that ProwLXP isnt there :( he was really cool...and I dont think he was malicious, he helped me with anything I asked

02-28-2003, 01:01 AM
Why does no one asks Jon for space set up software so we start our own Chatroom. Well as you see i don&#39;t know shit about chatrooms, but with software and webspace it must work..... <_<

Jon did offer webspace for klite related stuff... And was a regular visitor of the chat if i&#39;m not mistaken.

shoot me if i&#39;m totally wrong :ph34r:

02-28-2003, 01:04 AM
yeah, its a shame most networks now starting to ban channals that are made to fileshare only....its okey, their are so many other priavte networks that allow filesharing but finding them is hard sometimes

02-28-2003, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by jetje@27 February 2003 - 19:01
Why does no one asks Jon for space set up software so we start our own Chatroom. Well as you see i don&#39;t know shit about chatrooms, but with software and webspace it must work..... <_<

Jon did offer webspace for klite related stuff... And was a regular visitor of the chat if i&#39;m not mistaken.

shoot me if i&#39;m totally wrong :ph34r:
Anyone that knows more about this? I don&#39;t know too much about this either. Would be really nice to have our own Chatroom like this where everyone could go to it...without having to have some IRC program :) Someone respond that knows about the possiblity of this&#33; :rolleyes:

02-28-2003, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by RDanneskjold+28 February 2003 - 03:25--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (RDanneskjold @ 28 February 2003 - 03:25)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--jetje@27 February 2003 - 19:01
Why does no one asks Jon for space set up software so we start our own Chatroom. Well as you see i don&#39;t know shit about chatrooms, but with software and webspace it must work.....&nbsp; <_<

Jon did offer webspace for klite related stuff... And was a regular visitor of the chat if i&#39;m not mistaken.

shoot me if i&#39;m totally wrong&nbsp; :ph34r:
Anyone that knows more about this? I don&#39;t know too much about this either. Would be really nice to have our own Chatroom like this where everyone could go to it...without having to have some IRC program :) Someone respond that knows about the possiblity of this&#33; :rolleyes: [/b][/quote]
;) Well if we going to do our own chat room we might as well start on our own Peer-to-Peer program while were at it.

02-28-2003, 08:32 AM
So when ae you going to start on it FC? :P

02-28-2003, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by RPerry@28 February 2003 - 03:32
So when ae you going to start on it FC? :P
:D As soon as I sober up. :D

02-28-2003, 09:01 AM
You can get on #KLchat without installing an actual IRC client: http://www.p2pchat.net/chat/klchat.php

02-28-2003, 09:33 AM
Great post 4731571 :)

Now THAT should definitely be on top of this forum&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;....maybe more would join in :) :)

02-28-2003, 09:52 AM
w00t...... we&#39;re finally on p2pchat (irc.p2pchat.net or irc.p2pchat.org both work) servers :)
We was visited by a few ircops earlier and they was cool with us bein on the p2pchat servers, they even said it would be ok if we have fileserving there, just to have it in another channel and use #klchat for chatting, so looks like we have a nice long future there, hopefully..

And no one has mentioned this, but ProwL has joined us on the p2pchat servers afterall...
I for one am glad to see he decided to join us, he&#39;s cool and knows his stuff :)

edit: to add that KayaMan made that java based irc thing for our channel on p2pchat and ty for posting that here, 4731571... Maybe the powers that be can add that up there with the other irc channel link

And for anyone that want&#39;s it, my msn is [email protected] and the name i use on msn is Yusuke

02-28-2003, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by jetje@28 February 2003 - 01:01
Why does no one asks Jon for space set up software so we start our own Chatroom. Well as you see i don&#39;t know shit about chatrooms, but with software and webspace it must work..... <_<

Jon did offer webspace for klite related stuff... And was a regular visitor of the chat if i&#39;m not mistaken.

shoot me if i&#39;m totally wrong :ph34r:

na im playing ...

yes that is right but it is a helluva lot of work.... well.. actually... im not sure...
either way it appears P2P works for some people...
so woo.]]

02-28-2003, 12:13 PM
I updated the links in the forum header .. is it ok that way ?

And inform me next time earlier about such changes ;)

02-28-2003, 12:28 PM
yes VB&#33;&#33; that was a good add/update...nice to have a simple html chat :D ....if we have another change..im sure one of us will PM ya :)

02-28-2003, 12:34 PM
Sadly alot of us were completely unaware of the change, i got in from work looked at my puter and saw that i had been banned, then i changed to the other server, went to work the next day come home and it was empty

Finaly now on p2pchat and there it is gonna stay :D

02-28-2003, 02:20 PM
We also have a dynamic link in the new start up page that Razz and X_Player_X helped create....thanks guys :D :P

Check this thread in Development:
The Irc Room From Within Kazaa, Edited startup page (http://www.klboard.ath.cx/bb/index.php?act=ST&f=23&t=18074)

02-28-2003, 05:33 PM
Originally posted by VB@28 February 2003 - 13:13
I updated the links in the forum header .. is it ok that way ?

And inform me next time earlier about such changes ;)
VB-Thank you for the update. I noticed the room filled up when the link was fixed.

We were busy getting banned from various irc servers lmao&#33; I think we wanted to make sure we had a "stable" home for chat.

Anyway the opz who came in were cool as hell and we are NOT running scripts in #KLchat. However they were kind and gracious and all your irc filesharing can now be done here:

EDIT- come to #KLchat and politely ask for channel name.

I like this network personally, it has nickserv and chanserv, the opz seem pretty cool and all that.


02-28-2003, 10:27 PM
Yhank god for that&#33;

02-28-2003, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Curley@28 February 2003 - 17:27
Yhank god for that&#33;
:huh: Do not turn to the Chat people Curley.....they are EVIL.Stick with us forum junkies. :huh:

02-28-2003, 10:33 PM

Why not come and join us FC????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

02-28-2003, 11:10 PM
MUAHAHAHAHA&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; Another one turned over to the dark side.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

BTW FC, why are we evil? We&#39;re just a little nuts sometimes....

03-01-2003, 12:07 AM
FC if u dl my new start page then u can chat from within kazaa....now doesnt that sound tempting lol


03-01-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by Razz@28 February 2003 - 19:07
FC if u dl my new start page then u can chat from within kazaa....now doesnt that sound tempting lol

:) It sounds good and I think we are getting closer to our own network.Would love to browse each others files on Kazaa Lite.....but who would&#39;nt? :)

03-01-2003, 12:13 AM
FC I already do that, i managed to connect to stoi and direct dl from him
As long as u know his ip then the new KS lets u see wot that person has, and i think i heard Rocko mention something about a Friends list based on ip, u would hear all this stuff if u came into the irc room lol

03-01-2003, 12:15 AM
Originally posted by Razz@28 February 2003 - 19:13
FC I already do that, i managed to connect to stoi and direct dl from him
As long as u know his ip then the new KS lets u see wot that person has, and i think i heard Rocko mention something about a Friends list based on ip, u would hear all this stuff if u came into the irc room lol
;) Man I have heard that...but why do we need to run 2 or even 3 programs when we should only have to fire up one and have a buddy list showing us who is online and who is not.