View Full Version : Seting Up A New Channel

01-16-2004, 05:35 AM
Heres the deal i want to set up a channel for friends of mine so we can share files. Here are a few questions.

What are the steps to setting up a channel?

Whats a good server to have the channel on?

What is a good bot to use and how can i set it up?

And how can i serve files?

you can see i know almost nothing about this.

Thanks for any help

01-16-2004, 01:31 PM
Ok QuickStart:

I suggest starting a channel on P2PChat.net. It's the same server as the KLite room uses.
They also provide a service called BotServ, which basically let's you customize a bot for your channel without the hassle of having to host it etc.

Simply join a channel of your liking (which isn't occupied yet of course)
then type: /cs register channelname password description
to register it and set you as the owner.

To call in a bot to moderate and protect your channel I suggest you type /bs help
to learn the commands and options you have.
Quick Rundown: Select a Bot from the list you get when typing /bs botlist
then /bs assign botname channelname
For all the options consult the help command.

As for fileserving I recommend installing a script called Invision (http://www.i-n-v-i-s-i-o-n.com)
It has several good fileserving options and should get you started quite fast