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View Full Version : Vcd(*.dat) Editing Help ? (please)

03-16-2004, 02:21 PM
I have got about 300 Thai karoake VCD(*.dat) files that i want to edit the
beginnings of.

Now i can't use "Easy Video Splitter" as 2.01 does not support .dat files.

"Windows Movie Maker" will do it but it will take forever, it splits 1 song into 15 parts which i then have to paste, edit the beginning, then wait 15 minutes for it to save it as a .wmv file which i then have to convert back into .mpg so i can play it in winamp ???

I need a program with "fine" beginning editing like "Windows Movie Maker" & NOT like "Easy Video Splitter" which has only half a second increments.

There must be a easier way?
Any help?, What program?

Maybe convert the whole lot of .dat to .mpg first then use "Easy Video Splitter" ?
What's a good conversion program ?

I need something quick & simple.
Any USEFULL help would be appeciated !!!

03-16-2004, 04:21 PM
VCDGear (http://www.vcdgear.com/) will turn that .dat into a .mpg. Makes it much easier to work with.

03-16-2004, 04:22 PM
You could rename the dat extension to mpeg ,

then use something like tmpg to edit. :)

:) :)