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View Full Version : F1- Predictions For The Weekend Race

04-23-2004, 01:00 PM
whats ur predictions for this weekend?

it may be obvious whos gonna come first..lol...i hope;

heres mine.

1.M Schumacher (i wonder what the odds on M Schu winning?)
2.R Barrichelo
3.F Alonso
4.J Montoya
5.k Raikonnen
6.J Button

can't be bothered to do the rest. gotta rush.
we're gonna have to wait to see!!

04-26-2004, 09:06 AM
Well Shumacher did it again, must say it's starting to be boring this way ;)

Although the race was pretty nice, loved the way how Alonso made room for his car by bumping Ralph out of the way :P
Also the BAR are running smooth, didn't expect that at the start of the season.

Also still can't imagine how it comes that the McLaren runs this bad, i guess montaya is starting to worry for next season :ghostface:

04-26-2004, 02:38 PM
i agree with u, it does get a bit boring to see m schumacher just cruisin around not even racing. i wanted button to stay in front till near the end and then for schumacher to overtake :D ...just for more excitement...hopefully in the next race. if only hakkinen returned :)

04-27-2004, 04:32 PM
I think its really funny schumy keeps winning dispite the continual rule changes to try and stop him. its not his fault there is no one anywhere near his standard