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View Full Version : Downloading Movies

will smith
07-03-2004, 05:36 PM
I am in the middle of downloading a large movie file on clean kmd (700mb) I

started off with 4-5 users(sources) downloading at an average speed of 40 kb/s

and managed to download about 68% of the movie. However for the past 4 days

every time i connect to kazaa to complete my download my status constantly

say's "Connecting" and the different number of users keeps changing from 5-2-1-

4-2-1 etc, repeatedly, preventimg me from downloading any more of the movie.

It's really frustrating as i only have about 32% remaining left to download. Does

anyone have any ideas as to how i can complete my download??

07-03-2004, 06:45 PM
there is no real trick to get it to work. you just gotta leave it on all the time. hopefully, eventually it will find a source to connect to again. patience is key. B)

will smith
07-03-2004, 06:50 PM
ok, thanks

07-12-2004, 07:01 PM
same thing happening to me. here is the example. its been trying to connect never succeds.

BTW is there any good links to know how to jump supernodes?

Image Resized
[img]http://server6.uploadit.org/files/aizlumzan-kiki.JPG' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://server6.uploadit.org/files/aizlumzan-kiki.JPG')