View Full Version : Pestpetrol

07-07-2004, 06:44 AM
This is what a guy At another board posted. I don't hav Pestpetrol, so I am asking if any1 else have Pestpetrol, and can they ran a test, and See if the "RAT" got through k-lite, or someother source.

Thanx in advance

Just to give a heads up, I updated Pest Patrol tonight, ran a scan, and found something disturbing in the codecs for Real Audio and Quicktime. Until a few days ago, I had always opted not to install these. Here are the logs:

"M/D/Y","Seq #","MAC Address","User","Location","Pest","PVT","Action","MD5","Computer Name: "
"7/6/2004","0418885930","00-0E-A6-64-6A-A1","Chris","EProgram Files\K-Lite Codec Pack\QuickTime\quicktime_browser_plugin.exe","MC 30 Day","427563672","Deleted","9d39a743ee890e890add2601bdbb3ae5","CHRIS-PC"
"7/6/2004","0418885929","00-0E-A6-64-6A-A1","Chris","EProgram Files\K-Lite Codec Pack\Real\realmedia_browser_plugin.exe","MC 30 Day","427563672","Deleted","a25bfca12b57fa7227147cd102da09e3","CHRIS-PC"

Here is the description of the RAT: http://pestpatrol.com/zks/pestinfo/m/mc_30_day.asp

It's quite possible something else came along, picked those 2 files out of the millions on my PC, and hid the trojans there, but that would be pretty low on the probability scale.

Anyhow, knowledge is power

07-07-2004, 07:34 AM
false positive
pretty sure no malware included in the codec pack

07-07-2004, 10:08 AM
Those two files are self-extracting WinRAR files. There is nothing wrong with them.

07-07-2004, 11:48 AM
Pest patrol is shit. I used it and it fucked up my computer.I think it searches for programs that ru along a similar pattern to what it describes, and jumps to the conclusions that it is a trojan. Thats my assumption. Tell me if I am wrong.

07-08-2004, 06:01 AM
You are correct Sir. After doing some research on Pest Patrol. I reached the conclusion, that program is crap. I read few other forums and shit. And found out, it has an Act of giving false positives.