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View Full Version : Injured Knee

07-09-2004, 04:49 PM
On 30 June 04...slipped and fell on my knee. The cut just below my knee cap I ignored because it wan't that bad.

Being the macho man...didn't go see the doc.

Now I'm paying for it...that little cut caused a severe infection to set in underneath my knee cap, and was spreading up my leg. If I'd waited 24-36 more hours to go to the Dr., could've spent about a week in the hospital for a major operation on my knee, let alone cleaning my system out from the infection. :(

They cut my knee open to drain some of the infection, Good God! it hurts...thanks to Morpheine, it don't hurt to bad. :D

So don't be macho...if that infection would've reached my internal parts of my stomach, ect...it could've cauysed some serious damage.

07-09-2004, 05:20 PM
totaly agree!,always see a dr with a serious injury!!