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08-04-2004, 09:00 PM
I used system restore a few times today cuz my comp was acting a little weird....and it works fine now, but I looked at my hard drive and i LOST like 50 gigs.....is this supposed to happen? Is there a way I can delete things to get my space back?? I know it wasnt from programs or files, because there are the same programs and files as before.


08-04-2004, 09:10 PM
you could delete any old restore points from system restore:

this is done by:

right click c: then properties, then disk cleanup, then click more options, then clean up restore points.

08-04-2004, 09:17 PM
welll isnt my problem different?? because i lost like 50 gigs from doing 3 restores....not from creating restore points

08-04-2004, 09:21 PM
i dont use system restore but am i correct in saying that everytime you restor it creates a restore point from where you have restored.

have you been downloading via any p2p apps, big files?

08-04-2004, 09:29 PM
I don't even bother with system restore, only got 5 GB of my 20 GB left. That and, I'll take my chances, if worse comes to worse, I can always reformat. ;)

08-04-2004, 09:39 PM
im running xp pro off a 9.31gb partition, turned system restore off and use other partitions to hold music and work.

08-04-2004, 10:03 PM
i did what chinook first told me to do and i got like 43 gigs back...im not sure if this was originally how much i had...or if i lost a few gigs...but i guess its better than nothing


oh and after a few restores...i lost all the downloads in my mirc section...didnt really need em....but i had alot of stuff (maybe 5-10gb) so i'm thinking i should have even more space than before (i know i used either 40 or 50 gb before)...so now i'm thinking i should only have used 35-40 gigs, but it says i used 60...eh....confusing....

08-04-2004, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by chinook_apache@4 August 2004 - 22:22
have you been downloading via any p2p apps, big files?
in one day????

i want your internet connection!!!!!!

08-04-2004, 11:44 PM

i just dl'ed doom 3

08-04-2004, 11:48 PM
lol, no chinook_apache asked if you had downloaded alot, but you really need to download ALOT to make 50 GB disappear.......

08-05-2004, 12:02 AM
no more like...i downloaded doom 3...and erased like 5 gigs of stuff....so it definitely wasnt the downloading...is there a way to erase the whole hard drive and freshly install XP??

it'll take alot of work to back all this up tho ....so i dunno if i wanna go through it

08-05-2004, 01:02 AM
thats easy

-if you have your HDD partitioned, just put all the stuf you wanna keep on the partions you WONT be installing windows to, else back it up some other way
-insert boot disk
-follow instructions (dont know them by heart, but you DONT want to repair windows, but install it........ now when you get to chose the partion to install it to, delete the partion it was on, recreate it, format it and install windows)

08-05-2004, 01:19 AM
how do i know if mines partioned?? and how do i put my stuff in there?

08-05-2004, 02:14 AM
right-click on "my computer" and chose manage

goto disk management
now youll see something like this:

Image Resized
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/bramstricker/manage.jpg' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/bramstricker/manage.jpg')

1) your drives
2) your physical drives
3) shows how your drives are split up

now if you have multiple partitions, you will, like me, have a hard drive that is split into multiple drives (here: C:, D: programs, E: Albums, F: Movies), it can be in any amount

08-05-2004, 04:08 AM
i only have my C drive partioned....so how would I back up everything in there so when I reformat, nothing gets erased?? also, would I only be able to save files, not like the settings and stuff?? like....would I have to install everything again?? thx alot

Image Resized
[img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v303/xxkrnxstylezxx/aaa.jpg' width='200' height='120' border='0' alt='click for full size view'> ('http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v303/xxkrnxstylezxx/aaa.jpg')