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View Full Version : Made my first links site......complaints please

10-16-2004, 09:22 PM
I just made my first site for my sig, just wanted to present links to what i like

http://ccc.domaindlx.com/sjoko/BestWebArt/Best-Web-Art/Best%20Website%20Art%20Design.htm (http://i.domaindlx.com/zedaxax/Best-Web-Art/Best%20Website%20Art%20Design.htm)
or if overloaded try
http://i.domaindlx.com/zedaxax/Best-Web-Ar...rt%20Design.htm (http://i.domaindlx.com/zedaxax/Best-Web-Art/Best%20Website%20Art%20Design.htm)
Since its not possible to add more than500letters in a sig, i had to go over to making a site

This is the first time ive worked on metatags,, keywords - went thru the process of submitting to search engines - even did a few tests and man did it fail......

anyway you have any simple tips, thoughts etc

my next step in web development is to make a Reply form at the bottom.

-Maybe its a bit to dark?
-When you clik the links it pops up a window to a certain dimension - is that ok?
-Are the Rollovers tooo much?


(this is not spam)

10-16-2004, 09:39 PM
Yep it's kool. I don't like how the page is so long though....maybe organise it better?

btw in your sig you don't need to use a transparent image just use the [indent] tag. :)

10-16-2004, 09:51 PM
Fixed indent - cant wait for maskawaih (http://member.php?u=89698) to say http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v299/maskawaih/newsig3.jpg