View Full Version : The Election- An American Perspective

11-05-2004, 12:16 AM
Did you hear that Bush won?

Yeah, I voted Kerry but, I live in Texas :(

How do you think the Lakers will do without Shaq this year?

Good question.

Really, the election was just a sad joke between bad monkey and unknown monkey. This is why I think incumbant monkey got to stay.


Serivce to country
Bush: Draft dodger- old news
Kerry: War crimes, vague accusations
Winner: Bush, as he tarnished Kerry's clear cut trump card
Real Issue?: No, politics

Bush: fecked up
Kerry:supported President then flip flopped. Has no real plan to make any difference
Winner: Bush
Real Issue?: Yes, but no one has a good solution

Gay Marraiges
Bush- strongly against
Kerry-little whish washy
Winner: Bush -huge victory with religious right
Real Issue?: Absolutely not, politics

Health Care
Bush- what vaccine
Kerry- pass
Winner- everyone loses
Real Issue?: Huge Issue, this is what everyone is concerned about from young healthy adults to retired folks. Kerry really needed to jump on this to get an edge. If you foreigners want to know what we talk about, this is the issue, it visits us monthly in huge amounts.

Dependence on foreign oil
Bush-what do you think?
Kerry- John what is the plan?
Winner- Big oil- owning the government since OPEC came to be.
Real Issue: The biggest to me. Tells me that both sides are in to their necks in their big business schemes. Whatever happened to the 100 mpg cars?

Add your own "real issues" not covered.

It was just another episode of weebles, wobbling. Bush may go one way, Kerry another. In the end, no huge difference.

To me this explain voter apathy. Certain things could be better, as in any country, but most people are doing fine. The people up for the top job are both knobs. What differnce does it make?

When the shit finally hits the fan, then you will see people turn out in huge numbers.

11-05-2004, 07:04 AM

11-05-2004, 04:11 PM

:blink: :ermm: :huh:

11-05-2004, 04:25 PM
:blink: :ermm: :huh:

Glad it is not just me.

Did MCMXXI have any impact?

:blink: :wacko:

11-05-2004, 04:36 PM
Glad it is not just me.

Did MCMXXI have any impact?

:blink: :wacko:
MCVIV had tremendous impact. It made it so that this time around that the election didn't even have to go to court.

This all right under everyone's noses.

Tell me....what type of oversight does e-voting have?

MCVIV my man, MCVIV. :helpsmili

11-06-2004, 07:36 AM
taking a queue from busyman, re: the polling machinery... THEY DIDN'T CHECK MY IDENTIFICATION when i went to vote. i was pretty disappointed about that. i wasn't asked to provide any personal identification at all, besides stating my name and address.

that's a bit of a nitpick, i know, and there is such a thing as a fake i.d. card... but still it would put me slightly more at ease if they'd make a NOMINAL effort to verify that voters are who they claim to be.

edit: OH. one fairly personal issue that influenced my vote... i voted for a democrat that i know absolutely nothing about, for house of reps, purely as a vote against the republican candidate who must have called my house a DOZEN TIMES in the past several months via some automated dialing machine to leave prerecorded messages blathering on about all kinds of campaign/rally stuff. the guy was basically a telephone-spammer. i really felt compelled to cast a vote against that kind of behavior. :/

11-06-2004, 07:37 AM
MCVIV had tremendous impact. It made it so that this time around that the election didn't even have to go to court.

This all right under everyone's noses.

Tell me....what type of oversight does e-voting have?

MCVIV my man, MCVIV. :helpsmili


11-06-2004, 08:26 AM
MCVIV had tremendous impact. It made it so that this time around that the election didn't even have to go to court.

This all right under everyone's noses.

Tell me....what type of oversight does e-voting have?

MCVIV my man, MCVIV. :helpsmiliStories are starting to come out about this issue. Check out Blackboxvoting.org if you haven't already.

11-06-2004, 02:02 PM
Stories are starting to come out about this issue. Check out Blackboxvoting.org if you haven't already.
I will check that site out but let me be clear.

I still keep in mind that some will circulate false stories as well.

Still, I would like to know what oversight e-voting has?

Someone mentioned marshalls but do they have the wherewithal and knowledge to spot something wrong with a program?

What's interesting about this is that some of our Republican friends need to pay attention to this as well.

What happens when you are not considered to be part of the "winning team".

Picture this:

Republican House, Senate, President, and Supreme Court........

I am going to start writing a screenplay about this some of these events. I would have to fit in with time I'm spending with my others. (one's finally finished)

It will make an amazing movie. The problem is I've seen elements of this in previous movies.

Prophecy is motherfucker. :devil: