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View Full Version : Klite Codec pack and the 'brrrrrt' sound

Dark Steno
12-14-2004, 02:22 AM
Hi, I am Masky (maskawaih) if you dont remember. :D

Remember the brrrrt sound i asked you all about before? which i thought was about the cpu overheat or old harddisk yada yada? i've upgrade my hdd to a new sata 80gb and a new cpu cooler. i've even format my old drive and install the win xp on the new drive. and yet, after install the codec, i found that the brrrrrt sound is about the conflict between the codecs there. :( i've uninstalled the codec and the brrrt sound is gone. but what should i do to have the codec works properly?

are there any other codecs pack which is better or that i need to try about? or should i fix something about my klite codec pack?

12-14-2004, 02:45 AM
make sure that your mic is muted. that caused a horrible static like noise for me which made listening to music on my pc unbearable.

12-14-2004, 09:34 AM
u'll probably have to ask the codec guys since the source of "brrrt" sound is caused by a codec conflict.
good thing it wasn't ur mouse though :)


12-14-2004, 09:40 AM
what klite pack? version? i'm using 2.34 full

Dark Steno
12-15-2004, 04:28 AM
fuck that mouse/mic/keyboard or other things 4play. i've even using wireless mouse right now (just bought it). the problem is codec. meh... i bought cpu cooler and new hdd for evading the brrrt sound. stupid codec pack....

12-15-2004, 09:44 AM
did you just avoid my post above?