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View Full Version : new identity or a new sex?

12-28-2004, 09:51 AM
Calling Representative, please wait
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Admin :
Hello, please hold for a live representative...
Admin :
Hi Bob
Admin :
How are you today?
Visitor :
is this live?
Admin :
Yes it is
Admin :
Are you live? :)
Admin :
Searching for a new identity?
Visitor :
i want to be a well paid rich person
Admin :
Aren't you already?
Visitor :
Admin :
So you are a poor loser instead?
Admin :
I'm sorry
Admin :
Don't worry though
Admin :
we can fix that for you
Admin :
What is your nationality
Visitor :
Admin :
Okay and do you want to take over someone's identity in your country or in another?
Visitor :
same country
Admin :
In either case, please tell me as much as you can about the person you would like to be and why you feel you need to change
Admin :
This is important for us to evaluate whether a change of identities would be appropriate for you
Visitor :
so how does this work do you go and steal the guys SIN number or something?
Admin :
We take their identity, give it to you and the contact them and inform them that someone has taken their identity. We then offer the same opportunity to them
Visitor :
ah I see sounds simple
Admin :
Yes, very
Visitor :
what about if the person is another gender? can I change my gender too?
Admin :
Yes absolutely
Admin :
not a problem
Visitor :
wow this is a dream come true I can legally be a woman and I can use that money to get a physical sex change! you guys are cool!
Admin :
Admin :
We never thought of that
Admin :
Perhaps you could work with us
Admin :
Advise people on how to get cheap sex changes!
Visitor :
yea the wonders of the 21st century

12-29-2004, 04:09 AM

12-31-2004, 02:22 PM
Admin :

that part was too good :lol: (imagine someone talking, then something funny happens, and one of the people says: lol)