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View Full Version : Installing phpBB - Problem's

01-23-2005, 03:02 PM
I ran into this a while back when I first came to use phpBB and I remember it driving me crazy back then. I did manage to fix the problem but until now, I never needed to install another forum...

Basically I've created a database in mysql, called 'forum'. This means that my forums will be located at http://www.mysite.com/forum/ - so far so good.

I then created a user to access this database, which, again went well. The user name is 'samurai' with all permissions set.

Next was the installation of phpBB. A folder was created called 'forum' in the correct place and phpBB was installed into it via ftp.

I can access every file fine via ftp.

Now when I go to install the forums using the built in phpBB installer, this is where the shit hits the fan...

Here's the screenshots:




As you can see I've put the correct info in the right fields but I'm still getting these errors no matter what I change or alter.

Does anyone know how to fix this?

I know there's not a problem with the installation or any of the files so it's not that.

Help :helpsmili

01-23-2005, 03:25 PM
Alright I know there's people in here that uses phpBB so stop hiding :shifty: this is important

01-23-2005, 04:05 PM
The green covered areas in the first screenie is your account name, right?

You need to include that bit at the start in the database name & username. e.g. if my account was "ill", cPanel would add "ill_" to database name & username. Hence, I'd put in "ill_database" and "ill_username" in the relevant areas.

Just a case of putting it in exactly as it says - Hope that helps :)

01-23-2005, 04:08 PM
yes i've tried that and it didn't work :(

i've tried all sorts of ways. it's definatly the 'database configuration' but i just don't know what it could be.

i've tried xxx_samurai, samurai_xxx, xxx, samurai

also tried forum_xxx, xxx_forum, forum

that didn't work either :no:

01-23-2005, 04:16 PM
Server - localhost
Database Name - xxx_forum
Database Username - xxx_samurai
Database Password - (whatever password you chose)
Prefix for tables - (Don't touch)

Try them exactly (substituting the xxx for your account of course) and post the errors you get if any :)

01-23-2005, 04:46 PM
Warning: mysql_connect(): Access denied for user: 'xxx_samurai@localhost' (Using password: YES) in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 48

Warning: mysql_error(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 330

Warning: mysql_errno(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link resource in /home/xxx/public_html/forum/db/mysql4.php on line 331
phpBB : Critical Error

Could not connect to the database

xxx = account. i would post it but it's a friend's account.

01-23-2005, 04:58 PM
Connection Strings
Perl $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:xxx_forum:localhost","xxx_samurai","<PASSWORD HERE>");
PHP $dbh=mysql_connect ("localhost", "xxx_samurai", "<PASSWORD HERE>") or die ('I cannot connect to the database because: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db ("xxx_forum");

Aarrrrgh!!! Connection strings are exactly how my installation settings are and is still refusing me access.

I'm running out of ideas :(

01-23-2005, 08:16 PM
mysql_select_db ("xxx_forum", $dbh);

01-23-2005, 11:04 PM
are you sure you put XXX_forum as your database name during installation of phpbb ? not just forum ?

01-24-2005, 09:00 PM
The green covered areas in the first screenie is your account name, right?

You need to include that bit at the start in the database name & username. e.g. if my account was "ill", cPanel would add "ill_" to database name & username. Hence, I'd put in "ill_database" and "ill_username" in the relevant areas.

Just a case of putting it in exactly as it says - Hope that helps :)

This is correct and it should work.

Are you incorrectly typing in your DB password?

01-24-2005, 09:06 PM
no. i've given up for now. everything was as it should be. annoyed me to hell.

01-24-2005, 10:05 PM
have you tried IPB?

emule it...