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View Full Version : Downloaded movie files that won't play..? SBN format it says.

01-29-2005, 08:54 PM
I downloaded a couple of movie files part 1 and part 2 that have {SBN} written after the title. The files will not play, though i have the latest Kazaa codec pack. Media player reports that the "specified module could not be found". Any advice or should I just give up on the file.


01-29-2005, 08:56 PM
rename the extention to .avi or .mpg

01-29-2005, 10:04 PM
Is that the format of the file?

'Cause Whatis.com doesn't show that file format.

"Gspot Codec information appliance" is a utility that will tell you the audio and video codec used if it is a legitimate video file.

You can get it here...
But, it used to come with the K-lite codec pack so you may already have it.

Since you downloaded these files using Kazaa, you may have gotten a fake file as well.

Trying a different media player may be in order since not all of them are created equal...
