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02-01-2005, 12:05 AM
now i'm trying to join 2 partions and cut them up ext 1 problem I get the bad pation drive error which is pretty much bullshit as i seem to be running it fine

any help would be great if theres a way to fix this as I can't even use or do anything with this program now

02-01-2005, 01:13 AM
now i'm trying to join 2 partions and cut them up ext 1 problem I get the bad pation drive error which is pretty much bullshit as i seem to be running it fine

any help would be great if theres a way to fix this as I can't even use or do anything with this program now

wtf this bitch wont let me post :dry:

any way....
you know whats comin Ad....



02-01-2005, 01:21 AM
Yes that program will actually read my HD

it did error check foudn no bad sectors

however fkdup that program won't join partitions together it can create partitions copy and split but i can't find to join :huh: :unsure:

02-01-2005, 01:34 AM
well...if acronis doesnt feature something i dont trust it :P hehehe

no but really....why do you need to merge partitions?
you said you have two...
you can have up to three primaries + 1 logical with NTFS
but you wont need that many, not for what youre doing

you can keep your existing partitions, just resize & move em as needed...

-edit- ohhhh, but linux will need three partitions
hmm.....have to look into this....

02-01-2005, 01:47 AM
hmmm....dont look good....
found some info here:


PM will only do a merge if there are no compressed or encrypted files
on the partitions (and XP is liable to have compressed $NTUninstall. .
.. folders if nothing else). Also the two must be the same file system
(so if they were originally FAT 32 and you converted one to NTFS it will
not play). Even then it sometimes refuses

-edit- and here:

Partition Magic 7 may install in XP, but some of the features in the older version is not compatible, that is the real problem your are having.Your best bet would to get Partition Magic 8 in order to perform the drive merge. I have had no problem doing it on my system.

02-01-2005, 01:54 AM
fucking windows :angry:


OK question

I make a 10 gig portion for Linux and when i go to install mandrake i choose tha tpartion will mandrake do all the work for me and make the 3 partitions in that logical drive???

the 10 gig partition i make for Linux should it be primary Logical or active??

02-01-2005, 01:54 AM
..and from a power quest news letter:

Tip #4
Merging NTFS partitions with PartitionMagic 7.0
PartitionMagic 7.0 now includes the ability to merge two adjacent NTFS partitions. There are a couple of restrictions you need to be aware of in order to successfully merge NTFS partitions:
1. Both NTFS partitions must have the same cluster size. If one partition has 4K clusters and the other has 512 byte clusters, then you cannot merge the partitions.
2. The cluster size of the two NTFS partitions must be 4K or less. If the cluster size is larger (for example, 8K) and you attempt the merge operation, PartitionMagic may report an Error 1503 ("Bad NTFS cluster size"). The merge will fail and PartitionMagic will exit the operation.
To use PartitionMagic to check the cluster size of partitions, select a partition, click the Operations menu, and then select Info. If the cluster sizes of two adjacent NTFS partitions are the same (and they are also 4K or smaller), then you can perform a merge.

02-01-2005, 02:00 AM
You see the problem is if you look at that screener it says that that HD is BAD as you see

now I can't do shit all with it in PM i cant use the operation options or anything there grayed out there is in fact 2 partitions in that disk 1 HD but partitions magic reads it as bad

02-01-2005, 02:59 AM
have you tried PM 8? Thats what i use (not very frequently) but on the occasion that i use it, i havent had any problems. (not sure if it would help your issue)
and I belive you want the partition to be primary logical for a dual boot setup (its been a while since ive done it) and that is if you already have one active partition.

02-01-2005, 12:50 PM
try partition magic 8, mybe ur problem can be solved