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04-02-2005, 10:17 AM


are these artifacts or somthing!! i dunno but its happening to my counter-strike and now warcraft III now! could it be a physical problems!? I tried a older driver and its the same thing.... >_< :crying: what could be the problem!!

04-02-2005, 12:57 PM
Yep, those look like artifacts.

Is your graphics card OCed? Is it overheating? Just a couple of possible sources of your problems.

04-02-2005, 12:59 PM
but its only on 55C max... and the danger zone is 70C!!! And i can play BRothers in Arms and the graphics are wayyyyy more advanced then warcraft iii (the screenshots).... also its weird, on aquamark i get 30,000, but i used to get 48,000....

also the white spots doesent' occur when i play the game in windowed mode....

04-02-2005, 01:53 PM
I was getting a few artifacts on my 6600 last week, also with a simple game rather than one of the new ones. I wonder if there might be a driver problem when using some of the older features which newer games bypass. :unsure:

04-02-2005, 02:10 PM
but but but....

Is your graphics card OCed?
because, unless I am mistaken....
artifacts can result even if the card isnt overheated when OCing? :unsure:

there's an app to run for ATi cards that tests the clock settings (ATiTool I think)
for artifacts and such before you set the clock

surely nVidia cards have something similar?

peat moss
04-02-2005, 02:42 PM
but but but....

because, unless I am mistaken....
artifacts can result even if the card isnt overheated when OCing? :unsure:

there's an app to run for ATi cards that tests the clock settings (ATiTool I think)
for artifacts and such before you set the clock

surely nVidia cards have something similar?

Powerstrip works on Nvida cards . Or Rivatuner I believe .

04-02-2005, 04:06 PM
Powerstrip works on Nvida cards . Or Rivatuner I believe .

rivatuner works on both i believe
maybe thats what i was messin with before :unsure:
all i know is that it ran benchmarks to see what possible clock speeds you could set it to,
without running into problems like artifacts, overheating, etc.
had i been more serious in my notion to OC my card,
i may have had more info
but it was just a couple of days' faze i went through,
i'd rather just get a better card :D

peat moss
04-02-2005, 04:27 PM
rivatuner works on both i believe
maybe thats what i was messin with before :unsure:
all i know is that it ran benchmarks to see what possible clock speeds you could set it to,
without running into problems like artifacts, overheating, etc.
had i been more serious in my notion to OC my card,
i may have had more info
but it was just a couple of days' faze i went through,
i'd rather just get a better card :D

Ya ati tool was o/c for dummies , but great program. But in my limited expericence with vid card problems it was driver related and over heating . I finally solved mine with a driver cleanup tool . Like this :


04-02-2005, 09:43 PM
booooo what do i dooooooo i haven't oced at all

04-02-2005, 10:01 PM
WAIT I FIXED IT!!! YAY!!! WITH NONE OF YOUR DAMN HELP!!! jk jk lol i just went to my video card settings and went to trouble shoot and Disabled "Enable Write Combining" and it worked!!! i get 48,000 in Aquamark and everything yay!!

04-03-2005, 10:08 AM
That was so obvious we didn't bother to mention it. :unsure:

Damn, I have to reboot to change that.

04-03-2005, 10:31 PM
i get 48,000 in Aquamark and everything yay!!
oh boy...yay....my 9200 scores about 12.5k :dry:
and you were complaining about ONLY getting 30k :dry:

:P j/k, gald you got it sorted :)

peat moss
04-04-2005, 12:27 AM
Oh good ,glad its fixed . Thanx for sharing the easy fix . Funny eh something simple . :)