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View Full Version : New harddrive problem

07-11-2005, 05:03 PM
well this is the situation, i bought a new hdd a 250gb WD Caviar to go with my 200gb Maxtor and my 120gb WD caviar, i even bought new airflow ide cables to go with my new hard drive. The problem starts when i turn on my computer, i have it set up so that my 120gb is my primary master drive with my maxtor as the primary slave, then my pioneer 109 as my secondary master and the new 250gb as the secondary slave. Everything would be fine but it wont recognise the 120gb which has my operating system on it so it wont boot to windows. all drives work perfectly when not all connected together, say i take out the 200gb then all drives work fine or i take out the dvdr then all work fine. i think it may be my motherboard that needs flashed but i dont have a floppy drive much less a floppy disk to flash it with, hopefully you tech heads in hardware world can come to my rescue as i refuse to use my pc until it works as i want it to.

p.s. on my laptop just now.

p.s.s. my motherboard is a KOB KT266a FDSX

p.s.s.s. i also want to flash my mobo so it will recognise the new gig of ram i bought rather than just the 512 it recognises at the moment.


07-11-2005, 05:07 PM
p.s. dont ask why i need so much space i just "do"

07-11-2005, 05:23 PM
Put the pioneer as slave and the 250GB hd as master :unsure:

Also, bios downloads may be available from http://www.kobiankare.com/ if I've got the right manufacturer.

07-11-2005, 05:26 PM
i'll try it snny as i am open to suggestions. i finally managed to find a bios update for my pos mobo as it appears mercury bought kobian or something and are being gay with the updating.

p.s. i have also tried making all 3 devices apart from the 120 slaves, which didnt work at all. my dads suggestion but meh.

07-11-2005, 06:01 PM
got the bios to recognise all 4 controllers without flashing it. now to install this pci hoover type thing and my fan speed controller.

07-11-2005, 06:31 PM
What did you have to change then?

07-11-2005, 06:46 PM
i simply removed the jumper from my 120 drive which is weird as on it it clearly states that no jumper=single or master and jumper in middle=master with slave present. anyhow copying music to my new drive which i just partitioned with partition magic 8. thanks for the help snny. :01:

07-11-2005, 06:50 PM

Glad you got it working though.