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07-13-2005, 01:06 AM
hi, i can't play any video files on my computer, i only hear audio no video. And I've tried everything got the mega k-lite codec pack, vlc everything. And in Gspot it says i've got the codecs, then why won't it play the video? could it be my monitor? or my video card? Please help a desperate person. Nothing seems to work. Oh and the strangest thing. when i highlight a video in XP i can see the start of the video in the left hand column telling me the computer can read it but i can't see video when i play.

PLZ help, thx

07-13-2005, 03:29 AM
Try installing klite mega pack but go through and check off all the codecs, I've encounterd some video files that require codecs that are there, just not check off during install.

Also try updating graphics card drivers, chipset and so on.

Just out of curiosity what type of file is it and do you have a name of the codec, or mabey a link to the file?

07-13-2005, 10:15 PM
just about any file won't work. i tried ticking off all the boxes but that didn't work. For example evi files, but really any video files

07-14-2005, 12:01 AM
hi, i can't play any video files on my computer, i only hear audio no video. And I've tried everything got the mega k-lite codec pack, vlc everything. And in Gspot it says i've got the codecs, then why won't it play the video? could it be my monitor? or my video card? Please help a desperate person. Nothing seems to work. Oh and the strangest thing. when i highlight a video in XP i can see the start of the video in the left hand column telling me the computer can read it but i can't see video when i play.

PLZ help, thx
Hi Nat,
can you describe your system to us?
(example:dell p4/nvidea etc.1yr old and so on)
did this just start?
or is your system never been able to play video?
what player are you using?
did you download anything recently?
take a moment, when did it work, last time successfully?
was this a sudden occurrance?
or a gradual loss?
you describe your problem well...buy we could use a little more detail.
read this thread...it may help in your effort
Video Problem plays in White- FileSharing Talk (http://filesharingtalk.com/vb3/t98345.html)

07-14-2005, 09:08 PM
hi, the link doesn't work and it's not a white screen it's black i can't see anything at all.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
1024MB RAM
7 moths old and i had this problem since the day i bought it. So it can't be anything i've downloaded to screw it up. I've tried BS player, VLC, windows media player, and media player classic. Sometimes some videos work however 95% of the time they don't.

07-14-2005, 11:32 PM
hi, the link doesn't work and it's not a white screen it's black i can't see anything at all.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz (2 CPUs)
1024MB RAM
7 moths old and i had this problem since the day i bought it. So it can't be anything i've downloaded to screw it up. I've tried BS player, VLC, windows media player, and media player classic. Sometimes some videos work however 95% of the time they don't.

go back to link...it should work now...I realize screen is black but the
thread has some ideas which are useful in your situation.
you probably have all you need...it just needs to be re-arranged.
GSpot Codec Information Appliance (http://www.headbands.com/gspot/)
this should help
go to radeon,get latest driver

sometimes your system has some interlink problems
codecs are there but they are crosslinked.

my solution (that worked for me)on a similiar problem
was to remove...delete all codecs
...delete all video drivers
...delete all players

then in reverse install newest video driver
install codecs packs
install all players
this allow sp2 windows to place them in a order that
is accessible to the program.

note: some movies use xvid codecs, some older (2002) use divx3
others use divx4...look on the top of this page for packs
that include all codecs.

this can happen anytime you make changes to your system
or add stuff....it happens to all of us.
let me know if you are successful.
or do we go to plan b.

07-17-2005, 11:04 PM
I unintstalled my video driver and that fixed the problem however now i have no video driver.

07-18-2005, 12:16 AM
I unintstalled my video driver and that fixed the problem however now i have no video driver.

install your video driver
it should have come with your pc

or get it here radeon video driver (https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=894&task=knowledge&folderID=27)

07-18-2005, 12:25 AM
yeah but if i do install it again my proiblem will comeback. It's only that when i uninstall it that the problem is fixed.

07-18-2005, 01:35 AM
As kazaa2002 said, you almost certainly need to uninstall the codecs too.

Then re-install the drivers.
Then re-install the codecs.
In that order.

I can't think of any reason for uninstalling the players though, they only start looking for codecs at run time, they don't (or shouldn't) have any pre-registered links.

07-18-2005, 10:23 PM
i uninstalled the k-lite codecs and the drivers then reinstalled the driver then the codecs like you said and it didn't work. I am convinced it's my driver cos when i uninstall the codecs and drivers .avi files work however when i reinstall the driver the video stops working.

07-31-2005, 09:04 PM
This sounds like a codec conflict, which codec packs are infamous for causing. Uninstalling the codecs is not adequate. You have to manually delete the .ax files from your Windows System 32 folder. See if the codec pack you installed has a readme file that says what files (not codecs) it installed to your computer. If not, you sort of have to guess what files were installed to your system32 folder and just start deleting.

This happened to me twice - once with a klite codec pack and one with gordian knot codec pack. With klite, I was able to fix the problem by deleting codec files manually, with gordian knot, I ended up reinstalling windows.

01-17-2006, 02:56 PM
If you are like I am and are lacking in the "technical skills" department, but at the same time, miss using WinMX (http://www.vladd44.com/mx/), there is a quick, easy and free solution it is called MXPIE (http://www.MXPie.com). There is no spyware or anything else bundled with it. For those a little more savvy and courageous, there is even a manual option.

So come on back to WinMX, and download to your hearts content. Thanks to these updates, not even the power of the RIAA can stop a network.

IF you have downloaded WinMX and still cannot connect, you can even get personalized realtime help. Just go to this link WinMX Channels (http://www.vladd44.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=6514) Copy the Room name appropriate for your Language and paste it into your WinMX chat screen, then press the Join Button. This works on version 3.53 and up even if you are not connected. It allows you to join into chatrooms set up for you to get immediate help.

Everything you need at the MXPIE Website (http://www.MXPie.com) Free and Spyware free.

I have also found a site for Computer problem (http://www.gemini777.net) that is nice, prompt and VERY helpful. If there is a problem you need an answer to, they can help.

Realtime help available for WinMX 3.53 users having trouble getting connected. Go to WinMX Channels (http://www.vladd44.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=6514).

01-17-2006, 04:05 PM
Since VLC has the same problem as the other players, the problem probably isn't the codecs. It's your drivers or driver settings (try messing with overlay settings). You could also try updating DirectX.