• Cabalo

    by Published on 11-20-2010 05:33 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Internet
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    A few weeks ago, some data came out suggesting that Netflix alone accounts for 21 percent of Internet traffic during peak TV hours. But if you add in a couple other sources of streaming video from the Web, namely YouTube and other forms of Flash video, the traffic share of Web video jumps to 37 percent (with 10 percent from YouTube and 6 percent fro Flash video). BitTorrent is another 8 percent, with much of that being video as well.
    These startling numbers were put together in a slide by Morgan Stanley Internet analyst Mary Meeker during her presentation at the Web 2.0 Summit earlier this week. All HTTP web traffic is only 23 percent of the total.
    by Published on 11-19-2010 02:39 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Software,
    3. Internet
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    When the first Windows operating system was introduced by Microsoft, Ronald Reagan was in the White House, John Hughes was introducing touching teen stereotypes in "The Breakfast Club," and a young singer named Madonna was hitting the road with "The Virgin Tour." Twenty five years later, Windows, Reagan, Hughes, and Madonna are still very much at the center of our tech, political, and pop culture discussions.
    Since we are a technology site, however, let's take a moment to focus on the sheer breadth of Bill Gates' achievement with Windows and to ask: how long can this go on? Now in its seventh major version, Windows can be found on about 9 out of every 10 of the world PCs, its server version is on 70 percent of the world's servers, and, of course, Gates is the richest American, and, until recently, of the world. Microsoft is the world's largest software company thanks largely to the Windows franchise and has extended its products to everything from gaming consoles and mobile phones to corporate financial software and databases.
    by Published on 11-18-2010 02:20 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. FileSharing,
    3. Internet
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    Arizona-based criminal attorney David Michael Cantor claims that LimeWire has “created more sex offenders in the prison system than any other site or service out there,” and that everyone should be glad this “dangerous service” has been closed down.
    Last month U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood issued an injunction ordering LimeWire to disable the “searching, downloading, uploading, file trading and/or file distribution functionality, and/or all functionality” of the famed file-sharing program, and since then many have debated its effects.
    The RIAA heralded its closure as a “significant step in the bright future of digital music” while most of those who use P2P on a regular basis were amazed that people still even use the program.
    by Published on 11-18-2010 01:49 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Internet
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    The British Communications Minister Ed Valzey said in a speech today that Internet service providers should be free to prioritize users' access to certain content providers, a move that would effectively end net neutrality in the UK. As long as customers were informed of the actions, said Valzey, ISPs should be able to manage Internet traffic in such a way that certain sites are favored in terms of speed and bandwidth.
    This move could allow sites to pay ISPs to ensure that their content gets priority, making it very hard, for example, for new companies to compete with the deeper pockets of more established businesses, the latter of whom would have websites that were faster and more responsive.
    by Published on 11-18-2010 01:44 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Gaming
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    French publisher Ubisoft has announced that during the first half of its current fiscal year it has seen revenue go up to 260 million Euro, which is the equivalent of 343.5 million dollars, with the loss for the same period coming in at 88.4 million.

    During the same period of 2009 the video game publisher saw a bigger loss of 105.4 million dollars.

    Yves Guillemot, who is the Chief Executive Officer at Ubisoft, has stated “The market environment continues to be tough and although our gross profit rose sharply, the increase was lower than we expected and we had to accelerate depreciations on certain released titles.”
    by Published on 11-18-2010 01:41 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. FileSharing,
    3. Gaming
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    A report from TorrentFreak cites, amongst other statistics, the fact that the torrent file for the real time strategy Starcraft 2: The Wings of Liberty has been downloaded more than 2.3 million times since the game has been released in July of this year, leading to a total of 15.77 Petabytes of data downloaded.

    This makes the game the most pirated so far this year, although by the end of the year Call of Duty: Black Ops, which has been recently released for the Xbox 360, the PlayStation 3 and the PC, could take the number one condition based on the interest players have shown since day, picking up more than 5 million legitimate copies in the first day on sale to make the most successful video game launch.
    by Published on 11-17-2010 03:53 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Internet
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    Operation Payback has been without a doubt the longest and most widespread attack on anti-piracy groups, lawyers and lobbyists. Despite the massive media coverage, little is known about the key players who coordinate the operation and DDoS attacks. A relatively small group of people, they are seemingly fuelled by anger, frustration and a strong desire to have their voices heard.
    by Published on 11-17-2010 03:50 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. FileSharing
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    Does the loss of LimeWire have you down? Well it really shouldn't. The close of LimeWire had zero tangible detriment to the file-sharing community. If anything, it actually spurred innovation on several fronts: renewed focus on FrostWire and the arrival of LimeWire: Pirate Edition. The latter is a new entry into the file-sharing fray, whose arrival was spurred by the inoperability of the most recent versions of the official LimeWire client. Although LimeWire withstood the test of time, it didn't quite pass the final exam. That distinct honor goes to SoulSeek - one of the oldest P2P applications still thriving after all these years.
    by Published on 11-17-2010 03:46 AM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Newsgroups
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    It appears that the Dutch Usenet community FTD has survived their legal battle with BREIN - but not without its fair share of wounds. A Dutch Court of appeals has ruled that FTD isn't guilty of copyright infringement, but it does promote illegal uploading. What this means is that FTD survives, but but its community software that helps people find Usenet content will have to be altered significantly.
    by Published on 11-16-2010 05:19 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Software
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    Google Chrome OS is one of Google's most ambitious projects to date and has the potential to change desktop and mobile computing in the long run. But, with Android seeing huge success, many wondered if Chrome OS really had a future. In this context, the apparent delay of the operating system doesn't bode well.

    Speaking at the Web 2.0 Summit, Google CEO Eric Schmidt only touched on Chrome OS when asked, this despite the fact that the web-based operating system was supposed to launch this fall or by the end of the year at the latest.
    by Published on 11-16-2010 05:15 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Hardware
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    I have to admit that when it comes down to military grade hardware I never cease to be impressed, Galleon's Ultra Small Rugged NAS being one of those devices that really leave me wondering what will they come up with next, as this seems to be the ultimate NAS server solution available out there.

    But what is so surprising about this thing you ask?

    Well, for starters we get all the usual military certifications that basically say this can withstand almost anything you can throw, as it can work in temperature ranging from -40°C to +85°C as well as in high vibration environments as those found on the battle field.
    by Published on 11-15-2010 10:52 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Gaming,
    3. Internet
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    Microsoft made several big announcements Monday related to social games, including a unified social system across all its web-based gaming platforms, an overhaul of MSN Games, international expansion for Bing Games and a deal with CrowdStar, the second biggest social games publisher.
    You can see the new social features — which are called Microsoft Game Hub, and include leaderboards and Facebook integration — by visiting the online preview of the new MSN Games. Microsoft’s goal is to connect you with your social gaming friends regardless of whether you’re using MSN Games, Bing or Windows Live Messenger; they don’t have to use the same portal as you to play with you or see your profile data.
    by Published on 11-15-2010 04:29 PM   
    1. Categories:
    2. Hardware,
    3. Gaming
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    The update wars continue, and call us crazy but it sure looks like Sony is on its heels. The PlayStation 3firmware version 3.50 was supposed to be the one to really protect the console, forcibly installed withMedal of Honor and reportedly the cause of the latest (and last) Gran Turismo 5 delay. But, it was all for naught, with PS Jailbreak announcing downgrade support for firmware 3.42 and 3.50 "and beyond." The only question now is: what's the next firmware version going to be called? Maybe if Sony started naming these updates after delicious pastries we'd be a little less tired of applying them.