Welcome To Guests
We would like to Welcome you to FileSharingTalk.com.
Some forums and features are restricted from Guests on the site.
You will have access when you Register on the site which is free.
Make sure to read the Board Rules before posting.
AdBlock And Ads On The Site
We ask that Members and Guests on the site Turn AdBlock OFF!!
The ads we have on the site are not obtrusive and are content related.
Quite often those on the site subscribe to services advertised on the site.
These ads and advertisers support the site and costs associated with it.
Its simple to turn off AdBlock for this site.
Simply select Dont run on pages on this domain.
Reasons To Register
- You can post questions and answers and be part of the community.
- The BT Invites & Trades Section threads are only viewable by members.
- The NZB Section is only viewable by members.
- Those logged in have less ads.
Its completely free and we wont spam you.
Join in our Community and Register now.
n00bs | Members | Posters | BT God | Donator | FST Crew
- n00b
Your title will be set to n00b when you register on the site.
Have access to all sections of the board with some restricted
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 2 daily grabs.
Note n00bs might have access
restricted from this section occasionally.
- Member Rank with 2 posts.
-- Rank with 10 posts.
Your title will change to Member when registered for 2 days and have 2 posts.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 2 daily grabs.
Note Members might have access
restricted from this section occasionally.
Have 100 Private Message capacity
- Poster Rank with 20 posts.
-- Rank with 100 posts.
Your title will change to Poster when registered for 30 days and have 20 posts.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with 10 daily grabs
Have 250 Private Message capacity
- BT God btgod.png
Your title will change to BT God when registered for 30 days and have 100 BT Rep points.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with unlimited grabs
Have 500 Private Message capacity
- Donator donator.png
Your title will change to Donator when you DONATE to the site.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with unlimited grabs
Have 500 Private Message capacity
Less ads on the site
- FST Crew fstcrew.png
These positions are chosen based on certain forums such as posting News regularly.
Have access to BT Invites & Trades Section
Have access to NZB Section with unlimited grabs
Have 1000 Private Message capacity
You can also read more about FST Leaders & Ranks at
Hope you Enjoy the site and Welcome to FileSharingTalk.com...