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Thread: - yahoo meta search engine for mp3s. suggestions?

  1. #1

    so i just coded its a meta search engine that uses the yahoo api and a simple trick to find mp3s. if you like it i`ll get a real domain and make some improvements (like caching results)....
    and please be carefull to not download any copyrighted material

  2. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #2
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    Moved to the correct section.

  3. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #3
    Nice one. Just like BeeMP3, but with a much simpler UI.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  4. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #4
    yes, what really pisses me of are huge ammount of adds an bling-bling.

    do you have any idea how i can spread the word about this site?
    i wrote about this in some irc channels but it didnt brought traffic.

    what makes that beemp3 dont do is HEAD the links before offering them to download to guarantee that the download really exists and really is a audio file.
    Last edited by costi; 09-17-2010 at 04:00 PM.

  5. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #5
    Expeto's Avatar current user title
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    Quote Originally Posted by costi View Post
    yes, what really pisses me of are huge ammount of adds an bling-bling
    adblock plus?

  6. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #6
    Quote Originally Posted by costi View Post
    do you have any idea how i can spread the word about this site?
    i wrote about this in some irc channels but it didnt brought traffic.
    You could try contacting the guys at LifeHacker, and other similar sites so that they link to/write something about your service. That should get you a bunch of hits.
    "I just remembered something that happened a long time ago."

  7. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #7
    ok, i send the infos about to some blogs and social bookmarking sites. lets see what happens

    it basically queries the yahoo search api and filters the result for music files
    if i can get enough hits it will begin save the results in a database

  8. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #8
    iLOVENZB's Avatar FST Crew BT Rep: +1
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    ^^^ This site is an indexer.
    "Computer games don't affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music"

  9. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #9
    Cabalo's Avatar FileSharingTalker BT Rep: +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24BT Rep +24
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    If you want, you can write an article about your site and submit it as news so we can publish it on our portal.

  10. Internet, Programming and Graphics   -   #10
    If you want, you can write an article about your site and submit it as news so we can publish it on our portal.
    this would be really really cool!
    i`ll just get a real domain...

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