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Thread: How many of you heard about this...

  1. #11
    Skiz's Avatar (_8(I)
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    Perhaps I should have posted that my feeling on that editorial are not the same, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with some of it.

    Some of what was written was just stupidity -

    This is a horrific crime that should call for the death of those involved. Here's the thing, the suspects have been caught and have been charged for every terrible thing they have done to those two people. I don't care for the bullshit, passive racism antics of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, but don't public advocate groups usually make a ton of noise when people are not charged or indicted for crimes committed in spite of evidence as well?

    The Duke case was a debacle that Sharpton's /Jackson's dumb ass tried to use as a forum for their own gain...... again. It is very true that when a crime is committed against a black man or women these guys and other groups jump up to make it a bug deal in the media to try to "insure justice". Half the time they fuck up the case or attack the wrong people. This situation has nothing to do with them or the Liberal media. These criminals are charged and will be put to trial. There are no loop holes or aversion of justice here to be brought to the media's attention. Furthermore what benefit would the liberal media have for ignoring a case like this? What sort of gain would it bring? This is not a case that has any political value to it at all that I see. Has this case been broadcast on all other channels besides those known to be liberal? Sure.

    Crimes like this do happen in our country and it is disgusting, but watch where you lay blame on a lack of coverage. Lack of FBI?! -It is an open shut case. No need for federal intervention. Imus ?!- He made it a national media event by saying what he did over the public airways (although I don't think he should have been fired). The Duke case - 1 women says she's raped, 4 dudes call bullshit from one of the most prestigious colleges in America. That's why it got media attention even before the Revs. went there. Cases like this murder/rape where there is no denial of crime or fight or belief that the system is failing will not get lots of attention because it is an open/shut case. I don't think a media blitz would do any good for the grieving families either.


  2. The Drawing Room   -   #12
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    I find the whole "hate crimes" debate odd...the idea that anyone victimized on the basis of religious belief, sexual orientation, or race (unless they are white ) is cause for the offender's being treated more harshly than otherwise?

    One might assume this compulsion is predicated on a belief that the existence of such "enhanced" sentencing guidelines is a deterrent to crime.

    How is it that the idea of deterrent effect works when coupled with the idiotic theory of "hate crime", but has not even the slightest relevance when the discussion is about the death penalty, which is inarguably an escalation of the murder guidelines arising from heinous/aggravating circumstances?

    I mention this only to prompt the silly and often hilarious hair-splitting, logic-stretching, and mental gymnastics of certain libs in attendence.

    I am sure someone will be along shortly...
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #13
    MaxOverlord's Avatar Simplify
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I find the whole "hate crimes" debate odd...the idea that anyone victimized on the basis of religious belief, sexual orientation, or race (unless they are white ) is cause for the offender's being treated more harshly than otherwise?

    One might assume this compulsion is predicated on a belief that the existence of such "enhanced" sentencing guidelines is a deterrent to crime.

    How is it that the idea of deterrent effect works when coupled with the idiotic theory of "hate crime", but has not even the slightest relevance when the discussion is about the death penalty, which is inarguably an escalation of the murder guidelines arising from heinous/aggravating circumstances?

    I mention this only to prompt the silly and often hilarious hair-splitting, logic-stretching, and mental gymnastics of certain libs in attendence.

    I am sure someone will be along shortly...

    I think the Death Penalty is as an effective deterrent as possible.

    More legislation means more work/money/votes for the Libs. who come up with these absurd bills.

    Just a way to grease the minorities and gay&lesbian vote.

    We in "White America" must carry the burden for all past wrongs.

    What is to be said of all the organized journalism groups?
    Did these have anything to do with burying a black on white crime?

    And quite frankly the point is missed if it is reduced to black on white.
    This is beyond the pale of crime.

    I would personally like to have a chair in the viewing room at execution time.

    Someone look into that for me.
    Last edited by MaxOverlord; 06-01-2007 at 11:18 PM. Reason: Strike that. Reverse it.
    You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing..... Descartes

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #14
    Busyman™'s Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skizo View Post
    Perhaps I should have posted that my feeling on that editorial are not the same, though I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with some of it.

    Some of what was written was just stupidity -

    This is a horrific crime that should call for the death of those involved. Here's the thing, the suspects have been caught and have been charged for every terrible thing they have done to those two people. I don't care for the bullshit, passive racism antics of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson, but don't public advocate groups usually make a ton of noise when people are not charged or indicted for crimes committed in spite of evidence as well?

    The Duke case was a debacle that Sharpton's /Jackson's dumb ass tried to use as a forum for their own gain...... again. It is very true that when a crime is committed against a black man or women these guys and other groups jump up to make it a bug deal in the media to try to "insure justice". Half the time they fuck up the case or attack the wrong people. This situation has nothing to do with them or the Liberal media. These criminals are charged and will be put to trial. There are no loop holes or aversion of justice here to be brought to the media's attention. Furthermore what benefit would the liberal media have for ignoring a case like this? What sort of gain would it bring? This is not a case that has any political value to it at all that I see. Has this case been broadcast on all other channels besides those known to be liberal? Sure.

    Crimes like this do happen in our country and it is disgusting, but watch where you lay blame on a lack of coverage. Lack of FBI?! -It is an open shut case. No need for federal intervention. Imus ?!- He made it a national media event by saying what he did over the public airways (although I don't think he should have been fired). The Duke case - 1 women says she's raped, 4 dudes call bullshit from one of the most prestigious colleges in America. That's why it got media attention even before the Revs. went there. Cases like this murder/rape where there is no denial of crime or fight or belief that the system is failing will not get lots of attention because it is an open/shut case. I don't think a media blitz would do any good for the grieving families either.
    Excellent post, Skiz.

    These dudes should get the death penalty. I don't fucking care if they are black. DeM moTherFuckAS iS CRaZy!!!11!!

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #15
    Those blacks were not born savages. I hope they found out what made them so ...mean and incorporated it into our social systems.

    Am I being idealistic?

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #16
    Snee's Avatar Error xɐʇuʎs BT Rep: +1
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    on something.
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I mention this only to prompt the silly and often hilarious hair-splitting, logic-stretching, and mental gymnastics of certain libs in attendence.
    Who are the "libs in attendance", then?

    The only one that springs to mind right away is vid.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #17
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by Snee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    I mention this only to prompt the silly and often hilarious hair-splitting, logic-stretching, and mental gymnastics of certain libs in attendence.
    Who are the "libs in attendance", then?

    The only one that springs to mind right away is vid.

    Possibly not; as I recall, he is not foursquare against capital punishment...though that admission usually occurs after blood is shed.

    Thinking in terms of those who doubt the deterrent effect of the death penalty has always made me wonder if they believe that laws are or can be intended to deter anything at all.

    The debate possibilities are rich and rife.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #18
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Addenda to this thread; other incidents-

    Reverse Hate Crime in South Carolina – One Year After
    by Steven Yates

    On a November night a little over a year ago, Columbia, S.C. resident Bill Calliham was driving home from a local Sons of Confederate Veterans meeting when he noticed the very bright headlights of a car following him. The car continued following him through the twists and turns of his neighborhood all the way to his house, blocking his driveway. When he inquired politely if the person, who happened to be black, was lost and needed directions, the man set upon him and sent him to the nearest emergency room.

    Bill Calliham had a South Carolina Sons of Confederate Veterans license plate on his vehicle along with two square Confederate flag emblems on either side. Local media as well as the leftist NAACP had been waging war against Confederate symbols for years; this war culminated in the removal of the Confederate flag from atop South Carolina’s State House (a square version now stands on a 30-foot pole behind the Confederate Soldier Monument). Calliham attributes the attack to these symbols having been clearly visible to whoever got behind him in traffic. Nothing else seemed to explain why a total stranger of another race would follow him home and beat him up on his own property.

    Not a single local media outlet covered the story: not Columbia’s daily newspaper, not any television station, not any radio broadcast. This was familiar to those of us who had been following reverse hate crimes – blacks attacking whites, whether because the latter display Confederate symbols or for no discernable reason whatsoever. When it became evident that no one else would cover the story, I did. To my knowledge, my article was the only public coverage the incident received. The reason: because it was black-on-white, the police refused to treat it as a hate crime. Therefore it was not news. Bill Calliham told me how he had confronted a reporter shortly after he learned that local media had withdrawn their initial decision to cover the event. “I’m the wrong color,” he had told her. “If I was black, every radio station, TV station and Rainbow Coalition member would be in my front yard.” The reporter, of course, was not to blame. She was no doubt ordered by her superiors not to publicize the story.

    Media blackouts on black-on-white hate crimes are the norm. A white person has to be incapacitated or killed before such cases even become local news. This was the pattern when Troy Knapp was beaten unconscious by a mob of black teenagers wielding metal trash cans while bicycling through a North Charleston, S.C. neighborhood the previous year. Knapp sustained severe head injuries, and languishes in a Charleston-area nursing home with permanent brain damage.

    The incident was not reported by major media outside the Charleston area.

    And then there was the incident some have called the Wichita horror that happened in Kansas a year ago yesterday. In that case, five close friends, all young professionals in their 20s (three men and two women), were robbed at gunpoint by two black men, then taken to a deserted soccer field. The two women were stripped naked, raped, then forced to perform lewd sex acts on their attackers and on each other while the three men had to watch. Finally all five had to kneel, and were then shot, execution style. Miraculously, one of the women survived. She staggered naked and bloody through ice and snow in sub-freezing temperatures for more than a mile and was finally able to obtain help.

    Again, the story was local news only. Were it not for the Internet, most of us would not even know about it. Yet anyone with functioning brain cells knows that if the races had been reversed, the national coverage would have been relentless. It would no doubt accompanied by appearances by Jesse Jackson (or Al Sharpton) and possibly even a new (and very well funded) study of “hate crimes” by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    The dominant media refuse to report such incidents because they go against one of the central dogmas of our politically correct time: blacks as a group are victims first of the legacy of slavery and then of discrimination and hate. Whites as a group are their victimizers. So if blacks display anger, they have reason; when they get violent, their violence can be excused. The term black rage has been used. In truth, the federal government’s own crime statistics reveal that 90 percent of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks on whites, not the reverse. Given that blacks only constitute about 13 percent of the population, a black person is 50 times more likely than a white person to commit a violent interracial crime. Many such crimes do not appear to have an economic motive, such as robbery. In cases such as the Wichita horror, the utter viciousness of the perpetrators rules out economics as the sole motive even though there was a robbery.

    During the events last April in Cincinnati, it was the same story. The scale of events was too large for the media to muzzle altogether, however, so the Cincinnati riot became national news. The media, however, could not bring themselves to call it a “riot,” even when marauding blacks were heaving bricks through windows of cars driven by whites and setting fires to their businesses. The media (with the leftist New York Times leading the way) chose to use sanitized phrases like sporadic protests and vandalism.

    The Cincinnati riot was an attack on white people. This was clear, because an assault on an albino black woman driver stopped at once when one of the aggressors shouted, “She’s black!”

    Again, you read about it on the Internet if you read about it at all. Apparently not all the news is fit to print if it goes against the grain of political correctness, with the Internet being the largest medium not subject to political control.

    With the utter lack of media coverage, there were no means of following ensuing events in the Calliham case here – especially since Bill Calliham’s injuries were much less severe than in the above cases. So I never learned whether police caught and arrested someone for the crime. I knew I wouldn’t hear anything from local media, so I recently decided to touch base and do the follow-up myself – for the same reason I wrote the original article: if I didn’t, then who would?

    In fact, the Callihams had been able to identify the perpetrator – through his car, a black Lexus with four large headlights, which almost by chance they spotted in a garage not far from where the Callihams lived. Having done the detective work themselves, they were able to inform the police where to find Bill Calliham’s attacker. One day they actually sighted the person outside in his driveway washing the car, utterly unconcerned that he might be recognized. They turned the license plate number over to the police. Finally, with four months now having gone by, the person was questioned.

    He admitted that there had been a violent altercation, but blamed Calliham for it. In fact, the person presented a scenario that was almost the reverse of Bill Calliham’s original story. He contended that Calliham had followed him. He claimed that his “fight” with Calliham had been in self-defense, that Calliham had made “racial slurs” and then “sucker-punched” him.

    Why, then, hadn’t he been the one to call the police, and not Bill Calliham?

    Because, the answer goes, he “was too embarrassed.”

    Calliham may not have been injured as severely as was Troy Knapp, but his health problems have increased since the incident. He suffers occasional attacks of dizziness and confusion. He has experienced being out driving and suddenly losing track of where he was or where he had been going. He has been to the hospital to have this looked into, but so far no one has been able to explain it. Both he and his wife have reported sleeplessness and extreme apprehension.

    This was a man who served this country for 27 years in the Army. He was far from a stranger to potentially dangerous situations, therefore, also having worked for both the Columbia Housing Authority and the South Carolina Department of Social Services. He was able to state the philosophy that had guided his actions back then in a single sentence: “If you treat everybody nicely, you’ll get the same respect back.”

    That philosophy might have worked before the political correctness era. Then began a period of leftist professors, media pundits and unscrupulous lawyers of the Johnnie Cochran persuasion “playing the race card” at every opportunity, shouting from the rooftops about how blacks were still suffering from this country’s legacy of slavery, how whites owe “reparations,” etc.

    The Richland County Sheriff’s Department declined to prosecute the Calliham case, claiming to have two different versions of events neither of which could be corroborated. The police closed the case without even issuing a warrant for simple battery (a misdemeanor). Bill Calliham, having had no luck with either the police or criminal prosecutors, has been forced to hire his own attorney and pursue that matter in civil court. Just finding an attorney was not an easy matter, despite a substantial file folder of evidence: the original police report, pictures of his face following the attack, hospital bills, results of cat-scans, his wife’s testimony and the testimony of a neighbor, as well as that of other character witnesses. “We’re going to court to see if justice will be done,” he told me. “So far we haven’t seen justice. The RCSD wouldn’t do anything. The solicitors wouldn’t do anything. The magistrates wouldn’t do anything. Two lawyers wouldn’t take the case. But I’m still trying to get this solved through the courts.”

    It has now been over a year. We’re waiting.

    Black Racism: The Hate Crime That Dare Not Speak It's Name
    By David Horowitz | July 16, 2002

    We reported the story of the Wichita Massacre in these pages two years ago at the time it happened. Outside the local Wichita press, however, virtually the only media to report this hate crime were and the American Renaissance newsletter. While the federal government rushes to Los Angeles to investigate an incident in which a handcuffed youth was slammed into the hood of a car and punched by an officer, a pall of silence still blankets the horrendous racial murder of four young people whose murderers are now on trial. The difference in the responses to these two stories can hardly be attributed to anything other than the skin color of the perpetrators and the victims involved. Apparently the sexual torture and brutal executions of four promising youngsters is of no interest to the nation's moral guardians, because the victims happen to be white.

    Stephen Webster's account of these events provides a revealing window on the disturbing - not to say disgusting -- state of the civil rights delusion in America. The U.S. Justice Department has reported that 85% of all inter-racial violence in America is committed by blacks against whites. But there are apparently no black hate crimes; and there is certainly no white civil rights movement to create sympathy for the victims.

    Nor can there be one in the present atmosphere of racial hypocrisy, where the mere expression of concern over attacks on white people would itself make an individual a ripe target for racial witch-hunters.

    Because they are black, the Wichita killers have been protected from national scrutiny and have not even been charged with a hate crime. The entire apparatus of local government in Wichita - abetted by the national press -- has worked overtime to keep the public ignorant of what happened. If the truth came out, it would threaten a national melodrama in which only blacks are victims, only blacks are persecuted and only whites are racists. Within the framework of this melodrama, the only acceptable meaning of civil rights is retribution for blacks -- retribution for any and every crime, real or imagined, ever suffered by black people however remote in the past. "Reparations" is just the nom de jour of the new civil rights package.

    What would happen if, instead, we returned to the idea of individual accountability, and gave up the totalitarian fantasies of reparations and "social justice," in which oppressed classes exact retribution from their age-old oppressors? What if we returned to the real world in which individuals commit indefensible misdemeanors (Los Angeles) and monstrous crimes (Wichita)? What if we revived the idea of making the punishment fit the actual deed? Think of all the people who wouldn't know what to do with themselves if that were to happen.

    The fact is that the Wichita horror is but one of many spectacular lynchings of white people by black racists, which the nation's moral watchdogs choose to ignore.

    Everybody in America, for example, knows who James Byrd is, and that he was brutally murdered by three whites in Jasper Texas four years ago. Byrd's lynchers offered him a lift in their pickup truck, beat him and chained him and dragged him to his death. An entire nation was outraged and guilty. The President issued a statement, legislators wrung their hands and the media keened over the inhumanity of the act and what it portended for the country's future.

    Four years later - this year in fact - a white man named Ken Tillery, hitched a ride in Jasper, Texas. He was given a lift by four black men who then murdered him to a deafening national silence. Like Byrd, Tillery was held hostage and beaten. Then he was run over and crushed to death. The copycat nature of the crime made it a natural news story. But there was none, save a modest account in the Houston Chronicle, to which nobody paid any attention. This savagery was apparently nothing. The pigments were politically incorrect. It was only some white guy, whose ancestors probably owned slaves.

    We make no apologies for expressing outrage over these facts or printing the story of the Wichita slayings. We would like to see the trial of these killers reported on Peter Jennings' World News Tonight. We would like to see the story of the murders retold on 60 Minutes or 48 Hours. We would like to see Spike Lee direct a Hollywood feature or Jesse Jackson conduct a pilgrimage to Kansas to plea for racial peace.

    But we know these things won't happen. To begin with, Jesse Jackson and Spike Lee don't have the moral intelligence to take these steps. Nor does Peter Jennings. We're regretful that this is the case. But we are certain there will not be any bright future for race relations in this country until silences like these are broken.

    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #19
    MaxOverlord's Avatar Simplify
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skerven View Post
    Those blacks were not born savages. I hope they found out what made them so ...mean and incorporated it into our social systems.

    Am I being idealistic?

    Are you so sure they weren't born that way?

    Why the need to blame "society" for the way these people are?

    If your gonna punt the ball into the hands of society you allow these sub-humans a sense of moral bearing as in comprehension to ones situation.

    This and the obvious question of who's to pay for your study to find out "what made them so?"

    Let's just say they are not worthy of the human race and move on to the trial.
    You just keep pushing. You just keep pushing. I made every mistake that could be made. But I just kept pushing..... Descartes

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #20
    Busyman™'s Avatar Use Logic Or STFU!
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    Quote Originally Posted by j2k4 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Snee View Post
    Who are the "libs in attendance", then?

    The only one that springs to mind right away is vid.

    Possibly not; as I recall, he is not foursquare against capital punishment...though that admission usually occurs after blood is shed.

    Thinking in terms of those who doubt the deterrent effect of the death penalty has always made me wonder if they believe that laws are or can be intended to deter anything at all.

    The debate possibilities are rich and rife.
    It is rather silly that people say the death penalty isn't a deterrent.

    It's as if folks think going to jail is a deterrent and everyone thinks losing your life isn't.

    Do people actually think no one goes, "I'm not doing any shit like that. They fry you for that shit."

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