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Thread: Do you have homosexual friends/relatives?!

  1. #1
    BOOM's Avatar You are who you are. BT Rep: +10BT Rep +10
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    Last week a cousin of mine said to all my family that he`s gay!!
    His life became a hell cuz almost all in my family stopped to talk with him since. Only my mother,two uncles and me still talking with him

    I don`t care if he is gay or not...I just believe that is not our sexuality that says who we really are!!

    Dou you have homosexual relatives or friends?? What would you do if you had one??

    And why does sexuality still being so relevant when u will judge someone?!

    lets discuss

    [.. and sorry for my bad english]
    Last edited by BOOM; 06-18-2008 at 01:23 PM.

  2. The Drawing Room   -   #2
    yeah i've got a good friend who's gay, I've known him since i was about ten and he only came out to me & our group of friends when he was about 20. Didn't really bother me (or anyone in the group), although it was a bit of a shock, but it did make things a bit weird between us for a while. I don't think that was because i started treating him differently, it was more like he was free to act in a way that was more natural for him and it was different to how he used to be.
    He has told his brothers and sisters, but not his parents because they're fairly religious catholics and he's not sure how they'd take it.

    I'm not sure i understand people who react badly to finding out a friend or family is gay, it doesn't change anything apart from who they're shagging...

  3. The Drawing Room   -   #3
    Squeamous's Avatar Poster
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    Yeah, I've got some pet homos in my circle. My best friend, my boss, and a couple of acquaintances. None of my relatives though for some reason, which I suppose is a bit strange since 1 in 5 of us or something is meant to be homosexual. I don't remember there ever being a 'coming out' with any of them, it was more of a case of them mentioning a partner or saying 'you know I'm gay, right' to which I'd just go 'oh, alright'. But I think I'm part of the generation for whom it's not something to be admitted or just is. I think if someone feels the need to 'come out' it's a bit sad. They shouldn't have to any more than I need to stand in a room and tell everyone I have sex with men.

  4. The Drawing Room   -   #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Squeamous View Post
    Yeah, I've got some pet homos in my circle. My best friend, my boss, and a couple of acquaintances. None of my relatives though for some reason, which I suppose is a bit strange since 1 in 5 of us or something is meant to be homosexual. I don't remember there ever being a 'coming out' with any of them, it was more of a case of them mentioning a partner or saying 'you know I'm gay, right' to which I'd just go 'oh, alright'. But I think I'm part of the generation for whom it's not something to be admitted or just is. I think if someone feels the need to 'come out' it's a bit sad. They shouldn't have to any more than I need to stand in a room and tell everyone I have sex with men.
    i don't think thats entirely accurate, i'm from the same generation and people still feel the need to 'come out' to family and friends who've known you for a long time. And, if my friend is anything to go by, its still pretty nerve wracking coming out to those closest to you as there is always the chance that someone will take it badly.
    It sounds like the gay people you know were already out when you met them either because they'd already told the people who matter to them or it was obvious from a young age. I'd agree that these days people don't have to make a big deal of it when they meet new people, but i reckon gay people still face a sort of one off (but protracted) coming out ordeal in one way or another.

  5. The Drawing Room   -   #5
    Squeamous's Avatar Poster
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    I think a lot of the time homosexuals feel they have to 'come out', but when they do their friends and family either say 'we know' or 'well, duh!' It's nowhere near as big a deal to most people as they think it will be. I've had experience of that recently with an acquaintance. He'd built this big thing up in his mind and no-one else really cared. A couple of the others never had a 'coming out'. They just always were what they were and never felt the need to hide it or announce it. But then I live in a heaving diverse city, not some backwater dump in the bible belt.

  6. The Drawing Room   -   #6
    In contrast me and mon ami grew up in london (ie heaving and diverse) and some/many of his close friends (me inc) and family had no real idea. My mate still believes it would be a very big deal to his parents, and I don't think he's wrong.

  7. The Drawing Room   -   #7
    tralalala's Avatar The Almighty
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    My dad's uncle is gay (talks like a woman and cross-dresses I think). I've never actually met him but it doesn't bother me..

    A friend of mine said she was a bi-sexual (not to me though, obviously doesn't trust me), but she told my g/f (who told me of course..). Didn't give a shit.. I mean, hell, lesbians are pretty kewl as long as they're hawt

  8. The Drawing Room   -   #8
    ahctlucabbuS's Avatar <
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    "Her life became a hell cuz almost all in my family stopped to talk with him since. Only my mother,two uncles and me still talking with him "

    This is transsexual =P

    Anyhow, good for him!

    You see it in nature as well. From a natural point of view it's perfectly, well, natural... Of cource the tendency for reproduction keep some of us biologically inclined to oppose same sex partnershio.

    Well, too bad, we're already 6.6 billion, or so, fucking people on this world! More homos please!

  9. The Drawing Room   -   #9
    j2k4's Avatar en(un)lightened
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    Oh, please...
    Quote Originally Posted by Squeamous View Post
    ...I live in a heaving diverse city, not some backwater dump in the bible belt.
    You have a bible belt, too.

    How about that.

    I think the need to "come out" is, for the most part, a felt need born of societal perceptions; the impression that heretofore uninformed personal/familial relationships are somehow inherently skewed (would they be any less so for coming out), and the pressures inflicted by the gay community (illegitimate, to my mind).

    Gay or straight, we live best when we resist being co-opted by peers.

    As Squeamous has noted, there is no reason for anyone to lead with the fact of their sexual orientation, which tendency seems to strike gays relatively often - I find this incredibly irritating, and have in several instances countered with, "Hi, I'm Kev, and I'm terribly straight", which has earned me some consternation.

    Of course, if everyone did what I do, we'd have much less to complain about, truth.
    "Researchers have already cast much darkness on the subject, and if they continue their investigations, we shall soon know nothing at all about it."

    -Mark Twain

  10. The Drawing Room   -   #10
    I don't know anyone that has openly declared themselves to be homosexual. I have had some bisexual female friends.

    Personally, I don't care about people's sexual orientations. I would consider myself to be extremely open minded compared to the average person. It's 2008, I think people need to get over the homosexual issue by now. It's not the 60s anymore.

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