Update: Check out our followup story to see how the cable lobby is
changing the bill.
Legislation introduced in the Kansas state legislature by a lobby for cable companies would make it almost impossible for cities and towns to offer broadband services to residents and would perhaps even outlaw public-private partnerships like the one that brought Google Fiber to Kansas City.
The Senate bill doesn't list any lawmaker as its sponsor, and there's a reason—a Senate employee told us it was submitted by John Federico on behalf of the Kansas Cable Telecommunications Association, of which he is president.That's a lobby group with
members such as Comcast, Cox, Eagle Communications, and Time Warner Cable. The bill was introduced this week, referred to the Committee on Commerce, and
scheduled for discussion for Tuesday of next week.
Re: So what is today's best and cheapest provider?
Frugal Usenet sounds right up my alley. I've been searching for free accounts but no dice. $60 a year plus a 300gb block account. Sounds good to me.
Funkin' Today, 12:19 PM