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09-02-2010, 01:30 AM
Well maybe hate was too strong of a word.I just dont like the way people around here let their dogs roam the streets and it scares/annoys me.But thats for another thread.

09-02-2010, 01:44 AM
Then it's the people who are the problem and not the dogs.
Really in my experience how pets behave is usually a total reflection on how their owners do.

09-02-2010, 02:51 AM
The Other Guys. Mark Walberg tried to make the film serious, but Ferrel was one step ahead. The movie itself was funny, but the storyline was the same cliche that was used in Get Smart starring Steve Carell.

09-02-2010, 03:00 AM
Personally, it scares/annoys me when NFL players are allowed to roam the streets. OJ anyone? :(

09-02-2010, 11:23 AM

09-02-2010, 12:14 PM

09-02-2010, 12:47 PM
Saw Karate Kid.an ok movie,nothing to dislike in it(maybe the crush-romance part,kinda lame that was) and nothing spectacular to appreciate either.A one time see movie.Visually the movie was glamorous enough,the kid acted really nice imo(behaviour of a kid who got butt hurt was acted perfectly),the movie had its moments and moreover I am a fan of jackie chan :P.

09-03-2010, 07:25 PM
Saw Salt and Shutter Island.Salt was fun to watch,pure action where bourne got substituted by salt.But got me into thinking,can a women really do all that jumping and stuff,I mean their bodies can only handle so much.Most woman will go down once they get a hard kick/punch on their stomach unless they have abs lol.Also she picked up a poisonous spider with her bare hands in a scene,wtf!

Shutter Island was just kick ass.Love those type of movies.But I found a glitch in the movie.
Take a look at the screen shot:


The scene where the mental patient is being interrogated and then she asks for water and the SS is of her drinking the water but with no glass.Well it may be old stuff but new for me :P

/oops,double post.

09-03-2010, 07:33 PM
.But got me into thinking,can a women really do all that jumping and stuff,I mean their bodies can only handle so much.Most woman will go down once they get a hard kick/punch on their stomach unless they have abs lol.
I don't know which backwater rathole you come from where you have experience with kicking and punching women in the stomach but contrary to what you were lead to believe women are tougher than men. Not on average stronger mind you but built with a higher pain threshold .Simple fact.

09-03-2010, 07:39 PM
In communist Russia, women kick and punch you...

09-03-2010, 07:44 PM
So let me get this straight , what you are saying is in your alternate universe where communist Russia still exists women kick and punch you?
OK I except that. It still makes more sense than anything Abybeats has writtten.

09-03-2010, 07:57 PM
The Russians are so wily that they have tricked the world into believing they are no longer communists hell-bent on taking over the world. I've got one living across the street from me- he looks suspicious... :fear2:

09-04-2010, 01:42 AM
Speaking of suspicious Russians, I went paintballing this past weekend. There was a Russian team, and they were just too good, if you know what I mean. I decided to test them out, so I hid behind a wall for a whole round, and they still found me. Now make of that what you must, but I'm with MBM on this one. There's an entire secret army of them that can see through walls. It's the only logical explanation.

As for last watched movie: Dinner for Schmucks. I won't be one of the somber people who denies I laughed, but I will be respectable enough to say I regretted doing so. It wasn't a "classic" comedy movie, but rather a movie that tried to be offensively, reservedly, funny. The only issue is, unlike classics in a similar theme, such as "Planes, Trains & Automobiles" or "With Honors" (which I thought was fantastic), we never got to see Paul Rudd get pushed to the edge. Most of the mishaps were more than an easy fix, and with him unable to act out a gradual decrease in his patience, it seemed quite intangible losing his temper so promptly after the movie started.

Cheesy ending, aside, it was a movie that I didn't regret wasting its runtime out of my life for; and I appreciated the fact that they didn't find an impending necessity to integrate the movie's title into the script somehow. I expected the title to be worked into a certain scene on a terrace where Rudd says "This dinner isn't what you think it is... it's a dinner for idiots, a dinner for schmucks," but the script bowed out of the opportunity just in time. One thing I would have enjoyed to see in the ending, was for everything to go back to the way it was, before the movie started, save for Rudd having a better position, but in the spirit of a family/comedy movie of sorts, I assume the director went in the ideal direction of not having a redeemed hero work hand-in-hand with, what were portrayed (unbelievably so) as people with an extreme sense of detachment.

EDIT: I wish just once, a screenplay writer would realize the fact that Chaplin didn't even need more than intertitles to make people laugh, and the Three Stooges made for a better comedic experience in a bloody canoe, as opposed to what "Dinner for Schmucks" achieved with a hawk, a fraudulent psychic, a brain control freak, and a dead mouse collector stuck together in one room.

09-04-2010, 02:03 AM
Speaking of suspicious Russians, I went paintballing this past weekend. There was a Russian team, and they were just too good, if you know what I mean. I decided to test them out, so I hid behind a wall for a whole round, and they still found me. Now make of that what you must, but I'm with MBM on this one. There's an entire secret army of them that can see through walls. It's the only logical explanation.

More reasonable explanation is that they just followed the sound of your whimpering.

As for Dinner with Schmucks as you probably know it's a remake of the French film Le Dîner De Cons.The problem being is that Mericans in film at least , are afraid to go for the jugular and portray themselves as really irredeemably unlikable even when the part screams for it.Hence you are left with half- measure assholes and endearing idiots which is simply not what the movie is all about.

09-04-2010, 06:10 AM
The Expendables (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Expendables_(2010_film)) - I enjoyed it:)With the all star cast and so on.Blood,Guts,Guns, and bad guys.It was a bit unrealistic with the body chopping off parts but why hold it against them.The film was exciting and funny at some times.I also got to see Stone Cold Steve Austin fight MMA legend Randy Couture, It was cool!I like the part where Sylvester Stallone says to willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to become president:lol:

09-04-2010, 06:56 AM

mr. nails
09-04-2010, 10:34 AM
Piranha - 2010

lol, i thought this was a lot better than expected. so much blood and bones! i loved that part of the film and of course there wasn't much else to this but the gore factor which was fine by me. this in fact was a worthy remake imo. nothing like seeing a human being torn apart in seconds by flesh craved "extinct" fish. they left the ending open for a sequel. i'll definitely be checking that out too. if u wanna see countless bodies torn apart limb by limb this is ur movie! red water, wet tits and great scotts! 7.5/10


Macgruber - 2010

horrible, horrible film. when the lonely island announced they had a film coming out i was excited until i saw the trailer. just by watching that i knew it was gonna suck. i try to finish all films i start and i did manage to make it through this in 2 sittings. not one laugh or any sense of satisfaction what so ever. i nominate this the #1 worst film of 2010. celery, mullets and nuclear castrations. .5/10 (for the soundtrack i guess)

09-05-2010, 04:41 AM
So bad its good?Im downloading:) Will review...

09-06-2010, 08:29 PM
Max Payne

09-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Macgruber (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGruber_(film)) - It does has It's moments.Not a "pay to see it" by no means but the movie is funny.Not too long either.Just dont think of it as a MacGyver mock.6/10

mr. nails
09-07-2010, 12:55 AM
Macgruber (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacGruber_(film)) - It does has It's moments.Not a "pay to see it" by no means but the movie is funny.Not too long either.Just dont think of it as a MacGyver mock.6/10

just so we are clear. i gave it a .5/10 not 5/10. you must had loved it!

09-07-2010, 12:59 AM
dint see that "." there
No but i did think it was funny.At times that is.

09-07-2010, 08:09 AM
The latest Movie I saw was "The Other Guys" with Will Farrell and Mark Walberg. I thought the first half of the movie was hilarious, but I felt like they were trying to hard in the second half. I'd rate it a 7/10. The "Tuna" scene is hysterical. :P

09-12-2010, 04:31 AM
The Ring (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ring_(2002_film)) - Was a pretty good movie.Was not really scary or gross but no movie ever is for me.It was more about seeing the story develop.Do not get me wrong, The movie has its suspenseful moments.8/

09-12-2010, 12:10 PM
[Was not really scary or gross but no movie ever is for me.
Seven words : The Exorcist,The Thing (remake) and Audition. :shutup::sick:

Some would add Dawn of the Dead ( the original) and HauteTension but for me both are too over the top to be really effective.

09-12-2010, 05:02 PM
robin hood

09-17-2010, 05:49 AM
Last movie was Cango .....Its a very good movie thats about the life of Gorillas .east bay personal trainer (http://www.eastbaytrainer.com/)

09-17-2010, 07:17 AM
The Other Guys (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Other_Guys) - It was good.But not as funny as i thought because it look'd lmfao and was only lol...Michael Keaton:01:

09-17-2010, 10:13 PM

09-17-2010, 11:39 PM

Please limit the ratings to out of 10 please .

09-18-2010, 12:12 AM
I have been venturing further into photography (lighting mainly, atm) and found Baraka (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103767/) (1992) to be quite stunning and certainly in the realm of my recent interests. The movie itself is without words, and does not tell a story (conventionally), but there is plenty to put together as a message of the human condition (or whatever you choose to see in it). It is like watching 90 minutes of the best National Geographic pictures you have ever seen. Give it a watch in the highest definition available to you. Fascinating and beautiful. It stands alone, so I won't lessen it with a number rating. However, I believe it is worth purchasing.

09-18-2010, 11:55 AM
Princess and the Frog... hated it...4/10

09-18-2010, 12:12 PM
Harsh Times (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harsh_Times) - I wonder what the hell Christian Bale was thinking.Its not that the movie is bad but, Its not what i expected from the Batman, Terminator star.A very different film for him. - 7/10

09-18-2010, 12:25 PM
When he was younger he was still trying to be ( or allowed to be) more the actor and less the star.
Btw if you think that was "different" wait until this comes out. Not only drug addicted incarcerated loser but also (gasp) second banana to Marky Mark.

True story( more or less) too.


09-18-2010, 12:37 PM
American Psycho was "different", also...

09-18-2010, 12:41 PM
And the Machinist.

Pont ( besides your head) being that at some point the public ( or Ziggy or "Hollywood" or Bale himself) started getting this skewed perpective that Bale was another "Arnold"

09-18-2010, 12:44 PM
Machete (2010) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0985694/) was worth watching. It was exactly what it was supposed to be- violent, cheezy, macho, filled with stars who would normally be "above" that level of film. There is also a strong pro-Mexican/Mexican-American theme to the show. Timing is perfect for such a rally call, imo. Good fun, with an underlying stance. 7.5/10 for what it was meant to be.

09-18-2010, 12:53 PM
Hes very diverse i see.
The Machinist looks sweet.Will check out.

09-18-2010, 05:19 PM
roobin hood

09-18-2010, 06:10 PM

09-19-2010, 10:21 AM
Toy Story 3 last night. It was pretty good, bringing back the old memories :)

09-19-2010, 10:26 AM
Jekyll and Hyde Together Again it was a hoot....

09-19-2010, 12:52 PM
The Traveller - thought it was pretty crap

09-20-2010, 11:28 PM
The Machinist - This movie is right up my alley.It reminds me of requiem for a dream or donnie darko.Not for style but for weirdness.7/10 - would have been 8 but the music is just meh...

09-20-2010, 11:40 PM
The Machinist - This movie is right up my alley.It reminds me of requiem for a dream or donnie darko.Not for style but for weirdness.7/10 - would have been 8 but the music is just meh...

Amazing what they can do with CG isn't it?

09-20-2010, 11:51 PM
What do you mean Idoleyes?

09-21-2010, 12:05 AM
I mean the computer guys did a great job on making Bale look so thin.
Almost as good a job as they did making DeNiro look fat for Raging Bull.
Technology is a beautiful thing.:yup:

09-21-2010, 12:22 AM
He looks like a real life crack head.Who could have guessed he was crazy?

09-21-2010, 05:57 AM
The CGI on Raging Bull was waaay ahead of its time. I think DeNiro looked far more realistic than Jar Jar Binks.

It really wasn't until Brando kept asking for more, and more CGI that it got overplayed. Kinda like the explosions in action movies today. You see one enormous CGI (fat guy) explosion, you've scene 'em all... What's next, big fake breasts? :no:

09-21-2010, 08:44 AM
Get him to the Greek. Awesome Comedy for me. 8/10 . Love this movies <3

09-26-2010, 12:35 AM
taxi driver

Seriously?!!! You watch Taxi Driver and have no opinion on it? Nothing worth mentioning for you? I can't see how you gaining access to any type of file would benefit you. :ermm:

09-26-2010, 02:15 AM
I bet porn does.

MY bad pron does...

09-26-2010, 05:23 AM
I bet porn does.

MY bad pron does...

I think we know what kind of bad pron you are into, z. :yikes:

j/k. I hope... :mellow:

09-26-2010, 02:37 PM
Scrap Heaven(2005)

"The lives of three people intersect on a late bus ride that's hijacked by a suicidal political flunky. Shingo is a miserable young desk cop bucking for homicide division. Tetsu is a restroom cleaning attendant who has a mentally ill father and a penchant for mischief. And Saki is a petulant druggist/chemist who was born without an eye and keeps her disfigurement hidden behind shades. Months after the hijacking, the trio lives re-intertwine as they playfully seek revenge for their unhappy lives, until the games become deadly serious".

Described by some as a Japanese Fight Club .Certainly there are echos of that movie,especially in the terrific first hour,as there are similar characters and fights and both are on the surface at least about reality confronting fantasy . Scrap Heaven however then takes a decided right turn and becomes much more bleak and serious.

Overall a decent movie at turns exciting,funny and sad.Not as thought provoking as the director had obviously hoped for but a "cool" and (mostly)entertaining movie worth a watch nonetheless.

Sorry about the poor quality of the video the better one is unfortunately only in Japanese.


09-26-2010, 02:42 PM
Roobin hood

09-26-2010, 02:59 PM
Or Scrape Heaven.

09-27-2010, 01:40 PM
Repo Man. Nice movie 8/10

09-27-2010, 03:20 PM
Repo Man. Nice movie 8/10

didn't that movie bomb?.

09-27-2010, 03:22 PM
the last movie i watched was shutter island and it was mind blogging
i liked the climax :)

09-28-2010, 10:07 AM
Watched Fight Club for the second time last night. Have to say it's one of those movies that really effect your life.

I noticed some things I didn't notice in the first viewing. I noticed that Tyler flickered in scenes. He only flickered at certain points in the film. I can't really put it into words but it's a certain emotion The Narrator (http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0001855/) is feeling.

If anyone recalls "The Narrator (http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0001855/)" was explaining about inserting penises in the cinema - You know you saw it but didn't take any notice.

Fight Club is a very cleverly written movie from beginning to end.

David Fincher is a genius: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000399/

09-28-2010, 10:12 AM
Well, I watched parts of The Thin Red Line, just skipped around though. However, this prompted me to watch the entire miniseries of The Pacific over a couple of days. Now THAT is some good entertainment based on war.

09-28-2010, 10:29 AM
nye; Have you had a look at Band of Brothers (Mini-series)?

09-28-2010, 10:45 AM
Hell yeah man, I saw it back in the day. I think I'll re-watch the whole thing though when I get a chance.

09-28-2010, 11:37 AM
Well, I watched parts of The Thin Red Line, just skipped around though. However, this prompted me to watch the entire miniseries of The Pacific over a couple of days. Now THAT is some good entertainment based on war.

Like most people I loved Band of Brothers hated the Pacific.
I watched it.I kept hoping that it would get better.It didn't in fact it got worse.
How the Pacific managed to both not focus on the battles and yet not tell a story or "flesh-out" any of the characters is beyond me.

Total waste of however many hours that I spent watching it that I will never get back.

09-28-2010, 04:14 PM
I watched Knight and Day with Cameron Diaz and Tom Cruise. I wasted 2 hours of my life watching that one. It had good action, but the story was silly, and all the jumping around from one scene to the next drove me crazy. It is always nice to watch Cameron Diaz but other then that save your time.

09-28-2010, 05:00 PM
I noticed some things I didn't notice in the first viewing. I noticed that Tyler flickered in scenes. He only flickered at certain points in the film.

I also didn't notice that until I watched a YouTube video of those scenes in slow motion.

09-28-2010, 07:02 PM
Machete . And i think it wasnt good .

09-28-2010, 11:44 PM
Haha I also watched Knight & Day. I thought it was pretty shitty, but in a hilarious way. Wouldn't have appreciated paying money to see it though. It's actually pretty similar to Machete in that regard. Both awful movies, but at least Machete was aware of how bad it was.

09-29-2010, 05:38 AM
I noticed some things I didn't notice in the first viewing. I noticed that Tyler flickered in scenes. He only flickered at certain points in the film.

I also didn't notice that until I watched a YouTube video of those scenes in slow motion.

Did you notice the penis insert before the credits?

09-29-2010, 07:17 AM
Is it even possible to miss that stuff?

10-01-2010, 08:39 AM
The Human Centipede

I thought the whole movie was going to be about a German capturing 3 tourists and joining them up. Little did I know that it all happened within the first 30mins and the rest of the film is about what he does with his centipede. Had potential to be an epic .... thriller? Nonetheless was very enjoyable.

I'm a huge horror/thriller fan but as of late none really had me holding my breathe - this flick did :D.

As I was watching it I couldn't help but imagine that there will be a parady porno - The Human CentiPORN ?

PS. Ashley C. Williams (Lindsay) is fucking hot, too bad she was in the middle

Don't know how there can be a sequel when pretty much everyone died in the end.

10-01-2010, 11:08 AM
Ha. Never thought I would see anyone call the movie "enjoyable". :D

10-01-2010, 12:14 PM
Ha. Never thought I would see anyone call the movie "enjoyable". :D
Sick more like.
What apparently passes for "horror" (movies) nowadays is little more than pointlessly watching people suffer without any accompanying ethical concerns .
I think that's the defining part ,the sheer pointlessness of the nastiness .
No one to root for , no chance of a "good" outcome just let's all be voyeurs to the vileness.
No and thanks.

10-01-2010, 01:52 PM
IdolEyes what do you class as a 'good' horror then?

10-01-2010, 01:55 PM
Yer mum. :P

10-01-2010, 05:16 PM
IdolEyes what do you class as a 'good' horror then?

I think that the audience should always be encouraged to root for /relate to the victim and not the killer.Sadly more often not the case anymore.

Some people think that Silence of the Lambs started all this killer as hero bullshit but the essential different was that in that movie , as magnetic as the Hannibal Lecter character was , people( at least the normal ones) still wanted for Clarice Starling to "win" and for "The Cannibal" to fail .Same with the original Halloween, original Nightmare on Elm Street,The Exorcist,Se7en,Night of the Living Dead etc .In all those even if things don't always turn out well for the protagonists you never stop hoping that it will.
Now unfortuantely it's just let's watch largely "deserving" unlikable people be brutalized and murdered and little more so we get our jollies.

Is the Human Centipede disturbing ?Obviously but then so is seeing the remains of the family pet after it has been run over by a car.
Point being it takes more than merely sickening and disturbing for something to be a "good" horror movie.

Unless maybe you yourself are also sick or disturbed.:unsure:
Sherlock Holmes the one with Robert Downey and Jude Law.
I honestly don't think that Guy Ritchie could have made much a worse movie if he had deliberately set out to do so.
R.D. Jr.'s incredibly bad accent aside ( So he's not good with dialects still shouldn't someone at some point have said "Look this really isn't working, maybe just speak normally and we will work around it") isn't the entire "point" of Holmes is that he uses his mind not his fists? And his puny little fists at that.
Also someone kill the Art Director ( London never looked more fake and after Van Helsing or the cartoon version of One Hundred and One Dalmatians that's saying a lot).
And the Costume Designer (Deer- stalker hat not 19th century metrosexual ffs)

Want a different take on Sherlock Holmes try Young Sherlock Holmes (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090357/)instead.
Same added female love interest and supernatural overtones but unlike this atrocity I actually enjoyed it and actually cared what happened to the characters.

Of course Barry Levinson only won an Oscar and was never married to Madonna so what the fuck does he know?
Also does everything that cost x amount of dollars have to viewed as a 'franchise anymore ? Can't a film/story simply end without always having 5 extra minutes of pointlessness tacked on?

10-02-2010, 01:50 AM
Speaking of Young people, I saw Young Frankenstein for the first time and it is amazing.

10-02-2010, 02:32 AM
@IdolEyes, what are your views on the Saw franchise then?

10-02-2010, 02:50 AM
I thought Saw 1 was OK but after that I didn't see Saw.

10-02-2010, 05:00 PM
saw the expandables and im quite disappointed, i mean i kinda knew what's going to happen from the very first few minutes i watched and that's sad

10-03-2010, 02:06 AM
Funny People


10-03-2010, 06:58 AM
How to Train Your Dragon (2010). I held off on this one for quite some time. Sure, it was getting really high IMDB ratings, but I just didn't think I could stand another "kid and his mystical pet" story. This is one of those, and I was tempted to doze off in the first 15 minutes, however; the story got better. The Disney-ish over-the-top characters became somewhat pushed to the back and I found myself liking the show.

The animation is enjoyable and it is easy to get sucked in to feeling for the characters in their moments of peril. Nice cartoon story. With the caveat of "know what you are watching", give it a try. 8/10

10-03-2010, 11:58 AM
Knight and Day (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight_and_Day) - Another action movie.What a repetitive genre.Yes it does give you the action and gun shots explosions and imposable out comes.The drugged black outs get quite annoying...7/10

I like cumshot and BJ pron btw :D

10-03-2010, 12:37 PM
had watched predator :)
pretty nice

10-03-2010, 01:04 PM
Funny People

[video=Awful scene[/video]

No movie with the word "funny" in the title ever has been. Ever.

10-03-2010, 02:00 PM
Funny People

[video=Awful scene[/video]

No movie with the word "funny" in the title ever has been. Ever.

Buster Keaton,Zero Mostel,Jack Gilford,Phil Silvers,Michael Crawford ,Tony winning musical :unsure:


10-03-2010, 03:30 PM

10-03-2010, 04:29 PM
StreetDance 3D and i give it one 6/10. Not so good the movie ;|

10-03-2010, 04:35 PM
Just don't watch A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum, apparently it's not very funny.:eyebrows:

10-03-2010, 11:01 PM
Was that clip supposed to be funny? :unsure:

mr. nails
10-03-2010, 11:27 PM
2010 - Jonah Hex

it was decent enough for a viewing. i enjoyed looking @ megan fox throughout and the whole talking to the dead thing was cool. a lot of the scenes went by fast enough so u don't get bored, but then using that too much might leave u not knowing wtf is going on. early dialog tries to be witty and humorous while later dialog is just there for the sake of being a non-silent film. john malkoviches weapon of mass destruction was pretty 1337 as well. too bad it wasn't used to it fullest potential. exploding arrows, glowing bowling balls and a fast dog. 7/10

10-04-2010, 01:34 AM
Machete (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Machete_(film)) - I wanted this movie to be a eight but it was not.It was a seven...I like how its all cheap but has some big stars and stuff and any movie with jessica alba gets extra points.The unrealistic chopping of body parts reminds me of the expendables and i seen that first so i'm grown tired of it, It bores me.story gets meh but success to the film.

10-04-2010, 03:38 AM
You're comparing unrealistic chopping of body parts to the Expendables? Haven't you seen Aftermath yet?


10-04-2010, 11:57 PM
Ironman 2.

It rocks =P

10-07-2010, 09:01 PM

typical french film. not that bad but a bit pretentious.

10-07-2010, 10:28 PM
typical french film. not that bad but a bit pretentious.

Typical French film.

10-07-2010, 11:41 PM
Being that it's French, described as pretentious, and is called "The Mustache", I'm guessing the entire film focuses on the guy (pictured) shaving a long-had-mustache, and a woman (also pictured) who has apprehensions about him shaving it off... :unsure:

Niche market, I suppose. :idunno:

10-08-2010, 06:49 AM
ROFL megabytme

I watched Revolver last night, I guess it's one of them movies you have to watch twice to actually understand what's going on. Did he turn into a schizophrenic when he was in a solitary cell?

10-08-2010, 08:40 AM
Piranha very good movie

10-08-2010, 11:29 AM
Being that it's French, described as pretentious, and is called "The Mustache", I'm guessing the entire film focuses on the guy (pictured) shaving a long-had-mustache, and a woman (also pictured) who has apprehensions about him shaving it off... :unsure:
well, not exactly but you're not that far from the truth.

Marc and Agnes are an attractive, successful Parisian couple, who have been together for many years. One evening, before joining friends for dinner, Marc decides on a whim to shave off the mustache he's worn all of his adult life. He waits patiently for his wife's reaction, but neither she nor his friends seem to notice. Stranger still, when he finally tells them, they all insist he never had a mustache. Is Marc going mad? Is he the victim of some elaborate conspiracy? Or has something in the world's order gone terribly awry?

10-08-2010, 11:54 AM
:schnauz: /movie idea.

10-09-2010, 07:45 AM
it cartoon cars

10-09-2010, 09:05 AM
Iron man 2, amazing movie :D

10-09-2010, 01:07 PM

(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686/)I'd actually always wanted to see this movie but up until now never got around to it .I guess this was one case where I should have checked the IMDB rating (5.0) first.

(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686/)Monumentally bad and not in a entertaining sort of way.
(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686/)The best way that I could describe it is a unholy cross between Terminator 2 and Demon Knight/Feast but making even less sense.

(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686/)Zero characterization ,which isn't necessarily death to something like this( see above examples) even though it helps if you actually care about what is happening to who .Far worse is that very little is ever actually happening and when it does it is either so blatantly stolen from better sources or so totally ludicrous (Arch-Angel as T-1000:mellow:. I'm thinking that maybe if God really,really wanted someone dead he could do better than send Martin Keamy from Lost flapping around with some wings and brandishing a tricked-out mace:blink: I mean even Death does a better job of it in the Final Destination series and he's only ...Death.:mellow:)that it makes you grimace.

(http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1038686/)Not good good enough to be good ,not bad enough to be good.
Seriously where do they find these idiot writers?Do the studios troll the roads looking for short buses ?

Avoid at all costs.Giveaway your first born if necessary to do so but avoid at all costs.

10-09-2010, 05:13 PM
The Kid - Charlie Chaplin
An excellent movie :D

10-09-2010, 11:58 PM
Mary and Max (2009)

In the mid-1970's, a homely, friendless Australian girl of 8 picks a name out of a Manhattan phone book and writes to him; she includes a chocolate bar. She's Mary Dinkle, the only child of an alcoholic mother and a distracted father. He's Max Horowitz, living alone in New York, overweight, subject to anxiety attacks. He writes back, with chocolate. Thus begins a 20-year correspondence, interrupted by a stay in an asylum and a few misunderstandings.

The film is claymation, but it's not a kid's movie (although a precocious child could enjoy/identify with it too). It is gently humourous, bittersweet and filled with love for its characters. A solid 9/10.


10-10-2010, 12:36 AM
Old School.
Very funny movie. Glad I watched it.. again :P

10-10-2010, 02:19 AM
IdolEyes, it had so much potential. I don't know what happened.

Also what was the point of the child?

10-10-2010, 11:23 AM
A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Nightmare_on_Elm_Street_(2010_film)) - Everyone was telling me this film sucks and how they are really old and like the original film better.But i ended up enjoying this remake.Again for me, Not scary.I enjoy other aspects of the film.Like seeing a legend return.He does look a little alien-ish but that does not take away from the movie.Seven/Ten

10-10-2010, 12:48 PM
IdolEyes, it had so much potential. I don't know what happened.

Also what was the point of the child?

I come away from a lot of mediocre or outright bad movies thinking that they had potential to be so much better with a little more focus and character exposition and a whole lot less pointless action and just plain stupid.
You don't care about people that you pass on the street as much as people you know and the same thing applies to character in movies.You can spend all day carving up, blowing up and tearing up cartoons and none of that will have an iota the effect of putting one character that you have an invested interest in peril.A point seemingly totally lost on the current generation of film makers.

Create characters and then tell their story .Simple right?

About the child ,supposedly ,for no known,apparent or logical reason he/she ( they couldn't even be bothered to specify ffs) was the "hope of mankind " . makes zero sense since Michael himself said that truly Good" people were already among us(Jeep) and if he/she was another Messiah then that would be the Will of God and not something that God was looking to destroy wouldn't it?
More likely what I alluded to earlier ,just a cheap poorly executed rip-off of Terminators 1 and 2 with God and Angels subbing for Skynet and the evil machines even down to te last shot of the car loaded with guns driving away into an uncertain future.

really what bothered me the most though was the incredible stupidity of it all.
I'm God .I want a unborn baby dead .I don't send shark-toothed possessed people or even avenging Angels to do the job, I simply cause a miscarriage or drop a tree on the mother . End of problem .Case solved.:mellow:

10-10-2010, 12:56 PM
The Social Network (more or less forced to watch it), however not as bad as I presumed it would be.

10-10-2010, 01:54 PM
The Social Network (more or less forced to watch it), however not as bad as I presumed it would be.

It's probably going to score a few Oscar nominations so it can't be that terrible .
Btw David Fincher has never made a bad movie ( OK Alien 3 was a bit of a depressing mess) so storyline and cast aside I'd never presume that any film of his was going to suck.

10-10-2010, 02:49 PM
Actually I just did not care about a Zuckerberg biography in the first place where about 80% are simply made up or pure speculation. Yet, the film was quite entertaining but nothing beyond that.

10-11-2010, 03:13 PM
Dear John (2010 ) (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0989757/)

It's been criticized for losing focus in the middle act ,which is true ,and being above average on the treacle scale ( which is also true) but it is what it is and as such I think it works just fine.

First let me say that I'm a fan of director Lasse Hallestrom ,he of the idylic and the melancholy , and I would probably sit through a film of his if it was nothing but a 90 minute shot of a tree swaying in the wind.
Dear John fortunately ,whatever it's faults, is definitely more than that.

The main and most important thing is the romantic leads ,Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum :O are both "real" and likable . You ( at least I did ) root for these people and when the inevitable "boy loses girl" part occurs you definitely hope (even though it's a foregone conclusion) that somewhere in the third act they "find " each other again.
Besides that any movie that casts the kid from E.T. as pseudo-villain is alright by me.

Anyway as romantic films go not on a level with The Notebook but a million times better than anything starring Jennifer Aniston or Katherine Heigel.

6.5 as a movie, 7.5 as a romance movie.
Actually should probably rate it higher since any movie that can make me appreciate Channing Tatum must be doing something right.

10-11-2010, 07:23 PM

mr. nails
10-12-2010, 04:52 AM

no way, but if u insist. part 1 was pretty good imo. a lot better than 2. i'd give part 1 the 7/10 and part 2 gets maybe 2/10.

10-12-2010, 05:35 AM
Jennifer Aniston

Can't believe she's 41. Must be a Greek thing?

Wog Boy 2: Kings of Mykonos

I was a huge fan of Wog Boy 1, being a Greek myself and living in Australia, it's very easy to relate to Steve Karamitsis character (Nick Giannopoulos). However Wog Boy 2 captured nothing that Wog Boy 1 offered. I was actually ashamed to watch it. There was nothing funny throughout the film and it was as if Nick was a typical Australian visiting Greece.

The plot was slow but ended up finishing in a cliche type of way. Watch it if you're not planning on seeing a comedy.

Not meaning to brag as I have no directing of writing experience but I could do better. Steve Karamitsis inherits a beach but has to pay for the tax. How the fuck can you possible fuck that up and not make it into a comedy

10-12-2010, 02:14 PM
Jonah Hex 2010

10-12-2010, 04:44 PM
The Ice Storm (1997) - Elijah Wood looks just like Tobey Maguire.Through the whole movie i was like what the fuck is going on.For awhile i thought it would be explained but it never did.It wasn't untill the credits i saw.I figured the character was in two places at once or was edited differently.

10-12-2010, 07:46 PM


It was good, but I prefer the Kevin Costner version.

10-12-2010, 09:01 PM


grownups very funny 9/10

10-12-2010, 11:10 PM
The last three posts are really what make this thread ,you know....worthwhile.:ermm:

I bet that anyone that took the time to commit pen to paper (metaphorically speaking of course) in attempt to express an actual opinion is feeling pretty fucking foolish right about now.

10-12-2010, 11:17 PM
Btw David Fincher has never made a bad movie

10-13-2010, 12:47 AM
The last three posts are really what make this thread ,you know....worthwhile.:ermm:

I bet that anyone that took the time to commit pen to paper (metaphorically speaking of course) in attempt to express an actual opinion is feeling pretty fucking foolish right about now.

As a newbie here I was pleasantly surprised to see some real critics rather than the usual Movie name + note/10 spam posts polluting many forums, and making this thread as interesting as a 404 error. As for the occasional spam posts, well, they probably did what they're used to do elsewhere, bad habits die hard..

10-13-2010, 08:39 AM
The A-Team. It was great. Especially the Tank flying scene!

Going to watch Fist of Legend 2 in a few hours. For those who're into foreign movies, DO check it out. Trailer looked awesome.

10-13-2010, 08:47 AM
The last three posts are really what make this thread ,you know....worthwhile.:ermm:

I bet that anyone that took the time to commit pen to paper (metaphorically speaking of course) in attempt to express an actual opinion is feeling pretty fucking foolish right about now.

wtf just because you want to type bio ,some of use dont like to for various reasons

what does the title say "What is the latest movie you watched and what did you think of it?" <-- it does not say right an essay

what you want me to say,,i rated it as a 9/10 cos it had me in stiches most of the time..the great comedians in it ,,we are not reviewing the movie if you wanted that put it in the god dam title

10-13-2010, 09:01 AM
Yeah some users bullshit about lighting and what not.:dry:
And then others seem like spam.

10-13-2010, 11:11 AM
primetime a word of advice, you won't like IdolEyes when he's angry ;).

10-13-2010, 11:50 AM
aw shit hes here!

10-13-2010, 12:13 PM
The last three posts are really what make this thread ,you know....worthwhile.:ermm:

I bet that anyone that took the time to commit pen to paper (metaphorically speaking of course) in attempt to express an actual opinion is feeling pretty fucking foolish right about now.

wtf just because you want to type bio ,some of use dont like to for various reasons

what does the title say "What is the latest movie you watched and what did you think of it?" <-- it does not say right an essay

what you want me to say,,i rated it as a 9/10 cos it had me in stiches most of the time..the great comedians in it ,,we are not reviewing the movie if you wanted that put it in the god dam title

Listen truthfully I basically discounted you post when you began it with wtf and it went steadily downhill from there with the lack of capitalization but if you want some sort of reasoning then it's been reiterated a million times in this thread already. Here is a sampling by two people both smarter and more reasonable than me..


At ease, please.
Now that I have your attention, we need to talk.
All you people who are attaching a rating- like 9/10- to your "reviews"...and, let's be honest here, hardly any of these are actually reviews at all, are they?...your rating means NOTHING if we don't know what you think a ten is.

So if your post looks like this...

Slumdog Millionaire
...you have effectively said ziltch except that you viewed the film.

So please, either write a brief description of your reaction to the film or just list the title but stop with the meaningless "x out of 10" shorthand.

Now, back to whatever you were doing.

I disagree Clocker, it is instantly gratifying when they do that as i can instantly judge them in return.


The dude is ok, but is incapable of seeing the pathetic attempt multi political & social depth of the masterpiece, or is simply manic depressed.

where as

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 10/10 The person loves Brad, is glad to see him in some meaningful role other than pure hawtness and is still trying to understand the logic of the film.

Presently watching Underworld Lycans.... that should say enough about me...

I disagree Clocker, it is instantly gratifying when they do that as i can instantly judge them in return.

That was my whole point though...I don't see how you can arrive at any relative comparison at all.

For instance, my idea of a ten might be Citizen Kane, yours might be Dumb and Dumber...if we both rate Slumdog Millionaire as a 7, what does that say to a third party who isn't aware of our preferences?

As for writing essays ,hardly necessary . Renzokuken managed to tell me everything that I needed to know in twenty words or less ( Like Roger Ebert I think that "flying tank scene" pretty much sums up both the movie and if enjoyed the person watching it).

Other than that I used to actually Mod this section and changed the thread title at least twice in an obviously vain attempt to lessen the chance of spam posts like yours from happening.

what does the title say "What is the latest movie you watched and what did you think of it?"

You thought 9/10 ? OK I would have considered that a rating instead of an opinion or God forbid some actual insight but clearly you understand movies,English and this section better than me so ,whatever .
Btw I would have made the thread title read "Rate he last movie you saw" as if that was the intent of this thread beyond increasing anyone's post count.

Sorry for the essay in expressing my views .Just sum everything up for yourself by saying "your post 1/10"

10-13-2010, 03:19 PM
Love On a Diet 2001 720p

10-13-2010, 03:37 PM

10-13-2010, 06:29 PM
Love On a Diet 2001 720p
i disagree. 8/10 becuz is 720p.

10-13-2010, 07:09 PM
Yes but he didn't specify the encoder .Was it a good encode by what'shisname or youknowwhoI'mtalkingabout ? That's really the deciding factor isn't it?
Sure I wouldn't even spit on a movie if it wasn''t HD but more importantly I wouldn't even piss on that spit if it wasn't iToones or something.

10-14-2010, 03:32 AM
The last three posts are really what make this thread ,you know....worthwhile.:ermm:

I bet that anyone that took the time to commit pen to paper (metaphorically speaking of course) in attempt to express an actual opinion is feeling pretty fucking foolish right about now.

wtf just because you want to type bio ,some of use dont like to for various reasons

what does the title say "What is the latest movie you watched and what did you think of it?" <-- it does not say right an essay

what you want me to say,,i rated it as a 9/10 cos it had me in stiches most of the time..the great comedians in it ,,we are not reviewing the movie if you wanted that put it in the god dam title
We should have a beer sometime, Prime.

I like to drink before I kill.

mr. nails
10-14-2010, 04:40 AM
with the lack of capitalization

lol, u must really hate me!

10-14-2010, 08:02 AM
Nails - The amount of posters here who still post as if they're in primary school is ridicules. At least you add punctuation to your posts!

10-14-2010, 12:04 PM
with the lack of capitalization

lol, u must really hate me!

Actually I like you .Lack of capitalization doesn't make someone an idiot,lack of thought does.
Besides you post here because you like movies and you have something to say and not as some nefarious/cynical post count means to an end.

Doesn't matter if I don't agree with you ,that's totally beside the point.
30 Days of Night : Dark Days

More like Dark Daze because whoever green lit this bit of pointless garbage was clearly in one.

First a little perspective . I have seen the first movie ,even enjoyed it up to a point though it was basically only a good setup/premise and a heartfelt climax bookending pretty much nothing .
I've even read the graphic novel series and again even enjoyed it up until the writer ran out of originality and compensated with just being mean instead.
Here with this movie though, like the less talented and likable people subbing for the originals everything is decidedly tenth second rate.
From what passes for a story to the identical but somehow more phony vampire effects ( how'd they manage that?) to the confusingly shot action sequences to even the totally gratitious yet incredibly unsexy sex scene (note to producers if you have Kiele Sanchez - great ass or not , Diora Baird and Mia Kirshner in a movie ,you don't give the sex scene to Sanchez:mellow:).

Anyway in a nutshell. The writer of both the comics and the movies, Steve Niles, ran out of ideas somewhere during the original one and all that follows is derivative trash and with director Ben Ketai in charge, ineptly made derivative trash.

Final note: I know that it was sort of in keeping with the comics graphic novels but I can't stress enough how pointlessly tacked on the ending feels.Not even mentioning that it dragged on for what seemed like 30 days to a very predicable "shock" ending.
Would not surprise me if Ben Ketai is actually a pseudonym for M. Night Shyamalan:mellow:

10-14-2010, 10:18 PM

liked it... reminds me a bit of the first one but lower quality and action.

10-15-2010, 05:31 AM

liked it... reminds me a bit of the first one but lower quality and action.
The contradiction contained within is so strong, so pure and unrelenting that it may well warp space and time, shredding this thread into unrecoverable tatters.

Or it may just lead to the next Adam Sandler "review".

10-15-2010, 12:20 PM
Predicator 2: The Clause Come Out

I found it wordy.

10-16-2010, 03:39 AM
toy story 3

10-16-2010, 06:14 AM
toy story 3

IdolEyes is going to rape you!

10-16-2010, 09:53 AM
Animal Kingdom 2010

10-16-2010, 12:13 PM
toy story 3

IdolEyes is going to rape you!

I don't believe in violence against women.

And again another plea to read the thread title and and at least make some small attempt to adhere to it.
If on the other hand you only post here because you think that it is a quick and easy way to increase your post count then please fuck off.

10-16-2010, 03:01 PM
Thirst (Chan-wook Park) - 8/10 - Priest becomes Vampire.

10-16-2010, 04:39 PM
Please kill me.I know I've said this before but this time I'm serious.

10-16-2010, 07:53 PM
Red- Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Bruce Willis, Mary Louis Parker, Morgan Freeman and Ernest Borgnine (yeah, I thought he was dead too).

How did this happen?
I like every single person in the cast but was bored nearly to tears by the movie itself.
How do you squander so much talent on such a mediocre spy/comedy clunker?

If you've seen the trailer, you know the story.
A group of retired CIA black-ops agents is suddenly the target of an assassination squad.
They reactivate "the band" to find out why and save themselves.

They're good...very good.
So good that they warp space & time to drive from city to city in record time while acquiring costumes and weapons...apparently, they know some really well stocked truck stops.
So good that in the middle of the big firefight no one seems to notice two women, semi-crouched behind a fallen tree, only 25 ft. or so from the target house...literally dozens of highly trained troops overlook them, even after she starts firing!
That's good taken to the next level...goodest, I suppose.

The bad guys- don't worry, you'll recognize them right off the bat (in fact one of them actually calls himself "the bad guy")- are sooo bad that they don't hesitate to spray thousands of heavy caliber rounds into public gatherings and buildings.
Bruce Willis' house gets turned into matchsticks in the middle of the night by a dozen operatives...and not a single neighbor wonders what's going on.
Tough neighborhood.

It's clear that the screenplay started as a list of setpieces and little effort was expended stitching them together.
Michael Bay- lite, as it were.

I hoped it would be better.
It should have been better.
But it's not.

10-16-2010, 08:18 PM
Red- Helen Mirren, John Malkovich, Bruce Willis, Mary Louis Parker, Morgan Freeman and Ernest Borgnine (yeah, I thought he was dead too).

How did this happen?
I like every single person in the cast but was bored nearly to tears by the movie itself.
How do you squander so much talent on such a mediocre spy/comedy clunker?

If you've seen the trailer, you know the story.
A group of retired CIA black-ops agents is suddenly the target of an assassination squad.
They reactivate "the band" to find out why and save themselves.

They're good...very good.
So good that they warp space & time to drive from city to city in record time while acquiring costumes and weapons...apparently, they know some really well stocked truck stops.
So good that in the middle of the big firefight no one seems to notice two women, semi-crouched behind a fallen tree, only 25 ft. or so from the target house...literally dozens of highly trained troops overlook them, even after she starts firing!
That's good taken to the next level...goodest, I suppose.

The bad guys- don't worry, you'll recognize them right off the bat (in fact one of them actually calls himself "the bad guy")- are sooo bad that they don't hesitate to spray thousands of heavy caliber rounds into public gatherings and buildings.
Bruce Willis' house gets turned into matchsticks in the middle of the night by a dozen operatives...and not a single neighbor wonders what's going on.
Tough neighborhood.

It's clear that the screenplay started as a list of setpieces and little effort was expended stitching them together.
Michael Bay- lite, as it were.

I hoped it would be better.
It should have been better.
But it's not.

It's based on a comic book and for the film they decided to forgo the serious tone of the original and go more for laughs .
Question: Which part of that sentence would lead you to believe that it had a snowball's chance in Hell of being good?

Added to that it was directed by the genius behind The Time Traveler's Wife and written by the talent responsible for Whiteout .If all that didn't irrevocably seal it's fate then it was produced by Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Mark Verheiden of Transformers fame.

As for the movie which I've avoided downloading despite 50 thousand different scene groups attempting to get me to, anything that has me looking back nostalgically at Ernest Borgnine in McHale's Navy can't be a good thing.

10-18-2010, 05:34 AM
Shutter Island.
I liked it a lot but it is not near as good as Inception. I read a lot of reviews where these movies were compared and ranked about the same. In my opinion they are not even close. Shutter island is a good movie with great story, directing, music and acting. But it is just that - a good movie, a good psychological thriller, one in a line of many other good thrillers. Inception on the other hand is pretty much a milestone movie for its genre.

mr. nails
10-18-2010, 10:01 AM
Red - 2010

i liked it a little more than i thought i would. i thought it was entertaining and i never got bored. the weeds chic is mildly cute and i liked karl urban as well. most of the characters he's played i've dug. i think it's prob cuz i'm partial to DOOM! like stated be4 hand it's silly and not professional @ all, but i was ok with that. i was just looking for an easy going movie be4 my siesta kicked in and this was it. minus mr. urban i like malkoviches character the most. wished they would had did a little more with him. spy/comedy with LOTS of bullets and mild humor. telephone calls, a stuffed pig and a screaming time bomb. 7/10

10-18-2010, 03:10 PM
Sherlock Holmes (the new BBC version).Saw the first episode and it was good,so definitely will watch the rest of the season as well (its just 4 episodes including the unaired pilot).I dint get bored and the acting was pretty good as well.(sarcasms are really good :P).Its not easy to recreate a classic into an atmosphere of the modern world with gadgets and stuff and the first episode centers around solving the case by linking with mobile,gps etc and lol at Dr.Watson writing a blog for his cure and Sherlock has a site for himself hehe and
uncertainity surrounding whether sherlock is gay or not lol.

10-19-2010, 06:37 PM
Shutter Island.
I liked it a lot but it is not near as good as Inception. I read a lot of reviews where these movies were compared and ranked about the same. In my opinion they are not even close. Shutter island is a good movie with great story, directing, music and acting. But it is just that - a good movie, a good psychological thriller, one in a line of many other good thrillers. Inception on the other hand is pretty much a milestone movie for its genre.

I really liked Shutter island so inception must be really good:o

10-19-2010, 07:03 PM
uncertainity surrounding whether sherlock is gay or not lol.

No Holmes is not gay but since most British actors are ,sometimes it's hard to differentiate.

Funny most are Gay but very few are happy .Language irony.

10-19-2010, 07:12 PM
Vampire Suck

Let's just put it this way.....it should be illigal to make your movie even worse then the movie your making fun off!

10-20-2010, 05:51 PM
uncertainity surrounding whether sherlock is gay or not lol.

No Holmes is not gay but since most British actors are ,sometimes it's hard to differentiate.

Funny most are Gay but very few are happy .Language irony.
Need to stay away from Brits is the gist of what you are saying right?I dint know you were a racist Idoleyes :shifty:

Saw The prestige,I had the DVD for sooo long and I dint get myself around watching it,dont know why.While organising the CDs and DVDs,I found it there waiting to be seen :P.TBH I really dont have anything particular to say,I mean its a good movie,deserves all the high ratings an all but dunno I dont get excited or amazed anymore by the twists in the end or how the movie supposedly tries to be "clever".Maybe its because after watching lots of TV series/Movies of the same type,stereotypes wont entertain you anymore?

But I really liked leaves of grass.It had no particular direction or plot But Edward Norton's acting was really good,He just acts brilliantly imo.The movie was really enjoyable to watch.

10-22-2010, 09:29 PM
The Social Network 8.5/10

Surprised more people haven't seen/written about it yet. Probably the biggest movie yet barring the over glorified action movie that is Inception.

Really nothing too much to complain initially. Great, fast paced dialog and action reminiscent of Sorkin's work with The West Wring. Clever, witty, entertaining, and a pure joy to watch. "Winklevii" was easily the best line of the entire movie. Sheer brilliance . :lol:

I do have to walk away with one complaint though. The ending didn't really leave me completely satisfied. It was difficult to put my finger on exactly what it was, but I simply was expecting a little more. Maybe I'm a little crazy but the ending just lacked closure. Maybe it was done on purpose (and considering who wrote it it probably was), but I just didn't really like it wrapped things up. It just ended. Just like that.

And then there's all the factual inaccuracies and exaggerations made in order to spice up the movie (the fact that I was actually motivated enough to do some serious digging up on what actually happened speaks leaps and bounds about how engaged I was with the movie), but that's Hollywood eh?

10-22-2010, 11:28 PM
Piranha - 2010

lol, i thought this was a lot better than expected. so much blood and bones! i loved that part of the film and of course there wasn't much else to this but the gore factor which was fine by me. this in fact was a worthy remake imo. nothing like seeing a human being torn apart in seconds by flesh craved "extinct" fish. they left the ending open for a sequel. i'll definitely be checking that out too. if u wanna see countless bodies torn apart limb by limb this is ur movie! red water, wet tits and great scotts! 7.5/10

Purina Piranha

OK I know that it's suppose to be camp not Cocteau and even if I didn't realize that going in that I think the fish burping up the penis would have pretty much given it away but seriously Purina Piranha is underwhelming in a truly overwhelming sort of way.

Given the majority of "characters" in something like this are meant to be little more than comic relief or fodder but even the alleged main characters were so pencil -thin not for a moment can you tell me that you actually cared about any of them?

I mean the teen-age boy( see I can't even remember his name a day later) what did you know about him other than had a crush on some girl that had been presumably "away" and the sheriff/mom ,would it have killed someone to write in 30 seconds of back story for her?

OK right you disagree and don't care it isn't that "kind" of movie but weren't the touted "set pieces " like the big massacre and the sinking yacht ,to quote a notably better writer " full of sound and fury,signifying nothing".

Lots of extras ( in the case of the massacre) flapping their arms and screaming but besides for a couple of ludicrous "kills" - note to director if your hair is caught in a propeller your face doesn't get pulled off you head gets sucked into the blades :mellow: you can't actually sit their and tell me that much actually happened.
Did you see anyone get eaten by a fish ..uhh no .I think in a movie about people -eating fishes that would have been high on the FXs guys list of priorities but I guess not.
Also the gore :mellow: frankly I've seen more gruesome things after running a couple miles in ill-fitting shoes.

Also the "torn apart" bit how come fishes can ( as with the case of the topless para-sailor) chew through bone?

In a nut-shell for a gory, sexy,campy movie surprising goreless ( apparently no one has internal organs), non -sexy ( a younger Kelly Brock was far sexier in a notably worse movie -Three) but it was campy but then again so was Plan 9 from Outer Space.

Really and I sound like a broken record here but I don't know what is wrong with these people that they are seemingly unable to adhere to the slimmest principles of movies- you know characterization , plot ,that sort of foolishness.
Even lacking that at least have something actually ...happen or maybe a real ending would be nice .


10-24-2010, 08:03 PM
How to train your dragon 9/10
my fav 3 animated: toy story 3, up, and ^

10-25-2010, 01:14 PM
How to train your dragon 9/10
my fav 3 animated: toy story 3, up, and ^

I feel honoured that this humble section merited consideration in your spam posting quest for a BMTV invite.
Open Range (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0316356/) (2003)

Kevin Costner,Robert Duvall ,Annette Benning ,an angry Irish guy( aren't they all) and the fat guy from ER.
A group/team/fellowship? of "free-grazing" cattlemen come up against a greedy land-baron and after much ado a whole lot of whop-ass.

Anyway surprising to see it rated so highly on IMDB since both all of Costner's strengths and weaknesses as a director are evident here - the languid pacing, the almost over-attention to detail , the desire to make the "heroes" so sympathetic that all reality is thrown out the window. There is also though his incredible outdoor shots and his eerily spot- on casting . Not to mention his ( and Duval's) inherent likability.

I said that it was surprising to see it so highly rated but I totally understand the reasoning though ,I feel somewhat so inclined myself .Values are simple here and the "good" guys have rarely been so deserving of emulation .A man's got to do what's right and if that gets him killed then so be it - all he asks for is a bit of chocolate and a good cigar to make the prospect go down a little easier first.

Anyway I really ,really like this movie but it's still not that great 7.1 maybe.
It( and Costner ) desires to be epic but it's much to slow moving and stilted to truly measure up.
Nonetheless if you like either Westerns ( there is a pretty good and unconventional shootout near the end ) or simple virtues still definitely worth a watch not to mention that it's 50 times better than the recent 3:10 to Yuma which inexplicably rates even higher.
And it's all done without a mean bone in it's body.

10-25-2010, 02:48 PM
dear john

10-25-2010, 03:09 PM
Dear John I am leaving you because you are a spastic that can't read.

10-25-2010, 05:27 PM
good movie i give it 7.5 from 10 on my moviemeter
good drama with kind of weak plot but it's good . Michael Douglas is a master as always "i luv this guy no wonder he is married to this hottie from alias" and shea is working hard as always .
recommend to watch

10-25-2010, 05:30 PM
Michael Douglas is a master as always "i luv this guy no wonder he is married to this hottie from alias" and shea is working hard as always .

That would be Catherine Zeta-Jones of Zorro/Chicago fame as opposed Jennifer Garner of Alias who is married to Ben Alleck.

10-25-2010, 05:36 PM
thanks for correction but it's hot too :)

10-25-2010, 05:37 PM
Yes it is

You're talking about Ben Alleck right?

10-25-2010, 05:44 PM
no catherine zeta jones

10-25-2010, 06:08 PM
Oh well Casey is hotter anyway.:(

10-25-2010, 06:26 PM
Saw Chloe.Was a nice timepass.Whacked wife,Whacked son and Whacked family.Wifey thinks husband is cheating so she hires a prostitute to "make sure" he is indeed cheating then she goes onto to have sex with her.There is a surprise in the end of the story though.
She's a lesbian

10-25-2010, 06:47 PM
Saw Chloe.Was a nice timepass.Whacked wife,Whacked son and Whacked family.Wifey thinks husband is cheating so she hires a prostitute to "make sure" he is indeed cheating then she goes onto to have sex with her.There is a surprise in the end of the story though.
She's a lesbian

Freud understands your use of the word whack to describe this movie.

10-26-2010, 06:04 AM
The Town 9.5/10 Great movie. Just like Heat :D

mr. nails
10-26-2010, 02:32 PM
The Town 9.5/10 Great movie. Just like Heat :D

9.5 and like heat?


i'm there then!

10-26-2010, 07:02 PM
Cats and Dogs The Revenge of Kitty Galore 2010

10-27-2010, 05:05 AM
Winter's Bone
For most of us, this film might as well be science fiction, the people and culture are as alien as the Borg.

Set in present day Appalachia, Winter's Bone follows Ree, the 17 year old daughter of a missing crank cook, as she searches for her father.
He has put their house up as collateral on a bond and after missing his court date, Ree, her sick mother and younger brother and sister are about to be evicted.
Ree has to either find him or prove he's dead to save their land.

No fat, happy rednecks here, these folks are tough as rawhide and live by a very strict code which Ree must navigate to save what's left of her family.

It's a harrowing and breathtaking movie, beautifully acted and presented and would pair perfectly with last year's Frozen River.
Not exactly a fun double feature but rewarding nonetheless.

10-29-2010, 08:50 AM
A couple of days ago I finally managed to go to the movies and watch the latest Resident Evil. What a joke! I have always been a huge fan of the RE series but that one was definitely the worst piece of c*** they've produced so far. Not that the films have ever been very logical, but this time it really seems like the screenplay writers have been thinking with their a***s instead of their brains.
I want my money back!

10-29-2010, 04:01 PM
law abiding citizen
it is amazing

10-29-2010, 05:31 PM
Black Sheep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sheep_(1996_film)) - Chris Farley getting hurt over and over meh.No real comedy here...5/10

Jeepers Creepers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_(2001_film)) - Good movie with an excellent creep factor.They also do a good job of keeping "The Creeper" mysterious.7/10

Jeepers Creepers 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_2) - We know all about the bad guy now and hes not scary any more.Not even close to the original.The film also gets annoying at times, Like when the almost kill him like 5 times.The only part i liked was the ending.6/10

10-29-2010, 07:54 PM
Black Sheep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sheep_(1996_film)) - Chris Farley getting hurt over and over meh.No real comedy here...5/10

Jeepers Creepers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_(2001_film)) - Good movie with an excellent creep factor.They also do a good job of keeping "The Creeper" mysterious.7/10

Jeepers Creepers 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_2) - We know all about the bad guy now and hes not scary any more.Not even close to the original.The film also gets annoying at times, Like when the almost kill him like 5 times.The only part i liked was the ending.6/10

Jeepers Creepers sets up so well but then Justin Long goes down the pipe and things get a little too "inventive" after that .Very atmospheric though and the first one,though far from perfect (could have done without the psychic all together) certainly was decent enough to warrant a sequel ..........just not that sequel.

10-29-2010, 11:51 PM
The Social Network


10-31-2010, 01:08 AM
from beijing with love


11-01-2010, 12:32 PM
was average movie

11-01-2010, 02:47 PM
Lottery Ticket ... is a good comedy .. above average 9/10

11-01-2010, 07:59 PM
Black Sheep (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Sheep_(1996_film)) - Chris Farley getting hurt over and over meh.No real comedy here...5/10

Jeepers Creepers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_(2001_film)) - Good movie with an excellent creep factor.They also do a good job of keeping "The Creeper" mysterious.7/10

Jeepers Creepers 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_2) - We know all about the bad guy now and hes not scary any more.Not even close to the original.The film also gets annoying at times, Like when the almost kill him like 5 times.The only part i liked was the ending.6/10

Jeepers Creepers sets up so well but then Justin Long goes down the pipe and things get a little too "inventive" after that .Very atmospheric though and the first one,though far from perfect (could have done without the psychic all together) certainly was decent enough to warrant a sequel ..........just not that sequel.

Jeepers Creepers 3: Cathedral (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_3:_Cathedral) lets hope its good.

11-01-2010, 08:27 PM
If there was any doubt simply by looking at his picture 56690
the director of this and the previous two is a convicted pedophile.:mellow:

11-01-2010, 09:19 PM
All For The Winner - 9/10

11-01-2010, 10:05 PM
The Hole DVDRip 8/10

11-01-2010, 11:27 PM
Unthinkable with Samuel L. Jackson...LOVED IT!!! :)

11-01-2010, 11:40 PM
takashi miike "visitor q" :D

11-02-2010, 12:21 AM
Inception 9/10 :)

11-02-2010, 12:46 AM
Since no one is apparently willing to honour my request and kill me can I then respectfully request this thread be closed or if not closed then at least officially renamed "IdolEyes' Personal Hell " .

Thanking you in advance ,Lol etc. etc.

PS if neither is a possible is there a script that could be applied to disable numbers and smileys .
Failing that could you post a notice saying that if you don't bother/care to read what anyone else has written, are unable to grasp even the most basic of concepts ,have an exceedingly poor grasp of the English language and think that something like DVDrip,x264 or IMAGINE belongs in the description of a movie please proceed straight to the bt section were you will undoubtedly fit right in.
And bonus they probably won't even mind that you breathe through your mouth.


The Lovely Bones

Radically altered from the source novel removing much of the 'adult" material, but then again so was Jaws.

Anyway I can see why Time magazine named Saoirse Ronan's performance " as the 3rd greatest female performance of 2009 just behind Mo'Nique and 'Carey Mulligan', and ahead of Meryl Streep" as I was thoroughly mesmerized . The rest of the movie fails a little ,but only a little bit since it is determined by necessity to give a representation of the afterlife ,specifically "the in-between place"
That ( varying radically in vision from person to person)is a dodgy proposition at best .
Nonetheless Peter Jackson channels Guillermo del Toro with a smattering of Tarsem Singh and gives it his best shot.
On the rest of acting side of things Stanley Tucci is believable creepy in his limited screen time . The rest of the adult actors fail to make much of an impression as all the real emotion (and I got quite a lot ) come from the younger cast.

To summarize, by the traditional definition of the word I can't say that I really "enjoyed" this movie ,dealing as it does with (largely) unresolved tragedy but in a broader sense I very much did.
It got me thinking about important things like mortality and how we should all be thankful , never bitter, for whatever short time we are given .
In that sense I got much more from "The Lovely Bones" than many movies that I've "enjoyed" more.

11-02-2010, 12:54 AM
Grown ups==> 4/10 for children in my opinion

11-02-2010, 12:02 PM
Fobbing Adam Sandler off on children qualifies as abuse, in my book.

11-02-2010, 01:33 PM
Adam Sandler films in descending order.

The Wedding Singer

Happy Gilmore
Anger Management


Funny People
Billy Madison
Eight Crazy Nights
Reign Over Me
The Waterboy
50 First Dates
Punch-Drunk Love
Big Daddy
Mr. Deeds
I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
The Longest Yard


Grown Ups
Little Nicky
Bedtime Stories

11-02-2010, 06:17 PM
Yes it is a kids movie.So watch it considering that.Try watching it with family instead of in front of your computers all lone.

11-03-2010, 12:55 PM
Even my inner eight year old hates Adam Sandler.

11-03-2010, 01:28 PM
Adam Sandler films as they mark descent levels in Hell.

what Idol said


11-04-2010, 01:19 PM
Recently i saw Hachiko: A Dog's Story.
Really great movie.
People who love animals gonna love it !!!

PS. Dangerous movie for people who cry easily. :P
My wife couldn't stop crying !!!

11-04-2010, 02:16 PM
Recently i saw Hachiko: A Dog's Story.
Really great movie.
People who love animals gonna love it !!!

PS. Dangerous movie for people who cry easily. :P
My wife couldn't stop crying !!!

I thought I wrote something about this ,maybe it was on another forum but whatever I can't find it.
Anyway I totally agree except for the part about people who love animals loving it.I didn't love it in the sense that ( although knowing the story) I wished for a better outcome but I found the movie to be incredibly affecting . Anyone -man ,women or other that doesn't force back a tear or two simply doesn't have a heart.

11-04-2010, 02:24 PM
Recently i saw Hachiko: A Dog's Story.
Really great movie.
People who love animals gonna love it !!!

PS. Dangerous movie for people who cry easily. :P
My wife couldn't stop crying !!!

I thought I wrote something about this ,maybe it was on another forum but whatever I can't find it.
Anyway I totally agree except for the part about people who love animals loving it.I didn't love it in the sense that ( although knowing the story) I wished for a better outcome but I found the movie to be incredibly affecting . Anyone -man ,women or other that doesn't force back a tear or two simply doesn't have a heart.
To be honest i had a simple tear too. :rolleyes:

But my wife got really sick with that movie !!!

11-04-2010, 02:32 PM
I actually thought about going out and buying one of those Akita Inu dogs afterward.
Until I saw how much they cost anyway. At that price the dog would have to get himself a job and buy his own food:mellow:

11-04-2010, 04:30 PM
come back africa (1959)
directed by lionel rogosin


i was so glad this has finally been released on DVD along with "on the bowery" and "good times, wonderful times" after watching a old VHS of "on the bowery" a few years ago.

this powerful 'semi-documentary' is a radical denunciation of apartheid and a painful testimony of black people's condition in south africa in the late fifties/early sixties.

lionel rogosin used people he met there as impromptu actors, playing their own roles for most of them. he had no option but to hide while directing his film since south-african government would have expelled him (and his wife) from the country. censor was very common at the time.

ps: for the record, lionel rogosin is the man who discovered miriam makeba and brought her to england where she became a famous singer.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0xSaleVB0 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui0xSaleVB0[/QUOTE])[/video]

11-05-2010, 06:35 AM
Dogs are killers.So i felt nothing really.The movie had other problems like being slow... (http://filesharingtalk.com/threads/131823-What-is-the-latest-movie-you-watched-and-what-did-you-think-of-it?p=3504994&viewfull=1#post3504994)

Inception (2010) - I did enjoy it.Saw no problems with the movie and did not find it hard to follow, Really.So i give it a seven.It would have been a eight but enough people are giving it nines so im knocking it down a bit.

11-05-2010, 07:07 AM
Jeepers Creepers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_(2001_film)) - Good movie with an excellent creep factor.They also do a good job of keeping "The Creeper" mysterious.7/10

Jeepers Creepers 2 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_2) - We know all about the bad guy now and hes not scary any more.Not even close to the original.The film also gets annoying at times, Like when the almost kill him like 5 times.The only part i liked was the ending.6/10

Could not agree more about your views on Jeepers Creepers 2. Let's see what the third (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_3:_Cathedral) one is like.

Hopefully Victor Salva has a higher budget and is a bit more inventive to have more than plastic dead manikins posing as dead bodies.

11-06-2010, 05:49 PM
get him to greek
very vice comedy and i laughed a lot when i noticed that it was the same character from forgetting Sarah marshell

11-06-2010, 10:47 PM
Could not agree more about your views on Jeepers Creepers 2. Let's see what the third (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeepers_Creepers_3:_Cathedral) one is like.

Hopefully Victor Salva has a higher budget and is a bit more inventive to have more than plastic dead manikins posing as dead bodies.
Its amazing what people can get away with, If they are rich.Molesting a 12 year old and filming it to just get 15 months:/ But w/e!

Winter's Bone (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winter's_Bone) - Nice movie that kept me interested most of the time.I guess this is how it happens some times in the country side.7/10

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Pilgrim_vs._the_World) - Kind of reminds me of crank but like...to the extreme.I can see why people would like it but it was not for me i figure, Too much garage music.6/10

mr. nails
11-07-2010, 07:23 AM
Scott Pilgrim vs the World - 2010

i too just finished this and i liked it. from the same director as shaun of the dead and hot fuzz so i can see why i liked it. both of those films were great. i don't care for michael cera at all and this movie wasn't an exception, but somehow it worked. basically a broken heart comedy love story of sorts. lots of cute chics in this film and the video game theme thing that's going on was different and it kept it interesting (for me). it'll be worth another watch later down the road. ninja ddr, biff,bam,pows, and coin rewards. 7/10

11-07-2010, 01:34 PM
Shanghai blues (1984) Tsui hark


my rating 8/10

Very entertaining comedy with twisted plot. This is one of Tsui Hark most enjoyable, accomplished motion pictures. :) Plus, i like the soundtrack too, 80s Chinese songs

11-08-2010, 01:42 PM
Even my inner eight year old hates Adam Sandler.


Sandler's always had the same old shtick ( Man-child hooks up with woman several miles out of his league - It has evolved a bit to include the requisite family/ kids as he's gotten older but if anything the kids only fill screen time and add nothing to the intrinsic "comedy" ) but lately - lately being for like the last decade - he's mailing it in so badly that people should boycott his movies just on principle.

Formula for a Sandler movie . Quest for hot babe , add to the mix even more moronic friends , a couple of annoying kids , maybe dog, say poopie and ball sack a few times and end it with Sandler discovering something about himself just in time to save the day.
Now give me a million dollars because I just wrote his next movie and with just as much depth and funny parts as his last one.

Btw I'm all for having hot babes in movies but Brooklyn Decker's acting in that trailer is just embarrassing and with zero chance of her showing her tits as reward for putting up with that much lack of talent , truly pointless.

Small mercy at least Rob Scheider doesn't appear to be in it.

11-08-2010, 01:50 PM
^You can do that with almost every movie.Watch...Try it.

11-08-2010, 03:06 PM
I tried to do it with Pi but I didn't' have much success.

11-08-2010, 07:37 PM
I saw Shutter Island recently. A stunning thriller that requires multiple viewings.

11-10-2010, 01:56 AM
The last Airbender and I think they pretty much took the original series and threw it in the trash.

11-10-2010, 02:31 PM
3 idiots 2010, great story about 3 friends, specially amir khan is pretty awsome

11-10-2010, 05:43 PM
Inception, I liked it a lot was very good. and I agree with Ashhal The Last Airbender was the cartoon minus the cartood :<

11-10-2010, 06:30 PM
Grown Ups 6/10 - I thought this movie will be horrible but it was pretty good! Had a few good laughs!

11-10-2010, 09:42 PM
Stone (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stone_(2010_film)) -Has to be the worst movie of the year for me.Fuck this was bad!And Edward Norton is in my top five list of actors.

11-10-2010, 09:57 PM
Of course the other four are David Hasselhoff,Rob Schneider, Steven Seagal and Larry the Cable Guy so that's not necessarily saying much.

11-10-2010, 10:31 PM
1. Johnny Depp
2. Leonardo DiCaprio
3. Christian Bale
4. Edward Norton
5. Jason Statham

All hunks:wub:

11-10-2010, 11:35 PM

I'm laughing with you as opposed to the usual .

Check out the guy in this gif from Raquel McAdams new movie Morning Glory.
If he doesn't make you want to sit through an hour and and half of unfunny muck I don't know what will.


mr. nails
11-11-2010, 05:52 AM

i'd bury my face in her brown eye, but that's just me.

11-11-2010, 10:20 AM
I have just watch transporter and iron man2.its aweson dude........

11-12-2010, 01:03 AM
Mommie Dearest (1981) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mommie_Dearest_(film))- The movie seems like a lots of random scenes put together.In all, Going on for two hours.I am just glad i do not have a mother like this.I've only seen one Joan Crawford film (Mildred Pierce) so i dont know much about her but the movie makes her look like a bitch.6/10

11-12-2010, 12:00 PM
Inception - masterpiece. Without any doubt, best movie of the year.

11-12-2010, 12:34 PM
Cop Out has go to be one of the shittest movies of the year. There was no serious plot just jumping back and forth in no order, there was little to no comedy (don't know why it was advertised as such). Even the racist slurs were pathetic.

Who can fuck up racial comedy?

Besides, the concept has already been done and much more successful - Rush Hour.

11-12-2010, 12:52 PM
Cop Out has go to be one of the shittest movies of the year. There was no serious plot just jumping back and forth in no order, there was little to no comedy (don't know why it was advertised as such). Even the racist slurs were pathetic.

Who can fuck up racial comedy?

Besides, the concept has already been done and much more successful - Rush Hour.

http://media.thestar.topscms.com/images/13/18/26c20d2942698926376ceb4a5c53.jpeg (http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/movies/columnists/94608--howell-peter) By Peter Howell (http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/movies/columnists/94608--howell-peter) Movie Critic

Open letter to Kevin Smith, disgruntled filmmaker:
I understand you’re furious about the critical drubbing that your recent movie Cop Out received. So much so that you’ve been ranting on Twitter about how you’re going to get back at all those ink-stained hacks who vex you so much.
You want to start charging critics to see your movies, instead of getting “free” advance looks at them. To me, and to many of my fellow critics, your idea sounds like being asked to pay to perform jury duty. We consider it neither honour nor privilege to see your movies. I wish I’d had an excellent excuse to avoid having to see Cop Out, which already tops my list as the worst film of 2010.
And for the record, there is no such thing as a “free” movie for a critic. Anything that involves writing on a notepad in the dark and thinking about what you’re going to say about it afterwards isn’t playtime. It’s work.
Here’s how much I hated Cop Out, your foul, unfunny and ultimately sad excuse for entertainment starring a cheque-cashing Bruce Willis and the desperately hopeless Tracy Morgan. Prior to seeing it, I always thought that a single star rating was enough to indicate a truly bad movie. The Star didn’t have a rating lower than that.
But Cop Out convinced me that it was possible to be worse than one star. It was unfair to so many one-star movies to be considered equal to a ten-megaton bomb like Cop Out.
So I asked The Star’s software gurus to create a half star rating for Cop Out. You may take some pride in knowing that The Toronto Star’s new half-star rating was inspired by your work. If future movies descend to the depths reached by Cop Out, they too, can have the half-star of shame.

11-12-2010, 12:59 PM
Ouch. That has some sting on it. :lol:

11-14-2010, 09:54 AM
Paranormal Activity (2007) - I did not take the covers advice and i watched it alone in the dark:O ... I don't think this movie would be scary even if i had a real demon problem.:dry:I don't have anything against this movie but it does talk a lot of shit, like claiming people were passing out and throwing up in the theaters.If you want to see the best parts just youtube night 18 and 20.The ending did take me by surprise tho:whistlingsix/ten

11-14-2010, 07:46 PM
I agree with you on PA, ziggy. The great thing, and the greatest failing, of this kind of movie is that all the really spooky stuff plays out in the imagination of the audience. When it comes time for the movie to compete with that, they are doomed to meet with disappointment. We want the thing that has held our attention to meet/exceed our expectations, but special effects cannot do what we hope.

Granted, the ending (I assume you saw the same version I did- there were 2 or 3) was interesting. All in all, I thought they did a better job (no nausea-inducing camera spins) than Blair Witch.

Nice jobs on your recent reviews, z!

11-14-2010, 08:54 PM

11-16-2010, 05:58 AM
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 (http://filesharingtalk.com/nzbs/movies/xvid/16429-Harry-Potter-and-the-Deathly-Hallows-Part-1-DVDSCR-READNFO-ONLY-36MINS-Xvid-T0XiC), was a little short :P

11-16-2010, 10:34 AM
MACHETE!!! Simply awesome! When I watched the bowel scene I just couldn't stop laughing

11-16-2010, 12:50 PM
I honestly can't remember. I saw Cop Out a long time ago, and I can't remember what else since then. I thought it could have been a lot better.

I am really looking forward to Scream 4, though.

11-16-2010, 03:24 PM
Black Death 2010 : hmmm... nice

11-16-2010, 09:00 PM
I am really looking forward to Scream 4, though.

Scream (1996) - This is now my second or even first favorite horror film besides halloween, Which they feature in this movie.Nothing was cheesy and thats what i look for in a horror.Also i like how they explain how other horror movies follow a formula then they don't follow it.9/10

Piranha 3D (2010) - Movie sucks.Throw some porn stars as bikini wearing mtv chicks and kill them with piranhas.6/10

11-18-2010, 04:49 AM
last movie i did saw is "Irom man 2" and it was awosome frnds:)

11-20-2010, 08:30 AM

Shogun Assassin (1980) - Ninja sword movie about a guy on a mission to get revenge for the killing of his wife, Along side his son.The son narrates the whole movie and is one of the best elements of it.He has a very raspy and saddened voice for some someone that sounds maybe 7 or so.Theres also tons of blood and the chopping of limbs.Very good stuff.It would be an eight star rating but the film is only a hour and a half.7 1/2

11-20-2010, 10:50 AM
True Romance

I think this one's a bit overrated, like everything with Tarantino attached to it. That doesn't mean it's a bad movie, though. There are a few great dialogues, a nice shooting scen with feathers (that's cool) and Patricia Arquette. Still it's no 7,9, it's more 7,1,1.

11-20-2010, 11:22 AM
I didn't understand why Inglorious Basterds was hyped so much. Only conclusion I found is that the Germans talk extremely fast compared to the French.

11-21-2010, 03:24 AM
Monsters (2010).

A NASA probe returning to Earth from Jupiter crashes in Mexico.
Six years later, northern Mexico is an "Infected Zone", the movies' two protagonists must cross this zone to safety in the US.

This is the anti-Bay monster film...very languid pace, very few encounters with the aliens.
In fact, outside of a few set-piece scenes that happen to include creatures, this is more like a "meet-weird" romcom than a traditional sci-fi film.

The main characters- some guy and a girl (apparently the only professional actors in this low budget movie)- are extremely irritating.
Way too much "What's that?" and "Why do they have guns?" stupidity...fer crissake, you're in the "Infected Zone" and you hear a weird howling noise, IT'S THE BLOODY ALIENS, YOU TWIT!

Outside of some obvious CGI, the movie is pretty realistic- the location scout should get bigger billing.
The acting is serviceable.
The screenplay is little more than a suggestion.

I was bored.
I'd recommend you skip it.

11-21-2010, 09:21 AM

11-21-2010, 01:19 PM
Inception. I'd tell you want I thought of it per the thread title and therefore make some, if little, point to my post but frankly I'm too (pick one) stupid,ignorant ,lazy ,in much of a hurry to access the trade/invite section to really care

If nothing else I admire your honesty .

11-24-2010, 03:24 AM
Hancock - cool movie with nice effects.make me laugh at times and stuff.I'd recommend it.

11-24-2010, 02:04 PM
Hancock - cool movie with nice effects.make me laugh at times and stuff.I'd recommend it.
The fact that if degenerated into mythological nonsense that didn't make any sense wasn't a deal buster?
"And stuff" is that when Charlize Theron was on screen ?

11-24-2010, 02:24 PM
well it almost was.But i had the will to look past it.

11-25-2010, 09:14 AM
Idol do you like any movies?

11-25-2010, 01:38 PM
Lots and lots and lots .Trouble is ,as with most things here and for nobodies fault , I find that my tastes just don't fall in line with the norm. I tend to like movies that are uplifting and people of a certain age, if online forums are any indication, seem to gravitate to darker themes since they ( presumably, at least that's what psychiatric community say) gravitate towards things that reflect the darkness in their own lives and as well as the fact they are still dealing with coming to grips with mortality .
As for comedies it's usually more of a "been there,done that" in infinitely better movies sort of situation .Some movies I don't like because they are simply indefeasibly bad though . Transformers

But about Handcawk you disagree then that the whole mythology bit was under-explained and over-done? I understand that the writer needed some "seed " to germinate the life or death situation of the climax but since this was otherwise more or less a children's/teen popcorn movie and not some deep exploration into the creation of heroes and myth ,I think a lot more straight forward ( or at least clearer) plot would have worked better.

Btw I never said that I didn't like the movie. I just didn't feel that part worked , as I also thought the whole part of going to prison ( butt up ass aside) was contrived and poorly done and ultimately pointless as well.

11-25-2010, 03:48 PM
i love transformers

11-25-2010, 06:06 PM
The last movie I watched was Scott Pilgrim VS the world... a very good and funny movie in my opinion, people that are familiar with PC/Console games will sure love it.

11-26-2010, 12:18 AM
Idol how old are you?:)

11-26-2010, 01:26 AM
Late teens early twenties if I remember correctly form one of his posts. Then again he initiated a flame war of which the user claimed he was 19.