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  1. Will my posting of this link be... (6 replies)
  2. Everyone will want to read this, I think... (2 replies)
  3. A poser for you (5 replies)
  4. Two different healthcare salespersons, for sure... (11 replies)
  5. In An Ecomonic Downturn... (11 replies)
  6. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi (7 replies)
  7. Dinner with Obama, a parable (18 replies)
  8. Can't we all just get along? (11 replies)
  9. What's the big deal? (37 replies)
  10. Poetic justice (0 replies)
  11. Birthers (2 replies)
  12. Need some help, here... (5 replies)
  13. I'm really starting to like this guy (5 replies)
  14. "Senator" Barbara Boxer... (6 replies)
  15. Obamacare (64 replies)
  16. Obama's transparency is sort of opaque (13 replies)
  17. Your Career Path (14 replies)
  18. Doesn't it all just go to shit (2 replies)
  19. Anyone care what's going on in Iran? (8 replies)
  20. Now, this guy is good... (15 replies)
  21. The Fourth Estate... (16 replies)
  22. Final destination (2 replies)
  23. Which of these characters is worse...YOUR opinion (8 replies)
  24. Air france flight 447.What do you think? (6 replies)
  25. Ontologically speaking, how can GOD be proven (153 replies)
  26. British MP's (29 replies)
  27. The most dangerous cities/neighbourhoods in the USA (13 replies)
  28. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (5 replies)
  29. EU and the Canadian Seal Hunt (6 replies)
  30. Secure vs. Burst Mode (FLAC) (2 replies)
  31. This is actually getting a tad worrisome... (13 replies)
  32. Harry Potter and the Zionst Conspiracy? (8 replies)
  33. Starbucks Boycott (9 replies)
  34. A wise man indeed (0 replies)
  35. Food: Genetic and Synthetic (1 replies)
  36. I'm very curious - what do you think of this? (8 replies)
  37. A slice of Americana... (6 replies)
  38. Well, then (15 replies)
  39. Obama Destroys America (42 replies)
  40. Here's an idea (39 replies)
  41. A lesson on why socialism never works (79 replies)
  42. Daniel Hannan... (6 replies)
  43. 2012 The End Of The World (25 replies)
  44. Bail them out? (22 replies)
  45. When did the D change in IDF? (0 replies)
  46. A Contender for Bushes "Biggest Nutter as Head of State" record.. (19 replies)
  47. Baby born with two penises (10 replies)
  48. Jacqui Smith (1 replies)
  49. Death penalty for white-collar crime? (45 replies)
  50. Steele flunks first "test" horribly (31 replies)
  51. So America is withdrawing from Iraq (30 replies)
  52. UK Piracy Laws ? (4 replies)
  53. Gee whiz, what do you think of this? (14 replies)
  54. Back in the late 70s... (6 replies)
  55. Uh-oh II... (24 replies)
  56. Uh-oh... (63 replies)
  57. Obama... (41 replies)
  58. peanuts take the 5th (6 replies)
  59. Obama Hates White People (19 replies)
  60. This 33-year-old woman... (60 replies)
  61. Congratulations, Michael Steele... (21 replies)
  62. Why "Jew"? (25 replies)
  63. Richard Dawkins is an idiot (8 replies)
  64. "Don't you hope Obama succeeds?" (90 replies)
  65. Got his ass kicked by a demented poodle (6 replies)
  66. Big Spender (37 replies)
  67. They Are Humans Too--No Comment (170 replies)
  68. greed (25 replies)
  69. Shame on you and god damn you! (161 replies)
  70. Please help feed the cats and dogs (2 replies)
  71. One company gets it right (9 replies)
  72. More candidates for a bailout (12 replies)
  73. Foxnews reaches a new low... (26 replies)
  74. Well how it feels ? (12 replies)
  75. Fix it... (1 replies)
  76. We are people of the screen (0 replies)
  77. A rant, used with permission (4 replies)
  78. Hoi, all you fans of the United Nations (30 replies)
  79. Should the American automakers... (68 replies)
  80. Free Magazine Help (1 replies)
  81. Barack Hussein Obama - 44th US President (56 replies)
  82. Sad (1 replies)
  83. If your Foetus is diagnosed with down syndrome do you Abort? (81 replies)
  84. The "Fairness Doctrine"? (4 replies)
  85. This guy is smarter than Palin? Or Obama? Or McCain? (55 replies)
  86. Relationship Help (18 replies)
  87. The London Daily Mail on Sarah Palin (15 replies)
  88. This is a surprising story... (54 replies)
  89. Why Hasn't Anyone Noticed This? (11 replies)
  90. Freddie and Fannie, circa 2004 (24 replies)
  91. Here's the problem, you see? (11 replies)
  92. A crash course in subprime mortgages. (11 replies)
  93. I Think... (27 replies)
  94. He's got lots of experience, though... (6 replies)
  95. Whoa, kinda H4R5H (10 replies)
  96. "Dilbert" on the candidates (3 replies)
  97. interactive quiz election blah (6 replies)
  98. Idiot Quote of the Century (29 replies)
  99. Windfall profits (re) defined (2 replies)
  100. Alex Jones Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement (3 replies)
  101. A fellow named Barack, pt. II (5 replies)
  102. A fellow named Barack is running for POTUS... (2 replies)
  103. Wow Some Repubs Just Spin and Spin and Spin (24 replies)
  104. Hurricane Gustav... (6 replies)
  105. A Lady by the name of... (184 replies)
  106. The dope /math on "wind"-farms (7 replies)
  107. Musharraf steps down (11 replies)
  108. Americans are not.... (34 replies)
  109. What do you... (24 replies)
  110. Explaining Death to a kid. (5 replies)
  111. above ground pools (4 replies)
  112. Can my car tow it? (5 replies)
  113. Russia and Georgia... (28 replies)
  114. Food for thought? (10 replies)
  115. It appears blowjobs are still more important (14 replies)
  116. I leave for europe in less than 2 weeks. (11 replies)
  117. U$ National Debt (12 replies)
  118. Alternate fuels? (21 replies)
  119. In Defense of Hurricanes (15 replies)
  120. Bastarding banks (9 replies)
  121. ...and your heroes (110 replies)
  122. Is this your hero? (14 replies)
  123. Threat of death and expulsion for stealing a bit of bread (10 replies)
  124. A question about pish samples (17 replies)
  125. Obama's real patriotism problem (26 replies)
  126. A King is dead (3 replies)
  127. Muslims attack Christians in Egypt (35 replies)
  128. Why aren't we talking about... (18 replies)
  129. Now MSNBC has no redeeming value whatsoever (1 replies)
  130. University Cheaters (2 replies)
  131. Do you have homosexual friends/relatives?! (40 replies)
  132. I knew he was American, but... (9 replies)
  133. I have decided to run... (14 replies)
  134. A wolf in sheep's clothing - McCain (4 replies)
  135. Just another snapshot of American politics (21 replies)
  136. Umm, is this correct/fair/acceptable? (15 replies)
  137. What is wrong with the justice system in the US? (6 replies)
  138. Golan Heights (47 replies)
  139. What you've always wanted to know about india, but didn't know whom to ask... (35 replies)
  140. Homeland Security Scraps Virtual Fence Along Arizona-Mexico Border (10 replies)
  141. Earn money selling what you say. Ether.com (2 replies)
  142. Should we Americans care what the world thinks of us? (62 replies)
  143. Are art students useless (12 replies)
  144. Global warming questioned by U.N. agency!!!! (11 replies)
  145. The world without us! (4 replies)
  146. Can infertility be caused as a result of rape? (18 replies)
  147. Barack's Speech (17 replies)
  148. The truth about America's "health-care crisis"... (29 replies)
  149. Last nights shooting in Jerusalem (5 replies)
  150. Thinking about going on a trip to Europe.. (20 replies)
  151. Bob Geldof reveals the horrible truth about Bush (12 replies)
  152. I bet FACT are reading this... (1 replies)
  153. William Frank Buckley, Jr.; RIP (2 replies)
  154. Why weren't they shot ? (62 replies)
  155. What's wrong with using Stem Cells? (9 replies)
  156. Leaked RIAA Training Video: Find Pirates, Find Crack-Dealing Terrorist Murderers Too! (10 replies)
  157. Green Tax (3 replies)
  158. Anyone been reading the news lately? (6 replies)
  159. What are your thoughts on this? (5 replies)
  160. I could do with some help writing a quick paper about some questions I got.. (10 replies)
  161. She didn't choose abortion? (26 replies)
  162. Hey, Busyman... (16 replies)
  163. Faux News Is Shit! (20 replies)
  164. justice (10 replies)
  165. Ten most corrupt politicians in the U.S. (29 replies)
  166. cheapest car in the world - 2500$ (31 replies)
  167. about life and the twists and turns... (15 replies)
  168. A request to someone who is good in physics (9 replies)
  169. Drugs are bad m'kay (24 replies)
  170. Free DVD (0 replies)
  171. Votemus.us - Mexico decides (0 replies)
  172. Becoming a Marine (21 replies)
  173. Benazir Bhutto assassinated (50 replies)
  174. Help with chemistry please.. (3 replies)
  175. Urine test for welfare? (84 replies)
  176. Help me with this anti-Clinton paper (12 replies)
  177. Terry Pratchett (2 replies)
  178. My, she's sure of herself, isn't she (11 replies)
  179. In other news... (0 replies)
  180. UK Census (22 replies)
  181. Another way to look at Liberal Bias (4 replies)
  182. Spook stories (1 replies)
  183. Immoral Passivity (19 replies)
  184. Zero G sex (20 replies)
  185. seriously? (10 replies)
  186. How can there be any justification for this utter nonsense! (28 replies)
  187. Modern Day Mandingoism? (5 replies)
  188. What is Energy? (25 replies)
  189. Most people don't believe this really happens, but... (2 replies)
  190. Patio Heaters (13 replies)
  191. I found myself... (10 replies)
  192. Revisionist Santa from Sydney (12 replies)
  193. Iranian nukes (16 replies)
  194. Comparing a modest proposal to the bush admistration (7 replies)
  195. PrivatePhone free accts. ENDS 12/15/2007 (0 replies)
  196. Scottish Independence (31 replies)
  197. Do you want more Courage... (2 replies)
  198. People Are Human-Bacteria Hybrid (6 replies)
  199. UFO saga flies again: NASA searches 1965 files (4 replies)
  200. Satire Articles (11 replies)
  201. this german think marriage should expire (8 replies)
  202. is america over medicated? (12 replies)
  203. a bit fucked up, your opinion? (56 replies)
  204. Kick Out The Jammies (9 replies)
  205. religion is lies (24 replies)
  206. Bush and The Dalai Lama -The Highest American Award ! (21 replies)
  207. "The Willow and goul" by The Vergent Tallion. (31 replies)
  208. If these two guys can change... (1 replies)
  209. A couple of days ago there was a tragic... (12 replies)
  210. The Ten "Cannots" (13 replies)
  211. Grandfather donates sperm (1 replies)
  212. Thousands Massacred in Burma... Monks Dumped in the Jungle (27 replies)
  213. Former NBA star Isaiah Thomas... (5 replies)
  214. We wont remember this year. (5 replies)
  215. Do you get seasonal allergies? (37 replies)
  216. Oppression of pastafarians (12 replies)
  217. (Candidates) Who Interests you the most? (67 replies)
  218. Hilary has something stuck... (12 replies)
  219. The Jena 6 (17 replies)
  220. The Armenian genocide, redux. (4 replies)
  221. China (32 replies)
  222. Are you a racist? (105 replies)
  223. College (8 replies)
  224. Death In Custody (5 replies)
  225. Piggy Backing (5 replies)
  226. car buying advice- 1996 accord (16 replies)
  227. Parents Abuse , Mental , Physical, Please Help -- This is neotheone (47 replies)
  228. Moose aren't humans, so it doesn't count... (5 replies)
  229. Click Everyday to donate food to chronically poor Indians (31 replies)
  230. foul language (83 replies)
  231. Retarded Society (22 replies)
  232. A Buddhist Nation instead of a Christian Nation (53 replies)
  233. Owens Corning Basement Finishing System (15 replies)
  234. Silly Internet Policing... (3 replies)
  235. "Travel is the enemy of bigotry and prejudice." (12 replies)
  236. outside schools (37 replies)
  237. @mievmo-why people hate Israel thing- (107 replies)
  238. Iraqi oil to Israel (23 replies)
  239. Brown and Bush... (22 replies)
  240. youtube style questioning. (0 replies)
  241. Inside the surge (1 replies)
  242. If you're voting in the US primaries... (4 replies)
  243. Methods for Increasing your Intelligence (14 replies)
  244. Vacation (10 replies)
  245. So me and the familia are going to the US for a vacation (23 replies)
  246. Some "surprising" polling information about... (18 replies)
  247. A question about Louisiana politicians (10 replies)
  248. Another view on multiculturalism (22 replies)
  249. Another Holier than Thou Republican Discredited (14 replies)
  250. A question about the blind (7 replies)