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05-30-2010, 08:39 AM
Just completed "The Crazies" 6/10
Same old concept. 28 days later and 28 weeks later were much much better

05-30-2010, 02:05 PM
kakothikavila appoppan thadi

:w00t: Excellent choise

05-30-2010, 03:33 PM
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time 8/10

mr. nails
05-31-2010, 09:11 AM
Shrek: 4eva after - 2010

meh, just another shrek film. it was ok and something to watch. i'm sure the kids will like this. 6/10

Robin Hood - 2010

starring the gladiator and a couple other familiar faces in this rehash tale of robin of the hood. tbh, i found this boring and i thought kevin costners version was better. i liked the raw gritty film style, but it just seemed to be missing anything to make this any good. angry woodsmen, lots of arrows and shaved heads. 4.5/10

05-31-2010, 11:35 AM
Robin Hood - 2010

starring the gladiator and a couple other familiar faces in this rehash tale of robin of the hood. tbh, i found this boring and i thought kevin costners version was better. i liked the raw gritty film style, but it just seemed to be missing anything to make this any good. angry woodsmen, lots of arrows and shaved heads. 4.5/10

Wasn't Crowe way to old for a Robin Hood Begins kind of thing? More like an age were there should be making a Robin Hood Ends?

05-31-2010, 04:43 PM
Alice in wonderland 2010

05-31-2010, 06:05 PM
Iron man 2 8/10

05-31-2010, 09:01 PM
I dont like old movies mch

06-02-2010, 02:23 PM
Shoppping (1994)

06-02-2010, 03:41 PM
Once more into the breach......:dabs:

Please do not use this thread to spam for the express purpose of increasing your post count.


Not to demean anyone but I edited the thread title to read as it does because no one really wants to hear that you watched such and such movie.The whole point is to say something about it so that either
a. others have an opportunity to give their comparative thoughts on the movie and agreeing or dissenting opinions are given and we are all richer for it
or b. people haven't seen the movie but (hopefully) will get some idea if the film might be something that they are interested in checking out for themselves.

Imagine if in real life someone said to you "I'm thinking about buying a Toyota,what's your opinion of the car ?" and you look them in the eye, give adequate pause for dramatic effect and to make sure that you have their undivided attention and reply ...."Toyota" .
Fuck even if it's blue at least say green or something.

And no 7/10 doesn't count,go back in the thread and learn why.

If you have nothing more to contribute than a title and a grade (8/10) with no context for anyone to knows what that truly means then please don't.

06-02-2010, 10:21 PM
kick ass

I await your first meaningful post which I'm sure will be in the trade section .Idiota

06-03-2010, 12:39 AM
10/10 but i don't remember the title.

06-03-2010, 03:07 AM
alice in wonderland

kid enjoyed it and i thought it was decent 7/10 for me i guess

06-03-2010, 12:49 PM
10/10 but i don't remember the title.

Could it have been 10?

Or 10 Things I Hate About You(appropriate)?
Or The Ten Commandments?
Or Ten Little Indians?
Or Hitler:The Last Ten Days?
Or Ten Inch Hero?
Or Ten to Midnight?
Or Ten Tall Men?
Or Ten Seconds to Hell?
Or The Whole Ten Yards ?

Or Monsieur Hire ?

Btw I watched Nine and 1/2 Weeks. I give it a 7.
But then I watched 8 1/2 which I gave a 9 1/2 followed by Nine which I strangely gave a 6.

06-03-2010, 10:48 PM
10/10 but i don't remember the title.



06-04-2010, 09:35 AM
Unthinkable ! 7.5/10

A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an FBI agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons sets to detonate in the U.S.

06-04-2010, 12:19 PM
Unthinkable ! 7.5/10

A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an FBI agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons sets to detonate in the U.S.

Unthinkable (2010) More at IMDbPro »


User Rating:

7.3/10 3,477 votes »

MOVIEmeter: http://i.media-imdb.com/images//help13x10.gif

Up 29,100% in popularity this week. See why on IMDbPro.


Gregor Jordan

Writer (WGA):

Peter Woodward (written by)


View company contact information for Unthinkable on IMDbPro.

Release Date:

1 July 2010 (Netherlands) See more »


Drama | Thriller See more »


Right and Wrong no longer exist See more »


A psychological thriller centered around a black-ops interrogator and an FBI agent who press a suspect terrorist into divulging the location of three nuclear weapons sets to detonate in the U.S. | Add synopsis »



06-04-2010, 02:15 PM
It looks like you are implying that kavros' post is plagiarized. If you look closely, you will see COMPLETELY different rating scores, AND k's does not say anything about synopsis. They are TOTALLY different- if k is a cheater, then I've got 5 years of high school to repeat!

06-04-2010, 04:42 PM
It looks like you are implying that kavros' post is plagiarized. If you look closely, you will see COMPLETELY different rating scores, AND k's does not say anything about synopsis. They are TOTALLY different- if k is a cheater, then I've got 5 years of high school to repeat!

^^Fired Up

Actually a happy coincidence.
Typical teen sex comedy with a lot of leering a modicum of heart and almost no sex.

Two horny( are there any other kind?) high school football players ( the glib one the "sensitive" one - wonder where that's going? ) ditch summer training camp to join the school cheer-leading squad at a cheer-leading "college" in the hopes of hooking up with as many girls as possible.
Along the way hearts are broken and won and lessons learned.
Absolutely cookie cutter but the main characters are likable and relatively well cast.

My main problem besides the total lack of suspense( one minute in you know how it is going to turn out ) is how PG the whole thing is.Given the premise you think Animal house but instead you get Sunday School .
That said mainly due to the cast a pleasant enough diversion if you have nothing better to do .

06-05-2010, 06:56 AM
Watched Hackers Wanted.Its a documentary about hackers(who have strong ethical values and does it for the thrill of understanding the underlying mechanisms and alerting the organisations the loop holes in their security).Specifically focused on Adrian(a hacker who will truly amaze you by his principles and Intelligence) and how people like him are wrongly accused and why the world needs more of people like him.If you are into these types of documentaries you will like "Hackers Wanted".Personally I rate it 9/10.Highly recommended.

RevolutionOS-Another documentary I watched today about the Open source initiative,the early hackers,linus trovalds,linux,the evolution of the internet and free open source softwares which rivals proprietary software and explains how whacked the security of close sourced softwares are.Focus on Eric Raymond,Richard StallMan and linus trovalds.It is inspiring to watch the stories of these people.Personally I rate it 10/10.

06-05-2010, 02:27 PM
Thanks, Aby, I will take a look at those very soon!

06-05-2010, 02:30 PM
Alice In Wonderland. It was shit.

That's all I have to say about that. :gump:

06-05-2010, 07:13 PM

06-05-2010, 07:29 PM
I thought the exact same thing about Pandorum but mine was even a more emphatic ......!!

06-07-2010, 03:31 AM
The Wolfman - UNRATED

Btw, this movie sucks! :sick:

06-07-2010, 06:24 AM
Watched "I love you Phillip Morris" Jim Carrey is always funny,so it´s watchable, not like dumb and dumber tho!

06-07-2010, 06:47 AM
Watched Avatar last night. I don't know what everyone was talking about when when they said it was just OK. I thought it rocked. :yup:

06-07-2010, 07:03 AM
Watched "Orphan".. was good but not that much engrossing or the horror/thriller type, which it was rated for (and a friend of mine personally insisted me to watch it). A bit letdown on my expectations. 7/10

mr. nails
06-07-2010, 09:42 AM
She's Out Of My League - 2010

just watched it twice. thought it was great. loved the comedy and Alice Eve (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1404408) is not only gorgeous, but seemed to always brighten up the room when she entered. i also thought Krysten Ritter (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1269983) looked good too (her pictures don't do her any justice). the comedy isn't crazy witty, but i thought it did an above decent job and it provided a lot of good chuckles. i'll watch it again later. pretty girls, heterosexual ball shavings & webbed toes. 7.5/10

Hot Tub Time Machine - 2010

i watched this mainly due to john cusack being in it, but being another comedy helped out too. i went into this thinking it was gonna be a very shitty film and believe it or not it wasn't quite 1/2 bad. i thought Rob Corddry (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1117791) stole the show. he's just a loud sarcastic asshole that made me laugh. i didn't even realize that Crispin Glover (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000417) was even in this so his welcome was a plus. this isn't something u should run to see, but if u don't have much else to do and need a laugh here or there check it out. meh. sex, drugs and a crazy hot tub. 5.5/10

Felon - 2008

i really liked this one. as soon as i started watching i was glued. loved the story and it's a rough one at that. prison life, corrupt cops and school yard fighting kept this one going strong until the end.


very low budget film, but why cost millions when it's pulled off right? imo great film! walt's dad, deacon frost & a fat huckleberry. 8.5/10

06-08-2010, 01:03 PM
LA Confidential is a great movie but Scorsese had nothing to do with it. It was produced directed and co-written by Curtis Hanson who had a bit of a hot streak going for a while before he fell back into mediocrity( a think there should be a PSA warning people never to work with Cameron Diaz) .

06-10-2010, 01:05 PM
Watched Avatar last night. I don't know what everyone was talking about when when they said it was just OK. I thought it rocked. :yup:

+1 The Colonel reminded me of a lot of the bad guys from Action man and Captain Planet. :P

06-10-2010, 05:20 PM
The New Daughter 6/10

it wasn't that good..it was like a bad ripoff of "Signs"

06-10-2010, 10:39 PM
Green Zone 5/10

06-10-2010, 11:18 PM
I'm telling you someone please kill me now.

06-11-2010, 03:59 AM
Bucket List 9/10
I'm waiting for that 10/10 movie...

06-11-2010, 04:52 AM
Hurt Lucker - Awesome

06-11-2010, 08:11 AM
Big Fish 10/10

06-11-2010, 12:11 PM
I'm asking again if anyone has even the tiniest bit of compassion kill me now.

06-11-2010, 12:13 PM
I watched Cloverfield and I thought it was alright but I thought the end was shit.

06-11-2010, 02:34 PM
Law Abiding Citizen.
Even though the ending was pretty bad, the movie itself rocked pretty hard

mr. nails
06-12-2010, 10:40 AM
A-Team - 2010

i liked it. it was upbeat and it does have a little personality of the original 1980's tv series with a lot of mindless action. if that sounds good it's worth a watch at the local cinema imo. i thought each actor pulled off his respectable character well enough so fans of the original shouldn't be too displeased and jessica biel (http://www.vivagoal.com/images/wallpapers/jessica_biel_4.jpg) was just as sexy as ever imo. i'll watch it again. aviatophobia, skyscraper repelling & Major Dad! 8/10


06-12-2010, 11:38 PM
the greatest film that I see in my life is the last one that I see its
Prince of Persia The Sands of Time 2010

06-12-2010, 11:51 PM
A-Team - 2010

i liked it. it was upbeat and it does have a little personality of the original 1980's tv series with a lot of mindless action. if that sounds good it's worth a watch at the local cinema imo. i thought each actor pulled off his respectable character well enough so fans of the original shouldn't be too displeased and jessica biel (http://www.vivagoal.com/images/wallpapers/jessica_biel_4.jpg) was just as sexy as ever imo. i'll watch it again. aviatophobia, skyscraper repelling & Major Dad! 8/10

I thought Rampage Jackson was nowhere in the league of Mr T (who is) and the tank scene was incredibly fake ( which says a lot that it stands out so blatantly in a whole movie that isn't exactly going for realism to start with ) but other than that more story and far better than I hoped for.
Also the villain had some real menace and things more or less made sense so basically thumbs up.Btw I hate Bradley Cooper ( but then again who doesn't ) and the fact I hated him less by the end of the movie probably means something as well.
Murdoch was good .The end.

06-13-2010, 08:27 AM
A-Team - 2010

i liked it. it was upbeat and it does have a little personality of the original 1980's tv series with a lot of mindless action. if that sounds good it's worth a watch at the local cinema imo. i thought each actor pulled off his respectable character well enough so fans of the original shouldn't be too displeased and jessica biel (http://www.vivagoal.com/images/wallpapers/jessica_biel_4.jpg) was just as sexy as ever imo. i'll watch it again. aviatophobia, skyscraper repelling & Major Dad! 8/10

I thought Rampage Jackson was nowhere in the league of Mr T (who is) and the tank scene was incredibly fake ( which says a lot that it stands out so blatantly in a whole movie that isn't exactly going for realism to start with ) but other than that more story and far better than I hoped for.
Also the villain had some real menace and things more or less made sense so basically thumbs up.Btw I hate Bradley Cooper ( but then again who doesn't ) and the fact I hated him less by the end of the movie probably means something as well.
Murdoch was good .The end.

Sounds promising. I thought this movie would suck hard.

06-14-2010, 06:15 AM
"Get Him To The Greek" - It had quite a few funny parts, would recommend checking it out.

06-14-2010, 08:13 AM
Tooth Fairy just gave that a shot with family,not too bad if you have kids and want to spare a couple of hours,not amazing but not total rubbish

06-15-2010, 04:06 PM
The stoning of Soraya M. Based on a bestseller book by the French-Iranian Journalist , true story =(

06-15-2010, 06:04 PM
Green zone, i really liked it.

06-18-2010, 01:17 AM
Nice movie

06-19-2010, 12:30 AM

-very poorly marketed as a "monster horror movie" when it is more along the lines of a "science ethics movie"
-sadly it falls apart in the last 10-20 min (when it tries "monster horror")
-squanders the opportunity to really explore a few themes that it touches on with the "monster"
-acting is strong, special effects for the "monster" are very good

9/10 for the potential....
6.5 (maybe 7)/10 for the execution


06-19-2010, 06:26 AM
Latest movie was avatar

06-20-2010, 07:07 PM
Green zone, it was ok but i expected more from it.
Maybe its because you already know whats going to happen, but it wasent all that.

06-20-2010, 08:50 PM
the wolf man
Awesome movie

06-20-2010, 10:37 PM
Green zone
Nice movie

06-20-2010, 10:49 PM
I'm glad the level of insight is maintaining it's usual high standard here.

Maybe someone could change the thread title to include something about HD so then we could all say something equally relevant and revelatory like "Geez I saw it in 1080i and it was clear"

06-20-2010, 11:16 PM
"Geez I saw it in 1080i and it was clear"

Get with the times, man...it's 1081.5p, or nothin'...interlacing=only seeing half the movie. True story.

***This is parody. Anyone who would actually want to discuss this is not encouraged to discuss this, or pm me.***

06-20-2010, 11:23 PM
I know you are joking but I'm not when I say I honestly don't care.

06-21-2010, 02:57 AM
Last two films:

"Stagecoach" and "John Houston: The Man, the Movies, the Maverick"

I have watched the former many times over the years but this was my first time viewing the BD. Mitchell as Doc Boone is always a joy to watch!

The latter just recently entered my purview. Certainly Huston directed some of my favorites. . . Martin's documentary seems a labor of love.

06-21-2010, 03:12 AM
I know you are joking but I'm not when I say I honestly don't care.

I am starting to seek out, and watch, more non-Hollywood movies. Some of these have been quite good. UK,Australia, and New Zealand have all been producing English-language (naturally) films that make use of stories and characters over special effects.

I plan to start a thread after I have done a bit more research.

The HD experience is rarely of benefit to a movie unless there are careful details placed throughout a film. Since Hollywood is so heavily dependent on effects, the "improvements" are only of value to "individuals" enamored with shiny, bright objects.

I would strongly like to see some HD writing take place. Since Hollywood is not doing this, I believe they are going to SERIOUSLY get slaughtered by these fledgling industries over the next 10 years.

mr. nails
06-21-2010, 11:52 AM
The Killers - 2010

not that good, but i've got a thing for Katherine Heigl (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001337). i'm not a fan of Ashton Kutcher, but he doesn't do a terrible job and it's been a LONG time since i've seen Tom Selleck in anything. bust out some magnum, p.i.? like i said earlier i only watched this for Katherine's role. maybe good for a date movie. meh. 5/10

Toy Story 3 - 2010

another so so film and it broke $41 million opening day. if u like the toy story franchise you'll like this. it wasn't much better than shrek 4 imo, but cute nonetheless. some of the mr. potato head forms were funny. kids will dig it. 6.5/10

06-22-2010, 01:55 PM
Clash of the Titans. Boy was that one big piece of cr** or what? How could such a great actor as Liam Neeson sell himself out for THIS?

06-23-2010, 04:34 PM
The Book of Eli 9/10

the ending sucked but it was a good movie anyway

06-23-2010, 06:29 PM
The Travelling Players (1975)

The parts that I could understand were good, but overall I found the movie to be very confusing. I had no idea what was going on most of the time.

06-24-2010, 06:16 PM
Dead men (1995) imdb 7.7/10
its a movie with culture ,really good

06-25-2010, 09:31 PM

06-26-2010, 12:35 PM
The Crazies (2010) 5/10

06-26-2010, 03:50 PM
Please close this thread before I plotz.

06-26-2010, 05:59 PM
Mr. Deeds 7/10

06-26-2010, 06:03 PM
Too late I plotzed.

06-26-2010, 06:40 PM
District 9 - Excellent film, definitely worth watching... starts off slow but gets really good!

06-26-2010, 08:02 PM
The Book of Eli

06-26-2010, 08:04 PM
Maybe if a mod could just remove the "what was the last movie you watched "part and leave the rest?:frusty:

06-26-2010, 10:28 PM
Maybe if a mod could just remove the "what was the last movie you watched "part and leave the rest?:frusty:

I enjoyed the last movie I saw. It had plenty of action, well-thought script, brilliant acting, truly great! 10/10

06-27-2010, 04:02 AM
We watched A-Team last knight. http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:C_JDx_xzSOD9pM:http://ramascreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/The-A-Team1.jpg
Very great Action sequences, we laughed all the times. This one is definitely worth checking out 7.5/10 stars

06-27-2010, 09:32 AM
I enjoyed the last movie I saw. It had plenty of action, well-thought script, brilliant acting, truly great! 10/10

I sure another Travolta's great performance :D

mr. nails
06-27-2010, 09:58 AM
Knight and Day - 2010

watched this cuz i was bored. i don't hate either tom cruise or cameron diaz. really wish cameron would go back to her 1994 the mask look. that's the only time she's ever looked good. as for tom being in this it seems kinda redundant or expected. if ur in the mood for a mission impossiblesque type film (sorta) this will kinda tide u over. there's a little action and random gun spray and that's about it. sleeping potions, batteries and sunglasses. 4/10

06-27-2010, 07:10 PM
White Wall 4.8/10 waste of time ...

mr. nails
06-29-2010, 02:28 AM
The Karate Kid - 2010

first off let me say i wasn't expecting to like this film at all. second thing i'd like to say is it wasn't all that bad. while i don't think jaden was a good choice i do think he did well in the role. i mean, this is supposed to be a remake of the original, right? going from the 23 year old italian to the 12 year old african kid just didn't work well with me. i thought jackie did a good job. there's little to no comedy involved here and that's ok. it's mostly pure drama and pulled off well.

the movie sorta follows in the footsteps of the original minus the setting. this time instead of staying in the states he moves overseas, and one other very important aspect that was changed completely. i can see how the sequel will start off just like the originals sequel for those awaiting more smith family tree.

for those wanting a remake that doesn't completely destroy it's original taste (too much) this is an ok watch. worth a 2nd watch? not for a couple years i suppose. corn rolls, angry asians and snake charmers. 6.5/10

06-29-2010, 07:13 AM
Prince of Persia. Thought it was 2 hours of my life that just drained away.
Pure rubbish as the acting was so bad I kept cringing.
Looking forward to the A Team.

06-29-2010, 12:29 PM
The Karate Kid - 2010

first off let me say i wasn't expecting to like this film at all. second thing i'd like to say is it wasn't all that bad. while i don't think jaden was a good choice i do think he did well in the role. i mean, this is supposed to be a remake of the original, right? going from the 23 year old italian to the 12 year old african kid just didn't work well with me. i thought jackie did a good job. there's little to no comedy involved here and that's ok. it's mostly pure drama and pulled off well.

the movie sorta follows in the footsteps of the original minus the setting. this time instead of staying in the states he moves overseas, and one other very important aspect that was changed completely. i can see how the sequel will start off just like the originals sequel for those awaiting more smith family tree.

for those wanting a remake that doesn't completely destroy it's original taste (too much) this is an ok watch. worth a 2nd watch? not for a couple years i suppose. corn rolls, angry asians and snake charmers. 6.5/10

Pretty much totally agree with everything you said.
Except to placate father Will's nepotism and maybe better appeal to the kid market it made absolutely no sense to have a 12 year in that role as it sort of defeats the whole purpose of the "boy becomes a man" thing.

Prince of Persia. Thought it was 2 hours of my life that just drained away.
Pure rubbish as the acting was so bad I kept cringing.
Looking forward to the A Team.

What I found unbelievable ( besides the "need' to have JG attempt an English accent ) was how shitty the ending was.
I mean I don't know if you remember the original Sands of Time game on which the movie is more or less based but the ending to it was utterly brilliant .Ten years later I still remember and look back fondly at it .Doubt very much ten years from now that I will be saying the same thing about the movie.:dabs:

06-29-2010, 04:13 PM
Our Man in Havana

Obviously this was Le Carre's inspiration for the Tailor of Panama a great novel but unfortunately not a great movie. The "original" is an underrated movie with sir Alec Guiness as a vacuum cleaner salesman who is recruited to spy for Britain. The movie is filmed in Havana just after Castro and the city is an excellent background for the "spy" story. Graham Greene's collaborations with Reed is a unique mix of comedy,drama and suspence.A very well scripted, directed, photographed, and performed movie imho.

06-29-2010, 06:23 PM
Didn't like it at all. Storyline was so predictable and corny just like the majority of Hollywood these days!

07-01-2010, 09:20 PM
Green.Zone 7/10
Good movie and the storyline was decent

07-02-2010, 10:30 PM
nice dating movie

07-03-2010, 08:14 AM
green zone...

nice relax action movie

07-03-2010, 12:22 PM
I've been on something of a foreign movie kick lately, mainly because current American releases don't appeal.

Here are a couple of the best.

Cell 211- Spain, 2009.
Simply one of the best films I've seen in a while.

A freshly minted prison guard is stranded in a rioting cell block and pretends to be a new prisoner to survive.

The cool thing about this movie is that the characters are smart and it's assumed the audience is too, so the story unfolds without unnecessary exposition or explanation.
Shit happens, people react and more shit happens- there's no helpful pseudo-character to recap and bring the audience up to speed.

Excellent subtitles.

The Millennium Trilogy- based on the bestselling books by Stieg Larsson (Sweden).

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, are the story of Lisbeth Salander, a young Swedish girl who's horrific childhood has molded her into a very unique character.

Beautifully played by Noomi Rapace, Salander is tough, resourceful and determined.
She's also isolated, scared and lonely, hardly able to handle a normal social interaction.

The movies are not as political as the books (which is understandable), mainly focusing on Salander, relegating the book's co-protagonist, a left-wing reporter/editor, to a decidedly secondary role.

Production values are more BBC- level television than American cinema and the subtitles are truly awful (and weirdly sporadic) but Salander's character (and Rapace's actressin') overcome both deficiencies.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is being remade in Hollywood ( just like Let The Right One In, another Scandinavian blockbuster).
I'm sure both productions will look better- and being in English, I'll understand them easier- but I'll wager that neither will be as good as the originals.

mr. nails
07-03-2010, 12:40 PM
Grown Ups - 2010

worst movie ever? i generally don't mind adam sandler's films, but this was just horrible. i think i might have smiled twice, but i don't remember the moment. i've also heard that a lot of ppl are mad @ the fact that kevin james took chris farley's spot. tbh, i like KJ (i loved king of queens) and never really liked CF. there's zero reason to watch this film. 1/10

Twilight: Eclipse - 2010

i have no idea why i watched this. i guess i'm waiting for it to get good? does it get good? this was actually worse than grown ups. is that even possible? yes. all this movie is about is 2 cocks verbally fighting over 1 vagina. that's the whole movie. lol, how the hell does this make $68 million opening day on a wednesday? if ur in to 2 younger idiots fighting over a non-attractive chic this movie is for u. 0/10

07-04-2010, 09:50 AM
I watched the latest movie is Ip man 2. Chinese Kung Fu ... ...

07-06-2010, 09:24 AM
Final Exam.
i don't appreciate the end.

07-07-2010, 04:59 AM
Reversal Of Fortune (1990)- Glenn Close, Ron Silver, Jeremy Irons.
Based on the book by Alan Dershowitz, the movie explores the appeal of Claus von Bulow (Irons), convicted of the attempted murder of his wife, Sunny (Glenn Close).
Silver plays Dershowitz, who was von Bulow's attorney for the appeal.

The von Bulow case was a sensation in the Eighties, featuring socialites (Sunny was a Rhode Island heiress) and a spectacularly creepy defendent (in the movie Dershowitz tells von Bulow "You're a very strange man" , von Bulow replies "You have no idea").

Irons won the Oscar for Best Actor, deservedly so.

Universally considered to be guilty, Irons brings von Bulow to life as an icy, calculating asshole who nevertheless evokes viewer sympathy even as you distrust and maybe even hate him.
Now that's acting.

Two interesting factoids...
Dershowitz went on to later be a part of OJ Simpson's defense team.

A medical study of coma patients depicted in film (von Bulow was only convicted of "attempted" murder because Sunny lingered in a coma and didn't die until 2008) ranked Reversal of Fortune as one of only two medically accurate portrayals.

Cool movie.

07-10-2010, 01:23 PM
The Last Seduction (1994)- Linda Fiorentino, Peter Berg, Jeff Daniels.

Fiorentino plays Bridget/Wendy, a totally sociopathic femme fatale, Daniels her husband and Berg the small town man she manipulates.

The Last Seduction is a noir film that ignores most of the conventional tropes but amps up the "bad girl" character to Hannibal Lector levels (no, she's not a cannibal).
She's evil with a great set of gams and a unwavering approach to getting what she wants.

It's obvious from the beginning that Wendy is a schemer, the joy of the movie is that she's more ruthless and cunning as the plot unwinds.

Fiorentino is amazing, her work was Oscar caliber but she was ineligible because the film was shown on HBO before it's theatrical release.

The Last Seduction is great fun and well worth hunting down.
Or, you could just go see The Last Airbender and revel in the CGI.

Which you choose pretty much defines your sensibilities.

07-11-2010, 06:14 AM
Just saw Flash of Geniushttp://www.imdb.com/title/tt1054588/. It is the "true" story of the man who invented intermittent wiper blades. Ford stole his idea. The inventor fights back at a time when "the little guy" didn't do that.

It is a decent drama. I prefer strong courtroom battles to be more fierce/impassioned in the courtroom, but it's just ok.

It is watchable, but keep your expectations of excitement low. 6/10

Also recently watched Micmacs http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1149361/. It's French. They love Jerry Lewis. :idunno: However, if you have ever admired the rare talent it takes to pull off a Peter Sellers Pink Panther performance, give this one a "shot". <-- It's a pun regarding the main character. The story is decent, the characters are likable, and it expresses some political ideas at the same time. 7.5/10

07-12-2010, 05:14 PM
Shrek 4 in 3D was pretty gud

07-15-2010, 07:33 AM
Killers it`s a very good movie you must watch it .

07-17-2010, 04:36 AM
Twilight: Eclipse- starring several (presumably) warm bodies.

OK, forget the wretched source material (Christopher Nolan did and look what he wrought), forget the wretched acting (it's hard), forget the target audience...Eclipse is a fuckin poorly made movie.
Crap editing, reliance on soundtrack emo songs to convey what the actors cannot, original Star Trek grade special effects, this film barely qualifies for the Lifetime Channel much less a theater.

The producers show their disdain for the Twihards by not even trying, knowing full well that it won't matter, the franchise is money in the bank no matter what they put up on the screen.
Geez, if you're going to pick $10 from the pockets of your fans with a stupid story (and no one disputes that the Twilight Saga is supremely stupid), a little effort would be appreciated.

In fifteen years or so, women of a certain age will revisit these movies and feel nothing but rage.

I began to feel it 20 minutes into my first viewing.

07-17-2010, 06:20 PM
Clash of the Titans - Great movie! Has a great story and the special effects are amazing!

07-17-2010, 06:22 PM
Clash of the Titans

Better than i expected it to be as it received poopy reviews. Good action.

07-17-2010, 07:28 PM
Clash of the Titans truly terribly film.It's like if you set out to make a parody and then at the last minute decided that if you promoted it as a "3D ACTIONER!!!!" you would sell more tickets .
Expect to see it on whatever incarnation of Mystery Science Theatre there is in the future.

White Out : Starts out reasonably strongly , has some passable characters and decent moments of suspense but makes progressively less sense as it go along until by the end you basically just go wtf?

07-17-2010, 07:51 PM
Clash of the Titans - Great movie! Has a great story and the special effects are amazing!

Clash of the Titans

Better than i expected it to be as it received poopy reviews. Good action.
Could either of you two enlighten me please...
After watching the movie, what exactly would be the attraction of being one of the gods?
All I saw was stupid costumes (really, Zeus wears medieval armor?) and standing around on little round platforms...looked boring to tell the truth.

07-19-2010, 07:45 AM
Prince of Persia. Nice production, the last nice movie I looked and liked, that's already a long moment before...

07-19-2010, 10:32 AM
Haven't posted here in a while and I have watched a few movies.

Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
This stuff is epic in the original sense of the word. No CGI in 1962, remember, which means every person you see in the movie was really there when filmed. Great movie even without that, with a few very good dialogues and that gives you some subjects to think about. I thought Peter O'Toole went a bit over the top a few times, but it was great to see Ben Kenobi as an Arab (lol).

Alien (1979)
Being a sci fi fan, I ve never seen any of the Alien films, ever (I know, shame on me, right?). I always thought it's more of a horror movie (which I don't like). Boy was I wrong. A lot was done with very little is all I'm gonna say (for today's standards, anyway)

The Godfather, Part II (1974)

Again one of the must see movies that I haven't seen yet (did see the first one a long time ago). Not a lot wrong with this movie, except that maybe it seems to be slow (but not dragging on), so I don't recommend watching it if you're tired (you'll end up missing important parts, prolly). I especially liked De Niro. IMO he was better than Pacino and the rest of the cast. Towards the end he seemed to have gotten the Brando face down too, lol. I like how the movie doesn't give you everything on a silver platter, so that you must think a little about it to understand it all.

07-19-2010, 04:00 PM
Jackie Brown http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119396/
Another great movie by the master himself, Quentin Tarantino! Not really a new movie, but I had missed it.

07-19-2010, 05:24 PM
The last movie i watched was 1962 version of chushingaru -i think it was directed by Inagaki and the great Toshiro Mifune makes an appearence a couple of times.The movie is nearly 4hours long but worth every second .I have the 1941 version by Mizoguchi ,Ken Ichikawa's 1990's version ,a tv version also from somtimeearly 90's and the 1958 version from Watanabe but the 62 version is my fav -i would recomend thismovie to any1 intojapanese movies 10-10....

07-19-2010, 07:03 PM
No 1938 version.:(

07-19-2010, 07:32 PM
After watching the movie, what exactly would be the attraction of being one of the gods?
All I saw was stupid costumes (really, Zeus wears medieval armor?) and standing around on little round platforms...looked boring to tell the truth.

I would prefer to wear shiny armor and stand on a round platform than watch the movie again. I trust the gods did not have to view the show. +1 for the gods.

07-20-2010, 02:02 PM
Clash of the titans pretty good movie:D

07-21-2010, 02:58 AM
The Losers- Zoe Zaldana. And some other people.

Alright, I know it's based on a "graphic novel" (code for comic book, to make adults feel less foolish) and it's to be taken with testosterone drenched popcorn.
I realize that suspension of disbelief is a given, I'm willing to acquiesce.

But Jeebus on a pogo stick, must I continually be beaten over the head with the stupid stick?

I'm bruised and battered and didn't enjoy it at all.

The plot holes and totally improbable sequence of events didn't bother me (much), as I already said, I was compliant as I sat down but goddammit, just once- BLOODY FUCKING ONCE!- I'd like to see the redshirts- reputed to be scarily trained ex-Special Forces guys- be able to hit a bloody barn door with their exotic automatic weapons.
Fer crissakes, they might as well have been issued Duncan yo-yos instead of guns...these bozos couldn't shoot themselves, much less come close to the good guys.

Lately, in any of these cookie cutter "action movies", the more bad guys and the more firepower they wield, the less likely that anyone will actually get wounded, never mind killed (Taken is another sterling example of this meme).
Fuck, I could do better and I've never even held a weapon.

Do bad guys recruit at some elite school for the blind?

It's a stupid movie.

And testosterone drenched popcorn tastes like ass.

07-24-2010, 07:53 AM
I watched 'Superbad' for the 10th time lol. I can NEVER get tired of that film.

07-24-2010, 09:17 AM

mind blowing

07-25-2010, 10:02 PM
I watched the book of eli and i like it but...is eli blind ?

07-25-2010, 10:51 PM
Stargate (1994)

07-25-2010, 11:44 PM
So (1994) is your opinion then?
I figured with James Spader in it it would be more along the lines of (1997):mellow:

07-26-2010, 04:59 AM
The Runaways. It was a good movie based on a true story about the all girl band in 1975.

07-26-2010, 01:04 PM
So (1994) is your opinion then?
I figured with James Spader in it it would be more along the lines of (1997):mellow:

It's more along the lines of great lawyer, terrible historian.

07-26-2010, 02:50 PM
The sorcerers appren
It's really nice movie
I watch it in cinema

07-26-2010, 06:43 PM
mr. nobody. amazing movie , going 2 watch it again very soon !

07-27-2010, 01:45 AM
mr. nobody. amazing movie , going 2 watch it again very soon !
Glad to hear it.
Have never heard of this movie, have no clue what it's about and you gave me absolutely no reason to share your enthusiasm.

So, thanks for that.

07-27-2010, 02:17 AM
It's about a guy who makes unimpressive, unsubstantiated online movie reviews, clocker. It has a fairly large following, I'm told...

07-27-2010, 03:52 AM
The Jackal (1997) really very much good movie

07-27-2010, 12:28 PM
The Jackal (1997) really very much good movie

The Day of the Jackal (1973) really very much better movie.

Evidence. Fred Zimmerman , Edward Fox and script veering toward the believable versus Richard Gere and big gun.

07-28-2010, 12:55 AM
Paranormal Activity.

was nice. bit slow but with different approach

07-28-2010, 12:55 AM
Paranormal Activity.

was nice. bit slow but with different approach

07-28-2010, 03:52 AM
Caught “Eye of the Tiger” starring Gary Busey on cable last night. I love trashy B-movies and this 80’s cheesefest was among the worst I’ve seen (making it one of the best!). A standard revenge flick that runs through the checklist of clichés and doesn’t just telegraph plot twists in advance … it displays them on a giant neon billboard. A nasty bike gang ride 150cc trail bikes and are totally unscary, Yaphet Kotto is a cool cop, and Busey ends up tooling around in a high-tech, death-dealing Dodge pickup. Spoiler alert –the scene that cracked me up is when the gang dig up the coffin containing Busey’s wife (who they killed) and drag it back to his house with their trail bikes, and his reaction is to throw up (not so funny in as I type it in, but side-splitting for the viewer). Highly recommended for fans of “what the hell were the writers thinking?”-type movies!

07-29-2010, 08:11 PM
Jackie Brown (1997)

Watched it several years ago. Decided yesterday its evening time with Quentin. Anyway, great acting from the whole crew. Plenty of interesting dialogs.

07-29-2010, 10:34 PM
Bull Durham again unfortunately on TSN (Canadian sports network) which meant it was censored to the point of ruining it. Stupidity of running a movie with adult dialogue and then editing it so that you end up staring at the people with their lips moving but nothing coming out wondering what the fuck is going on..
Otherwise terrific movie .Anyone that says Kevin Costner is a no talent should watch this or basically anything of his before The Postman and maybe reassess their thinking.
Also I mentioned the film contained adult dialogue but really everything about Bull Durham is adult and I mean that in the best possible ( non -pornographic) way.Nice to see real romance between two equals instead of having to endure Jennifer Anni-stun or the other shit that passes for studio entertainment these days.

07-30-2010, 12:29 AM
Caught “Eye of the Tiger” starring Gary Busey on cable last night. I love trashy B-movies and this 80’s cheesefest was among the worst I’ve seen (making it one of the best!). A standard revenge flick that runs through the checklist of clichés and doesn’t just telegraph plot twists in advance … it displays them on a giant neon billboard. A nasty bike gang ride 150cc trail bikes and are totally unscary, Yaphet Kotto is a cool cop, and Busey ends up tooling around in a high-tech, death-dealing Dodge pickup. Spoiler alert –the scene that cracked me up is when the gang dig up the coffin containing Busey’s wife (who they killed) and drag it back to his house with their trail bikes, and his reaction is to throw up (not so funny in as I type it in, but side-splitting for the viewer). Highly recommended for fans of “what the hell were the writers thinking?”-type movies!

Welcome, Mate! Thanks for not only taking the time to write a good review, but also for bringing a movie to my attention that I never heard of before. Well done. :)

07-30-2010, 08:05 AM
Iron Monkey (1993)

Wow, what a martial arts movie! It was apparent on a few instances that wires were used, but sometimes I didn't know if what I was looking at was exactly what was filmed or had it been edited in some way. My hat goes of to Donnie Yen.

The ending was a little over the top, though. Fighting while standing on burning poles? C'mon!

07-30-2010, 09:41 AM
Stop-loss 8/10

07-30-2010, 12:49 PM
Operation Endgame (2010)- Jeffrey Tambour, Rob Corddry, Zach Galifianakis.

It's hard to describe this genre-bending movie- part comedy, part slasher film, part political screed- but it really doesn't matter...it's fun to watch.

The Factory is a deep black ops unit, split in two (supposedly equalizing) teams and charged with hiding all the government's failed covert operations.
On the day of Obama's inauguration, the head of the unit is killed, triggering a lockdown and timed destruction of the facility...with everyone trapped inside.

Mayhem ensues.

As a "message" movie, Operation Endgame is a mess...in fact, by most normal standards, the whole movie is a mess but the (startlingly) high quality cast is clearly having a blast and the body count is ridiculously high, not to mention quite inventive (death by paper shredder anyone?).

Not my normal cup o tea but for some reason, very enjoyable.
Watch it just to see Rob Corddry's perpetually drunken rants, they're hilarious.

07-30-2010, 04:27 PM
omg what an amazing movie. nolan is really a good director and ellen page, DiCaprio and the other actors were very good too.
of course the effects were awesome ,)

07-30-2010, 06:23 PM
Coup Out it is amazing comedy movie for me . Im always lauginh wchated :D

08-01-2010, 06:44 AM
the blind side
it was touching. Sandra bullock was very good. sometimes i wanna watch this kind of film.

08-02-2010, 02:54 PM
Death.at.a.Funeral.2010.It's really nice movie

08-03-2010, 08:20 AM
just re-watched the transporter, and every time i see it the less i like it.

08-03-2010, 07:06 PM
shitty shit. AKA Knight and Day

08-04-2010, 03:09 PM
Cop out.
It's really awesome comedy action movie:)

08-07-2010, 08:24 AM
Nothing But The Truth

08-08-2010, 03:19 AM
The Ghost Writer- Ewan MacGregor, Pierce Brosnan. Directed by Roman Polanski.

A ghost writer is brought in at the last moment to work with an ex-Prime Minister of England writing his memoirs.
There is more going on than he knows.

I honestly cannot figure out why this movie was made.
The story meanders, the "mystery" is uninvolving.
The acting is competent enough but nothing spectacular or noteworthy.

"Meh" may be trite these days but is perfectly descriptive of my reaction at the end.

08-08-2010, 04:02 AM
Avatar - good. too long though

08-08-2010, 07:58 PM
I hope they serve beer in hell.
had low expectations and it was better than i expected

08-08-2010, 08:20 PM
I hope they serve beer in hell.
had low expectations and it was better than i expected
Keep working on those low expectations and you'll lead a happy life.
May I recommend a Uwe Boll retrospective to get you started?

08-09-2010, 03:33 PM
i have seen contraluz an portuguese movies with great story reaaly very nice

08-10-2010, 03:02 PM
Just watching Interpreter, came out 2005, but just got in on Blu Ray. Not bad. Tomorrow we have The Bone Collector with Denzil Washington

08-12-2010, 02:43 PM
watched yip man 2. Think was better than first one.

08-13-2010, 09:21 PM
im watched lastest movie prince of persia..

08-14-2010, 05:53 PM
There Will Be Blood (2007)- Daniel Day-Lewis, Paul Dano, Dillon Freasier

I had to be talked into watching this film, but it turned out to be not at all what I was expecting. To attempt a genre definition beyond "period character study" is beyond my meagre attempts; I feel I am still processing what I viewed. Roger Ebert puts it far more eloquently: "Watching the movie is like viewing a natural disaster that you cannot turn away from. By that I do not mean that the movie is bad, any more than it is good. It is a force beyond categories. It has scenes of terror and poignancy, scenes of ruthless chicanery, scenes awesome for their scope, moments echoing with whispers and an ending that in some peculiar way this material demands, because it could not conclude on an appropriate note -- there has been nothing appropriate about it."

Daniel Day-Lewis' character is reprehensible and well aware of it (a scene with his half-brother (Kevin O'Connor) demonstrates this superbly). To describe anything further risks spoilers, but Day-Lewis' award for this performance is well-earned. While it seems an odd thing to say, Dillon Freasier's character is a natural part of the scenery without fading entirely into the background- a testament to the acting ability of this young man. Paul Dano's character is a successful foil for Day-Lewis, as well as intriguing and ambiguous in his own right. There are gorgeous cinematic shots of sun-baked hills and scrub brush, but although shot in the same location, the land doesn't become a character as in No Country For Old Men. The soundtrack is bizarre, but fitting and not overpowering.

My main complaint is the pacing. This is a slow movie. It feels much longer than its 2h35min running time. It also skips time, jarringly in some instances. This results in plot threads left unresolved, or in a resolution that occurs off-screen without any on-screen callback...the aftermath just is. This doesn't create confusion for the viewer, just some frustration at not knowing the details in a film obsessed with details. Paradoxically, an extra 15-20min near the end (where the largest time-skips occur) may have given a more even result.

I'm not sure if I'll watch this one again. If I do, it will be in several years. But I'm glad I did. 9/10.


08-16-2010, 01:32 PM
i watched last night grwon ups with sandler and james. these 2 did a good job in the move. lots of fun stuff in the move but some crap too.

08-16-2010, 11:59 PM
I just saw Inception this weekend and it was mind blowing. Props to Nolan for his wonderful directing.

08-17-2010, 12:06 AM
it was death at funeral and the losers

both of them are really suck

i didnot complete death at funeral i get boared from the first 20 minute and delete it

08-17-2010, 07:57 PM
I just recently watched the whole Resident Evil Trilogy again. Damn, Milla Jovovich is so hot...

08-17-2010, 08:25 PM
I just recently watched the whole Resident Evil Trilogy again. Damn, Milla Jovovich is so hot...

You should Dazed and Confused and Chaplin if you haven't already.
Both good movies .Dazed being very funny and Chaplin having the benefit of Robert Downey Jr.'s Oscar nominated performance and Milla being 18 and naked.

08-17-2010, 09:52 PM
I just recently watched the whole Resident Evil Trilogy again. Damn, Milla Jovovich is so hot...

You should Dazed and Confused and Chaplin if you haven't already.
Both good movies .Dazed being very funny and Chaplin having the benefit of Robert Downey Jr.'s Oscar nominated performance and Milla being 18 and naked.

This should be a requirement of all world-class, up-and-coming actresses. It's only fair.

08-18-2010, 07:19 PM

Loved it , great storyline and effects

08-19-2010, 03:45 PM
Chaplin- Robert Downey, Jr.

Based on the cast alone- RDJ, Kevin Kline, Anthony Hopkins, John Thaw, Dan Ackroyd, et al- this movie should have been a blockbuster.
Sadly, it's not.

I am not a silent movie afficianado, so I'm not really a big fan of Chaplin (or anyone else from that era)...I saw this because of Downey (recently recommended by IdolEyes, too).

Chaplin is a rather pedestrian look at the man's life and the beginnings of Hollywood.
As portrayed in the movie, Charlie Chaplin was actually a dickhead and pedophile but we're supposed to overlook this because of his "genius".
OK, then.

The film utilizes one of the hoariest tropes of all- the old subject being interviewed for a biography, with select scenes being shown in flashback.
Downey's makeup as the "old" Chaplin is horrible and totally unconvincing.

I was bored...hard to believe when there's a young naked Milla Jovovich involved, but there you go.

08-19-2010, 05:08 PM
Sex & drugs & rock and roll

It's billed as a biography of the life of Ian Dury up to the misplaced "spasticus autisticus" controversy and is a mix of drama, flashbacks and cabaret.

It wasn't what I was expecting, but I did enjoy it.

I watched it on megavideo, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post the link.

I'm going to watch the life of Brian on the same site if I get a chance today, just to see what the fuss is about. I should have watched it decades ago, but it's not a movie that's readily available in these parts.

08-20-2010, 09:57 PM
I just saw Piranha .
Sweet Jesus,Mary mother of God . I know that the director is Alexandre Aja the same guy that did Haute Tension a movie not exactly known for it's restraint but this being America and there is money to be made I figured that they would never let him go so far.
I guess they figure that it's all suppose to be a joke and so the blood and gore is all in good fun.
Boat propeller decapitation ha ha ha:unsure:
Anyway if you can stay awake through the first half then Mr Nails I think we might have finally found the perfect summer movie for you.

08-21-2010, 03:10 PM
You should Dazed and Confused and Chaplin if you haven't already.
Both good movies .Dazed being very funny and Chaplin having the benefit of Robert Downey Jr.'s Oscar nominated performance and Milla being 18 and naked.

This should be a requirement of all world-class, up-and-coming actresses. It's only fair.

Imagine! Wouldn't our world be a better place like that?

08-21-2010, 05:54 PM

not bad

08-21-2010, 06:00 PM

not bad

By saying "not bad" aren't you also inferring "not good"


08-21-2010, 07:33 PM
Wait a minute, Idol...

That "not bad" can't be the same as "not good"...

When I was dating all the girls I was with said, "That was not bad".






08-22-2010, 02:32 AM
Watched "I Love You, Man" with 2 friends and we all loved it. Best comedy I've seen in a long time. We all felt like it was an interesting topic for a movie to explore, and that the script was very well written.

08-22-2010, 03:55 AM
Just watched Bad Santa (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bad_Santa).Thought it was just more then ok.

08-22-2010, 02:21 PM
Seen Deliverance (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deliverance) today.What a simple movie.Soundtrack rocks thou

08-22-2010, 02:31 PM
the dueling banjos scene is a classic.

08-22-2010, 02:45 PM
I would have though that you'd have gone with the "Squeal like a pig" scene.


08-22-2010, 02:54 PM
:lol: The old man adds his own spice.
Finished Good Burger (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Good_Burger).Anyone else in the 20 to 25 age range remember the show all that?Well they made a full movie.Sounds bad but it was ok.Nestalgia :01:

mr. nails
08-23-2010, 01:16 AM
Ong Bak 3 - 2010

horrible film, but when has anything tony jaa made good? tony jaa fights his doppelganger and more flying knees. dialog was boring to me and i just browsed the net until i heard the sound effects of the kung fu chops i'll toggle back to the show. won't be watching this again i'm sure. eye liner, sand and more elephants. 1/10

À l'intérieur - 2007

french film with old school gore that i liked. afaik they don't show stuff like this anymore in terms of gore. sum chic is pregnant and another women wants the baby. scissors stabbed in the arm, heads half gone from gun shots and multiple stabbing to the head this chic won't stop until she gets a baby of her own. i thought the directors did a pretty good job being it their directorial debut. sum1 with an appetite for gore and a crazy story you should check this out. Comment allez-vous, scissors and C sections. 6.5/10

08-23-2010, 03:18 AM
Aww thats too bad.I loved the first one...
Jurassic Park (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurassic_Park_(film)) - Whats not to like?Dinosaurs and action.It would be in my top ten if i had one.

08-24-2010, 12:01 PM
The Killer Inside Me-Casey Affleck, Jessica Alba and The Mentalist guy.

This movie shows what could happen if Charlie Manson looked like Opie Taylor and was a little more "hands on".
A hard boiled noirish story set in some small Texas town during the late 50's (I'd guess), the whole film depends on whether or not you buy Affleck's performance...which I did.

That said, buying into the premise and enjoying the result are two different things.
The Killer Inside Me and Natural Born Killers are two sides of the same coin, the protagonists share traits but the productions are exactly opposite...NBK is amped up and TKIM is quite low key.
Can't say I really liked either of them.

The story is told well enough, it's just not one I wanted to see.

08-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Price of Persia Sands of time


08-24-2010, 12:08 PM
I thought that we were done with the pointless only type a number shit?
Read the thread title and try again.

You speak English (apparently), try using it.

08-24-2010, 03:01 PM
EuroTrip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EuroTrip) - I remember this movie being more funny when i saw it in the theaters.Even as, Its a funny movie.Especially if you are from europe.
The Others - Dont learn anything about this movie..Just see it.Its better that way.

08-24-2010, 03:25 PM
EuroTrip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EuroTrip) - I remember this movie being more funny when i saw it in the theaters.Even as, Its a funny movie.Especially if you are from europe.

Not if you're from Slovakia (and I'm not). The movie does have its fun parts, but mostly it's jokes that don't help Americans and their rep of being oblivious of the world outside the US one bit.

08-24-2010, 04:06 PM
EuroTrip (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EuroTrip) - I remember this movie being more funny when i saw it in the theaters.Even as, Its a funny movie.Especially if you are from europe.

Not if you're from Slovakia (and I'm not). The movie does have its fun parts, but mostly it's jokes that don't help Americans and their rep of being oblivious of the world outside the US one bit.

I thought all of us Americans took pride in being oblivious to the rest of the world. :unsure:

08-24-2010, 06:29 PM
not if you're from slovakia (and i'm not). The movie does have its fun parts, but mostly it's jokes that don't help americans and their rep of being oblivious of the world outside the us one bit.

i thought all of us americans took pride in being oblivious to the rest of the world. :unsure:

Good for ya!

08-25-2010, 04:15 PM
Yeah sometimes we bring up canadians and wonder who they are...Not mexicans because they are already here.

Alice in Wonderland (2010) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_in_Wonderland_(2010_film)) - What a peice of crap!Not funny, Entertaining, just sucky.My little cousins even thought it was stupid :lol: What happened to Tim Burton?

08-26-2010, 09:00 AM
Snow Cake (2006) with Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman
Weaver plays a high-functioning autistic who meets Rickman due to an accident involving her daughter.
I found it very enjoyable and well-acted, a tender story that has stuck with me.

08-26-2010, 12:58 PM
The Expendables
I rate it 7.5/10, pretty good action movie, but it seemed to me that there was too much talking. Anyway, worth to see it, with all those stars

08-26-2010, 01:01 PM
The Expendables
I rate it 7.5/10, pretty good action movie, but it seemed to me that there was too much talking. Anyway, worth to see it, with all those stars

Stars presumably being of the "Dancing with the Stars" definition.

08-26-2010, 02:47 PM
Stone Cold Steve Austin is all ways be an a-lister to me:01:

Salt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_(2010_film)) - I did not but after seeing it, I would pay money to see it (Im not).Best movie of the year so far.

08-26-2010, 03:01 PM
Stone Cold Steve Austin is all ways be an a-lister to me:01:

Randy Couture weeps at you saying that.:(

08-26-2010, 03:17 PM
Im a Fedor fan

08-26-2010, 03:24 PM
You mean that guy that used to be good at tennis but now gets his ass whipped?
Anyway I remember him being a lot better looking than that. Of course age will do that to you.

08-26-2010, 03:33 PM
You are thinking of John Mcenroe.Fedor is the worlds greatest mma fighter.

Mortal Kombat (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortal_Kombat_(film)) - Because of its age, It came off a little cheesy.It reminded me of "the power rangers".I hope there is a remake.

08-26-2010, 03:44 PM
You are thinking of John Mcenroe.Fedor is the worlds greatest mma fighter.

No John McEnroe co-starred with Angelina Jolie in Wanted and besides he isn't Swiss.
Fedor fights mmas? What are they and are they like hard to beat?

08-26-2010, 03:54 PM
And Adam Sandler in Mr. Deeds:unsure:

08-27-2010, 03:33 PM
The Secret of the Grain (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0487419/)

One of the best french films of the last 5 years, imo.

08-27-2010, 03:41 PM
And Adam Sandler in Mr. Deeds:unsure:

That was Jimmy Stewart and Wynonna Judd.

08-28-2010, 07:55 PM
I re-watched Gladiator (I got the extended version since I hadn't seen the extended version).There is not much of a difference from the original theatrical release.Just some small scenes added here and there.But the film was just as I saw the first time.A good movie,great sound track and a nice visual treat.

08-28-2010, 08:36 PM
A good movie,great sound track and a nice visual treat.

You've just basically summed up Ridley Scott's career.

08-28-2010, 08:58 PM
A good movie,great sound track and a nice visual treat.

You've just basically summed up Ridley Scott's career.
Alien was pretty good, so it should be two good movies.

08-28-2010, 09:02 PM
Yeah i was going to include a special exception for Alien but I decided that the post read better without it.:idunno:

And I think that you've been proven right on that point but obviously you already knew that hence the whole post thing.

08-28-2010, 09:17 PM
Aren't you gonna ask which movie the other one is? :unsure:

Also. The last movie I saw: The Boat that Rocked.

It made me laugh a few times. Not the best thing I ever saw, but it did have two thirds of the IT Crowd in the ensamble whilst being amusing in a mellow feel-good sort of way, I thought.

08-28-2010, 09:31 PM
Aren't you gonna ask which movie the other one is? :unsure:

Since it was good and entailed aliens I was assuming Borat.

As for The Boat That Rocked I was going to download it as the topic and cast interested me and then I read a bunch of unfavourable reviews and decided against it. :frusty:
So I guess I missed out then didn't I since I like mellow and feel-good.
Is the music featured much? I'm a fan of 60's music .I just downloaded some Walker Brothers onto my Ipod in fact.

08-28-2010, 09:42 PM
Well. I ended up adding a few tunes to my spotify playlist while watching that, so I'll say it featured some classics I know I heard growing up.

I'm sure that had I been a bit older or more knowledgable about music from that era I'd recognised and appreciated the selection even more.

Also. Blade Runner. Might not be to everyone's taste but I consider it a classic, visions of unicorns and all.

EDit: I don't think I really answered the question. So: Yes, there was music, and you noticed it. But mostly other things distracted me, and I can't say I'd describe the movie as being about the music primarily.

08-29-2010, 01:05 AM
The Hurt Locker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hurt_Locker) - It has its moments.I can see why it has such a high rateing but it wasnt annything special.They did'nt try to make me cry.Maybe the sceene with the little kid "beckham" was but it didnt:dabs:

08-29-2010, 01:11 AM
It's not suppose to make you cry, it's a character study of a man who finds that in life you don't get to choose what you love.
It's also brilliantly directed so much so that you can actually feel the heat and taste the dust if you try hard enough.
And the whole point is that there are no easy answers or quick and tidy solutions.

Just go and watch Avatard

08-29-2010, 07:35 AM
Well it should have.I still remember bambie,crash, and king kong for that fact.Can you really say that you liked it better then jarhead?It wasnt emotional but it was fuuny.Saying that.I know what you mean by "you can actually feel the heat and taste the dust if you try hard enough."I felt that also but quickly got bored of it.Only took about a half hour,Gotta give them credit for not trying this effect with a shakky cameria.I know why its highly rated and i do like it.But its just alright.

mr. nails
08-29-2010, 05:22 PM
The Other Guys - 2010

horrible film with shitty everything. well, not everything for eva mendez is super hot. i thought i was gonna like the show @ the start when sammy j and the rock go guns a blazing and super chargers a flying, but that didn't last long. will ferrells a hit and miss actor for me and this one's a total miss. marky mark and the funky bunch usually has some decent action stuffs going on, but this again wasn't one of them. some of the crappy dialog between will and eva was smirk worthy that didn't last all but a couple of secs. if u liked grown ups u'll prob love this crap too. desk pops, bipolar disorders and the better batman. 1.5/10

08-29-2010, 05:35 PM
The Other Guys - 2010

horrible film with shitty everything. well, not everything for eva mendez is super hot. i thought i was gonna like the show @ the start when sammy j and the rock go guns a blazing and super chargers a flying, but that didn't last long. will ferrells a hit and miss actor for me and this one's a total miss. marky mark and the funky bunch usually has some decent action stuffs going on, but this again wasn't one of them. some of the crappy dialog between will and eva was smirk worthy that didn't last all but a couple of secs. if u liked grown ups u'll prob love this crap too. desk pops, bipolar disorders and the better batman. 1.5/10

I knew when they were promoting the fuck out of it on any show that would have them ( just like in Sandler's case with the equally unfunny Grown ups) that the movie was going to suck big time.
Doubly so when all their appearances and attempts at promotional funny didn't generate a single laugh even on shit like the Teen Choice Awards where the bar is set incredibly low to begin with.

Red Belt (2008) - David Mamet doing MMA I suppose isn't any weirder than David Mamet doing The Unit ( which I like(d) btw).
Sort of mixed feelings on this one. The good almost entirely being lead Chiwetel Ejiofor who is both utterly believable as the "gentle warrior" and incredibly likable in the part - since both are pretty important given the storyline.
Other than that the questions of morality brought up don't fit in well with what basically,like it or not , has to end up being a martial arts flick and the story sort of winds to a cresendo only to fall flat at the end.
So I guess for me the biggest problem is that the story of corruption and betrayal - staples of chop-suey as they are - just didn't work or maybe took way too long and consequentially didn't leave enough time for a proper the pay-off

08-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Saw To Kill a Mockingbird.It was nice watching a movie in black and white for a change,the movie was simple and portrayed the life of a family and the happenings in their daily life,a weird neighbour and showing the discrimination against negroes.I haven't read the book yet so I dont know if the movie came par with it or not.It was a welcome change and I will be watching some more on my "to watch list" which Idol gave,slowly :P.Old films has an unusual way of getting under the skin when showing suspense scenes with transition of music and sudden body movements lol.

08-29-2010, 06:52 PM
Saw To Kill a Mockingbird.It was nice watching a movie in black and white for a change,the movie was simple and portrayed the life of a family and the happenings in their daily life,a weird neighbour and showing the discrimination against negroes.I haven't read the book yet so I dont know if the movie came par with it or not.It was a welcome change and I will be watching some more on my "to watch list" which Idol gave,slowly :P.Old films has an unusual way of getting under the skin when showing suspense scenes with transition of music and sudden body movements lol.

Have you ever seen the original Psycho?
I forget the whole story but it goes something like Hitchcock have a whole Janet Leigh torso built up for the infamous shower scene and filmed a rather( for the day) gruesomely explicit scene but in the end went with just the shots of the knife in the hand going back and the blood swirling down the drain as he deemed them more effective.

Spoilers above.

Kinda similar to the Speilberg/ Bruce the shark story - nothing is as frightening as your own imagination.

08-29-2010, 07:26 PM
Finally got around to watching Once Upon A Time In The West (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0064116/) (1968). It's #24 on IMDB's Top 250. I believe it is one of those movies that actually merits its spot- how can a movie that has been in the theaters for 2-3 weeks be worthy of a top 10 spot? I digress...

The film (and it was) makes its mark with all of the subtle details that a great movie should contain- classic (yet a bit overly repeated) music, flawless lighting, memorable characters, a stunningly beautiful female lead (prior to all the cgi and silicone- hence a REAL woman) and a story that will keep you interested for its full 2 hour 38 minute run time.

If you haven't seen it, you should. Otherwise, you can stick to Adam Sandler's later work, or anything done by a millennial generation SNL cast member. Or just kill yourself.

08-29-2010, 10:05 PM
Whats with the grown ups bashing?

Marcus Higgins: Hey Lenny, remember when we'd come here after we got wasted?
Donna Lamonsoff: [Hearing what Marcus just said] What's wasted?
Lenny Feder: Nice one, Higgins. Wasted is when you have a hankering for ice cream.
[All the kids are talking about wanting to get wasted]
Donna Lamonsoff: I want to get wasted every day of my life.
Bean Lamonsoff: I want to get chocolate wasted.


08-29-2010, 10:37 PM

08-29-2010, 10:44 PM

08-29-2010, 10:49 PM
OK just for the record ziggyster, did you find Bedtime Stories or Cop Out funny ?

08-29-2010, 11:13 PM
I dont know the first movie but Cop out was a dissapointment.I could not dislike SNL any more then i do.

08-30-2010, 04:54 AM
I wrote this for another site tonight, but will repost a slightly lengthier version here, because only a handful of people will visit that section on the other site. Reposted text begins at the *.

The Expendables (2010). I have seen some people criticizing this for quite a while, and have not really been looking forward to watching the show regardless of its star-packed cast. After seeing the criticisms and finally watching the show, I have to ask, * "Did anyone watch this for its Academy Award potential"? I sure didn't. I wanted to see: Explosions. Check. Fight scenes. Check. Testosterone limited dialog. Check. Action movie, sports celebrities, has-been-but-now-revitalized and likable stars. Check. Big guns and knives. Check.

The movie, oddly enough, also had Eric Roberts. *shrug*

It was an action movie- it accomplished what it was meant to. 8.5/10 for being just that.

08-30-2010, 12:35 PM
Julie & Julia, gf made me watch it last night with her - better than I thought it would be but that chick who played Julie was kinda creepy. Julia parts were funny.

08-30-2010, 03:05 PM
Have you ever seen the original Psycho?
Yea parts of it.I used to watch a channel called MGM which showed old movies,when I used to sit infront of TV that is.

Spoilers above

a stunningly beautiful female lead (prior to all the cgi and silicone- hence a REAL woman)
So true.

Did anyone watch this for its Academy Award potential?
Thats the problem with critiques and people these days.They evaluate all the movies on the same level.Why cant entertainers be seen as an entertainer instead of expecting it to be an oscar nominee or something.

Saw Remember Me.Typical romance drama stuff.Same old story of boy meets girl and the story continues with expected stuff like sex,breakup and back to lovey dovey,father problem etc.Its a nice time pass if you have nothing good to do but the ending was kinda unexpected thou.Robert Pattinson is there to attract chicks and Pierce Brosnan is starring as his father.

P.S:megabyteme,I am in mood to spam the drawing room,wanna join? :whistling

08-30-2010, 04:36 PM
Saw Prince of Persia yesterday. Not as good as I had hoped. A bit too much matinée for my taste.

08-30-2010, 04:37 PM
megabyteme,I am in mood to spam the drawing room,wanna join? :whistling

Now, you've gone and made me bite my tongue... See ==> :P

08-30-2010, 08:19 PM
The Expendables, is a film that will not one day be praised for its acting and storyline. Nah not gonna ever happen. But if you liked pure action films during the era of Commando, Bad Cop, Action Jackson, Universal Soldier and the rest of the late 80's/early 90's action film madness then you will thoroughly be entertained by this flick. I felt like walking outside and shooting 50 shotgun shells off after seeing this madness. But there were no skinnies, latin guerrillas, or even street thugs around so i had to settle for a cold shower.

08-30-2010, 08:48 PM
But there were no skinnies, latin guerrillas, or even street thugs around so i had to settle for a cold shower.

Not even a slope or a towelhead?:(

Couldn't you just pretend someone was looking at you funny then?

08-30-2010, 09:33 PM
nah none of those peeps around, for I live in a nice boring suburb so all i had were birds staring at me. But believe me they could sense the madness i had just experienced and were very cautious as a result.

08-30-2010, 10:14 PM
Saw Prince of Persia: Sands of Time and thought it was great. Nearly everything was perfect. I personally did not think that the princess was hot; the other actors there overhyped that.

I also saw The Other Guys. Laughed my ass off. There's something about Will Ferrel and the producer from entourage being in the same movie that cracks me up. Wasn't any different from the Steve Carell spy movie, just a little better.

08-30-2010, 10:24 PM
It was an action movie- it accomplished what it was meant to. 8.5/10 for being just that.

Now here's what I wrote someplace else that is not fst:

Terrible movie with terrible stunts, terribly slow acting, terrible amateur direction that doesn't take any chances, but is a culmination of cliche cuts and weak jokes one after the other.

Arnold being in the movie for less than an entire minute seemed incredibly pointless and the catch phrases got weaker with every single scene.

This seemed like a cheap shot at the A-Team/Inglorious Basterds comedy/actions genre that went terribly wrong.

Fight scenes were slow, and the bad acting was covered by inanely quick paced shots, and when those slowed down you could clearly tell that 2nd class actors stood at where they were supposed to waiting for cues as opposed to going with the flow.

The hilarity came not from the weak script, but from the terribly cheesy moments that came within close succession of one another. "See you in a thousand years ... Because you're small ... I came for the girl," are just some examples of lines you should expect.

The highlight of the movie, dare I say, was a single moment of retributive epiphany by an ex-expendable, not that monotonous, terribly acted action scenes that you'd go to such a movie to see.

08-31-2010, 12:07 AM
Ringhunter posted in the movie section ,I'm both confused a a little scared.

"... Because you're small ...
See Jet Li he's short :glag::glag::glag:
Gold I tell you.:glag::glag::glag:

08-31-2010, 12:14 AM
Have I never posted in here before? I've made it a habit reading the music section and this one for a while now, so it's weird that that is my first post here. Let's just blame it on me never finding a suitable "in".

08-31-2010, 12:32 AM
It was an action movie- it accomplished what it was meant to. 8.5/10 for being just that.

Now here's what I wrote someplace else that is not fst:

Terrible movie with terrible stunts, terribly slow acting, terrible amateur direction that doesn't take any chances, but is a culmination of cliche cuts and weak jokes one after the other.

Arnold being in the movie for less than an entire minute seemed incredibly pointless and the catch phrases got weaker with every single scene.

This seemed like a cheap shot at the A-Team/Inglorious Basterds comedy/actions genre that went terribly wrong.

Fight scenes were slow, and the bad acting was covered by inanely quick paced shots, and when those slowed down you could clearly tell that 2nd class actors stood at where they were supposed to waiting for cues as opposed to going with the flow.

The hilarity came not from the weak script, but from the terribly cheesy moments that came within close succession of one another. "See you in a thousand years ... Because you're small ... I came for the girl," are just some examples of lines you should expect.

The highlight of the movie, dare I say, was a single moment of retributive epiphany by an ex-expendable, not that monotonous, terribly acted action scenes that you'd go to such a movie to see.

It was directed by Stallone. Were you expecting witty dialog? The characters were all "hardened" mercenaries. You want warm, fuzzy lovable characters who realize that there is more to life than what they do? They blow stuff up, ride motorcycles, and hang out drinking beer while throwing knives.

If the characters had any real feelings, strong dialog, or existential awakenings- it would be a drama. It was solely about blowing stuff up and killing the enemy. Any of the cast's other movies lead you to believe this show would be anything else?

This movie was meant to be fast food for fast food eaters*. If you go to McLand looking for fine dining, you will be disappointed there too.

*Fast food eaters can also enjoy a nice meal, but at least know what they are getting when they leave the house. Base your expectations on what you ordered- not on what you got...

08-31-2010, 01:48 AM
*Fast food eaters can also enjoy a nice meal, but at least know what they are getting when they leave the house. Base your expectations on what you ordered- not on what you got...

LoL :D good one, last movie was Inception. really liked the movie and ended up at the last scene - srry wont be spoiler - an gone through the same strugle over the internet to see what i should "Do" or "Think" :S but other than that i liked the movie alot

08-31-2010, 01:52 AM
What I ordered was an action movie that asks me to check my brain at the entrance, then provide me two hours of senseless, pointless massacre.

What I got was a wimpy damsel in distress scenario, with minimal unique scenes (the only action sequence that was unique to this movie was the wreckage by the plane shooter and that wasn't worthy of being their signature strategy) and HORRENDOUS acting. It was like Mission Impossible three, minus the good reason to watch it (completing the trilogy). Hardened mercenaries that cry about being small in stature, go back to an island for a girl, and quit the team because they lost a fight? No matter how you argue, that's not "hardened" mercenaries material.

There's a fine line between a good comical action movie (as I mentioned earlier on, A-Team (their unique move was flying a tank) and Inglorious Basterds (theirs' being the scalp incidents)) and a movie that doesn't know when to quit with a joke/what constitutes motivating dialogue.

08-31-2010, 02:15 AM
There's a fine line between a good comical action movie (as I mentioned earlier on, A-Team (their unique move was flying a tank) and Inglorious Basterds (theirs' being the scalp incidents)) and a movie that doesn't know when to quit with a joke/what constitutes motivating dialogue.

Roger Ebert and I beg to differ on that point. Actually I just rewatched Inglorious Basterds and while I now more appreciate what Tarantino accomplished as a director there I am still of the opinion that a couple great performances a good scene or two aside the movie still isn't up to much.
Btw if you want seriously heartless,merciless bastard mercenaries then probably The Wild Geese is the way to go.They are purportedly the good guys and yet they kill without conscious. Don't look at the score but read the reviews at IMDB.

08-31-2010, 04:26 AM
Grabbing Wild Geese now, Idol. Thanks for the rec! Looked around and only found seeded HD versions. Demonoid has a quality 1.36GB version if anyone else is interested.

08-31-2010, 05:24 AM
Well thanks for the heads-up, Idol. It's queued in this night's downloads.

If anyone wants a reference version for download/search parameter facilitation: The Wild Geese 1978 1080p Blu-ray GER AVC DTS-HD MA 2.0

EDIT: Idol, as for Tarantino, I usually get that sense from all of his movies. The unique thing about him is that he introduces the concept that direction is an art to the average viewer. No matter how many times Shyamalan/Bay/Cameron give long speeches about it being an art/requiring skill, the average joe never sees past the fact that it's all relatively simple cuts that take no chances. On the other hand, Tarantino (especially in Inglorious Basterds the remake) introduces chapters, scenes, moving the whole play experience into the theater hall. That comes with its gifts/curses, the curses being that it plays out as any play would, leading up to a climactic moment where few would argue that it was a burning bloodbath worthy of the ticket's price, and yet, for the rest of the movie, it feels like the lack of corner stone events causes it to feel like it lacks substance.

08-31-2010, 12:12 PM
leading up to a climactic moment where few would argue that it was a burning bloodbath worthy of the ticket's price, and yet, for the rest of the movie, it feels like the lack of corner stone events causes it to feel like it lacks substance.
Actually except for the twist in the way that it plays out --definitely not going according to plan- the bloodbath/conflagration is a big nothing .The worthwhile moments are ,as with most Tartintino movies. in the dialogue and characterization ( excluding the "basterds " -except for the less psychotic one who dies in the cellar bar and to be honest even much lauded Waltz got too over the top and out of character near the end) .So obvious good : the whole opening sequence ,pinched as it were from Sergio Leone.The extended cellar scene for numerous reasons . Everything with Melanie Laurent.Other than that meh.
Ironically considering the title , except for the cellar scene the "basterds "are the most ineffectual part of the whole movie.

Again if you want to see this concept played out much better at least as a war/action film watch The Dirty Dozen instead.I actually cared ,unlike here , what happened to the "basterds" in that one .

08-31-2010, 05:50 PM
Jaws (1975) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaws_(film)) - Yay, finally seen jaws.Heres what i thought:
They take time to show the great white aka jaws but it only makes it better when you do.They also kill a few people (Some hot chick and some kid) in the first half hour.So it doesnt seem lenghy as it is, Being two hours.The last 40 minutes is what makes the movie.I wanted that fucking shark dead!With each stabb i was happier because i felt as if he was closer to death.This so classic does not dissapoint.

08-31-2010, 06:50 PM
browser malfunction... :(

08-31-2010, 06:58 PM
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132620/) (2009). Swedish film from a popular writer there.

They're doing a big Hollywood remake ,actually they are planning on doing the whole Millennium trilogy.The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,The Girl Who Played with Fire,The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest
David Fincher of Fight Club fame I believe is set to direct and Daniel Craig is definitely signed on to star.

08-31-2010, 06:59 PM
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1132620/) (2009). Swedish film from a popular writer there. Yes, it has subtitles, but the blu-ray is already available and they read well into a coherent story of a long-lost girl and research being conducted to find her. There's plenty of action, the acting is quite good, and the characters warrant exploration into the other two films (also available) in the Millennial series.

One note, the original Swedish title translates to, "Men Who Hate Women". There are lots of scenes that live up to this title. However, it is quite central to the story.

Prior to this movie, and Let the Right One In (also highly recommended), this was the only Swedish I believe I had ever heard... :P

Freddie: "Hej raring, jag har en 12 tums penis."

Splash[/i] (1984)]Walter: "These are doctors Järred and Johansen från the Stockholm institute."
Vakt: "I thought they were coming in later with doctor Ross."
Walter: "Oh... no, no, no... No, that story was just to fool the press."
Vakt: "Ah... You know, I'm half Swedish! Hej, hur har resan varit hittills?"
Allen & Freddie"Ja. Ja. Oh, ja. Yes. Sure. Ja. Ja."
Walter: "Well..."
Vakt: "Just a second. Vad gör en svensk vetenskapmän så långt iväg från Sverige?"
Freddie: "Hej raring, jag har en 12 tums penis."
Vakt: "Aahhh...."

När de har blivit insläppta i nästa korridor undrar Allen över Freddies svenskkunskaper:

Allen: "How the hell did you do that?"
Freddie: "Well, let me tell you something. Many of your finer nudie films come from Sweden. Well, after you see them 400-500 times this stuff starts to sink in."

Also, saw The Disappearance of Alice Creed (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1379177/) (2009). Let's say you are a young, aspiring director with a limited budget and a lot of talent. The best way to get noticed is to take 3 quality actors, a good camera person, an interesting script, and make your mark. This movie is a solid example of what can be done with that kind of talent and ambition. Everything has to come together, or it will be a snoozer. This minimalist thriller was quite worthy of my time, and I believe it will be worth yours.

08-31-2010, 07:02 PM
Jeez I must be psychic.

08-31-2010, 07:03 PM
You inspire me. :P

08-31-2010, 07:25 PM
ESP :o

08-31-2010, 07:44 PM
and Daniel Craig is definitely signed on to star.

That will be interesting to see him dressed up with the goth make-up, piercings, and playing as a woman. If he pulls it off, I'll put him up there with Gary Oldman for range of characters.

08-31-2010, 07:55 PM
and Daniel Craig is definitely signed on to star.

That will be interesting to see him dressed up with the goth make-up, piercings, and playing as a woman. If he pulls it off, I'll put him up there with Gary Oldman for range of characters.

Gary Oldman is actually a woman,that's how good he she is.

08-31-2010, 07:58 PM
It wouldn't surprise me. He's played Beethoven, and a black pimp. Who else could do that? :idunno:

08-31-2010, 11:33 PM
just saw the expendables, ok movie, but overrated..

09-01-2010, 12:11 AM
It wouldn't surprise me. He's played Beethoven, and a black pimp. Who else could do that? :idunno:

Snoop Dogg but I'm not sure about the Black pimp part.

09-01-2010, 01:32 PM
It wouldn't surprise me. He's played Beethoven, and a black pimp. Who else could do that? :idunno:

Snoop Dogg but I'm not sure about the Black pimp part.

You mean because he's not black or because he's not a pimp?

Just yesterday I watched Shutter Island. Although I never liked that Leonardo DiCaprio f** I must admit that was one brilliant piece of movie entertainment

09-01-2010, 04:20 PM
Kick-ass and really does kick-ass. awesome movie.

09-01-2010, 07:53 PM

09-01-2010, 08:04 PM

Been going over your posts and I can see where this is going.

09-01-2010, 10:01 PM
the blind side..sandra my love

09-02-2010, 12:11 AM
the expendables

09-02-2010, 12:21 AM
the expendables

Judging from the name of this thread, and your inability to answer the question fully, I think we can assume the storyline, plot, and characters were all to complex for you. :ermm:

09-02-2010, 12:55 AM
Hachi: A Dog's Tale (2009) (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hachiko:_A_Dog's_Story) - First off i hate dogs.But the episode in Futurama with the dog waiting for fry gets to me.:ghey:Well it turned out, The episode was based on a true events about a japanese dog waiting over ten years for its master, Showing great loyalty.It turned out it didnt work as a full movie and is kinda slow.Im not a Drama type of person or kids drama movie.Give it a look if you have a dog.Maybe it will get to you as I've read in the IMDB reviews...:mellow:

09-02-2010, 01:07 AM
First off i hate dogs.

What kind of despicable person hates dogs?

(http://www.google.ca/images?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=s&hl=en&q=cute+dog&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&ei=y_Z-TLqJJ8fOnAfx_OzvAQ&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQsAQwAA&biw=1920&bih=886)Furthermore what kind of person like Futurama?

09-02-2010, 01:16 AM
a challenger appears...


09-02-2010, 01:22 AM
I have two cats so you are preaching to the choir but a dog would die for you without a moments hesitation.
I think we should all love dogs and hate NFL players instead.