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08-04-2012, 12:04 AM
Women's Brit team is looking like shit. This first goal a player watched the ball go by. The second, a player in the wall moved out of the way so the ball was able to get through. :dabs:Posting it twice isn't going to make anyone care about women's puntsphere.
Apart from Canadians, maybe, since it appears they're shite at other Olympic disciplines.

08-04-2012, 12:08 AM

Sometimes with stuff, I feel like I'll get it if I just ponder a while longer or re-read it.
In this case I know that there is absolutely no chance of me ever understanding what it is you intend to convey without hints.

Could you please expound?
Oh and also; subsequently fucking die in a pool of aids because of the Fred spoiler which was actually true, salad breath.


You're conversing with a fellow who flings commas willy-nilly, like they were worms slapped across a sentence.

Still, he's come a long way.
I like to think we can humanise the wanton punctuation abusers by means of patient example.
Like you say, Idol's made great strides and that's due in no small part to champions of the squiggle such as your good self.

08-04-2012, 12:09 AM
Nobody else understands Americans except Americans.

08-04-2012, 12:12 AM
Nobody here can understand American except them.
Most people can understand Americans, Allen. They communicate using nary a nuance nor allegory device.
You're just a bit thick :)

08-04-2012, 12:14 AM

You're conversing with a fellow who flings commas willy-nilly, like they were worms slapped across a sentence.

Still, he's come a long way.
I like to think we can humanise the wanton punctuation abusers by means of patient example.
Like you say, Idol's made great strides and that's due in no small part to champions of the squiggle such as your good self.

I don't see it as a squiggle. That suggests movement when there is none. I favour a vision of a frigid maggot.

08-04-2012, 12:14 AM
I wouldn't expect an American to understand it.

08-04-2012, 12:22 AM
I like to think we can humanise the wanton punctuation abusers by means of patient example.
Like you say, Idol's made great strides and that's due in no small part to champions of the squiggle such as your good self.

I don't see it as a squiggle. That suggests movement when there is none. I favour a vision of a frigid maggot.Properly implemented punctuation can oft make words vibrant with life, you cloven-footed moth lord.

You've been reading poetry again, haven't you. I can tell. It blinds you to the true purpose of the written word.

08-04-2012, 12:27 AM
If I ever catch a child of mine reading poetry, I'll spangle them with vigour before locking them in the airing cupboard with only sonnets for company.
And poetry if it transpires that sonnets aren't poetry.

I've never cared to find out :snooty:

08-04-2012, 12:30 AM
I don't see it as a squiggle. That suggests movement when there is none. I favour a vision of a frigid maggot.Properly implemented punctuation can oft make words vibrant with life, you cloven-footed moth lord.

You've been reading poetry again, haven't you. I can tell. It blinds you to the true purpose of the written word.

Not especially, but you're just as purple as purple propounds itself to be, my elf-tongued associate.

Sometimes you're like a modern day war poet without the inconvenience of war, but with all the tragedy it musters.

Try as you may you'll never escape the horror, comrade. You are a poet, and poetry is you. This contains all the trench foot and hilarious dancing gait you'll ever need.

08-04-2012, 12:34 AM
Ducking arising

08-04-2012, 12:36 AM
Bah. Sorry. Posting from the mobile internets.

08-04-2012, 12:43 AM
Properly implemented punctuation can oft make words vibrant with life, you cloven-footed moth lord.

You've been reading poetry again, haven't you. I can tell. It blinds you to the true purpose of the written word.

Not especially, but you're just as purple as purple propounds itself to be, my elf-tongued associate.

Sometimes you're like a modern day war poet without the inconvenience of war, but with all the tragedy it musters.

Try as you may you'll never escape the horror, comrade. You are a poet, and poetry is you. This contains all the trench foot and hilarious dancing gait you'll ever need.
I'm going to pretend I don't know what the fuck you're talking about and ask, instead, if you're reading about Normandy :eyebrows:

You've mentioned it a lot recently.
I'm reading a weighty book on the subject which sends me ot sleep no matter what time of day I read it, but I'm persevering.

08-04-2012, 12:45 AM
The Santana story

08-04-2012, 12:47 AM
Nope, just wopped to the max and talking balls.

Normandy, though. That was cool. Nazis got fucked up. We're all speaking English.


08-04-2012, 12:55 AM
news is not history or it didn't happen or not?

08-04-2012, 01:08 AM
Your mums a Sapasttic

08-04-2012, 01:47 AM
In the context of owned == provoked, I have to admit you took the 'in' she gave you (not you personally but you all collectively) and owned me big time.

That doesn't make my reactions mental though, in fact quite the opposite. My reactions are ones you could have well guessed you would cause with your deliberate provocation about a real life experience that you knew had hurt me badly.

If you went to a gig and some bloke stood there poking you with a pointy stick, sooner or later you'd get pissed off and punch him.

That's what this is to me. It's not some internet thing like the bloke from Scenetime who gave you his information, and who therefore has no option but to accept you using it.

Indeed the information I did give you never got a bite from me. The tumor stuff about my Mother, for example. No what got the reaction was the stuff she fed you and the stuff that motivated you to hunt down and use.

I accept that you might not like that in my case the reaction/provocation is a real life one, but you did know this was a real life thing for me. Both you and manker commented about how this was a real life thing to me, you with your "We've never had a real life one" comment to her, and him with his "its not real life to any of us" type comments to me.

You set about provoking the real life reaction you got and then called it "mental" when you finally provoked it.

Your reactions to getting what you set about provoking are just completely mental chavis, aren't they? That's how it looks from here.

08-04-2012, 01:51 AM
Women's Brit team is looking like shit. This first goal a player watched the ball go by. The second, a player in the wall moved out of the way so the ball was able to get through. :dabs:Posting it twice isn't going to make anyone care about women's puntsphere.
Apart from Canadians, maybe, since it appears they're shite at other Olympic disciplines.

Only the ones that involve winning.

08-04-2012, 01:55 AM
In the context of owned == provoked, I have to admit you took the 'in' she gave you (not you personally but you all collectively) and owned me big time.

That doesn't make my reactions mental though, in fact quite the opposite. My reactions are ones you could have well guessed you would cause with your deliberate provocation about a real life experience that you knew had hurt me badly.

If you went to a gig and some bloke stood there poking you with a pointy stick, sooner or later you'd get pissed off and punch him.

That's what this is to me. It's not some internet thing like the bloke from Scenetime who gave you his information, and who therefore has no option but to accept you using it.

Indeed the information I did give you never got a bite from me. The tumor stuff about my Mother, for example. No what got the reaction was the stuff she fed you and the stuff that motivated you to hunt down and use.

I accept that you might not like that in my case the reaction/provocation is a real life one, but you did know this was a real life thing for me. Both you and manker commented about how this was a real life thing to me, you with your "We've never had a real life one" comment to her, and him with his "its not real life to any of us" type comments to me.

You set about provoking the real life reaction you got and then called it "mental" when you finally provoked it.

Your reactions to getting what you set about provoking are just completely mental chavis, aren't they? That's how it looks from here.

Can the staff please create a "Dave" section so in the future I won't be continually involuntarily subjected to this shit.

Thanks in advance.

08-04-2012, 02:27 AM
Poor me

08-04-2012, 02:32 AM
you all collectively[] owned me big time.

You kept coming back, day after day, because you can't leave her alone. That's the mental part. Well, that and your poorly concocted, adamantly used lies about why you came. You are obsessed, and every single individual who has ever read your drivel spots you, Dave. You aren't even close to being as clever as you think.

You wanted to make your presence here- in Squeam's favorite online pub, and talk all the shit you wanted about That Woman and she was supposed to sit by and take it, or be driven away. That didn't happen (reread that part about you not being so clever), and you want to blame her because she didn't let you play your passive-aggressive game.

Go spend time with your wife, kids, and mother. We are all apparently scum (as you remind us in each post), so either we aren't deserving of your time, or your personal life is TRULY fuked and we are still better than those who should be getting your attention.

08-04-2012, 03:58 AM
The problem with this transference of responsibility you keep on trying MBM, is that when challenged none of you can produce a single post or comment to support your warped little fantasy ideas about what went on here, it's not like you weren't offered multiple chances to produce any post you could to support your fantasies.

The posts show all I ever said about that woman was that she lied to me and deceived me, betraying my trust completely, and that I only ever did so in response to you asking questions, and poking (provoking) me with some nasty little post.

You provoked my response, it was what you were trying to do. You cannot blame me for that. You can't call my response mental, it was the response you all deliberately set about causing, and you all did that knowing it was a real life thing for me.

You're the mental one, and you are IMHO indeed a complete and utter piece of scum. You deliberately decided your right to cause offence and provoke another person was of far greater worth than another human beings life, and that is pretty mental, and IMHO the behaviour of a complete piece of scum.


What I find most odd about your post, is when these scum were filling EVERY single thread with provocative posts aimed at provoking me, until this entire board was filled with threads about little else, you didn't mind that. Tell me, do you understand the concept of tacit approval? You're certainly guilty of that where the events that have brought all of this about are concerned. So you'll have to forgive me for not giving any kind of fuck about how shit you think my posts are.

08-04-2012, 05:36 AM

08-04-2012, 05:44 AM

08-04-2012, 07:29 AM
Woke up with a boner this morning nor did i bother to masturbate. Surely thats worth $20.

08-04-2012, 11:07 AM
What the fuck kind of army would let dave in. A raging fuckwit with no self-discipline. He wouldn't pass the psych test here, ffs.

Small children are less easily goaded, ffs.

08-04-2012, 11:53 AM

What I find most odd about your post, is when these scum were filling EVERY single thread with provocative posts aimed at provoking me, until this entire board was filled with threads about little else, you didn't mind that. Tell me, do you understand the concept of tacit approval? You're certainly guilty of that where the events that have brought all of this about are concerned. So you'll have to forgive me for not giving any kind of fuck about how shit you think my posts are.

What do you want me to say Dave,that I don't like the endless posts about you,because I don't.

Purely from my perspective though the reason that I think you are looney as opposed to them simply being unnecessarily cruel (btw I don't read most of this shit so forgive me for any inaccuracies) ,is that all you have to do to be "unaffected" by any of it is simply let it go and stop coming here.

08-04-2012, 11:54 AM
Woke up with a boner this morning nor did i bother to masturbate. Surely thats worth $20.

Woke up not wanting to kill junglebook but that has since changed.

08-04-2012, 11:57 AM
What the fuck kind of army would let dave in. A raging fuckwit with no self-discipline. He wouldn't pass the psych test here, ffs.

Small children are less easily goaded, ffs.

Mental problems are the bread and butter of the military.True story.

08-04-2012, 12:32 PM
The reason it worked, Dave was cos I kept you second guessing the whole time. I gave you enough information to tailspin your little brain into confused panic. How I clasped my sweaty palms in joy as you plummeted, moustache-first into paranoia. It was a work of fucking art, Dave. Not our Art, like.

I didn't do it for no reason either. Though, I've been known to be quite arbitrary in my pwnage. You were a dick from day one, and I would've gotten to you some other way, anyway. You're easy like that. Fuck sake, you got your knickers so contorted with your manic geek account that you even asked to have yourself banned, and that was fucking years ago, you bananoid.

I still feel sorry for your kids. You've been glaring in futile rage at a backlit screen for some time now, Dave. That's gotta manifest itself around the household. Or have you been officially relegated to the shed for life.

08-04-2012, 12:59 PM

I can see what you're saying, and don't get me wrong I understand your point of view. Indeed it seems to be the prevalent POV around here, that the scum of this site can behave as disgracefully as they like towards another person, and that the person has to accept it and/or walk away. Well I've met enough of the scum of humanity, I've walked away from enough of them. There will be no more walking away, no more letting it go. If they didn't want that maybe they should have considered that sooner or later they'd provoke someone this much.

I apologise to you for the inconvenience that causes you.



I'm sorry to disappoint you chavis, but all of my life is perfectly happy and content. There are no arguments or hassle in it at all. I have repeatedly pointed out to you all that your thoughts about how I'm 'foaming at the mouth' and/or furious are incorrect.

The claims you'd have owned me anyway are false, as can be seen by the attempts you made before she fed you my real life. You didn't have shit. In fact the only way you could get me was with what she fed you. Like I said you knew that was real life stuff, so you can't claim surprise or shock to discover that the reaction you provoked is a real life one. It's not mental it's what you decided you had the right to provoke.

08-04-2012, 01:02 PM
You've only got yourself to blame, Dave.

Bottom line, you came here to provoke Sophie with that amateur porn thread and you got emptied. Absolutely disseminated. Disintegrated.

It's still happening. :smilie4:

08-04-2012, 01:06 PM

I can see what you're saying, and don't get me wrong I understand your point of view. Indeed it seems to be the prevalent POV around here, that the scum of this site can behave as disgracefully as they like towards another person, and that the person has to accept it and/or walk away. Well I've met enough of the scum of humanity, I've walked away from enough of them. There will be no more walking away, no more letting it go. If they didn't want that maybe they should have considered that sooner or later they'd provoke someone this much.

I apologise to you for the inconvenience that causes you.

Again my perspective.Again purposely not bothering to read the various accusations/back and forths.

At least you are decent enough to attempt to understand and occasionally acknowledge my posts ,which I my ( admittedly needy) mind makes you better than a lot of people here.

08-04-2012, 01:17 PM
For all she knew you could've been banging the rohypnol into her and having your photographic way with her like there's no tomorrow.

I certainly wouldn't put it past you, freak.

08-04-2012, 01:32 PM
Like I said chavis, without what she fed you, you haven't got shit.

You know the funny thing, even after you fessed up about that PM coming from her, I wasn't arsed. I would have quite happily have let it go, and just written it off as yet another part of the sorry saga of allowing her into my life. That completely unjustified ban of mankers though, that altered it completely for me. The posts you all made after I was banned.... well you all decided you could provoke this. So you can stop acting like this wasn't what you set about causing, or is some unexpected reaction.

08-04-2012, 01:37 PM
You weren't arsed? Dave, you were fucking apoplectic. I could almost hear your sorry little cogs whirling like a motherfucker. I did you a favour telling you. I'd kept you wriggling so long, and I'm really not that bad of a person.

Remember, I didn't have to tell you a fucking thing, Dave. I did it out of the goodness of my heart.

08-04-2012, 01:46 PM
'goodness' of your heart :glag:

If you remember correctly (do feel free to check the post history) you never told me anything, the PM coming from her was revealed as a result of you questioning her, just as you started to realise her PM wasn't all it appeared to be, and that what she'd really done was own you and use you as a pet attack puppy.

And get over yourself, I said many times before, I'd already realised you weren't some genuinely nasty cunt, but a decent bloke who was just trying to have a laugh.

08-04-2012, 01:49 PM
Dave, feel free to check post histories yourself there.

I strung you out for a year. A full fucking year. Your current mental state is testament to that.

08-04-2012, 01:56 PM
I've already admitted that your performance as her pet attack puppy, armed with the PM she fed you was exemplary, and that you have owned/provoked me big time.

08-04-2012, 01:57 PM
The thing is, it didn't have to be this hard for you, Dave. All you need at the entrance point is a sense of humour. A willingness to perceive yourself as others' do and in doing so, embrace it.

You're just a naturally unfunny, confrontational guy, Dave. You're aggressive. You were aggressive long before any of this nonsense began. Manic geek was aggressive for seemingly little reason.

You're a drama queen, Dave. That's the long and the short of it. I'm pretty fucking delighted I'm not you.

08-04-2012, 02:18 PM
There was only one subject I wasn't going to find funny chavis, it was the one you used to own me. You knew that, I told you it.

08-04-2012, 02:20 PM
If there's one subject you don't find funny, then that's the one to exploit, you fucking idiot.

08-04-2012, 02:35 PM
Not as good as the Brits, Shirley.

3 golds to 2, Britain has six medals over all, N.Z. 4 (3 gold & 1 bronze).

Take that, interloper :01:a

08-04-2012, 03:13 PM
hai, dave.
I delete as many posts of yours as I can and I ban you each time I see you post.

The only time I don't delete them is if the post has been directly replied to. If it hasn't, it goes regardless of the content.
If it's been directly replied to, it stays, regardless of the content.

It's a courtesy to the people who talk to you.

08-04-2012, 03:15 PM
hai, dave.
I delete as many posts of yours as I can and I ban you each time I see you post.

The only time I don't delete them is if the post has been directly replied to. If it hasn't, it goes regardless of the content.
If it's been directly replied to, it stays, regardless of the content.

It's a courtesy to the people who talk to you.

I appreciate that. You're a wise and noble mod.

08-04-2012, 03:28 PM
treating spastics like spastics is the way forward. I learned that from a forumlar sage.

Onto more important matters; I think Mary may have been a little more upset than she let on about the constant sexual insinuation regarding his wife, one Ivana Sukurnobofski. And also the fat jokes.


Is there any merit in this supposition?

08-04-2012, 03:31 PM
treating spastics like spastics is the way forward. I learned that from a forumlar sage.

Onto more important matters; I think Mary may have been a little more upset than she let on about the constant sexual insinuation regarding his wife, one Ivana Sukurnobofski. And also the fat jokes.


Is there any merit in this supposition?

I didn't wanna say it, but I will.

You're aware that Ivana has taken stock of this forum, aren't you? She's a bit hurt, understandably.

Coincidence? Sleep medication? Road trips? Family? I think fucking not.

08-04-2012, 04:09 PM
In other news, Bill Murray isn't going to appear in Ghostbusters 3.

Well, what's the fucking point then.

08-04-2012, 04:24 PM
Oh look it's manker lying like the nasty little toerag that he is again.

Tell us all that lie again manker when you haven't been caught out deleting the post chavis replied to with his post #3784 of this thread.

We can all see why you deleted the post that reply was to.

It's funny to see your sad and pathetic attempts to twist the things said here.

08-04-2012, 04:26 PM
Dave, you're a little girl in a big, big town.

You're my wank sock.

08-04-2012, 04:53 PM
What the fuck kind of army would let dave in. A raging fuckwit with no self-discipline. He wouldn't pass the psych test here, ffs.

Small children are less easily goaded, ffs.

Mental problems are the bread and butter of the military.True story.
Yeah, but there's mental and then there's mental.

I mean, I doubt lack of impulse control or logic, delusions and an inability for self-reflection are desirable traits in a soldier.

"No, I didn't really shoot those unarmed civilians, and besides, they would have shot first, so I was only doing it in self-defense before they started shooting."

I don't really see hiring someone who keeps going back to the same spot day after day, fighting badly at that, when the only reason there is still fighting to be had is because they keep going there, catching on. Except maybe in the US military, now that I think about it.

08-04-2012, 04:55 PM
In other news, Bill Murray isn't going to appear in Ghostbusters 3.

Well, what's the fucking point then.
Dan Aykroid?

08-04-2012, 04:55 PM
Rick Moranis?

08-04-2012, 05:02 PM
They may be fantastic, fucking outstanding and all that, but I'll always be able to say Venkman wasn't in it, innit.

Rendering it wank.

08-04-2012, 07:07 PM
Noice one Ramsey!

08-05-2012, 08:18 AM
Morning bored.

T-16 days to Belfast :fear:

08-05-2012, 11:31 AM
treating spastics like spastics is the way forward. I learned that from a forumlar sage.

Onto more important matters; I think Mary may have been a little more upset than she let on about the constant sexual insinuation regarding his wife, one Ivana Sukurnobofski. And also the fat jokes.


Is there any merit in this supposition?

I didn't wanna say it, but I will.

You're aware that Ivana has taken stock of this forum, aren't you? She's a bit hurt, understandably.

Coincidence? Sleep medication? Road trips? Family? I think fucking not.Well, fucking fuck. I just needed to say it aloud, peruse the feedback.
How tortured must Mary have been to invent a life.

I think we over-whacked the piñata to the extent that we got bloody viscera instead of the sweet candy of success.

08-05-2012, 11:34 AM
In other news; fuck Ghostbusters, I thought there already was a III and also, hai Skweeks.
Are you still taking the homosexual with you to Belfast and have you pre-booked accommodation.

08-05-2012, 11:50 AM

08-05-2012, 01:25 PM
I didn't wanna say it, but I will.

You're aware that Ivana has taken stock of this forum, aren't you? She's a bit hurt, understandably.

Coincidence? Sleep medication? Road trips? Family? I think fucking not.Well, fucking fuck. I just needed to say it aloud, peruse the feedback.
How tortured must Mary have been to invent a life.

I think we over-whacked the piñata to the extent that we got bloody viscera instead of the sweet candy of success.

Even the gentlest of caresses to that particular piñata would've yielded similar results. The boy was playing with fire.

And now, where has all that candour and sincerity gotten him?

08-05-2012, 02:04 PM
In other news; fuck Ghostbusters, I thought there already was a III and also, hai Skweeks.
Are you still taking the homosexual with you to Belfast and have you pre-booked accommodation.

Hai manks - Yes, and yes.

08-05-2012, 02:35 PM
Hai Skweeks. Now for some racism.

There are two landlord owned houses in our street. One is next door and the other is two doors up. A fucking convoy of gypos have moved in two doors up, bringing with them noise and an assortment of unwieldy vehicles, a troop of exotic mongrels bringing up their rear. They stand and thrust their defiant faces, their snotty nosed childrens' defiant faces and their ample bosoms streetwards. Basically saying 'come have a go if you think you're hygienic enough'.

A family of Poles have moved in next door. I can hear foreign shuffling and Euro-pop and another fucking dog. This street is a flea-bitten menagerie of yapping quadrupeds and their deposits. Some cunt tea-leafed our delivery of lemonade the other day from outside the porch.

Bunch of fucking cunts.

08-05-2012, 04:22 PM
In other news; fuck Ghostbusters, I thought there already was a III and also, hai Skweeks.
Are you still taking the homosexual with you to Belfast and have you pre-booked accommodation.

Hai manks - Yes, and yes.
Alright, Skweeks.
Damn and damn.

08-05-2012, 04:24 PM
Hai Skweeks. Now for some racism.

There are two landlord owned houses in our street. One is next door and the other is two doors up. A fucking convoy of gypos have moved in two doors up, bringing with them noise and an assortment of unwieldy vehicles, a troop of exotic mongrels bringing up their rear. They stand and thrust their defiant faces, their snotty nosed childrens' defiant faces and their ample bosoms streetwards. Basically saying 'come have a go if you think you're hygienic enough'.

A family of Poles have moved in next door. I can hear foreign shuffling and Euro-pop and another fucking dog. This street is a flea-bitten menagerie of yapping quadrupeds and their deposits. Some cunt tea-leafed our delivery of lemonade the other day from outside the porch.

Bunch of fucking cunts.
Delivery of lemonade :blink:

All I can say about your current predicament is that it's entirely your fault for moving to a rowdy suburb in the 1950s.

08-05-2012, 04:26 PM
Well, fucking fuck. I just needed to say it aloud, peruse the feedback.
How tortured must Mary have been to invent a life.

I think we over-whacked the piñata to the extent that we got bloody viscera instead of the sweet candy of success.

Even the gentlest of caresses to that particular piñata would've yielded similar results. The boy was playing with fire.

And now, where has all that candour and sincerity gotten him?One step down from mbm and slightly ahead of ziggy on goal difference in the ongoing fst lounge pity league of shame, that's where.

08-05-2012, 04:48 PM
Hai Skweeks. Now for some racism.

There are two landlord owned houses in our street. One is next door and the other is two doors up. A fucking convoy of gypos have moved in two doors up, bringing with them noise and an assortment of unwieldy vehicles, a troop of exotic mongrels bringing up their rear. They stand and thrust their defiant faces, their snotty nosed childrens' defiant faces and their ample bosoms streetwards. Basically saying 'come have a go if you think you're hygienic enough'.

A family of Poles have moved in next door. I can hear foreign shuffling and Euro-pop and another fucking dog. This street is a flea-bitten menagerie of yapping quadrupeds and their deposits. Some cunt tea-leafed our delivery of lemonade the other day from outside the porch.

Bunch of fucking cunts.
Delivery of lemonade :blink:

All I can say about your current predicament is that it's entirely your fault for moving to a rowdy suburb in the 1950s.

Yep, every Saturday the lemonade man and his long-suffering sidekick drop off the juice. It's our way of supporting a dying industry. My eldest used to work for them on Saturdays (good lad), so we fell into an obligation. Nobody drinks it. It's rank. Still have to pay for the pish and tip the sidekick, though.

08-05-2012, 05:05 PM
See. You're a tart with a heart <3

Watching the mixed doubles gold medal match at the moment. Both burds are pretty sexsay, which makes it 50% better than the ladies' singles final.

08-05-2012, 06:52 PM
Wonderful, Dave. Truly wonderful. I got four lines in and zoned out. Started thinking about the gypos up the street. There was a screech of brake earlier and I heard a thick brogue rambling out something about burnings out.

In other news, are you enjoying the Olympics, Dave?

08-05-2012, 07:03 PM
Your loss chavis, you'd have liked that one.

I'm afraid I ripped my tickets up, see I look at those people in the Olympics and just know they're all pretty much the same kind of people as she, you, manker, MBM... people are all pretty much the same kind of scum. So I'm afraid I haven't bothered watching or reading anything about it.

08-05-2012, 07:06 PM

We are scum and you got snooker-balled right up your clueless chops, nonce.

Who's the daddy, Dave?

08-05-2012, 07:19 PM
dave, you're being boring again.

Can't you find some friends in your own mental age to play with. Must be a local children's crèche or somesuch with a suitable balustrade.

08-05-2012, 07:27 PM
Dave's sitting there, frantically trying to kill the twenty minutes or so it will take for his new tor exit node to push a couple of html pages through so he can write this:

'See, I knew manker was lying, I posted something that I knew he would delete but then chalice replied and manker said he wouldn't delete it if someone replied but he did anyway, how dare he delete my words omfg i hate all of you scum but especially the scum that lie and hate and spew.'

You don't have to bother now, David :)

08-05-2012, 07:34 PM
As I said, a wise and noble mod.

He might've like totally changed his world around and posted something containing humility, humour and horror. It might've been fucking fantastic. We might've been enlightened.

Now we'll never know, you nazi.

08-05-2012, 07:43 PM
Like a good nazi, I just banned him not five minutes ago as he was making a report to tell people how mean I am.
He would have finished the report, hit the send button and got the 'dave u r banned again lol' message I lovingly prepared for him.

No one will ever know what was in the report, it's lost in the ether.

It's no wonder he hates me the mostest :happy:

08-05-2012, 07:52 PM
Well, as I've always said; if you're gonna be a nazi, be the best nazi you can be.

After the war Mossad will work for you.

08-05-2012, 10:09 PM
Because Idol.


08-05-2012, 10:11 PM
Yeah the monkey's pretty hot.

08-05-2012, 10:12 PM

08-05-2012, 10:14 PM
I just realized the capper spelt it with a zed.


08-05-2012, 10:16 PM
There is the fantastic sided-bewb but that was the reason I put it up :D

08-05-2012, 10:17 PM
The Welsh are devious lot aren't they?

08-05-2012, 10:19 PM
So Andy What'shisname won something or other.
Almost makes up for being such a failure up to this point doesn't it?

08-05-2012, 10:20 PM
Also for some reason Bolt sickens me considerably less than all the other walking ego sprinters.

08-05-2012, 10:23 PM
The Welsh are devious lot aren't they?
Mary once said a similar thing to me, her exact words were; 'are the Welsh a sneaky people'.
This was, of course, before she started inventing road trips and sleep medication and pizza jaunts and having family who let her visit.

I think we can all learn something from that.

08-05-2012, 10:25 PM
Obviously he had a point though as you are clearly screwing with my mind.

08-05-2012, 10:28 PM
So Andy What'shisname won something or other.
Almost makes up for being such a failure up to this point doesn't it?I don't think so, he didn't cry like a big girl, which seems a pre-requisite for any and all achievements in professional sport recently.

I'd have preferred him to have won a slam this year. Or any year.
Dunno what he thinks, no one asked him. I'd have asked him :smilie4:

Also for some reason Bolt sickens me considerably less than all the other walking ego sprinters.
Same, dewd. The one I hate the most is Justin Gatlin for obvious reasons but I also hate Asafa Powell, too. He's a less male and less good version of Serena Williams.

08-05-2012, 10:32 PM
Obviously he had a point though as you are clearly screwing with my mind.What you're currently feeling isn't not unrequited.

08-05-2012, 11:21 PM
Also for some reason Bolt sickens me considerably less than all the other walking ego sprinters.
Same, dewd. The one I hate the most is Justin Gatlin for obvious reasons...
The drug thing
Or because he's Black but not nonthreatening Black like Bill Cosby or Aunt Jemima?
Or because he has the affront to have the name Gatlin and not be one of the Gatlin Brothers?
Or because while not sure , he may be b looking at you funny and so needs to go to the ovens?

08-05-2012, 11:26 PM
Same, dewd. The one I hate the most is Justin Gatlin for obvious reasons...
The drug thing
Or because he's Black but not nonthreatening Black like Bill Cosby or Aunt Jemima?
Or because he has the affront to have the name Gatlin and not be one of the Gatlin Brothers?
Or because while not sure , he may be b looking at you funny and so needs to go to the ovens?Yes.
Especially the last one.

08-06-2012, 07:53 AM
Well, dave dowell. cba to read beyond a couple of lines of that, because experience has shown that it's always the same wank you post.

But yes, you are really boring. chalice or manker, fex, are intelligent, funny and imaginative, as opposed to an angry moron who keeps posting the same immature nonsense, over and over. It was funny watching you being an idiot, for a bit, and we all used to laugh at you, but now it's just infinite variations of you not getting it, again.

08-06-2012, 08:53 AM
an angry moron who keeps posting the same immature nonsense, over and over. It was funny watching you being an idiot, for a bit, and we all used to laugh at you, but now it's just infinite variations of you not getting it, again.
plus won ._.

There was something new in this post. I got challenged to a staying up late competition.
Which, as fun as it sounds, I withdrew from.

08-06-2012, 09:53 AM
I think I love Jessica Ennis.

Mornsup :coffee:

08-06-2012, 11:27 AM
We all do, barbie. All of us.
She's the acceptable face of Denise Lewis.

08-06-2012, 12:12 PM
Just been watching a spot of table-tennis. The Japanese pwned shit the fuck right up.
Her name is Ai Fukuhara. Which is exactly what a Japanese person would say if you told them to repeat 'I fuck you harder'

Yeah. That's basically why I watched it.

121490 121491 121492

Would. Absolutely no questions.

08-06-2012, 12:41 PM
Question. Beth Tweddle, yes or no?

I think yes, even though she's never really aged into a woman, just an older version of a teenage girl....

08-06-2012, 12:47 PM
Her name is Ai Fukuhara. Which is exactly what a Japanese person would say if you told them to repeat 'I fuck you harder'

That's the smile-inducing thought of the morning. :happy:

08-06-2012, 01:12 PM
Question. Beth Tweddle, yes or no?

I think yes, even though she's never really aged into a woman, just an older version of a teenage girl....Fuck no, barbie. What the hell are you thinking.

Your post is all to cock, Beth Tweddle is possibly the ugliest woman at the Olympics - I'm including the weightlifters, and if a woman doesn't really age after she's left her teen years - that's a good thing.
Except in her case, it just means she will have a face like Beth Tweddle for the rest of her life.

And she's scouse.

08-06-2012, 01:14 PM
Her name is Ai Fukuhara. Which is exactly what a Japanese person would say if you told them to repeat 'I fuck you harder'

That's the smile-inducing thought of the morning. :happy:it induced more than a smile from me. i just want it to be tomorrow so i can watch her in the final.

Do you think they have many wardrobe malfunctions in the table-tennis :unsure:

08-06-2012, 01:31 PM
Question. Beth Tweddle, yes or no?

I think yes, even though she's never really aged into a woman, just an older version of a teenage girl....Fuck no, barbie. What the hell are you thinking.

Your post is all to cock, Beth Tweddle is possibly the ugliest woman at the Olympics - I'm including the weightlifters, and if a woman doesn't really age after she's left her teen years - that's a good thing.
Except in her case, it just means she will have a face like Beth Tweddle for the rest of her life.

And she's scouse.


Quality. But she can bend her legs round her neck, surely that's gotta count for something... :unsure:

It's always about faces with you... :dry:

08-06-2012, 02:29 PM
Srsly, I'd have a go on your common or garden female gymnast despite their taught looking faces but due to the horror that is the Tweddle visage, I think with regard to her legs behind head trick, the only advantage would be that you can quickly tie her feet there, gently roll her out of bed and down the stairs and out of the house.

08-06-2012, 02:33 PM
She's only got a bronze, so the allure has waned slightly.

I'll only do winners, I'm fussy like that.... :smilie4:

08-06-2012, 03:11 PM
You're right to do so.
Let's look at some selected pictoral evidence:

Gold medal; Jessica Ennis


Silver medal; Christine Ohurogu

Bronze medal; Beth Tweddle


Cbf posting more pics but Pendleton won gold and Karina Bryant won bronze.
The case rests.

08-06-2012, 04:37 PM
Christine Ongabonga there looks even worse than the Tweedle, but got silver, so obviously it's not proportional

08-06-2012, 04:39 PM
Question. Beth Tweddle, yes or no?

I think yes, even though she's never really aged into a woman, just an older version of a teenage girl....Fuck no, barbie. What the hell are you thinking.

Your post is all to cock, Beth Tweddle is possibly the ugliest woman at the Olympics - I'm including the weightlifters, and if a woman doesn't really age after she's left her teen years - that's a good thing.
Except in her case, it just means she will have a face like Beth Tweddle for the rest of her life.

And she's scouse.

I just looked up Beth Tweedle and now I shall have nightmares.
Now the only real question is why is she competing in gymnastics when clearly she would be a natural at the equestrian events?

08-06-2012, 04:43 PM
Btw lots of those gymnasts train to the point of ceasing to menstruate so that is why they look so preternaturally young.

08-06-2012, 04:45 PM
And other than that, wrt Tweedle, admittedly there's a bit of teeth/gums/chin-action going on there that's a bit off, but I've only seen photos, and a lot of people look better when animated, like.

So I'll cautiously say that she's not horribly disfigured or anything.

08-06-2012, 04:55 PM

Get Idol

08-06-2012, 04:56 PM
Christine Ongabonga there looks even worse than the Tweedle, but got silver, so obviously it's not proportionalI just went to type 'racist' and hit enter but then I seen 'Ongabonga' and pissed myself laughing at the racism :happy:

08-06-2012, 08:35 PM

Get Idol
O beware, my lord, of jealousy
It is the green eyed monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.

08-06-2012, 08:44 PM


08-06-2012, 09:01 PM

Get Idol
O beware, my lord, of jealousy
It is the green eyed monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.I was thinking that there are a few ways to interpret what you wrote, and then I got to thinking which would be the most appropriate and which you actually meant.
I then pondered a moment on whether our minds would meet.

And then I realised that you made me analyse a poem. Scumbag.
A thousand deaths on your carbon fibre soul.

08-06-2012, 09:03 PM


She looks absolutely filthy. I bet she prefers it up the wrong 'un. In a carpark.
Alrite, effy, btw. Long time, flowe.

08-06-2012, 09:05 PM
Srsly, I'd have a go on your common or garden female gymnast despite their taut looking faces but due to the horror that is the Tweddle visage, I think with regard to her legs behind head trick, the only advantage would be that you can quickly tie her feet there, gently roll her out of bed and down the stairs and out of the house.

fixed that for you, I know the priapism is causing blood loss to your brain, so I just thought I would help out. :blink:

08-06-2012, 09:11 PM
Is there an alternative to TinEye that actually works. I tried to run the above image, and the results were not even useful.

08-06-2012, 09:35 PM
Is there an alternative to TinEye that actually works. I tried to run the above image, and the results were not even useful.It's Victoria Pendleton.

There are a few alternatives on /b/ that I noticed the other day. They are linked on every post.
None of the fucking things ever work for me, though.

08-06-2012, 09:37 PM
Srsly, I'd have a go on your common or garden female gymnast despite their taut looking faces but due to the horror that is the Tweddle visage, I think with regard to her legs behind head trick, the only advantage would be that you can quickly tie her feet there, gently roll her out of bed and down the stairs and out of the house.

fixed that for you, I know the priapism is causing blood loss to your brain, so I just thought I would help out. :blink:Well thank you very much, kind sir. I'm glad it was you and not chavois or Squeams. They would have been considerably more uncharitable :happy:

08-06-2012, 09:41 PM
O beware, my lord, of jealousy
It is the green eyed monster, which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.I was thinking that there are a few ways to interpret what you wrote, and then I got to thinking which would be the most appropriate and which you actually meant.
I then pondered a moment on whether our minds would meet.

And then I realised that you made me analyse a poem. Scumbag.
A thousand deaths on your carbon fibre soul.

I believe that Shakespeare is trying to say that you are as queer as a three dollar bill.

08-06-2012, 09:51 PM
Like he'd know, the big girl. He wrote more poems than plays and was shite at novels.


Actually he would know, what with the gaydar thing, but I'm sure that only works in a contemporary sense.
So much for your Machiavellian scheme, pooflord.

08-07-2012, 05:31 AM
Just when you thought I was out, I bust my way back into this shit! BOOM!
BTW Manker... that's disgusting. I'm not sure why, but it just seems appropriate.:dry::P

08-07-2012, 10:29 AM
Just when you thought I was out, I bust my way back into this shit! BOOM!
BTW Manker... that's disgusting. I'm not sure why, but it just seems appropriate.:dry::P

Wrong thread.....you posted in the wrong thread. If you are going to be speshal, we (well Meg) has a special thread just for you:


08-07-2012, 11:02 AM
Just when you thought I was out, I bust my way back into this shit! BOOM!
BTW Manker... that's disgusting. I'm not sure why, but it just seems appropriate.:dry::P
I'm pretty sure that you're wrong and that I was simply my calm and debonair self in whatever you're referencing, but yeah, you're going to have to revisit this thread more often if we're to converse properly. I'm pretty sure I asked you stuff weeks ago in here and you seemed to get a life and get laid rather than reply.
You've let yourself down, there. What would your mam say if she knew.

And also; I read that you are involved in some kind of search for Lego Ninjago in HD. For your kids.
Basically if they aren't old enough to source their own HD material, get it in SD and issue them with a stern glare or a kidney punch if they question your codec choice. In my day we had grainy VHS tapes of Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors and we damn well liked it.

08-07-2012, 11:47 AM
Just been watching a spot of table-tennis. The Japanese pwned shit the fuck right up.
Her name is Ai Fukuhara. Which is exactly what a Japanese person would say if you told them to repeat 'I fuck you harder'

Yeah. That's basically why I watched it.

121490 121491 121492

Would. Absolutely no questions.She's on today in the finals at 15:25

I've just cancelled an appointment I had at 4:15 so I won't be disturbed. True Story.
Fuck those needy client bitches.

08-07-2012, 01:03 PM
Just when you thought I was out, I bust my way back into this shit! BOOM!
BTW Manker... that's disgusting. I'm not sure why, but it just seems appropriate.:dry::P

Wrong thread.....you posted in the wrong thread. If you are going to be speshal, we (well Meg) has a special thread just for you:


Some applicants are allowed to submit via crayon on institutional toilet paper. He's in without reservation...

08-07-2012, 02:04 PM
GB just won gold and bronze in the triathlon. The guy who won it ran the 10000 metres around a minute slower than Mo Farah the winner of the 10k track gold, and one second slower than the second fastest British athlete after he'd already done the bike ride and the swim, and he slowed down to a jog for the last lap, wrapped himself in flag and walked over the line while clapping the crowd.

Incidentally, there was copious amounts of pain and suffering endured by the medallists in this event so Idol should approve.

08-07-2012, 04:29 PM
GB just won gold and bronze in the triathlon. The guy who won it ran the 10000 metres around a minute slower than Mo Farah the winner of the 10k track gold, and one second slower than the second fastest British athlete after he'd already done the bike ride and the swim, and he slowed down to a jog for the last lap, wrapped himself in flag and walked over the line while clapping the crowd.

Incidentally, there was copious amounts of pain and suffering endured by the medallists in this event so Idol should approve.

So far all "our" medal favourties like Simon Whateverhisnameis (he's a loser so I've forgotten about him already)have crashed and burned (literally in Simon What'shisfaces's case - see also Dlylan Somethingorother and the female boxer and the ginger woman triathlete)
Even when "we" do well the officials rob us of stuff (see women's football team).

Actually I'm pretty sure we would be pwning lots stuff if not for drugs and bias officials and other countries cheating and us basically sucking at everything that doesn't involve ice or snow.

Anyway I too was pretty astounded by that poof Brit's run and would be even more so if I knew he wasn't high as a kite on some drug or other.

08-07-2012, 05:10 PM

Daniel Day Lewis as Spielberg's Lincoln. He dies in the end, apparently.

08-07-2012, 07:11 PM
Daniel Day Lewis as Spielberg's Lincoln. He dies in the end, apparently.

Spoilers, please. There's 'Merkins present... :ermm:

08-07-2012, 08:57 PM
Dewds. Picked up a WDTV gen 3 last week for the parents, to replace a Netgear eva2000 that was used to play stuff off thumb drives (moved that to the TV in their kitchen), which I previously got them. It's pretty awesome. Kind of like a really simple htpc without the ability to run other than the pre-installed software.

Thus far it's been fantastic. Runs all files that have been thrown at it, including heaps of mkvs with different formats, which never works well with simple media players and such in my experience. And it's mostly over wifi, from network shares, at that. All in all, it's perfect for parent-types who don't do computers too well, once set up, and it's really cheap for what you get. I recommend it.

I'm thinking of getting one for the screen in my bedroom, even.

Also considering an android-based thumb drive computer along the lines of a Rikomagic or a Cotton Candy, with mxplayer or similar, either of those might be a good alternative. This WDTV has been better at mkvs than any of my phones or tablets, though.

08-07-2012, 09:01 PM
Dewds. Picked up a WDTV gen 3 last week for the parents, to replace a Netgear eva2000 that was used to play stuff off thumb drives (moved that to the TV in their kitchen), which I previously got them. It's pretty awesome. Kind of like a really simple htpc without the ability to run other than the pre-installed software.

Thus far it's been fantastic, though. Runs all files that have been thrown at it, including heaps of mkvs with different formats, which never works well with simple media players and such in my experience. And it's mostly over wifi, from network shares, at that. All in all, it's perfect for parent-types who don't do computers too well, once set up, and it's really cheap for what you get. I recommend it.

I'm thinking of getting one for the screen in my bedroom, even.

Also considering an android-based thumb drive computer along the lines of a Rikomagic or a Cotton Candy, with mxplayer or similar, either of those might be a good alternative. This WDTV has been better at mkvs than any of my phones or tablets, though.:unsure:
There are a bunch of baby racoons that come around and I feed catfood.

08-07-2012, 09:02 PM
GB just won gold and bronze in the triathlon. The guy who won it ran the 10000 metres around a minute slower than Mo Farah the winner of the 10k track gold, and one second slower than the second fastest British athlete after he'd already done the bike ride and the swim, and he slowed down to a jog for the last lap, wrapped himself in flag and walked over the line while clapping the crowd.

Incidentally, there was copious amounts of pain and suffering endured by the medallists in this event so Idol should approve.

So far all "our" medal favourties like Simon Whateverhisnameis (he's a loser so I've forgotten about him already)have crashed and burned (literally in Simon What'shisfaces's case - see also Dlylan Somethingorother and the female boxer and the ginger woman triathlete)
Even when "we" do well the officials rob us of stuff (see women's football team).

Actually I'm pretty sure we would be pwning lots stuff if not for drugs and bias officials and other countries cheating and us basically sucking at everything that doesn't involve ice or snow.

Anyway I too was pretty astounded by that poof Brit's run and would be even more so if I knew he wasn't high as a kite on some drug or other.

Triathletes, though :ghey:

08-07-2012, 09:03 PM
No argument here.

Something Else
08-07-2012, 09:07 PM
I just finished watching the first series of Continuum. It was very silly. Probably Canadiaian.

08-07-2012, 09:20 PM
I discovered a hair on my chin. I have plucked it. Will it grow back? :fear:

08-07-2012, 09:20 PM
I just finished watching the first series of Continuum. It was very silly. Probably Canadiaian.

No argument here, wolf boy.
At least they tried to go someplace with the last episode.

08-07-2012, 09:22 PM
I discovered a hair on my chin. I have plucked it. Will it grow back? :fear:

Yes. Only it'll be grey next time.

08-07-2012, 09:35 PM
Dewds. Picked up a WDTV gen 3 last week for the parents, to replace a Netgear eva2000 that was used to play stuff off thumb drives (moved that to the TV in their kitchen), which I previously got them. It's pretty awesome. Kind of like a really simple htpc without the ability to run other than the pre-installed software.

Thus far it's been fantastic. Runs all files that have been thrown at it, including heaps of mkvs with different formats, which never works well with simple media players and such in my experience. And it's mostly over wifi, from network shares, at that. All in all, it's perfect for parent-types who don't do computers too well, once set up, and it's really cheap for what you get. I recommend it.

I'm thinking of getting one for the screen in my bedroom, even.

Totally agree. I've enjoyed mine. Best of the media player bunch, IMO. Cheap, and just do what they are supposed to do. Network option sure beats placing stuff on thumb drives, or burning.

08-07-2012, 10:24 PM
Why don't you foreigners just plug your hard/thumb drives directly into the TV.

08-07-2012, 10:28 PM
Why don't you foreigners just plug your hard/thumb drives directly into the TV.

Because a TV only has a limited amount of codec support, so if you have multiple file formats you're fucked. :slap:

08-07-2012, 10:30 PM
Yep, those x264 fucking things, or whatever the fuck they are just tell me to fuck off on my usb port on my tv, too. It'll play divx and other weird formats, but that's fucking it.

08-07-2012, 10:31 PM
GB just won gold and bronze in the triathlon. The guy who won it ran the 10000 metres around a minute slower than Mo Farah the winner of the 10k track gold, and one second slower than the second fastest British athlete after he'd already done the bike ride and the swim, and he slowed down to a jog for the last lap, wrapped himself in flag and walked over the line while clapping the crowd.

Incidentally, there was copious amounts of pain and suffering endured by the medallists in this event so Idol should approve.

So far all "our" medal favourties like Simon Whateverhisnameis (he's a loser so I've forgotten about him already)have crashed and burned (literally in Simon What'shisfaces's case - see also Dlylan Somethingorother and the female boxer and the ginger woman triathlete)
Even when "we" do well the officials rob us of stuff (see women's football team).

Actually I'm pretty sure we would be pwning lots stuff if not for drugs and bias officials and other countries cheating and us basically sucking at everything that doesn't involve ice or snow.

Anyway I too was pretty astounded by that poof Brit's run and would be even more so if I knew he wasn't high as a kite on some drug or other.Canadia have actually been my second team in the Olympics.
With you turning me on to cycling recently, which I've thoroughly enjoyed this past month, my brain decided that it would be nice if I wanted Canadia to win something.

They've been perfect as they're non-threatening to the point that at one stage I thought they'd decided fuck it, we'll concentrate on Edinburgh 2014 instead.

08-07-2012, 10:35 PM
Why don't you foreigners just plug your hard/thumb drives directly into the TV.

Because a TV only has a limited amount of codec support, so if you have multiple file formats you're fucked. :slap:

Yep, those x264 fucking things, or whatever the fuck they are just tell me to fuck off on my usb port on my tv, too. It'll play divx and other weird formats, but that's fucking it.My tellybox has pwned everything I've stuck into the side of it since I bought it, you cheap foreign bastards.

I don't know whether my local supplier, Samsung I think they are called, will deliver to abroad but you guise should look into it :smilie4:

08-07-2012, 10:47 PM
So far all "our" medal favourties like Simon Whateverhisnameis (he's a loser so I've forgotten about him already)have crashed and burned (literally in Simon What'shisfaces's case - see also Dlylan Somethingorother and the female boxer and the ginger woman triathlete)
Even when "we" do well the officials rob us of stuff (see women's football team).

Actually I'm pretty sure we would be pwning lots stuff if not for drugs and bias officials and other countries cheating and us basically sucking at everything that doesn't involve ice or snow.

Anyway I too was pretty astounded by that poof Brit's run and would be even more so if I knew he wasn't high as a kite on some drug or other.Canadia have actually been my second team in the Olympics.
With you turning me on to cycling recently, which I've thoroughly enjoyed this past month, my brain decided that it would be nice if I wanted Canadia to win something.

They've been perfect as they're non-threatening to the point that at one stage I thought they'd decided fuck it, we'll concentrate on Edinburgh 2014 instead.

It's gotten so bad the official line is that we now need to more celebrate people simply doing their best than them actually winning anything.:(

Anyway if nothing else our boxing commenter rawks as he was carrying on about signing this Mexican boxist over this Irish poof (John Joe Nevin, Ireland 19-13 Oscar Valdez Fierro, Mexico) as even though the Irish poof outpointed him badly the Irish poof would find it hard to run away for anything over 3 rounds in a pro fight.

Also building on the success of turning you on to ghey cycling and as you are a poetry hater but even more so an unapologetic warmonger this (http://www.nationalcenter.org/ChargeoftheLightBrigade.html) is my attempt to get you to admit that not all poetry is bad.

08-07-2012, 10:49 PM
Because a TV only has a limited amount of codec support, so if you have multiple file formats you're fucked. :slap:

Yep, those x264 fucking things, or whatever the fuck they are just tell me to fuck off on my usb port on my tv, too. It'll play divx and other weird formats, but that's fucking it.My tellybox has pwned everything I've stuck into the side of it since I bought it, you cheap foreign bastards.

I don't know whether my local supplier, Samsung I think they are called, will deliver to abroad but you guise should look into it :smilie4:

I have something called "If there is nothing on that interests me then I go do something else".

08-07-2012, 11:10 PM
Yep, those x264 fucking things, or whatever the fuck they are just tell me to fuck off on my usb port on my tv, too. It'll play divx and other weird formats, but that's fucking it.My tellybox has pwned everything I've stuck into the side of it since I bought it, you cheap foreign bastards.

I don't know whether my local supplier, Samsung I think they are called, will deliver to abroad but you guise should look into it :smilie4:

I have something called "If there is nothing on that interests me then I go do something else".That's ironic as if there's nothing that interests me irl, then I watch TV.
Doing it the other way around seems mental. I'd never have moved from the sofa while the fortnight long 24 hour a day Joss Whedon telethon was on Sfx.

As to your last, I'm understandably dubious about clicking the poetry link but curiousity will undoubtedly get the better of me in the next few hours. I'll report back and berate you with words when the inevitable happens.

08-07-2012, 11:15 PM
That's ironic as if there's nothing that interests me irl, then I watch TV.
Doing it the other way around seems mental. I'd never have moved from the sofa while the fortnight long 24 hour a day Joss Whedon telethon was on Sfx.

Yeah but I have a really big screen and HBO.

08-07-2012, 11:21 PM
That's ironic as if there's nothing that interests me irl, then I watch TV.
Doing it the other way around seems mental. I'd never have moved from the sofa while the fortnight long 24 hour a day Joss Whedon telethon was on Sfx.

Yeah but I have a really big screen and HBO.

I have a fair few acres with horses all over it. :blink:

08-07-2012, 11:22 PM
I see we've got a 'donate' button now. Has that always been there? I only just noticed the fuck right out of it.

Anything we should know, tesco?

08-07-2012, 11:22 PM
Sure but obviously fairs are always entertaining.

08-07-2012, 11:23 PM
That's ironic as if there's nothing that interests me irl, then I watch TV.
Doing it the other way around seems mental. I'd never have moved from the sofa while the fortnight long 24 hour a day Joss Whedon telethon was on Sfx.

Yeah but I have a really big screen and HBO.Sport doesn't count as TV.
That takes precedence over pretty much anything.

I once timed my missus' contractions according to the clock on the CL semi-final in 2004. It was in extra-time between Arsenal and Chelsea.
She was getting in such a state but the baby didn't even arrive until seven thirty the next morning.

In hindsight, I was absolutely right to wait until the final whistle before driving her to the hospital.

08-07-2012, 11:25 PM
Get a short-arsed, narrow-hipped woman and labour goes right the fuck out the window.

You can plan your children and football matches around a quick snip to the abdomen.

08-07-2012, 11:26 PM
I see we've got a 'donate' button now. Has that always been there? I only just noticed the fuck right out of it.

Anything we should know, tesco?

Never noticed it either.
Too bad I just gave that $20 to that silly "help children with cancer" thing or I might be sorely tempted.

08-07-2012, 11:26 PM
I see we've got a 'donate' button now. Has that always been there? I only just noticed the fuck right out of it.

Anything we should know, tesco?
I've never noticed it, either.
I remember we had one all of a sudden when the board changed hands and everyone was like WTF OMG and it disappeared.

But people were angrier back then.

08-07-2012, 11:30 PM
Get a short-arsed, narrow-hipped woman and labour goes right the fuck out the window.

You can plan your children and football matches around a quick snip to the abdomen.I should have thought it through.
All women should really do that, even if they're equipped to take all fucking day and night about it.

It's always 'me me me' with women :dry:

08-08-2012, 04:59 AM
I see we've got a 'donate' button now. Has that always been there? I only just noticed the fuck right out of it.

Anything we should know, tesco?
I've never noticed it, either.
I remember we had one all of a sudden when the board changed hands and everyone was like WTF OMG and it disappeared.

But people were angrier back then.

Is that tied to the server problems we've had recently? How much is the monthly bill? Are we getting new equipment/better hosting?

I wouldn't mind helping out a bit, but I would like to know what the situation is. I think a lot of people like to know how their money is being used, and how the user/site is being bettered by donating.

And I want a 6th star, or something... :stars:

EDIT- Require people to donate before they can access the WTO section. :shifty: It'll be like taking candy from [mental] babies...

08-08-2012, 02:15 PM
I don't know any of that stuff. tesco might know.
I think I might have cared once but as long as the board is here, idrc much now.

08-08-2012, 06:52 PM
Isn't the site supported by ads that no one allows on their screen?

08-09-2012, 09:52 AM
Pulling a sicky. Going to the pub. Pub not open yet. Bollocky fucking boo.

08-09-2012, 09:55 AM
Pulling a sicky. Going to the pub. Pub not open yet. Bollocky fucking boo.

You'll just have to use some of your green muscle relaxant, instead of the brown. :blink:

08-09-2012, 09:56 AM
Hoi, Bo. You're the only person I can think of who could explain what 'torque' is while not making me fall asleep.
What's torque?

I'd ask chavois, I bet he could explain the fuck out of it, but I found out yesterday that he doesn't drive so prolly wouldn't know plus is approximately 43% less of a man that I had assumed.
What a waste :no:

08-09-2012, 09:57 AM
Pulling a sicky. Going to the pub. Pub not open yet. Bollocky fucking boo.

You'll just have to use some of your green muscle relaxant, instead of the brown. :blink:

Two early, mate. If I get wopped this early I'll be all Ziggy'd out for the remains. Sun. Yard arm. All that.

08-09-2012, 10:00 AM
Hoi, Bo. You're the only person I can think of who could explain what 'torque' is while not making me fall asleep.
What's torque?

I'd ask chavois, I bet he could explain the fuck out of it, but I found out yesterday that he doesn't drive so prolly wouldn't know plus is approximately 43% less of a man that I had assumed.
What a waste :no:

I do it as a humanitarian gesture. I should have a non-driving license. And an award for not killing people with two tons of metal and glass.

08-09-2012, 10:01 AM
You just know you are going to pass out from lack of interest part way through the explanation, right about the point when you realise that torque is measured in NM or Newton Metres, so why bother your fuzzy little mind? :blink:

08-09-2012, 10:14 AM
You just know you are going to pass out from lack of interest part way through the explanation, right about the point when you realise that torque is measured in NM or Newton Metres, so why bother your fuzzy little mind? :blink:Obviously I could google and spend 15 minutes reading to find out exactly what it is. I'm sure my fuzzy little mind could cope with basic physics.

But Bo won't bother with all that. He'll give me a five word, max, explanation.
It's why I asked him.

08-09-2012, 10:17 AM
Hoi, Bo. You're the only person I can think of who could explain what 'torque' is while not making me fall asleep.
What's torque?

I'd ask chavois, I bet he could explain the fuck out of it, but I found out yesterday that he doesn't drive so prolly wouldn't know plus is approximately 43% less of a man that I had assumed.
What a waste :no:

I do it as a humanitarian gesture. I should have a non-driving license. And an award for not killing people with two tons of metal and glass.Never say never, mate.
There might come a time when your tribe has moved out that you'll hanker after a Nissan Micra so that you can spend hours looking at a lake or whatever.

08-09-2012, 10:21 AM
I do it as a humanitarian gesture. I should have a non-driving license. And an award for not killing people with two tons of metal and glass.Never say never, mate.
There might come a time when your tribe has moved out that you'll hanker after a Nissan Micra so that you can spend hours looking at a lake or whatever.

Had five lessons about two years ago, innit. It interfered with me getting wopped and I didn't like it anyway. The only reason I would ever do it would be to slap it up the missus and make a big fuck off deal out of it. It'll never happen. I promise you.

I'm waiting on my train-fare rebate and I'm gonna buy an island with no roads.

08-09-2012, 10:32 AM
Pub open. Offski. Gonna sidle up beside some gin-soaked degenerate and give him my life story. He's gonna love it, whoever he is.

Sayonara, suckers.

08-09-2012, 10:32 AM
torque is turning force, innit.

how hard it turns, like. :idunno:

08-09-2012, 10:34 AM
That would be fantastic. You don't need a license to drive a boat and you can do it wopped without compunction.
And also; fishing. I'll commission someone that's good with bricks to build me a summer residence there in return for wiring the island up to internets and killing the indigenes.

08-09-2012, 10:35 AM
Manker - I am disappointed you didn't come to me. You seem to have no confidence in my skills.

Torque is the force exerted on an object that rotates. So if your car sends energy to the wheels, then the force acting upon the wheels to make them rotate is the torque (kind of). The magnitude of the torque depends on two things: 1. the length of the object conducing the force and 2. the amount of the force exerted. Example: I am using an allan key to secure a bolt. The allan key is 10 cm long. The force I am exerting on the allan key is 1 Newton. The torque will then be 0.10m x 1N = 0.1Nm.

Obviously, it is slightly more complex than that, but I don't want to blow your little accountant mind. :snooty:

08-09-2012, 10:36 AM
torque is turning force, innit.

how hard it turns, like. :idunno:

^ I think you'll find that's what I said :snooty:

08-09-2012, 10:37 AM
torque is turning force, innit.

how hard it turns, like. :idunno:That sounds right, onomatopoeia and all.

So what does it mean when a car has zero torque?
Cos like a Mazda RX8 has zero torque :eyebrows:

Edit: lol wtf numbers Skweeks. I'm not some kind of car mad maths genious.

08-09-2012, 10:39 AM
Perhaps you can only drive a Mazda RX8 in a straight line :smilie4:

08-09-2012, 10:45 AM
I presume the actually mean that there net zero torque.
I believe it means that there is no excess force, it is constant, therefore there is no friction so it is more effective.

But then again, car people aren't phycisists. So who the fuck knows?

08-09-2012, 10:48 AM
Also : http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/v/introduction-to-torque
You only need to watch it for 2 minutes. Then he explains what it is.


08-09-2012, 10:51 AM
Can't you tell us? I like it when you tell us.... :(

08-09-2012, 10:51 AM
I presume the actually mean that there net zero torque.
I believe it means that there is no excess force, it is constant, therefore there is no friction so it is more effective.:lol: :crazy:
Yours and barbie's posts made me lol for entirely different reasons.

Thanks, both, but I think I'm gonna have to wait for Bo.
He's like the two of you combined and tempered.

08-09-2012, 10:53 AM
Also : http://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics/v/introduction-to-torque
You only need to watch it for 2 minutes. Then he explains what it is.


No it's okay. I understand what torque is now, I just need to know why a Mazda RX8 doesn't have any.
Thank you, though, hidden depths girl <3

08-09-2012, 11:08 AM
I don't know what on earth happened there o_O

I'm going to give this one more go, for Barbie's sake:

Imagine you are the wheel of a car.
The engine is exerting a force on you which makes you want to rotate
However, because there is a heavy car above you and a lot of ground below you, there is also a force exerted between you and the ground (because of the pressure).
If the force coming from the engine is equal to the force coming from the ground, then the result is zero torque and whatever you are doing will not change. (if you are not rotating, you won't start rotating, if you are rotating, the speed will not increase or decrease).

08-09-2012, 11:12 AM
Specially for you I have been reading up on Mazda RX8s and why they have no torque. According to the forums, it just has very low torque, so it means the force coming from the engine won't be much more than the force counterbalancing it, therefore it won't be very agressive at pulling away or accelerating.

08-09-2012, 11:12 AM

Surely every stationary car has zero torque then, or cars would be spontaneously rolling all over the place out of control!!!!

08-09-2012, 11:18 AM
Well yes, because imagine if your car was made of paper, if the wind was strong enough it would blow it along unless you countered it with another force blocking the rotational force exerted on the wheels.

08-09-2012, 11:20 AM
Thank fuck I bought an office chair with zero torque.
Typing this post would be a nightmare.

In related news; Surprisingly, I now completely understand the torque/Mazda conundrum.
Cheers, Skweeks :]

08-09-2012, 11:22 AM

08-09-2012, 11:23 AM
What is a bit weird though is that I thought the Mazda RX8 I drove had fantastic acceleration.
But whatever. I guess it was all smoke and mirrors because of the screeching and preconceptions I had.

08-09-2012, 11:26 AM
Well I don't really get it at all, but I don't want to press the point for fear this thread would become as dull as the bike thread :dabs:

08-09-2012, 11:27 AM
Poor Barbie :no:
At least you have your phoatieshop talents to fall back on.

08-09-2012, 11:34 AM
What is a bit weird though is that I thought the Mazda RX8 I drove had fantastic acceleration.
But whatever. I guess it was all smoke and mirrors because of the screeching and preconceptions I had.

I don't think it's about how effective it is at accelerating, it's more about how agressively it does it. Like, you know when you put your foot down and you feel this moment of pull just before you accelerate? If you have high torque, you would feel that pull more. Torque is also referred to as moment of force (I think) so this pull is just the time where it is gaining momentum.

Although frankly, I could be wrong. I am applying my physical understanding of torque on this but it could be that it means something slightly different in motoring.

08-09-2012, 11:38 AM
Poor Barbie :no:
At least you have your phoatieshop talents to fall back on.That's Bo you're thinking of.
I get them mixed up, too.

Easy way to remember is that Bo is black.

08-09-2012, 11:40 AM
What is a bit weird though is that I thought the Mazda RX8 I drove had fantastic acceleration.
But whatever. I guess it was all smoke and mirrors because of the screeching and preconceptions I had.

I don't think it's about how effective it is at accelerating, it's more about how agressively it does it. Like, you know when you put your foot down and you feel this moment of pull just before you accelerate? If you have high torque, you would feel that pull more. Torque is also referred to as moment of force (I think) so this pull is just the time where it is gaining momentum.

Although frankly, I could be wrong. I am applying my physical understanding of torque on this but it could be that it means something slightly different in motoring.
So are you gonna get another cat or wot :ermm:

08-09-2012, 11:45 AM
I don't have one at the moment :o
So yes.

08-09-2012, 11:47 AM


08-09-2012, 12:02 PM
Not bad, barbis

08-09-2012, 12:18 PM
Brilliant, Barbs.

08-09-2012, 12:51 PM
You must be back already. You're not internetting at the pub, that doesn't seem like something you'd do.
But anyway, how was the gin soaked soak and his surroundings?

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:01 PM
torque is basically what barbie and skweeky said, to make it simple think of horsepower as how much power it can put out to make the car move and the torque is what helps get the power down to the tyres on the road, more torque helps with towing and stuff too. It's a lot more than that but that's enough for what you're after, like.
i'd guess an rx8 not having much torque would be cause it's a wankel engine instead of a normal engine, no idea why tho', i know feck all about them.

08-09-2012, 01:15 PM
You must be back already. You're not internetting at the pub, that doesn't seem like something you'd do.
But anyway, how was the gin soaked soak and his surroundings?

The pub is like forty-five seconds away. It was bereft of spastics until I turned up. Sat in the rather nice smoking garden and tried to read that fucking Game Of Thrones nonsense. I want to know what happens, but I have to read like 1600 pages of wank before I even catch up with the tellybox show. Woe is fucking me. I've started, so I'll finish. Had two pints of Harp, smoked heavily. Bought six Asian looking beers and came home.

I'm wanking as I'm typing this, btw.

08-09-2012, 01:18 PM
I read all the GOT stuff. I can totally tell you anything you need to know.

08-09-2012, 01:20 PM
torque is basically what barbie and skweeky said, to make it simple think of horsepower as how much power it can put out to make the car move and the torque is what helps get the power down to the tyres on the road, more torque helps with towing and stuff too. It's a lot more than that but that's enough for what you're after, like.
i'd guess an rx8 not having much torque would be cause it's a wankel engine instead of a normal engine, no idea why tho', i know feck all about them.

Wankel engines use rotation to drive instead of pistons. I'm not sure how that would affect the torque, but I am guessing it may have something to do with piston motion having more periods of momentum than a rotational engine would have?

Just guessing now though.

08-09-2012, 01:23 PM
I'm halfway through the first book, Skweeks. I'm actually enjoying the nuances and back histories that don't figure big in the TV show. I'll get through it.

Can't help thinking I could be wasting my time with something better, though.

08-09-2012, 01:26 PM
Watched Paddy Barnes sting yon Indian for a bronze. I can't stand his voice, so when the interview came on I just put the volume on moot.

Boom fucking boom, children.

08-09-2012, 01:30 PM
I'm halfway through the first book, Skweeks. I'm actually enjoying the nuances and back histories that don't figure big in the TV show. I'll get through it.

Can't help thinking I could be wasting my time with something better, though.

I read all the books over Christmas, loved them. I spend most of my time studying these days so whenever I read for recreation I tend to choose fantasy or something similar that requires no mental effort.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:37 PM
The rx8 has 156 lb-ft of torque btw, that's not much less than my diesel civic had as standard so I don't know who told ewe they have no torque but i'm guesising it was one of your hairdresser mates.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:38 PM
torque is basically what barbie and skweeky said, to make it simple think of horsepower as how much power it can put out to make the car move and the torque is what helps get the power down to the tyres on the road, more torque helps with towing and stuff too. It's a lot more than that but that's enough for what you're after, like.
i'd guess an rx8 not having much torque would be cause it's a wankel engine instead of a normal engine, no idea why tho', i know feck all about them.

Wankel engines use rotation to drive instead of pistons. I'm not sure how that would affect the torque, but I am guessing it may have something to do with piston motion having more periods of momentum than a rotational engine would have?

Just guessing now though.

Just guessing at where to put a curly-whurley more like?

08-09-2012, 01:43 PM
Hoi, Bojak, what was the festival like, you strange satire-punk hybrid creature.

Review or fuck the fuck out.

08-09-2012, 01:47 PM
Wankel engines use rotation to drive instead of pistons. I'm not sure how that would affect the torque, but I am guessing it may have something to do with piston motion having more periods of momentum than a rotational engine would have?

Just guessing now though.

Just guessing at where to put a curly-whurley more like?

I like your ironic approach?

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:47 PM
It were good, like.
The lineup wasn't as good as usual but we still got whopped and pished to the macks and had a kwality thyme.
I didn't even get into any 'disagreements' this time:smilie4:

It was a bit shit how rancid, stiff little fingers and agnostic front were all on at the same time tho', ended up watching rancid cause i've seen slf and agnostic front more times than dave has posted about That Woman.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:49 PM
Neville Staple was feckin kwality too


08-09-2012, 01:50 PM

08-09-2012, 01:51 PM
Bo, did you know that manker is going to see the Foo Fighters in Belfast so he can meet up with chavis to go on the bender of the decade?

True story.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 01:55 PM
chavis is bender of the decade? :o

08-09-2012, 01:56 PM
You knows it.

08-09-2012, 02:01 PM
Hoi, Skweeks, have you read Mervin Peake's Gormenghast? Do it. You would love the fuck right out of it.

I'll charge you for that advice later.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 02:03 PM

> foo fighters.

08-09-2012, 02:05 PM
Hoi, Skweeks, have you read Mervin Peake's Gormenghast? Do it. You would love the fuck right out of it.

I'll charge you for that advice later.

I read that about 5 years ago and couldn't get into it for some reason. Might give it another go. You're only getting 25% of the payment now though.

Proper Bo
08-09-2012, 02:05 PM
and these are always fan-tastic


08-09-2012, 02:10 PM
Hoi, Skweeks, have you read Mervin Peake's Gormenghast? Do it. You would love the fuck right out of it.

I'll charge you for that advice later.

I read that about 5 years ago and couldn't get into it for some reason. Might give it another go. You're only getting 25% of the payment now though.

Who said anything about payment. I'm actually gonna tackle you in a full on Irish rugby charge and knock your German chin/toe hairs to the wind.

This is not negotiable.

08-09-2012, 02:16 PM
You'd have to find me first :snooty:

08-09-2012, 02:17 PM
I'd spot those feet in any Foo Fighters melee. I've got a nose like a hawk.

08-09-2012, 02:48 PM
Rofles. Basil never had such a worthy boom.

I'm just about to start watching the TV show. I've also got the book so I'm glad you're saving me the trouble of reading it.
Let me know if it's worth it or pish.

I should also ask Skweeks.
What should I do, Skweekster? It's not too late for me to watch something else and read the book first.

08-09-2012, 02:50 PM
Fuck. I replied to that and there were a brazillion more posts on the next page. Whatevar. You probably know what I was referring to.

08-09-2012, 02:53 PM
The rx8 has 156 lb-ft of torque btw, that's not much less than my diesel civic had as standard so I don't know who told ewe they have no torque but i'm guesising it was one of your hairdresser mates.

It was clocker, like. He's restoring an RX7 and seems to know a bit about cars.

Cheers for the torque explanation in the other post, it was a bit long-winded, but.
I would have made it to the end but the Skweekmeister already filled my knowledge cavities the fuck right in.

08-09-2012, 02:56 PM
Bo, did you know that manker is going to see the Foo Fighters in Belfast so he can meet up with chavis to go on the bender of the decade?
Look, even if you do bring that homosexual Andrew guy, there's no guarantee chavois will get spangled enough to experiment and I'll be far too busy hanging out of the back of you like a new born calf.

08-09-2012, 03:16 PM
Bored rather than scared, I think :dabs:

08-09-2012, 03:47 PM
Dave just made eight accounts to eventually tell me that he's discovered my gmail. I don't know how he did it, quite frankly.
Just how on earth did he deduce that my gmail account is manker @ gmail. And it only took him, what, 5 months since the ban. Genious.

What a mind.

peat moss
08-09-2012, 03:48 PM
I never win anything ...

08-09-2012, 03:51 PM
Ohai, Peat. How's things :happy:

I thought you'd permanently broken your internets or something else.

08-09-2012, 04:10 PM
Dave just made eight accounts to eventually tell me that he's discovered my gmail. I don't know how he did it, quite frankly.
Just how on earth did he deduce that my gmail account is manker @ gmail. And it only took him, what, 5 months since the ban. Genious.

What a mind.

At this rate, Dave is exactly on schedule to murderize you in 13 years. I can only imagine the awkward conversation between him and the wife of the dead guy in the house you just moved from- all of this taking place in 2025... :pinch:

BTW, has anyone seen Idol in the past couple of daze? I hope I didn't run him off with my gnu sigy... :devil:

08-09-2012, 04:29 PM
Mankster, if you like details in a story, then read the books first.
On the hand, if you don't give a fuck about those and just want the main story lines, then just watch the series.
I enjoyed both and Martin did a good job helping with the casting.

Something Else
08-09-2012, 04:58 PM

Unrelated link.


Something Else
08-09-2012, 05:16 PM
Double post btw. In seperate threads too. How uncouth. :no:

08-09-2012, 07:21 PM

08-09-2012, 07:48 PM
Found as a recommended video at the end of skiz's clip:

Chick Fil-A's Intolerant Chicken


08-09-2012, 07:50 PM
Well I don't really get it at all, but I don't want to press the point for fear this thread would become as dull as the bike thread :dabs:

Yes but like football it's the anticipation of something actually happening that really keeps you tuning in.

08-10-2012, 11:35 AM
Dave just made eight accounts to eventually tell me that he's discovered my gmail. I don't know how he did it, quite frankly.
Just how on earth did he deduce that my gmail account is manker @ gmail. And it only took him, what, 5 months since the ban. Genious.

What a mind.
It's no wonder they call him headhunted above interest mm competent dave.

08-10-2012, 12:55 PM
It's funny how he thought your surname was Jones, and even if it was how that could possibly help him... i.e. how many accountants called Jones can there be in the greater South Wales area... :unsure:

08-10-2012, 01:24 PM
Oh hai dave, enjoying the olympics?

08-10-2012, 01:33 PM
Nah! It's not my thing. I did consider offering my corporate tickets up here for a bit, but just ripped them up in the end.

I'm trying to decide what Harley to buy.

Now what is it that makes the board software put that into automatic pre-moderation?

08-10-2012, 01:35 PM
Buy a really dangerous one.

08-10-2012, 01:40 PM
I'm starting to think you don't like me Barbie :hurt: :cry:


08-10-2012, 01:49 PM
Nothing so dramatic, I'm just making conversation.... like or dislike doesn't really come into it. :)

08-10-2012, 02:39 PM

08-10-2012, 06:54 PM
I'm not holding any party line, or jumping on any bandwagon. I barely know how this "feud" started, but what I have seen with my own eyes is that you continue to create new accounts to harass other FST members, which is not allowed by the forum rules.

Your behavior somewhat puzzles me. You seem to have a genuine concern about the owners of Tor exit nodes who might also get IP banned from this forum due to your activities, but have no qualms against sending death threats to people here.

I know by heart that from a technical viewpoint, there's nothing we can do to stop you. But we shall be as unyielding to disable your accounts as you are to make them.

Have a nice day. :wave:

08-10-2012, 07:10 PM
Hi anon,

I know you're holding the party line and upholding the convention of FST admin team members backing what any other FST admin team member does no matter how unjustified or nasty that is. I just want to check you're aware of what has gone on here and what you are getting involved in?

I'm telling the truth the cunts who are admin team members of this site and consequently this site on various other sites, they choose to deliberately link my membership here to my first name and thus expose me to real life risks from cunt lawyers. That's why my real name is all over this site.

You might like to see what Manicgeek has been posting on TorrentFreak, and wonder how you might be affected, as more and more people start to question why admin team members of a site about file sharing would deliberately behave as the admin team of this site have towards file sharers.

The truth will out anon, nothing you can do will stop that. Associating with nasty untrustworthy cunts might well see some consider you as someone they can't trust.


Were you trying to sound like a pathetic, crybaby bitch there, Dave? If so, kudos. You nailed it!

BTW, what makes you think TorrentFreak members will be willing to believe your pish when no one else has? :unsure: It usually only takes a couple of your posts to make people realize what a nutjob you are.

Care to post any of those links, Dave? Surely, the "truth" can stand up to the light of day, can't it?

08-10-2012, 07:34 PM

Tell me MBM, why did you redact your name from your thread about the letter you received?

You are the one who keeps telling me having your real name posted all over this board doesn't matter, aren't you?

Odd that you don't believe that yourself, isn't it?

What letter. And the fact that I have someone pursuing my name by ferreting through old posts probably has something to do with it. Besides, it is fun having info on you, and you having nothing on any of us, [i]mmmmm competent Dave.

08-10-2012, 09:20 PM
That's "Mr Dowell" to you MBM, but then you already know that, you have posted it often enough after all.

See the best bit about being me, is that (as I pointed out to you months and months ago, but you were all too dumb to get) none of you can hurt me.

Only she had that ability and she's used that all up already.

So /meh

I do hope the admins of all the trackers you're a member of see what a nice trustworthy bloke you are, someone they can trust to respect the privacy of their members private information, you deserve that.

Tell me how many times a month do you feed the MPAA the details of the IP addresses which connect to your seedhost? Do you capture client details and feed them those as well? Do they pay you well to betray other members of the filesharing community?

I'll go with Missus Banned, and you are a silly little gurl. :idunno:

08-10-2012, 09:30 PM
Stillllll... maybe me ?

08-10-2012, 09:37 PM
dave, if you weren't hurt, and if no one could get to you, you wouldn't be here several times a week, flailing like an idiot, impotently flinging threats and mad accusations around you.

Fact is, you're a bit weak-minded and lost in your own narrative, and getting farther and farther away from making sense to the rest of us. A fact is also that you keep digging yourself deeper into this mess you've made. You've had every opportunity in the world to go away, both before and after your personal information started leaking out when people you annoyed, or who wanted to screw with you (not the admistrators of this site) started googling you, but you keep coming back for more. Fact is, if you hadn't been such an idiot, your name hadn't been out there now. Every "injustice" towards you, or instance of "bullying", is due to people reacting to you being an idiot. It's not the other way around.

If the top results for googling dave dowell end up leading here, that's really on your head, too. But we're not there yet, and at this point, I doubt anyone from outside the internet would connect the name or any of the personal information you've kindly put out there for people to find, with a ranting loon on this board. But if you keep going, eventually there'll be a whole lot of search results adding up, until it gets very noticable.

If you stopped, we'd forget you fairly quick, other than as a bit of a joke, like all the other crappy trolls and mentalists who've been passing through over the years. It's already almost happened at least twice that I know, but then you started posting again, like an idiot.

Experience says you're not going to stop doing this to yourself, though, you're just too dim for that.

As for other sites and whatever nonsense you've been up to, I imagine all they have to do is do a few searches for what you've been up to here, and your credibility will go down the drain.

08-10-2012, 09:37 PM
I'm not holding any party line, or jumping on any bandwagon. I barely know how this "feud" started, but what I have seen with my own eyes is that you continue to create new accounts to harass other FST members, which is not allowed by the forum rules.

Your behavior somewhat puzzles me. You seem to have a genuine concern about the owners of Tor exit nodes who might also get IP banned from this forum due to your activities, but have no qualms against sending death threats to people here.

I know by heart that from a technical viewpoint, there's nothing we can do to stop you. But we shall be as unyielding to disable your accounts as you are to make them.

Have a nice day. :wave:

The simple fact that he's a previously banned member should be reason enough.

08-10-2012, 09:40 PM
Actually the title Sophie bestowed upon me was "honourary woman". I'll leave her to explain that for you :lol:

It's cos you behave as if you're constantly having a period, obviously.

Or maybe it's the tits, tit.

08-10-2012, 11:18 PM
Sorry Snee but no.

Your mates didn't get any of my personal details from me.

In fact there's a post on this board where one member stated that he knew my name was fed to manker by an admin member, before manker was an admin, and about how that admin member would have done it earlier had he known how objectionable I would find that...

Nah, you're just terrible at reading between the lines. There were no admins involved. Just a regular person googling around, and chalice tricking you, without even trying. It's been said over and over, but just to repeat it one last time - you've left details about yourself all over the internet.

As for the rest, you're a silly, silly man-child. As already stated, it's all your own doing. It's all people reacting to you being an idiot. And thats isn't going to change, not matter how many tantrums you throw, threats you post, or rants you deliver. And it's only you who's liable to suffer for what you're doing. I can't even put in words how funny I find it that you appear to be happy that it's all out in the open.

Also, you don't seem to get this, but this isn't some vast board conspiracy against a bunch of innocent users, it's just you getting treated the way you deserve.