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12-03-2011, 12:14 AM
Wotchas cunts. Checking in.

Something about sheds and dicks and snickers (they're marathons, ((i hate even typing 'snickers'))).

12-03-2011, 12:30 AM
Ostentatious parentheses notwithstanding, I'm wopped.

12-03-2011, 12:32 AM
Wotchas cunts. Checking in.

Something about sheds and dicks and snickers (they're marathons, ((i hate even typing 'snickers'))).FFS, a bit of warning the next time you go away for a fortnight.

Everything's gone tits up here; mulder's stopped watching telly, barbie renounced under-age secks and reject is displaying a semblance of humanity.
Sort 'em out, boyo.

12-03-2011, 12:38 AM
Wotchas cunts. Checking in.

Something about sheds and dicks and snickers (they're marathons, ((i hate even typing 'snickers'))).FFS, a bit of warning the next time you go away for a fortnight.

Everything's gone tits up here; mulder's stopped watching telly, barbie renounced under-age secks and reject is displaying a semblance of humanity.
Sort 'em out, boyo.

I thort we had an understanding, mate.

It's the epic 'good cunt, bad cunt' situationario to the max. I harsh em for 3 years, then you make them feel important for 3 years, then I harsh em again.


12-03-2011, 12:46 AM

12-03-2011, 12:54 AM
FFS, a bit of warning the next time you go away for a fortnight.

Everything's gone tits up here; mulder's stopped watching telly, barbie renounced under-age secks and reject is displaying a semblance of humanity.
Sort 'em out, boyo.

I thort we had an understanding, mate.

It's the epic 'good cunt, bad cunt' situationario to the max. I harsh em for 3 years, then you make them feel important for 3 years, then I harsh em again.

Sshh.Indeed but you have to be a malevolent constant. They're getting uppity.
I had to go grammar nazi on Mary today but I don't think she noticed.
Which was nice.

Btw, don't worry about the confidentiality. I'm pretty sure only me, you and a couple of our sock puppets actually read this thread :smilie4:

12-03-2011, 01:03 AM
Squeamous's skewer of Mary Jane's Babbit is a keeper. Delicious.

Your good cop technique continues to unfold intricate delights.

12-03-2011, 01:17 AM
I liked it too. I kid myself that I'm doing my bit by making up words like savantatious and referring to it as often as possible.
But it's really cus Mary is so clearly irked by her completely apt depiction.
Schadenfreude ftw :happy:

12-03-2011, 03:19 AM
I liked it too. I kid myself that I'm doing my bit by making up words like savantatious and referring to it as often as possible.
But it's really cus Mary is so clearly irked by her completely apt depiction.
Schadenfreude ftw :happy:

Silly boy, a lot less slips past my attention than you realize. You've got to up the ante before you can get me to uncup my die.

12-03-2011, 03:50 AM
Squeamous's skewer of Mary Jane's Babbit is a keeper.

Another cock to cock *reference. Is her dick always lodged up with some type of shenanigans?

*skewering (among male genitalia): When the smaller cock is inserted into the urethra of a much larger cock. Also see: sheathing, french lettering, entombing, swaddling, log cabin investing, intruding, spiking, docking and finally, anchoring.

12-03-2011, 12:01 PM
Indeed but you have to be a malevolent constant. They're getting uppity.
I had to go grammar nazi on Mary today but I don't think she noticed.
Which was nice.

Btw, don't worry about the confidentiality. I'm pretty sure only me, you and a couple of our sock puppets actually read this thread :smilie4:

Silly boy, a lot less slips past my attention than you realize. You've got to up the ante before you can get me to uncup my die.Fixed? :blink:

12-03-2011, 01:15 PM
Fixed? :blink:

No, the reply I had in mind for that won included how I was only bothered by improper use of th(e/a)ns... thetans? I got bored with it and gave up... so that's where that went.

My reply was more or less addressing the Schadenfreude. The particular use of "you" in there was general/infinitive. Knowing the self that I use here, I know many of my posting quirks, enough to spin mjmacky in any manner. Holding myself to that standard, I tend to expect it from others, thus the critique I offered. In all honesty, I was tempted to do it myself, but that drive was disheartened by the, "no, that's good enough" laissez faire sale of mediocrity. Therefore, I won't really gamble with debasing the mjmacky brand unless I think the payoff will be quite nice (appreciated effort).

/my post explained

12-03-2011, 01:29 PM
I made a graphic


12-03-2011, 04:53 PM
I was merely plumping for the chess metaphor, to be honest. Any psychological disclosure on your part is, I'm sure, cathartic nonetheless.

Is it because it was a female who brought these matters to fore? Or is this a recurring trigger? Or both? You seem somewhat passionate in your response.

Anyways, all that stuff about queers putting their willies up each others' willies? Does that happen? Cos I had a similar conversation with a friend of a friend of somebody I never heard of about that, under the general internets premise that if you can imagine it, some cunt has already established a pay site dedicated to it. Do homosexuals actually try to fuck each others' urethra(s)? I need to know. I will win a fiver.

12-04-2011, 09:23 AM
Is it because it was a female who brought these matters to fore? Or is this a recurring trigger? Or both? You seem somewhat passionate in your response.

As you may have noted from the past, if the topic involves me, I'm interested.

As for dick docking, I haven't actually investigated the truth of its existence. If it is new, I would like to make it my legacy. Disclosure, I did have myself cracking up trying to come up with names for the described act of foreplay. As for how it relates to squeamous; I have attached my attention to ladyboys with her near betrothal to a gay man, and as a consequence, she now has a penis.
Perhaps someone can look into it, or give it a shot. The rules I have established require a large differential in sizes. I'm not sure if the receiving end should be erect or soft, only that its practical that they have a more accommodating urethra.

12-04-2011, 09:34 AM
I "accidentally stumbled" across a video of a semi-used up porn actress (semi-pro, anyway) who used a vibrator in her urethra once. Pretty small, non-stretchy area, if you ask me. :idunno:

I'm going with not possible, or faked. Or perhaps mutant freak involvement.

I'm not willing to explore mano-a-mano porn. Not even "accidentally". :noes:

Although, I expect a drunken Rings would be able to "guess" at a link.

12-04-2011, 10:38 AM
I'm going with not possible, or faked. Or perhaps mutant freak involvement.

I'm not willing to explore mano-a-mano porn. Not even "accidentally". :noes:

Although, I expect a drunken Rings would be able to "guess" at a link.

If equine ureteral stents exist, then I'm sticking with it being a possibility. Or maybe it's just a NAMBLA thing.

12-04-2011, 11:28 AM
that would be an ecumenical matter ?

12-04-2011, 11:44 AM
what is ecumenical ?

its a very prevalent matter ..The word ecumenical means something that is universal. It can also be used to refer to the Christian church. Ecumenical can also mean a group that deals with creating a peaceful environment and unity among the different churches.AMEN....

12-04-2011, 11:51 AM
good for you.............................................................................................

12-04-2011, 02:28 PM
Fixed? :blink:

No, the reply I had in mind for that won included how I was only bothered by improper use of th(e/a)ns... thetans? I got bored with it and gave up... so that's where that went.

My reply was more or less addressing the Schadenfreude. The particular use of "you" in there was general/infinitive. Knowing the self that I use here, I know many of my posting quirks, enough to spin mjmacky in any manner. Holding myself to that standard, I tend to expect it from others, thus the critique I offered. In all honesty, I was tempted to do it myself, but that drive was disheartened by the, "no, that's good enough" laissez faire sale of mediocrity. Therefore, I won't really gamble with debasing the mjmacky brand unless I think the payoff will be quite nice (appreciated effort).

/my post explainedIt's almost twenty past two by me.

12-04-2011, 02:34 PM
I was merely plumping for the chess metaphor, to be honest. Any psychological disclosure on your part is, I'm sure, cathartic nonetheless.

Is it because it was a female who brought these matters to fore? Or is this a recurring trigger? Or both? You seem somewhat passionate in your response.

Anyways, all that stuff about queers putting their willies up each others' willies? Does that happen? Cos I had a similar conversation with a friend of a friend of somebody I never heard of about that, under the general internets premise that if you can imagine it, some cunt has already established a pay site dedicated to it. Do homosexuals actually try to fuck each others' urethra(s)? I need to know. I will win a fiver.I dunno but I've seen some pronz that's a variation on mbm's penchant of urethra/vibro.
It was called 'Amazing Ty's Peehole Fuck'.

And it was exactly what it said on the tin.

I can't imagine that a female urethra is much different from a bloke's plus I've also seen on some other internets that some guys like sticking pencils and things up their cawks. So. I imagine swaddling does, indeed, happen amongst some of the more experienced homosexuals on the circuit.
And now it's just a matter of finding them and you'll be cash rich :smilie4:

12-04-2011, 02:51 PM
The conversation arose because (apart from the obvious being on drugs) my mate has a scarred urethra. He's like somebody out of a John Irving novel only funny.

He wasn't able to ejaculate until he was 20 or something, poor bloke. He had an operation around then and he's been making up for lost time ever since. Anyway, the operation was just a temporary solution and his urethra has almost closed again. He has to sit down to take a piss. Tragic. He's found that if he takes the refill from a Bic biro and wiggles it down his jap's, it gives great relief and he can temporarily urinate like a real man like wot I am.

What you have just read has been a true story.

12-04-2011, 03:40 PM
It's almost twenty past two by me.

It's twenty-two then?

The conversation arose because (apart from the obvious being on drugs) my mate has a scarred urethra. He's like somebody out of a John Irving novel only funny.

He wasn't able to ejaculate until he was 20 or something, poor bloke

Are you trying to steal credit for bringing up log cabin investing?

Your "bloke", whatever that could mean, was in a unique position to attempt a tantric orgasm. Why is it that he did not like try do this thing... huh?

12-04-2011, 03:55 PM
It's twenty-two then?

The conversation arose because (apart from the obvious being on drugs) my mate has a scarred urethra. He's like somebody out of a John Irving novel only funny.

He wasn't able to ejaculate until he was 20 or something, poor bloke

Are you trying to steal credit for bringing up log cabin investing?

Your "bloke", whatever that could mean, was in a unique position to attempt a tantric orgasm. Why is it that he did not like try do this thing... huh?

Hmm. Tantric sex. Sex which requires a leap of faith.

I shot myself in the foot with that one. When I met the missus, I was a dyed in the woolworths atheist, secular, denier of all things spiritual. Then I read about tantric sex and I changed my mind.

She reckons she'd be facilitating hypocrisy if we tried to get our chakras building. Curse you, nihilism. Curse you, steely cold, angular logic.

12-04-2011, 04:11 PM
Hmm. Tantric sex. Sex which requires a leap of faith.

Sex is an afterthought you pilfering diversion, the orgasm is the goal. I can't possibly understand the notion of working at something for several hours what can be accomplished in under 30 minutes, what unless you're being paid by hour.

12-04-2011, 05:32 PM
Hmm. Tantric sex. Sex which requires a leap of faith.

Sex is an afterthought you pilfering diversion, the orgasm is the goal. I can't possibly understand the notion of working at something for several hours what can be accomplished in under 30 minutes, what unless you're being paid by hour.

Lazy racist.

12-04-2011, 05:52 PM
Lazy Poor man's racist.

I just happen to be lazy.

12-05-2011, 06:46 AM
The conversation arose because (apart from the obvious being on drugs) my mate has a scarred urethra. He's like somebody out of a John Irving novel only funny.

He wasn't able to ejaculate until he was 20 or something, poor bloke. He had an operation around then and he's been making up for lost time ever since. Anyway, the operation was just a temporary solution and his urethra has almost closed again. He has to sit down to take a piss. Tragic. He's found that if he takes the refill from a Bic biro and wiggles it down his jap's, it gives great relief and he can temporarily urinate like a real man like wot I am.

What you have just read has been a true story.

So, according to M.Night Shamwhatever's logic in Unbreakable (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0217869/) since your friend has an incredibly small, restrictive pee hole, somewhere, there must be someone who can piss like a milk bottle being turned upside down. :O

12-05-2011, 08:09 AM
So, according to M.Night Shamwhatever's logic in Unbreakable (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0217869/) since your friend has an incredibly small, restrictive pee hole, somewhere, there must be someone who can piss like a milk bottle being turned upside down. :O


Mr. Mulder
12-05-2011, 08:39 AM
my flatmates mum got back from holiday the other day and popped round to give him his present of incense (not to be confused with incest) and strangely enough, viagra - or more specifically, zenegra. I have no idea why, he seems to get more fanny than Always ultra.

perhaps she intends for us to sword fight??? :eyebrows:

/in other news, wurksup :emo:

12-05-2011, 11:14 AM
Worksup :coffee:

I don't really understand much of what gets written here anymore. Has it always been like this, or am I just getting older :(

12-05-2011, 11:33 AM
Worksup :coffee:

I don't really understand much of what gets written here anymore. Has it always been like this, or am I just getting older :(

Blame it on the viagra, there isn't enough blood in your brain anymore to grasp the shining wit (that's a spoonerism), the blood is elsewhere......

12-05-2011, 11:41 AM
shining wit (that's a spoonerism)


12-05-2011, 01:33 PM
my flatmates mum got back from holiday the other day and popped round to give him his present of incense (not to be confused with incest) and strangely enough, viagra - or more specifically, zenegra. I have no idea why, he seems to get more fanny than Always ultra.

perhaps she intends for us to sword fight??? :eyebrows:

/in other news, wurksup :emo:sup, gankstar

Maybe it's his step-mam and you know what they're like. Always using their cougar tits get what they want.

And by 'get what they want', I mean a bolt up their back entrance. Like all girls :smilie4:

12-05-2011, 01:52 PM
Worksup :coffee:

I don't really understand much of what gets written here anymore. Has it always been like this, or am I just getting older :(It's Mary's fault.
But just do what I do; if her post is two lines or less - read it. It'll probably be very funny.

If it's any more than that, just scroll past. To understand it requires being of a similar mind-set. And this is a very dark place indeed.
I tried it once and ended up staring at my monitor whilst making a keening noise most often associated with used-up Romanian child prostitutes.
It's just not worth it.

12-05-2011, 02:49 PM
I tried it once and ended up staring at my monitor whilst making a keening noise most often associated with used-up Romanian child prostitutes.
It's just not worth it.

You make it sound like a bad thing, I can't fall asleep unless I hear abused underage Romanian sex slaves whimpering in the background.

12-05-2011, 03:35 PM
I tried it once and ended up staring at my monitor whilst making a keening noise most often associated with used-up Romanian child prostitutes.
It's just not worth it.

You make it sound like a bad thing, I can't fall asleep unless I hear abused underage Romanian sex slaves whimpering in the background.Post less than two lines √
Very funny √
Dark mind-set alluded to √

The subject is successfully pigeon-holed which means that the ongoing scientifical brain diagnosis is almost complete.
Onward with the fixing :01:

12-05-2011, 03:39 PM
Post less than two lines √
Very funny √
Dark mind-set alluded to √

The subject is successfully pigeon-holed which means that the ongoing scientifical brain diagnosis is almost complete.
Onward with the fixing :01:

Post less than two lines X
Attempted humor X
Ignored requests to leave subject remain broken √
Taught me how to make a neat check mark using math stuffs √

Edit: You should have said something like, getting to the "root" of the problem. Then you could put on some shades.

12-05-2011, 03:54 PM
Post less than two lines √
Very funny √
Dark mind-set alluded to √

The subject is successfully pigeon-holed which means that the ongoing scientifical brain diagnosis is almost complete.
Onward with the fixing :01:

Post less than two lines X
Attempted humor X
Ignored requests to leave subject remain broken √
Taught me how to make a neat check mark using math stuffs √

Edit: You should have said something like, getting to the "root" of the problem. Then you could put on some shades.Too much maths has led us to this very predicament. I am loathe to authorise more.

That time I asked you to solve the geek joke and you couldn't has clearly perpetuated the problem.
You see, I feel partly responsible. We'll be done as soon as I've integrated you such that you can converse with functioning humans.

12-05-2011, 04:11 PM
Could have used a proper tick character ✔


12-05-2011, 04:22 PM

12-05-2011, 04:46 PM
Hahahahaha ummmm, ok. I have no idea why that didn't work for you.


Move on ........ :whistling

12-05-2011, 06:44 PM
I tried it once and ended up staring at my monitor whilst making a keening noise most often associated with used-up Romanian child prostitutes.
It's just not worth it.

You make it sound like a bad thing, I can't fall asleep unless I hear abused underage Romanian sex slaves whimpering in the background.

Agreed. At one time, I tried to order a set (something like 6, if I remember correctly) which was on sale at Amazon.ro for like $27.64, but my free 2-day shipping does not work for international purchases. Being that they are already malnourished to begin with, and returning dead ones is always a hassle (Did you feed, and water them weekly? Were you working them more than 20 hours per day? How long did you wait before letting them out of their shipping crate?), I just opted to download a FLAC version off Demonoid. Unfortunately, it is not quite the same as a live performance (if you space them evenly around the room, it's like DTS surround sound :w00t:), but less maintenance (:lol:, right?) and fewer questions from liberal interlopers. :ermm:

12-05-2011, 07:37 PM
Sup. Regretting showing Mrs Cheese how to download stuff off the interwebs. She's downloaded a brazillion christmas films and insists on watching them.

Scrooged is still an awesome film though so it's not all fail.

12-05-2011, 07:40 PM
That's better, remembered my password.

12-05-2011, 08:53 PM
Too much maths has led us to this very predicament. I am loathe to authorise more.

That time I asked you to solve the geek joke and you couldn't has clearly perpetuated the problem.
You see, I feel partly responsible. We'll be done as soon as I've integrated you such that you can converse with functioning humans.

You never did manage to deliver the punchline to that one before everyone lost interest. Perhaps it was too mundane and required a moving on?

You want to be a constant reminder of my current inhumanity, but the problem is I can't derive it from your attempts.

12-05-2011, 10:15 PM
Too much maths has led us to this very predicament. I am loathe to authorise more.

That time I asked you to solve the geek joke and you couldn't has clearly perpetuated the problem.
You see, I feel partly responsible. We'll be done as soon as I've integrated you such that you can converse with functioning humans.

You never did manage to deliver the punchline to that one before everyone lost interest. Perhaps it was too mundane and required a moving on?

You want to be a constant reminder of my current inhumanity, but the problem is I can't derive it from your attempts.Two lines or less√
Funny X
Dark mind-set alluded to √

Hrm. Regression. I feel I've failed you in some way.

Btw, don't worry yourself about it but that geek joke was only for you, hence the 'hoi, mary' (or wuteva moniker turned me on that day).
It's fine if you can't work it out - not important, not in the grand scheme of things.

12-05-2011, 10:17 PM
Sup. Regretting showing Mrs Cheese how to download stuff off the interwebs. She's downloaded a brazillion christmas films and insists on watching them.

Scrooged is still an awesome film though so it's not all fail.Isn't that a good thing if it gives you more shed time :unsure:

12-05-2011, 10:22 PM
She's a woman... he'll be being forced to sit and endure her chic flicks on threat of withdrawal of sexual favours if he fails... they're like that you know :P

What he needs is to download a shit load of stuff he wants to watch but which she dislikes, that way he can watch them in the shed.

12-05-2011, 10:29 PM
Sup. Regretting showing Mrs Cheese how to download stuff off the interwebs. She's downloaded a brazillion christmas films and insists on watching them.

Scrooged is still an awesome film though so it's not all fail.

Muppet Christmas Carol is my favourite.

True Story

12-05-2011, 10:35 PM
Have to go with Scrooged myself, especially the scene where the ghost of christmas present brains him with the toaster :bag:

12-05-2011, 10:37 PM
She's a woman... he'll be being forced to sit and endure her chic flicks on threat of withdrawal of sexual favours if he fails... they're like that you know :PI just don't see how that would work for a woman.

Her: No sex for you.
Him: Uh, well I'll be in my bunk - bbl.

Scene cuts to him returning 20 mins later with a gleam in his eye and a spring in his step and her looking pissed because he's had an orgasm and she hasn't.

12-05-2011, 10:41 PM

Scene cuts to him returning 20 mins later with a gleam in his eye and a spring in his step and her looking pissed because as per normal he's had an orgasm and she hasn't.


12-05-2011, 10:58 PM

Scene cuts to him returning 20 mins later with a gleam in his eye and a spring in his step and her looking pissed because, as per normal, he's had an orgasm and she hasn't.

Fixed.Something is awry with your postulation.
Do women not usually have orgasms when you have sex with them or something.

12-05-2011, 11:11 PM
Something is awry with your postulation.
Do women not usually have orgasms when you have sex with them or something.

Aren't you asking the wrong bloke... us misogynists are notorious for not giving a fuck if they do, aren't we? :P

12-05-2011, 11:19 PM
Something is awry with your postulation.
Do women not usually have orgasms when you have sex with them or something.

Aren't you asking the wrong bloke... us misogynists are notorious for not giving a fuck if they do, aren't we? :POstensibly a good point but it's pretty self-serving when you think about it. Otherwise you won't get a chance for a repeat.
Plus she'll tell her mates if you were shite and they won't let you near their lady-gardens.

Anyway, I just thought it was polite to pre-emptorily reciprocate, no matter how much fannying about you have to do.

12-05-2011, 11:25 PM
Ostensibly a good point but it's pretty self-serving when you think about it. Otherwise you won't get a chance for a repeat.
Plus she'll tell her mates if you were shite and they won't let you near their lady-gardens.

Anyway, I just thought it was polite to pre-emptorily reciprocate, no matter how much fannying about you have to do.

If it settles your mind and allows you to sleep better, I've never had a problem with making a partner orgasm, in fact entirely the opposite is true of my endevours with ladies. That's if you believe them... personally I'm not sure they weren't all faking it, but that could just be the misogynist in me :lol:

12-05-2011, 11:30 PM
Ostensibly a good point but it's pretty self-serving when you think about it. Otherwise you won't get a chance for a repeat.
Plus she'll tell her mates if you were shite and they won't let you near their lady-gardens.

Anyway, I just thought it was polite to pre-emptorily reciprocate, no matter how much fannying about you have to do.

If it settles your mind and allows you to sleep better, I've never had a problem with making a partner orgasm, in fact entirely the opposite is true of my endevours with ladies. That's if you believe them... personally I'm not sure they weren't all faking it, but that could just be the misogynist in me :lol:

Not sure I find green blobs all that sexy to be honest :unsure:

12-05-2011, 11:33 PM
Not sure I find green blobs all that sexy to be honest :unsure:

Be careful Les, you'll be labelled a misogynist if you say things like that around here :whistling

12-05-2011, 11:36 PM
Ostensibly a good point but it's pretty self-serving when you think about it. Otherwise you won't get a chance for a repeat.
Plus she'll tell her mates if you were shite and they won't let you near their lady-gardens.

Anyway, I just thought it was polite to pre-emptorily reciprocate, no matter how much fannying about you have to do.

If it settles your mind and allows you to sleep better, I've never had a problem with making a partner orgasm, in fact entirely the opposite is true of my endevours with ladies. Ignoring for a moment that the opposite of never having a problem is always having a problem ... no wait, I can't ignore it because I just re-read it with that in mind and you're saying that although you've never had a problem making a partner orgasm, the opposite is true of your endeavours with ladies.

It does follow that a true misogynist would never describe a woman as a partner.

u r a fag lol :blushing:

12-05-2011, 11:41 PM

It does follow that a true misogynist would never describe a woman as a partner.

u r a fag lol :blushing:

It follows from what? Personal experience? Is that a confession? That you know what a true misogynist would describe a woman as, because you are a true misogynist?

12-05-2011, 11:44 PM
I was actually starting to believe Reject was a scorned lesbian. :idunno:

12-05-2011, 11:46 PM
You were just hoping I'd allow you to watch.

12-05-2011, 11:48 PM
You were just hoping I'd allow you to watch.

No, just figured you were too bitchy to be male. :mellow:

12-05-2011, 11:52 PM
No, just figured you were too bitchy to be male. :mellow:

Yyyeeesss!!! You read so much into my posts that I very nearly stopped having to write them, you were doing such a good job for me :whistling

12-05-2011, 11:52 PM

It does follow that a true misogynist would never describe a woman as a partner.

u r a fag lol :blushing:

It follows from what? Personal experience? Is that a confession? That you know what a true misogynist would describe a woman as, because you are a true misogynist?It follows using wordular logic.
Unless you think that someone who hates women would describe one as being equal.

Maybe some kind of masochistic misogynist would, idk.

12-05-2011, 11:56 PM
Unless you think that someone who hates women would describe one as being equal.


Hmmm early onset dementure maybe? :unsure:

I said she told me I wasn't her equal, not that I didn't consider her my equal.

I've never had a problem with women being my equals, but maybe MBM can help you, he seems to believe that a man treating a woman in exactly the same way as women treat men, is a woman hater... odd really. Still I'm sure he'll be happy to explain it all to you.

12-05-2011, 11:57 PM
I was actually starting to believe Reject was a scorned lesbian. :idunno:The thought probably occured to most of us - til he outed himself just then.

Maybe the misogyny gives him a mental pass to justify cawk-smuggling.
Who knows :idunno:

12-06-2011, 12:01 AM
Unless you think that someone who hates women would describe one as being equal.


Hmmm early onset dementure maybe? :unsure:

I said she told me I wasn't her equal, not that I didn't consider her my equal.

I've never had a problem with women being my equals, but maybe MBM can help you, he seems to believe that a man treating a woman in exactly the same way as women treat men, is a woman hater... odd really. Still I'm sure he'll be happy to explain it all to you.:blink:
No idea why that tangent seemed appropriate but I was just answering your question about why I thought it followed that a misogynist wouldn't describe a woman as a partner.

I rarely make linguistic leaps based on your own personal experience, strange as that may sound.

12-06-2011, 12:04 AM

Maybe the misogyny gives him a mental pass to justify cawk-smuggling.
Who knows :idunno:

Well none of you seem to have any kind of clue... but if you send me pictures of your cawks, I'm willing to have a look and pass judgement upon for you.

12-06-2011, 12:09 AM

Maybe the misogyny gives him a mental pass to justify cawk-smuggling.
Who knows :idunno:

Well none of you seem to have any kind of clue... but if you send me pictures of your cawks, I'm willing to have a look and pass judgement upon for you.:o
You cad.

If you simply must know what lurks beneath my corduroys, I'm post one on page one of the 'Show Your Pants' lounge thread.
Big Les is in there too iirc.

Mr. Mulder
12-06-2011, 08:29 AM
Wa'gwan, fucks!! :01:

i'm in a good mood today, strangely. I'm sure that'll get beaten out of me as the day progresses though' :smilie4:

12-06-2011, 09:48 AM
Well none of you seem to have any kind of clue... but if you send me pictures of your cawks, I'm willing to have a look and pass judgement upon for you.:o
You cad.

If you simply must know what lurks beneath my corduroys, I'm post one on page one of the 'Show Your Pants' lounge thread.
Big Les is in there too iirc.

Ohhhh a lounge classic :happy:

Closely followed by the Toilet Paper Head Thread.

They don't make threads like they used to... Now we just get fucking drivel day after day after day...

Not you mouldy :wub:

12-06-2011, 10:05 AM
They don't make threads like they used to... Now we just get fucking drivel day after day after day...

So you keep saying, Barbs. :rolleyes: Let's face it, it wasn't that good in the first place.

Am I the only one who's able to detect the irony of someone yapping about how shite it is here while they're yapping about how shite it is here?

12-06-2011, 10:22 AM
Yeah it was never that good, but it was busier and a lot more personal.

I'd post examples but I'm just too choked up :cry:

12-06-2011, 10:25 AM
I've turned into fucking adster. Fucking hell. :emo:

12-06-2011, 10:30 AM
Good moaning, btw.

12-06-2011, 10:38 AM
Good moaning :coffee:

I'm working from home today.

I do 2 days a week at home and 3 days a week in London. Same job for the same company as always, but now with new bawses and better pay. (although that is really only to compensate for the additional travel expenses)

I've got 2 daughters now so there's obviously something completely broken in my bollocks and there's no point in trying for a lad 'cos that isn't going to happen in this life...

That's about as personal as I can make it :)

Anyone up for a "Show your nipple" thread? :unsure:

12-06-2011, 10:40 AM
What is on an upward trajectory this good morning good gentlefolk

Day off work today to go Christmas shopping - been out and ordered the Turkey now going to scrape the ice off the car and head over the snow covered hills....I almost feel festive so a few hours in a shopping mall should fix that. :dabs:

12-06-2011, 10:41 AM
I've turned into fucking adster. Fucking hell. :emo:

I wouldn't go that far, mate.

Adster after about 10 years of rehab and a cure for dyslexia, maybe.

12-06-2011, 10:49 AM
Might grow a beard. How's that for personal?

I've had several short-lived attempts over the years, but had to beat a retreat when, after a couple of weeks, the ginger whiskers start emerging. The horror.

I've now discovered that the ginger hairs are being rapidly replaced with greys. I'd much rather be grey than ginger.

12-06-2011, 11:12 AM
I just took 10 minutes to submit a company registration to the powers that be, it cost me £15.14 and I'm gonna charge this computer illiterate client fool £99.99. He thinks I'm doing him a favour.
That's pretty fucking personal.

I don't usually rip people off <lie> but in this case it's okay cus during our initial appointment, his mobile went off and he hadn't even set it to vibrate.

12-06-2011, 11:13 AM
I used to have a beard. Well a goatee anyway. Does that count?

I was going to grow a moustache for Movember but I forgot.

12-06-2011, 11:18 AM
Good moaning :coffee:

I'm working from home today.

I do 2 days a week at home and 3 days a week in London. Same job for the same company as always, but now with new bawses and better pay. (although that is really only to compensate for the additional travel expenses)

I've got 2 daughters now so there's obviously something completely broken in my bollocks and there's no point in trying for a lad 'cos that isn't going to happen in this life...

That's about as personal as I can make it :)

Anyone up for a "Show your nipple" thread? :unsure:

So Megan's got a sister <did I remember the name rite?>. I hadn't heard til now, but how very interesting. Congrats, Barbie :happy:

Shame about the girl thing but whatcha gonna do. I suggest going for a drink with chebus, I think he's come to terms with it now and might be able to impart some of his sagacity.

edit: i remember a pic of you with a goatee. it was your av for a while i think under your old ID. and wasn't if off a scannner? :blink:

12-06-2011, 11:23 AM
Might grow a beard. How's that for personal?

I've had several short-lived attempts over the years, but had to beat a retreat when, after a couple of weeks, the ginger whiskers start emerging. The horror.

I've now discovered that the ginger hairs are being rapidly replaced with greys. I'd much rather be grey than ginger.

I used to have a beard. Well a goatee anyway. Does that count?

I was going to grow a moustache for Movember but I forgot.

I've always got stubble nowadays, so I just didn't shave for a month. I didn't get sponsored or anything but beyond 'testicular cancer', I'm not too sure what the set up is for it anyhow. Who collects the money and how do they know you collected it.

Also; no grey at all yet but I do get a few ginger whiskers here and there - especially on my mutton-chop sideys.
but they look alrite, like.

12-06-2011, 11:27 AM
Good moaning :coffee:

I'm working from home today.

I do 2 days a week at home and 3 days a week in London. Same job for the same company as always, but now with new bawses and better pay. (although that is really only to compensate for the additional travel expenses)

I've got 2 daughters now so there's obviously something completely broken in my bollocks and there's no point in trying for a lad 'cos that isn't going to happen in this life...

That's about as personal as I can make it :)

Anyone up for a "Show your nipple" thread? :unsure:

So Megan's got a sister <did I remember the name rite?>. I hadn't heard til now, but how very interesting. Congrats, Barbie :happy:

Shame about the girl thing but whatcha gonna do. I suggest going for a drink with chebus, I think he's come to terms with it now and might be able to impart of his sagacity.

LOL, no it wasn't Megan, I didn't name my daughter after my cyber-stalking infatuation funnily enough :dry:, it was Mollie, who is now 6. The newer one is called Ruby and she is now 2. They are a total nightmare together :pinch:

Still, the way I see it, at least I've got a spare in case something happens to one of them...

Megan got married to a South African (the wedding photos were a delight), did a topless photo shoot, and now appears to have got divorced, because she deleted her facebook account and sold her double bed and her cat on some online auction site (I forget the name). It's all rather sad really. :dabs:

She was on twitter too but has since privatised all her twits because she got into an argument with someone about Jewish people, she didn't seem to learn the lessons from "Anorexigate" back in 2005, obviously :smilie4:

12-06-2011, 11:29 AM
What is on an upward trajectory this good morning good gentlefolk

Day off work today to go Christmas shopping - been out and ordered the Turkey now going to scrape the ice off the car and head over the snow covered hills....I almost feel festive so a few hours in a shopping mall should fix that. :dabs::ghey:

Alrite, les :happy:

12-06-2011, 11:33 AM
So Megan's got a sister <did I remember the name rite?>. I hadn't heard til now, but how very interesting. Congrats, Barbie :happy:

Shame about the girl thing but whatcha gonna do. I suggest going for a drink with chebus, I think he's come to terms with it now and might be able to impart of his sagacity.

LOL, no it wasn't Megan, I didn't name my daughter after my cyber-stalking infatuation funnily enough :dry:, it was Mollie, who is now 6. The newer one is called Ruby and she is now 2. They are a total nightmare together :pinch:

Still, the way I see it, at least I've got a spare in case something happens to one of them...

Megan got married to a South African (the wedding photos were a delight), did a topless photo shoot, and now appears to have got divorced, because she deleted her facebook account and sold her double bed and her cat on some online auction site (I forget the name). It's all rather sad really. :dabs:

She was on twitter too but has since privatised all her twits because she got into an argument with someone about Jewish people, she didn't seem to learn the lessons from "Anorexigate" back in 2005, obviously :smilie4::lol: :lol: :glag:

two things:
I can't believe I mixed your cyber stalking target up with your infant daughter :pinch:
your stalking has really progressed. I am impressed. Still got the topless pics or what? I'm asking for scientician porpoises, obviousement.

Poor megan. she's just too nice for the internets :no:

12-06-2011, 11:36 AM
I think Les has a goatee.

I vaguely recall a phoatie in footie shorts, all hirsute like a kiwi fruit. A handsome coconut, if you will.

Good chance I coulda dreamt that, though.

12-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Yeah Barbs. That's some pretty impressive channeling of your sociopathic tendencies right there.

I wish I could find somebody interesting to stalk like what you did.

12-06-2011, 11:43 AM
I think Les has a goatee.

I vaguely recall a phoatie in footie shorts, all hirsute like a kiwi fruit. A handsome coconut, if you will.

Good chance I coulda dreamt that, though.I've only ever seen Les' arse clad in brown corduroy.
In my mind's eye he has grey wavy hair, is clean shaven and usually wears a tweed jacket replete with leather elbow patches.
This news has rather jolted me.

I must know if you dreamed this. Where is JP and his penchant for saving every picture ever posted of an fst regular when you need him.

12-06-2011, 11:44 AM
Poor megan. she's just too nice for the internets :no:

The photographer has got one on his purestorm page. That's Megan there. On the chair.


lol, and how did I forget, she had a boob job a couple of years ago... :pinch:

12-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Noice :happy:

There was nothing wrong with her bewbs before though.
Although she was 15 when she posted them here, all 15 year olds have nice tits - they might have sagged since, I guess.

12-06-2011, 11:53 AM
I think Les has a goatee.

I vaguely recall a phoatie in footie shorts, all hirsute like a kiwi fruit. A handsome coconut, if you will.

Good chance I coulda dreamt that, though.I've only ever seen Les' arse clad in brown corduroy.
In my mind's eye he has grey wavy hair, is clean shaven and usually wears a tweed jacket replete with leather elbow patches.
This news has rather jolted me.

I must know if you dreamed this. Where is JP and his penchant for saving every picture ever posted of an fst regular when you need him.

Yep, I think that's why I remember it. I was all like 'what the fuck, Les looks like Barry McGuigan. He should look like Richard Dawkins'.

I think he may've been refereeing a match or some.such. If I'm right, I'm rewarding myself with a wank.

12-06-2011, 12:04 PM
I've only ever seen Les' arse clad in brown corduroy.
In my mind's eye he has grey wavy hair, is clean shaven and usually wears a tweed jacket replete with leather elbow patches.
This news has rather jolted me.

I must know if you dreamed this. Where is JP and his penchant for saving every picture ever posted of an fst regular when you need him.

Yep, I think that's why I remember it. I was all like 'what the fuck, Les looks like Barry McGuigan. He should look like Richard Dawkins'.

I think he may've been refereeing a match or some.such. If I'm right, I'm rewarding myself with a wank.Good shout. Richard Dawkins looks exactly like Les ought to look.
I'd feel cheated otherwise.


I've attached a pic just in case you're right.

12-06-2011, 12:05 PM
I think he may've been refereeing a match or some.such. If I'm right, I'm rewarding myself with a wank.

ohhh I think you may be right. I remember that!

12-06-2011, 12:11 PM
It's actually kindof interesting that you should mention McGuigan, btw, because since you said that you started going grey at 14, I've always imagined you as an Irish Jim Watt :mellow:

12-06-2011, 12:21 PM
It's actually kindof interesting that you should mention McGuigan, btw, because since you said that you started going grey at 14, I've always imagined you as an Irish Jim Watt :mellow:

:lol: I'm not that grey. I'm haven't got that much hair either. Distinguished flecks on the ebb tide of beauty, I tell myself.

It's not fair really. You'd think his mop would've fallen out with all the clobberings he took.

12-06-2011, 12:22 PM
I think he may've been refereeing a match or some.such. If I'm right, I'm rewarding myself with a wank.

ohhh I think you may be right. I remember that!

Might've had something to do with one of Skweek's threads. Rings a bell, like.

12-06-2011, 12:26 PM
Les'll be flattened in some Scottish Christmas shopping stampede and we'll never get to find out.

12-06-2011, 12:42 PM
It's actually kindof interesting that you should mention McGuigan, btw, because since you said that you started going grey at 14, I've always imagined you as an Irish Jim Watt :mellow:

:lol: I'm not that grey. I'm haven't got that much hair either. Distinguished flecks on the ebb tide of beauty, I tell myself.

It's not fair really. You'd think his mop would've fallen out with all the clobberings he took.Sounds fantastic. It seems you're more Les than Les.

I have a soft spot for Watt and Gutteridge, probably because I was allowed to stay up late when they shared their anti-American sentiment with the world while watching some incidental pugilism.

12-06-2011, 12:46 PM
Les'll be flattened in some Scottish Christmas shopping stampede and we'll never get to find out.Don't worry, mate. In the eventuality of his untimely demise, We'll get barbie to find SGG via the gift of stalking.

He'll make her talk one way or the other :smilie4:

12-06-2011, 12:56 PM
Stalking the daughter of a respected member of FST, albeit one who used to pay for filesharing? Even I would not stoop so low :no:

Trail's gone a bit cold on that one in the last 3 years, but I'll keep digging around...

12-06-2011, 01:02 PM
Only if he's dead, like. I'm not completely without morals.

in related news; Les paying for filesharing :lol:

12-06-2011, 02:35 PM
I feel a little dirty and ashamed of myself. I impulsively donated $25 to Wikipedia after she asked:


I wanted to donate earlier, but I kept ignoring their please when it was just a bunch of dudes like the founder Wales.

94291 (http://theoatmeal.com/blog/jimmy_wales)

12-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Well.. that's very public-spirited of you, if I may say so.

Perhaps she can now buy herself a meal :idunno:

12-06-2011, 05:06 PM
I feel a little dirty and ashamed of myself. I impulsively donated $25 to Wikipedia after she asked:


She asked for what?

How can he be so public -spirited, unless he had spirit in public

12-06-2011, 05:09 PM
I feel a little dirty and ashamed of myself. I impulsively donated $25 to Wikipedia after she asked:

She asked for what?

For money to fund Wikipedia so that she can keep studying for college or something. That should have been subtly implied obvious since I said she asked me to donate money to Wikipedia.

12-06-2011, 05:29 PM
I hope no-one writes 'Sex Offender' underneath a picture of me looking all srs bzns.
It's a powerful tool indeed for making someone look exactly like a sex offender.


12-06-2011, 05:30 PM
In case anyone is wondering, I used an archived picture of Benchez.

12-06-2011, 05:36 PM
You cad.

If you simply must know what lurks beneath my corduroys, I'm post one on page one of the 'Show Your Pants' lounge thread.
Big Les is in there too iirc.

No wonder all the pretty girls choose one of us misognystic dykes :P

12-06-2011, 05:43 PM
Don't hate on my yellow pants, girlfriend :kiss:

12-06-2011, 05:51 PM
It's a powerful tool indeed for making someone look exactly like a sex offender.


See! It even works with a pic of Big Les ;o

12-06-2011, 06:11 PM
We could do these all day:


12-06-2011, 06:21 PM
I had more in mind, but only have time to post this one before I vanish.


12-06-2011, 06:27 PM

We could do these all day:ikr.

Edit: time spent perfecting my 1337 paint skillz has made it look completely unoriginal :dabs: :dabs: :dabs:

12-06-2011, 06:30 PM
http://filesharingtalk.com/members/21271-chavis :smilie4:

12-06-2011, 06:43 PM
I have discovered how Macky was lured into donating:


12-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Yep, I think that's why I remember it. I was all like 'what the fuck, Les looks like Barry McGuigan. He should look like Richard Dawkins'.

I think he may've been refereeing a match or some.such. If I'm right, I'm rewarding myself with a wank.Good shout. Richard Dawkins looks exactly like Les ought to look.
I'd feel cheated otherwise.


I've attached a pic just in case you're right.

This is a bit scary - I do look a bit like that but I also have a goatee :unsure:

I definitely have not been photographed in footie shorts in the last couple of decades though. I think something Vulcan mind meld has occurred in Chavis' brain :O

Mr. Mulder
12-07-2011, 08:26 AM
Ahoi hoi, bitches. :smilie4:

Got a final notice through from Southern Water for lyke £150!!!! i wouldn't have to go to work if they didn't keep charging me for something that grows naturally in nature!!! i hate having to go to work, why can't i just stay at home. It's my body, I'll do what i want!!!1 :snooty:

in other news, last night i got really, really, really, really high with a couple of total douchebags and my flatmates special new young lady friend and watched The Thing. it was immense!!!!!!! But then they left half way through so they could go play with eachothers toilet parts and i was left alone, i was so startled.


12-07-2011, 09:13 AM
http://filesharingtalk.com/members/21271-chavis :smilie4:

I only pinned that one up for standardization's sake, giving any follow-ups a base of legitimacy.

Something Else
12-07-2011, 04:57 PM
Ahoi hoi, bitches. :smilie4:

Got a final notice through from Southern Water for lyke £150!!!! i wouldn't have to go to work if they didn't keep charging me for something that grows naturally in nature!!! i hate having to go to work, why can't i just stay at home. It's my body, I'll do what i want!!!1 :snooty:

in other news, last night i got really, really, really, really high with a couple of total douchebags and my flatmates special new young lady friend and watched The Thing. it was immense!!!!!!! But then they left half way through so they could go play with eachothers toilet parts and i was left alone, i was so startled.


What did you get high on.

Something Else
12-07-2011, 04:58 PM
A ladder. :unsure:

Something Else
12-07-2011, 05:07 PM
Oh btw. I think someone may have used your facejizz account to say you like the cawk. :eyebrows:

12-07-2011, 05:44 PM
Good shout. Richard Dawkins looks exactly like Les ought to look.
I'd feel cheated otherwise.


I've attached a pic just in case you're right.

This is a bit scary - I do look a bit like that but I also have a goatee :unsure:

I definitely have not been photographed in footie shorts in the last couple of decades though. I think something Vulcan mind meld has occurred in Chavis' brain :OYou have no idea how glad I am that you look exactly like you should look :happy:

On a darker note, chavis dreams about you posting pics of yourself in shorts.
I'm not one for deciphering hidden messages, but I think he might want to bum you.

12-07-2011, 05:50 PM
Ahoi hoi, bitches. :smilie4:

Got a final notice through from Southern Water for lyke £150!!!! i wouldn't have to go to work if they didn't keep charging me for something that grows naturally in nature!!! i hate having to go to work, why can't i just stay at home. It's my body, I'll do what i want!!!1 :snooty:

I think it's illegal for them to cut you off. Or something. I didn't pay for water (or tv licence) for years when I got my own house. I just kept telling them that I had no idea who manker was when they came around with their clipboards and their shiny shoes. True story.

It was only when my current missus moved in that she made me pay for everything properly.
I'm even on the electoral roll now :dry:

Something Else
12-07-2011, 07:10 PM
Puntsphere 1 - 0 Mrs.Something Else

Something Else
12-07-2011, 07:11 PM
I'm even on the erectoral loll now :dry:

I'm sad to hear that. :no:

Something Else
12-07-2011, 07:23 PM
I'm addicted to Championship Manager 80s Leg Ends on the iPhone. It's nostalgic punstphere genious. Shame they never updated it, and there's a ton of bugs / errors. I care not. Blackpool in the 1st with lots of the late 80s West Germany team on board..

12-07-2011, 08:23 PM


12-07-2011, 09:48 PM
I kept waiting for it to get funny and not feel sorry for his grandmother, it never happened. Should have just put her in a home.

12-07-2011, 10:16 PM
Plus won

12-08-2011, 12:14 AM
In other news; I've started watching The Vampire Diaries at the behest of teh missus and the hawt burds in wurk.
If nothing else in the seven episodes I've watched so far, I've discovered why Lost decided Boone wasn't gonna last more than half a series.

The gurls keep saying; 'It gets so much better', 'it's so dark', 'it's the best thing i ever watched ever in the world'.

Does anyone else watch it?
I think it has potential but I'm unwilling to trust the word of females alone :smilie4:

12-08-2011, 12:55 AM
Does anyone else watch it?
I think it has potential but I'm unwilling to trust the word of females alone :smilie4:

Hey did you drop these? At first I thought it was a lumpy leather coin purse, but on second examination I'm sure they belong to you. You didn't throw them away on purpose, did you?

As far as titles with the word "Diaries" in it, it will most likely never top the Red Shoe Diaries. I'm going to base my entire opinion of the show on its plot.

As the school year begins, Elena Gilbert is immediately drawn to a handsome and mysterious new student, Stefan Salvatore. Elena has no way of knowing that Stefan is a vampire struggling to live peacefully among humans, while his brother Damon is the embodiment of vampire violence and brutality.

Murder their fucking writers.

12-08-2011, 01:17 AM
:lol: :lol:
Your point is persuasive. Its plot does seem to be tending toward the Twilight end of the vampire spectrum.

But like Angel was fantastic. True Blood is good. This could be good too.
I'm gonna watch it anyway, just so I can join in with the 'zomfg did you see what Stefan did' conversations around the water-cooler :mellow:

12-08-2011, 09:40 AM
This is a bit scary - I do look a bit like that but I also have a goatee :unsure:

I definitely have not been photographed in footie shorts in the last couple of decades though. I think something Vulcan mind meld has occurred in Chavis' brain :OYou have no idea how glad I am that you look exactly like you should look :happy:

On a darker note, chavis dreams about you posting pics of yourself in shorts.
I'm not one for deciphering hidden messages, but I think he might want to bum you.

I only want to bum the romanticised construct my unconscious threw up.

I want Les to have the physical characteristics of Barry McGuigan while retaining Les' wonderful mind. Footie shorts would sweeten the deal, but there'll be no kissing until he shaves that rat off his face.

12-08-2011, 10:27 AM
Serves them right for putting their balls on the chair


12-08-2011, 07:25 PM


I didn't think he was being mean to his grandmother (or making fun of her), and the video actually made me smile a bit.

12-08-2011, 07:42 PM
In other news, why are the post times always wrong, eh? There's always a good ten minute gap between the actual post time and the recorded post time.

Tesco, I'm a coming to find you. I'll be expecting back all of the ten minutes's you stole from my life and cash compensation to the max.

12-08-2011, 08:00 PM
Also, Barbs, it's Christmas, you cunt.

You're the man with the phoatieshapping plan.

Start the traditional Christmas hat thread or Elsie Tanner.

12-08-2011, 10:29 PM
So the important questions are; who was the man in the pic wearing footie shorts that you and barbie both dreamed about. What's up with the time on the bored and why don't we have some kind of back-up plan if barbie isn't allowed to shoop some hats onto our avatars.

We need answers and we need them now.

12-08-2011, 10:33 PM
I've still got my Barbie festive accoutrements

12-08-2011, 10:37 PM
I've still got my Barbie festive accoutrementsOhhh, that explains my shocked observation in the Scotchland sucks thread.

So, like, did you ever post a pic of yourself, Les.
Enquiring minds, and all that.

12-08-2011, 10:53 PM
I've still got my Barbie festive accoutrementsOhhh, that explains my shocked observation in the Scotchland sucks thread.

So, like, did you ever post a pic of yourself, Les.
Enquiring minds, and all that.

This is a terrible state of affairs altogether.

You and me and Les. There are only so many permutations before this gets incestuous, not to mention boring, like.

Do something untoward before I kill myself out of loneliness, self-pity and shame.

12-08-2011, 11:00 PM
Ohhh, that explains my shocked observation in the Scotchland sucks thread.

So, like, did you ever post a pic of yourself, Les.
Enquiring minds, and all that.

This is a terrible state of affairs altogether.

You and me and Les. There are only so many permutations before this gets incestuous, not to mention boring, like.

Do something untoward before I kill myself out of loneliness, self-pity and shame.I just tried to get Squeams to post some stuff about her not sucking in bed, idk if she will though.
She's probably out getting fingered by someone who isn't getting head-hunted.

12-08-2011, 11:06 PM
This is a terrible state of affairs altogether.

You and me and Les. There are only so many permutations before this gets incestuous, not to mention boring, like.

Do something untoward before I kill myself out of loneliness, self-pity and shame.I just tried to get Squeams to post some stuff about her not sucking in bed, idk if she will though.
She's probably out getting fingered by someone who isn't getting head-hunted.


'Head-fucking-hunted'. :rolleyes:

Yon feller needs looked at in and around the cranial department in my professional opinion.

12-08-2011, 11:16 PM
I can't remember if I posted any pics of myself or not - so that is a little bit disturbing in itself :dabs:

I vaguely remember one that showed off my (still clothed) butt and my lava lamp ... but that may be the figment of a dodgy imagination.

12-08-2011, 11:17 PM
I just tried to get Squeams to post some stuff about her not sucking in bed, idk if she will though.
She's probably out getting fingered by someone who isn't getting head-hunted.


'Head-fucking-hunted'. :rolleyes:

Yon feller needs looked at in and around the cranial department in my professional opinion.You should take everything he says at face value and carry on a conversation for hours.
wtf, this guy believes me - ima tell him i'm getting head-hunted.

I tried it with Mary but she just gets all persnickerty.

12-08-2011, 11:20 PM
I can't remember if I posted any pics of myself or not - so that is a little bit disturbing in itself :dabs:

I vaguely remember one that showed off my (still clothed) butt and my lava lamp ... but that may be the figment of a dodgy imagination.I remember your brown corduroys very well :D

I'm not sure if you should post an actual full frontal. I'm quite content with you being Richard Dawkins.

12-08-2011, 11:25 PM
wtf, this guy believes me - ima tell him i'm getting head-hunted.

I tried it with Mary but she just gets all persnickerty.

Reminds me, this guy in the video thinks it's OK to insult someone by insinuating he's a woman as a derogatory statement, but to insinuate he's part of the doletariat is offensive? I almost couldn't believe he was a doctor.


12-08-2011, 11:26 PM
I can't remember if I posted any pics of myself or not - so that is a little bit disturbing in itself :dabs:

I vaguely remember one that showed off my (still clothed) butt and my lava lamp ... but that may be the figment of a dodgy imagination.I remember your brown corduroys very well :D

I'm not sure if you should post an actual full frontal. I'm quite content with you being Richard Dawkins.

Me too. Dawkins without the hate.

I see you as the second best international goal scorer for Wales sans the curley hair and spastic wife.

12-08-2011, 11:40 PM
I remember your brown corduroys very well :D

I'm not sure if you should post an actual full frontal. I'm quite content with you being Richard Dawkins.

Me too. Dawkins without the hate.

I see you as the second best international goal scorer for Wales sans the curley hair and spastic wife.I've just discovered that Trevor Ford and Ivor Allchurch are tied for that honour :blink:

Maybe you mean Dean Saunders or Mark Hughes?
If it's Sparky, I'm going to crack one off right now :smilie4:

12-08-2011, 11:42 PM
I meant Ivor The Engine.

Peep peep.

12-08-2011, 11:48 PM
This governor wants all state workers and welfare recipients to be drug tested before receiving state money. Aasif Mandvi from Daily Show insists he pee in a cup himself.


12-08-2011, 11:48 PM
wtf, this guy believes me - ima tell him i'm getting head-hunted.

I tried it with Mary but she just gets all persnickerty.

Reminds me, this guy in the video thinks it's OK to insult someone by insinuating he's a woman as a derogatory statement, but to insinuate he's part of the doletariat is offensive? I almost couldn't believe he was a doctor.
Can you do one of those things where you explain your post. They're usually entirely superfluous but in this case, I need it.
I'm okay for most of it. It's just that, for me, your pronouns aren't going to a specific person in the latter two thirds of your statement.

12-08-2011, 11:52 PM
Reminds me, this guy in the video thinks it's OK to insult someone by insinuating he's a woman as a derogatory statement, but to insinuate he's part of the doletariat is offensive? I almost couldn't believe he was a doctor.
Can you do one of those things where you explain your post. They're usually entirely superfluous but in this case, I need it.
I'm okay for most of it. It's just that, for me, your pronouns aren't going to a specific person in the latter two thirds of your statement.

See, that's what I was going for throughout the last 3 years or so.

All I managed was fucking fuck cunt bollocks wank pish tits fuck cunt wank.


12-08-2011, 11:57 PM
I'll transform your ellipsis into words.

Still, it was funny as fuck for the most part and I was wopped. Plus I actually meant it when I said that I fucked Allen's mam.

12-09-2011, 12:00 AM
Reminds me, this guy in the video thinks it's OK to insult someone by insinuating he's a woman as a derogatory statement, but to insinuate he's part of the doletariat is offensive? I almost couldn't believe he was a doctor.
Can you do one of those things where you explain your post. They're usually entirely superfluous but in this case, I need it.
I'm okay for most of it. It's just that, for me, your pronouns aren't going to a specific person in the latter two thirds of your statement.

Sure, do you like colors? I'm saying McGinley is a retard.

12-09-2011, 12:02 AM
See. Persnickerty.

12-09-2011, 12:02 AM
I'll transform your ellipsis into words.

Still, it was funny as fuck for the most part and I was wopped. Plus I actually meant it when I said that I fucked Allen's mam.

Something in that orbit. I didn't mean it 'til Allen started the evils on the pms. I was shocked at first, then I shat, then I laughed my fucking testicles roight off.

'Why are you saying things about my mum? :emo:' Verbatim minus the smilie. True story.


12-09-2011, 12:06 AM
See. Persnickerty.

Exactly, it was an advanced maneuver.

12-09-2011, 12:19 AM
See. Persnickerty.

Exactly, it was an advanced maneuver.I thought you were tying it in with what you quoted about reject.
Anyway. I still don't understand it. What's this about McGinley being unemployed?

12-09-2011, 12:21 AM
I'll transform your ellipsis into words.

Still, it was funny as fuck for the most part and I was wopped. Plus I actually meant it when I said that I fucked Allen's mam.

Something in that orbit. I didn't mean it 'til Allen started the evils on the pms. I was shocked at first, then I shat, then I laughed my fucking testicles roight off.

'Why are you saying things about my mum? :emo:' Verbatim minus the smilie. True story.

Man.FST: Haven for the Damaged.

I think it's half the reason I keep coming back. You just don't get to talk to these kind of people :earl:

12-09-2011, 12:37 AM
I thought you were tying it in with what you quoted about reject.
Anyway. I still don't understand it. What's this about McGinley being unemployed?

No, sorry, that massive interest you have in reject is not a mutual past time for us.

Who's McGinley?

12-09-2011, 12:40 AM
I thought you were tying it in with what you quoted about reject.
Anyway. I still don't understand it. What's this about McGinley being unemployed?

No, sorry, that massive interest you have in reject is not a mutual pastime for us.

Who's McGinley?


It's my hobby.

12-09-2011, 12:40 AM
I thought you were tying it in with what you quoted about reject.
Anyway. I still don't understand it. What's this about McGinley being unemployed?

No, sorry, that massive interest you have in reject is not a mutual pastime for us.

Who's McGinley?I'm not sure, is he a mate of reject's. Why do you keep mentioning him anyway.

12-09-2011, 02:04 AM
No, sorry, that massive interest you have in reject is not a mutual pastime for us.

Who's McGinley?


It's my hobby.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I knew pasttime wasn't right, so I took the shortcut of degermanization.

Actually I'm just going to go with passed time from now on.

12-09-2011, 02:05 AM
Who's McGinley?I'm not sure, is he a mate of reject's. Why do you keep mentioning him anyway.

Maybe, I heard tards of a feather eat chalk together.

12-09-2011, 05:19 AM

It's my hobby.

Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I knew pasttime wasn't right, so I took the shortcut of degermanization.

Actually I'm just going to go with passed time from now on.

Why would you attempt to 'degermanize' a non inflected indo-european language that has it's roots in Fresia (Germany). That would just leave it all tasteless and littered with slang from India and other countries that were conquered colonised by the British.

Mr. Mulder
12-09-2011, 08:33 AM
wurksup, fucks!! :smilie4:

its casual friday and the office party tonight ....im well gonna try and get stinky fingers :sneaky:

12-09-2011, 09:33 AM
schoolboy fingering ftw!1

All the very best of the new dawn, gentle-men.

Proper Bo
12-09-2011, 11:54 AM
Why's there going to be schoolboys at his office party?:huh:

12-09-2011, 12:04 PM
You've obviously never been to an office party before :smilie4:

They come on sticks.

12-09-2011, 12:48 PM
Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. I knew pasttime wasn't right, so I took the shortcut of degermanization.

Actually I'm just going to go with passed time from now on.

Why would you attempt to 'degermanize' a non inflected indo-european language that has it's roots in Fresia (Germany). That would just leave it all tasteless and littered with slang from India and other countries that were conquered colonised by the British.

In context, it only meant to add a space.

12-09-2011, 01:08 PM
Why would you attempt to 'degermanize' a non inflected indo-european language that has it's roots in Fresia (Germany). That would just leave it all tasteless and littered with slang from India and other countries that were conquered colonised by the British.

In context, it only meant to add a space.I want to take you to an office party and digitise you.

In context the above sentence means; 'Maybe to the writer, but definitely not to the reader.'

12-09-2011, 01:31 PM
In context, it only meant to add a space.I want to take you to an office party and digitise you.

In context the above sentence means; 'Maybe to the writer, but definitely not to the reader.'

You're calling me a name, but I couldn't figure it out in context. Am I a boob, an ass cheek, a taint or a scrotum?

Also, in context the writer is also a reader, contextually.

12-09-2011, 01:41 PM
I want to take you to an office party and digitise you.

In context the above sentence means; 'Maybe to the writer, but definitely not to the reader.'

You're calling me a name, but I couldn't figure it out in context. Am I a boob, an ass cheek, a taint or a scrotum?

Also, in context the writer is also a reader, contextually.A schoolboy, obviousement.
Deary me.

And also, my tautology incidence detector imploded during that last line. You owe me a new one, but beyond that, I think it's best if we pretend you never wrote it.

12-09-2011, 01:49 PM
And also, my tautology incidence detector imploded during that last line. You owe me a new one, but beyond that, I think it's best if we pretend you never wrote it.

You'll get used to replacing them, sometimes I'm just in the mood.

12-09-2011, 05:52 PM
Got the 14 year old one of them there 32gb ipod touch thingamedoodles for Christmas. Dear as fuck. Now to jailbreak it and rob all over the place.

Might suffocate him in his sleep. Here's the list of music he wants on it...

Linkin Park
Hollywood Undead
Bullet For My Valentine
The Pixies
Green Day :no:
Rolling Stones
Pink Floyd
Ramstein (again)
Breaking Benjamin

With the exception of The Pixes everything else is wank. Fuck it, I'm keeping it.

12-09-2011, 05:56 PM
Pink Floyd and The Stones are quality and ewe knows it.

12-09-2011, 06:00 PM
Pink Floyd and The Stones are quality and ewe knows it.

I can't listen to Pink Floyd any more. Dunno why. As far as The Stones go, anything after 1972 is atrocious. True story.

12-09-2011, 06:35 PM
Click my sig and fill it with stuff on my list. He'll like, true story.

I'm in touch with 14 year olds :smilie4:

12-09-2011, 07:43 PM
Click my sig and fill it with stuff on my list. He'll like, true story.

I'm in touch with 14 year olds :smilie4:

He prolly would like, but he'd never admit it if it came from me.

I'm the man, man. Everything I suggest is the enemy.

12-09-2011, 07:57 PM
......... He'll like, true story.

I'm in touch with 14 year olds :smilie4:


12-09-2011, 08:02 PM
wurksup, fucks!! :smilie4:

its casual friday and the office party tonight ....im well gonna try and get stinky fingers :sneaky:

I love garlic dip, too!... :w00t:

12-09-2011, 09:14 PM
wurksup, fucks!! :smilie4:

its casual friday and the office party tonight ....im well gonna try and get stinky fingers :sneaky:

I love garlic dip, too!... :w00t:

No unseasonally dressed vampires are getting into that cootch

12-09-2011, 09:17 PM
Got the 14 year old one of them there 32gb ipod touch thingamedoodles for Christmas. Dear as fuck. Now to jailbreak it and rob all over the place.

Might suffocate him in his sleep. Here's the list of music he wants on it...

Linkin Park
Hollywood Undead
Bullet For My Valentine
The Pixies
Green Day :no:
Rolling Stones
Pink Floyd
Ramstein (again)
Breaking Benjamin

With the exception of The Pixes everything else is wank. Fuck it, I'm keeping it.

Why does it seem like he was 14 years old 14 years ago?

12-09-2011, 09:21 PM
Got the 14 year old one of them there 32gb ipod touch thingamedoodles for Christmas. Dear as fuck. Now to jailbreak it and rob all over the place.

Might suffocate him in his sleep. Here's the list of music he wants on it...

Linkin Park
Hollywood Undead
Bullet For My Valentine
The Pixies
Green Day :no:
Rolling Stones
Pink Floyd
Ramstein (again)
Breaking Benjamin

With the exception of The Pixes everything else is wank. Fuck it, I'm keeping it.

Why does it seem like he was 14 years old 14 years ago?

Bad taste is timeless.

12-09-2011, 09:28 PM
Bad taste is timeless.

You're spouting falsehoods. I have an anecdote about cheese that debunks your entire theory.

12-09-2011, 09:30 PM
......... He'll like, true story.

I'm in touch with 14 year olds :smilie4:


Don't look so worried.
They won't say anything, especially when you threaten to cut off their crack supply.

12-09-2011, 09:47 PM
Bad taste is timeless.

You're spouting falsehoods. I have an anecdote about cheese that debunks your entire theory.

Lies. I have never done anything interesting or amusing.

12-09-2011, 09:48 PM
You're spouting falsehoods. I have an anecdote about cheese that debunks your entire theory.

Lies. I have never done anything interesting or amusing.The arm-wrestle night with big hands Al was both interesting and amusing.

12-09-2011, 09:57 PM
Saw Al this last weekend (he's just had a baby himself*), we managed the whole night without any arm-wrestling.

Though we did hold hands a few times. In a manly fashion of course.

*Well, Mrs Big Hands did most of the work.

12-09-2011, 10:06 PM
Saw Al this last weekend (he's just had a baby himself*), we managed the whole night without any arm-wrestling.

Though we did hold hands a few times. In a manly fashion of course.

*Well, Mrs Big Hands did most of the work.You say that as if there is any other way for bromanciers to hold hands.

Also, it may now be lost to the vagueness of babycham, but you probably did arm-wrestle. You got pished and he mullered you after giving in to your 93rd request for an arm-wrestle.

12-09-2011, 10:13 PM
I did come home with two bottles of sparkling rosé.

Also, isn't Just Eat awesome. You can get home and then order your kebab. It's what Tim Berners-Lee must have had in mind when he invented the internet.

12-09-2011, 10:22 PM
I'm pretty sure that the forum sage with the seven cornered house decreed that Al Gore invented the internets.

Not sure what this Just Eat thing is but it might have come in handy - my missus has been out all day on her xmas works party. I've eaten a Pot Noodle, half a pack of Jaffa Cakes and all of the Quality Street.

12-09-2011, 10:44 PM
You're spouting falsehoods. I have an anecdote about cheese that debunks your entire theory.

Lies. I have never done anything interesting or amusing.

Do you pop up only when someone mentions cheese? Given your post count, the people of this board must be terrible company.

12-09-2011, 10:53 PM
Lies. I have never done anything interesting or amusing.

Do you pop up only when someone mentions cheese? Given your post count, the people of this board must be terrible company.

Chebus is a respected mumbler, given to bouts of poetry and altogether too infrequent these days. (Tautology? I don't know/care)

He was at it with some girl with a penchant for crustaceans (crabgirl), but moved onto some other burd we don't know about.

In his absence he was able to knock out a kid (no mean feat, whichever way you'd like to misinterpret it), and we're only really finding out about it now.

12-10-2011, 01:57 PM
Chebus is a respected mumbler, given to bouts of poetry and altogether too infrequent these days. (Tautology? I don't know/care)

He was at it with some girl with a penchant for crustaceans (crabgirl), but moved onto some other burd we don't know about.

In his absence he was able to knock out a kid (no mean feat, whichever way you'd like to misinterpret it), and we're only really finding out about it now.

I was under the impression he's Janus with another member here, though I don't exactly recollect what was fed to me earlier. If he's his own entity, then a <20 minute summoning is pretty creepy.

12-10-2011, 04:56 PM
altogether too infrequent these days.

I'm just sticking round until I get to 19k posts.

12-10-2011, 06:15 PM
19k is rather boring (like anything happened in the 20th century, right?). Wouldn't 20k be a better "achievement"?

12-10-2011, 06:30 PM
I can think of two exciting things that happened last century that won't be happening this century. I was born and Newcastle United won a trophy (not in that order either, which is even more tragic).

Woot, 19k. Congrats me.

12-10-2011, 06:33 PM
did i win ?

12-10-2011, 08:09 PM
did i win ?

Yes you definitely were the fastest sperm, but that's not saying much.....

12-10-2011, 09:30 PM
did i win ?

Yes you definitely were the fastest sperm, but that's not saying much.....

The others just swam to the closest turd. He was an uncaught drip that fell in a gaping hole.

He's not fast, he just ended up where he wasn't wanted. Story of his life, really...

12-10-2011, 10:10 PM
I'm pretty sure that guy actually thinks he is in with a chance of winning the internets.
He isn't the only one either, there is at least one a month who really and truly believe that they can win the internets, even though they don't really understand the prize.

There is scope for them to be fucked with via PM by the mods.
<if you do this thing and take a pic of a vid of you doing it, you will be sent your prize - just to prove there is a prize, here is a a pic of your prize>

A montage could then be made of the internets 'winners' doing their thing. It would be the best thread the lounge has ever seen.

I have absolutely no idea why tesco hasn't already implemented such a scheme.

12-10-2011, 11:04 PM

12-10-2011, 11:04 PM

12-10-2011, 11:10 PM

The exact amount of Poles your mum has fucked this week. :smilie4:

12-10-2011, 11:13 PM
k back. the classico was a disappointment :dabs:

Hoi, chavis. you like a touch of pugilism, do you know what time Amir Kahn is kicking off?
Sky Sports are guarding that secret like the plague or something.

12-10-2011, 11:17 PM
k back. the classico was a disappointment :dabs:

Hoi, chavis. you like a touch of pugilism, do you know what time Amir Kahn is kicking off?
Sky Sports are guarding that secret like the plague or something.

In in merca, so I'd guess about 4 in the fucking morning, ffs. Looking forward to it, even though it seems somewhat foregone. It's just a matter of Khan moving up the weights.

Once he reaches welterweight, however, mark my Irish words, he'll get his block knocked right the fuck off. True opinion.

12-10-2011, 11:28 PM
Bredis Prescott revisited, you think.
I'd like to think he's tightened his defence up since, but I'm always sceptical about how much word Roche actually does with him. I think it's a publicity thing, like when Ronan Keating said he managed Westlife.

Hopefully it'll be earlier than 4, I'm staying up til half two like a boss :01:
Gotta be in work to let the builders in at 9 tho :emo:

12-10-2011, 11:37 PM
Bredis Prescott revisited, you think.
I'd like to think he's tightened his defence up since, but I'm always sceptical about how much word Roche actually does with him. I think it's a publicity thing, like when Ronan Keating said he managed Westlife.

Hopefully it'll be earlier than 4, I'm staying up til half two like a boss :01:
Gotta be in work to let the builders in at 9 tho :emo:

I fucking love Roche. The best trainer in the world with Parkie's. Stallone couldn't have written it better, innit.

I agree, though. It's mostly for show. He can't be putting in as much time with Kahn as he is with Pac. Still, after Marquez's recent performance, it's pretty fucking clear that Mayweather is the best pound for pound prolly ever. Yon black fella know how to box heads. Technical genius.

12-10-2011, 11:44 PM
Yeah I love watching him box, but I always want him to lose. I don't think it's because he's black or a cunt. Or even a black cunt. It's just that he relies on being better at boxing than his opponent instead of trying to smash the other fella's face in.

That fight he had against Chavez prolly 3 years ago was one of the best I've ever seen. I always liked Chavez because of the trying to smash the other fella's face in thing.

12-11-2011, 12:20 AM
Yeah I love watching him box, but I always want him to lose. I don't think it's because he's black or a cunt. Or even a black cunt. It's just that he relies on being better at boxing than his opponent instead of trying to smash the other fella's face in.

That fight he had against Chavez prolly 3 years ago was one of the best I've ever seen. I always liked Chavez because of the trying to smash the other fella's face in thing.

There's a lot to be said for punching the fuck outta somebody's head. However, the name of the sport is boxing.

That means hitting whilst not getting hit, and this boy is the master. I've never seen anything like it. He just doesn't get hit.

Gotta respect that. He's taken it into an art.

12-11-2011, 12:42 AM
Yeah I love watching him box, but I always want him to lose. I don't think it's because he's black or a cunt. Or even a black cunt. It's just that he relies on being better at boxing than his opponent instead of trying to smash the other fella's face in.

That fight he had against Chavez prolly 3 years ago was one of the best I've ever seen. I always liked Chavez because of the trying to smash the other fella's face in thing.

There's a lot to be said for punching the fuck outta somebody's head. However, the name of the sport is boxing.

That means hitting whilst not getting hit, and this boy is the master. I've never seen anything like it. He just doesn't get hit.

Gotta respect that. He's taken it into an art.I might not be what you would call a purist :schnauz:
For the same reason I admire messi fannying about but give me rooney or ronaldo driving at the centre back and then cunting it into the back of the net any day.

Back to boxing though and I think pacquiao would have punched the fuck outta mayweather's head til floyd fell over in about the 9th back when there was all that dispute about the blood tests. He was absolutely magnificent just before he became distracted by being god in the philippines. Mayweather was going through one of his cunt phases where he didn't want to do any boxing. I think he won merkin strictly come dancing though :dabs:

What says you?

12-11-2011, 12:53 AM
There's a lot to be said for punching the fuck outta somebody's head. However, the name of the sport is boxing.

That means hitting whilst not getting hit, and this boy is the master. I've never seen anything like it. He just doesn't get hit.

Gotta respect that. He's taken it into an art.I might not be what you would call a purist :schnauz:
For the same reason I admire messi fannying about but give me rooney or ronaldo driving at the centre back and then cunting it into the back of the net any day.

Back to boxing though and I think pacquiao would have punched the fuck outta mayweather's head til floyd fell over in about the 9th back when there was all that dispute about the blood tests. He was absolutely magnificent just before he became distracted by being god in the philippines. Mayweather was going through one of his cunt phases where he didn't want to do any boxing. I think he won merkin strictly come dancing though :dabs:

What says you?

Totally agree.

Up until Pac started fucking about with politics, he'd've been my man for best fighter ever. Beautiful and brutal. Truly magnificent. Switched his style to dramatic effect and christ did I fucking love it.

Mayweather is a cunt for several reasons, as I'm sure you're perfectly aware. But that's the sport and he knows it and so do you and so do I. It's all about the dough, but he can back that up with bashing the fuck outta most everybody including 50 Cent (not that that means a fucking thing, like).

He doesn't have to rely on Don King types to make his dough, so I kinda like his belligerence. He's clever with everything inside and out. Just cos he's a cunt doesn't mean he's a bad person.

Take me, for example.

12-11-2011, 01:10 AM
I might not be what you would call a purist :schnauz:
For the same reason I admire messi fannying about but give me rooney or ronaldo driving at the centre back and then cunting it into the back of the net any day.

Back to boxing though and I think pacquiao would have punched the fuck outta mayweather's head til floyd fell over in about the 9th back when there was all that dispute about the blood tests. He was absolutely magnificent just before he became distracted by being god in the philippines. Mayweather was going through one of his cunt phases where he didn't want to do any boxing. I think he won merkin strictly come dancing though :dabs:

What says you?

Totally agree.

Up until Pac started fucking about with politics, he'd've been my man for best fighter ever. Beautiful and brutal. Truly magnificent. Switched his style to dramatic effect and christ did I fucking love it.

Mayweather is a cunt for several reasons, as I'm sure you're perfectly aware. But that's the sport and he knows it and so do you and so do I. It's all about the dough, but he can back that up with bashing the fuck outta most everybody including 50 Cent (not that that means a fucking thing, like).

He doesn't have to rely on Don King types to make his dough, so I kinda like his belligerence. He's clever with everything inside and out. Just cos he's a cunt doesn't mean he's a bad person.

Take me, for example.:lol: that was fucking great, there was a swaying resonance to your post. I liked it and you even pulled off he'd've.

Sad thing, for me, is that after watching pacquiao's last fight, i think that mayweather will will on points pretty easily if ever they do get it on. I'll just have to make sure i'm suitably wopped for the occasion.
I'm not sure, btw, about either of them being the best ever. I don't even know if they're the best I've ever seen live. I prefer heavyweights, for obvious reasons, and Tyson takes some beating.

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:28 AM
I prefer heavyweights, for obvious reasons

bigger muscles?:kiss:

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:32 AM
wopped to feck, eating chips and watching bawcksing in my pants.

Living the dream:smilie4:

12-11-2011, 01:35 AM
I prefer heavyweights, for obvious reasons

bigger muscles?:kiss:yeah but middle-weights are more cut.

Bo opening a thread and reading the last post only and making a comedic observation ftw :01:

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:36 AM

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:38 AM
kwality knockout there:smilie4:

12-11-2011, 01:38 AM
wopped to feck, eating chips and watching bawcksing in my pants.

Living the dream:smilie4:What time is Amir Kahn on?
You're from his neck of the woods, didn't you go to school with him and Shola Ameobi or something else.

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:39 AM

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:39 AM
i think bolton's closer to wales than here, like:unsure:

12-11-2011, 01:40 AM
Yeah, you know, the north, like.

12-11-2011, 01:41 AM
stop posting so quick :fist:

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:41 AM

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:46 AM
in answer to your question, i hurd somewhere it's about half 3

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:47 AM
was that slow enough?

12-11-2011, 01:48 AM
Cheers, flowe.
I'm not sure i'm gonna last that long. Babycham lol

12-11-2011, 01:49 AM
yeah but like i still answered one and then you'd already posted

12-11-2011, 01:51 AM
I have no dope. Lucidity sucks the fucking bawls. This is a fact.

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:53 AM
at least you've got some burd with a daft name sucking your bawls:smilie4:

12-11-2011, 01:56 AM
Lucidity sounds like someone benchez lost his virginity to in the 70s

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:56 AM
ewe mean the 90s

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 01:57 AM
wait, how old is the hippy twunt?

just pick a decade that makes it sound like he was in his 20s

12-11-2011, 01:59 AM

12-11-2011, 02:00 AM
i think i worked out what you mean. i have to say benchez was twenty-something in the nineties so it seems like he lost his virginity later than The.

12-11-2011, 02:01 AM
Ah gee, Bo is a fucking stoned out hippy now.

Lucky bastard.

12-11-2011, 02:01 AM
Ben's like 41 :smilie4:

12-11-2011, 02:03 AM
I'm a gonna have to start scraping bongs now. That's fucking difficult work while you're drunk and hungry.

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 02:03 AM
i think i worked out what you mean. i have to say benchez was twenty-something in the nineties so it seems like he lost his virginity later than The.

later than The:lol:

ewe reckon he's actually lost his virginity yet?:pinch:

12-11-2011, 02:05 AM
I reckon Bo is like 24. I reckon manker is like about 32, but I can't be sure. I reckon Benjamin is about 29. I reckon I'm hitting 38 in a couple of months.

Bunch of fucking cunts to the max.

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 02:06 AM
I'm a gonna have to start scraping bongs now. That's fucking difficult work while you're drunk and hungry.

why, are you tempted to eat it?:unsure:

12-11-2011, 02:06 AM
I'm a gonna have to start scraping bongs now. That's fucking difficult work while you're drunk and hungry.There's bound to be a blim hanging around in your wankpit somewhere.
There always is :smilie3:

Proper Bo
12-11-2011, 02:06 AM
I reckon Bo is like 24. I reckon manker is like about 32, but I can't be sure. I reckon Benjamin is about 29. I reckon I'm hitting 38 in a couple of months.

Bunch of fucking cunts to the max.

i'm not 24 for much longer, like.

12-11-2011, 02:06 AM
I totally forgot about The.

In incidental news, my favourite name for a band ever is The The.